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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 26, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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thank you for such help and powerful support, there really are no borders in space and there are no wars of hostility, our marina vasilevskaya went to the iss together with tracy dyson, you probably also followed this, how it was published, how it was positioned and whether it gave some kind of impetus, maybe for cooperation? i followed in the real dimension, for me it was a matter of special pride that marina vasilevskaya,
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being in america, i follow the belarusian media, what is published from belarus about belarus and i see what is really happening in belarus, that is , for me it was not a discovery to be here and see what is happening here, but really, what america writes about belarus is like an excursion into another or parallel reality, because it is really what they want to present and want to show. in fact, it does not and does not happen in belarus. also, as part of the opening of the exhibition, a large autograph session was held in mitt. much attention is paid to the topic of space in belarus. this is both the technological development of the country and international image. the union state has been implementing joint space programs for many years. and this work continues. historical sensation: during excavations on the menka river , phenomenal finds were discovered, what archaeologists say. scientists have found defensive structures of the 20th century, wooden structures, mainly made of oak. the fortification is grandiose, it has five
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levels of fortification up to 8 m high and more than twenty m wide. only a few cities in ancient russia could afford the construction of such a fortress, and this was the progenitor of minsk. unique fortifications were discovered in the archaeological complex of the ancient settlement of the minsk region. a large-scale expedition of republican significance. excavation of the shaft is in its second year. there is nothing similar in terms of preservation in eastern europe. these are unique things, unique. traces of defensive structures, which, as our research, radiocarbon analysis, and underchronology have shown, were built somewhere in the 990s, they were preserved due to the fact that they were built in the floodplain of the river menki, and these cages were covered with damp, wet, swampy gley soil, which served as a good preservative. at the same time, excavations continue at other sites in the complex. the village is being explored by
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student historians. now young archaeologists from mogilev are undergoing internship. there are thousands of artifacts - household items, accessories and ceramics. the historical layer will be studied for several more years. let me remind you that the archaeological expedition is working on behalf of the council of ministers of belarus, and in the future a museum will be opened at this place. thank you, i prepared the review elena puntus. results of the analysis of the main events of this week in the information and analytical program of atn: main broadcast. and projects of our tv channel are on the website, as well as on social networks. i say goodbye to you, all the best.
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this is an understandable policy, hello, today we’ll talk about the harsh political tradition of the united states, assassination attempts. the usa lasted until 1981,
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from when the loner shooter tried to kill president reagan, but all of modern america as a whole has a big, bloody political trail. the course of history here has repeatedly changed violently, with we have only the facts, you can draw your conclusions.
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over two hundred american years , four presidents have been assassinated, the number of assassination attempts goes into dozens, and shots at two leaders are considered to have changed the world, let's start with one of these. april 9, 1865 ended an important chapter in american domestic history: the civil war. the conflict between the union of the northern states and the confederacy of the southern states
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was won by the former, but at a high cost. about 2 million people died on both sides, about a third of civilians. the main result of that war was addition. amendments to the us constitution on the abolition of slavery, however, de facto, this did not achieve anything, because almost immediately a period of racial segregation began in the country, blacks were resettled from whites into special zones or reservations. but let's return to lincoln, as a representative of the northerners, he became the head of the united states after the surrender of the southern states. the politician was going to carry out large-scale industrialization of the country and integrate blacks into society, but my american cousin changed everything. abraham lincoln went to this performance with his wife on april 14. 1865. southern supporter and actor john wilkes boodt entered the presidential box and shot abraham lincoln in the head. the next morning, without regaining consciousness, the president died. millions of americans came to pay their last respects to their president during the 2½-week funeral
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train journey from washington to springfield. the tragic death of lincoln contributed to the creation of an aura around his name as a martyr, who gave his life for the reunification of the country and freedom. black slaves. later it will become known that the killer wanted to kidnap the president should be taken to the southern states to blackmail the authorities. after the plans of the conspirators failed, buds planned the murder of three top leaders of the country at once. vice president andrew johnson and secretary of state william stewart were to die along with abraham lincoln. booth's associates lewis paul and david herald went to the secretary of state. sewart was ill at that time, he had been injured in a road accident and was at home. paul managed to get into his room and even inflict several blows with a dagger, but the wounds turned out to be non-lethal. george otseroth was responsible for the assassination attempt on vice president andrew johnson, but he immediately aroused suspicion among the staff of the hotel where johnson was staying and he was arrested. in american history,
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well, there have been numerous attempts or murders of current presidents of the united states, and even of a presidential candidate. well, probably one of the most resonant is, of course, the assassination of abraham lincoln, right away. after the civil war, that's what actually led to a pretty serious constitutional crisis in the united states, yes, because his position was immediately taken by his vice-president, such a northern democrat, so he stopped the policy of reconstruction of the southern states, this is what led to an intensification of the contradiction between the south and the north, even at one moment put america on the brink of a new civil war. james garfield is not so well known in our latitudes, but he served as president for a little more than 8 months. politician. also the last classic owner of the white house, so called by those who were born in a forest hut, many americans then lived exactly. garfield is a republican, in those years the party was divided into two factions: big guys and half-breeds, in other words, conservatives and liberals. the politician became a figure of compromise, but his sympathy for
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the liberal wing bore its bloody fruit. just moments after the president entered the train station waiting room, he was struck. shot in the back, according to eyewitnesses, garfield managed to meet the eyes of the killer, who said: “i’m the big guy of the big guys.” arthur, now president. chester arthur meant the vice president who really took charge. country after garfield's death, when he was being given first aid, garfield saw a purple stain on his clothes and said to the medic casting a spell over him, alas, doctor, but i'm already a dead man. the politician began to recover, but there was a bullet in his back that even the famous scientist alexander bell, inventor of the telephone, could not reach. the president simply stopped paying attention to the lead in his body and died abruptly in september of the same year. as for the killer, it was charles ghita, a lawyer. gitta did not agree with the choice garfield. for the role of president, the man had been hatching plans to kill the politician for several months, but he wanted to do it beautifully, so
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gita bought an english bulldog revolver, but with an ivory handle. i thought it would be better to see this in a museum, the killer later said during interrogation. on june 30, 1882 , charles zagit was hanged. this situation was one of those cases when his opponents had no other arguments than this. namely pistols, except colt. unfortunately, this tradition is very typical for the united states of america. by the way, a similar fate awaited the twenty- fifth president of the united states, william mokinley. on september 6, 1901, he was shot and killed at the pan-american exposition in buffalo. disguising his hand with a bandage to conceal his revolver, czolgosz shot mckinney twice at upor. the president died on september 14, 1901 from complications that arose after. injuries, and we move on to the most famous murder of the 20th century.
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these are perhaps some of the most famous shots in history. on november 22, 1963 , the youngest us president, john kennedy, was shot and killed. on at the time of his death he was 46 years old. on november 21 , kennedy arrived in texas to visit the local governor, john conoley, who was considered one of the most influential supporters of the current president. they visited san antonio and houston, and after the banquet they went to dalo. on the morning of november 22, he, smiling broadly , took his seat in open lincoln along with
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his wife jacqueline and the governor of texas. the cortege set off through the streets of the megalopolis, with chita kennedy greeting the townspeople. the first bullet hit the president in the neck, the second in the head, this was the first murder of the country's leader on live television. the whole of america watched the event in texas, and the name of the murderer lee harvey oswald became a household name. about an hour after the shots were fired at the us president, he would be caught and killed. kennedy, lee harvey oswald, who shot and killed a tippett police officer in front of a crowd. the arrested oswald will say at the police station that he does not have a lawyer and he was framed. on november 24, oswald would be shot by nightclub owner jack ruby while being transferred to another prison. this recording will be captured on a dozen television cameras. by the way, during his arrest oswald shouted that he framed, which even gave rise to a whole conspiracy movement. in the us, the popular version is that kennedy fell victim. conspiracy group majzhestik-12. these are influential politicians and businessmen who controlled all
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financial flows of the country. in 1979, the house of representatives commission was inclined to the same version. there are several reasons given. kennedy began issuing treasury notes in the united states, thereby cutting off the influence of the country's federal reserve. and through him, it was precisely those stronger than this world who kept the planet on their way. they controlled the printing presses. second, the president was stifling drug trafficking, the strings of which...
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senator robert kennedy ran for the democratic presidential seat in 1968, won the california primaries in honor of this , held a meeting in los angeles, but barely finished, almost point-blank, received several bullets from a revolver from a palestinian sirhana. after multiple wounds, senator kennedy died the very next day. the sad tradition was opened by the seventh us president andrew jackson at the end of january 1835 by painter richard lawrence armed with two pistols. tried to kill jackson near the capitol, but both guns misfired. theodore roosevelt, who served two terms as president, also looked death in the face. intending to go for a third, in 1912 he was on the campaign trail when, before his speech in meluka, john shark shot him in the chest. as luck would have it, the bullet
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was slowed down by the steel spectacle case and the folded manuscript of his speech. this saved roosevelt's life. chest wound. it was easy, the politician even gave the planned speech, and only after turned to doctors for help. only 20 years will pass and franklin roosevelt will be entering dangerous history. as soon as he assumed the presidential post, he received an assassination attempt from an italian migrant, but several bullets immediately struck and mortally wounded the mayor of chicago who was nearby. the american president, gerald ford, survived two assassination attempts on his life. in both cases, the former head of the white house escaped without injury. we tried. also shoot harry truman and presidential candidate george walos. march 30, 1981 ronald reagan was leaving the hotel after his speech. in the president will be
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shot six times at close range. one of the bullets will hit the target, pierce the chest, enter the left lung and pass one and a half centimeters away. of course, there have been periods of instability in american history when this kind of assassination attempt happened frequently, and periods of national unity and stability when it happened decisively, but now i think that americans are entering another period of instability, so we will continue to see this type of political violence more and more attacks, assassination attempts of everything the rest, therefore, here american institutions really... are no longer working properly, the political system is falling apart, well, against this background, of course, there is a surge in violence against not only the ordinary population, but politicians and even presidential candidates. the shooter was released in 2013 and still lives in virginia, like our next hero. on may 10
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, 2005, during a speech by george w. bush on freedom square in tbilisi, a citizen of georgia. thrown to the side of the stage a grenade that did not explode by pure chance. for camouflage purposes, she was tightly wrapped in a red sock, which was held empty. after his arrest, the accused vladimir orutyunyan declared himself insane, and so a series of medical examinations began. then in 2005, the criminal said that he was not targeting bush, but saakashvili, who was president. harutyunyan was given a life sentence. by an evil irony of fate, years later in 2021 he will be joined behind bars by...
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baptism, as you know, the billionaire’s life was saved by a sharp turn of his head when he decided look at the numbers on migrants on the screen, the photo taken immediately after the shot is called the main one for the decade, and the white-haired politician is already being given victory in the elections, although opponents call everything a staged act. it is also striking that they tried to assassinate trump just a few weeks after the assassination attempt on slovak prime minister robert fitz. both trump and fitz stand out because they are among the very few western politicians. loudly calls to resolve the ukrainian crisis through peaceful negotiations, for this they are subjected to merciless criticism from biden and other hawks. the other day, trump met with hungarian prime minister viktor orban, who came to discuss with him his peace initiative in ukraine. after which the former us president said: “we need peace and as soon as possible.” and so, for example, as the liberal resource presented their meeting,
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trump’s authoritarian allies are planning a meeting. if you try to stop world war iii, they will kill you, political commentator jackson hinkle commented on all this. it’s fun, there’s no doubt about it, thomas crooks shot at trump. it is noteworthy that us intelligence agencies noticed him an hour before the assassination attempt. one of the snipers and wobsy added fuel to the fire by declaring that he had crooks at gunpoint but had been ordered not to fire. this agitated the society even more. the shooter began to be called a brainwashed puppet of the democrats. the commercial also contributed to this. representatives of the richest corporation in the world were quick to disown the shooter, saying their thoughts were with trump. but it seems that the representatives of the democratic purse did not even believe themselves. from trump himself since his election campaign campaigns in 2016 sculpted the embodiment of evil.
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republican senator j.d. vance, who is predicted to be trump's vice president, pointed out that this is not an isolated incident, recalling that the central message of the biden campaign was that trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at any cost. this rhetoric directly led to '. assassination attempt, journalist tucker carlson a month and a half ago expressed the opinion that trump would become president again if he was not killed first. will another violence sober up the local establishment? hardly? as we see, the history of the united states is also woven with a tradition of political assassinations. political scientists are confident that in the 20th century there will continue to be shootings in the states. each new election campaign in recent years has been carried out using increasingly dirty and harsh methods. pain for high chairs, plus a serious part of society is dissatisfied with both the elections and the work of politicians. not everyone is satisfied with the system of selecting political elites in
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america; not everyone sees it as democratic and representing the interests of society. even now we will look at both candidates, biden and trump, they have colossal anti-ratings, both are not liked by the lion's share of americans, but the selection system is such that they are the ones who won the primary with a high degree of probability. they are dragging until the elections, this is such a hodgepodge of murders, criminals and various theories and assumptions, in this program we concentrated on the personalities of politicians, but it is important to mention that the assassination of the same kennedy provoked the vietnam war, these are millions and millions of victims, god only to the american elites we know how many there is still blood on the hands of those who puppet with arrows like this. happily.
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the song of iradzima remains, everything can change, if the yans are not fallen, you will not meet the smoke of the spring kohanya. if there is a song, irojima will live.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence? what popular nickname did this house receive? matvey, you smiled so much when you saw it in front of you. answer options, what made you smile so much? i didn’t know the answer and intuitively answered oh, well, because this house looks like legs that walk. pay attention to the screen: is it written correctly? transcription of a word? i think that the word is written incorrectly, because after t there should be a comma, which means and what this comma is called, maybe you remember, i don’t remember, it’s an apostrophe, the comma is always placed at the bottom of...
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the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, after all, you didn’t want to go to the village, but you didn’t have such a plan, well, not exactly a plan, but there was no desire to return, there were other plans, that’s for sure, there were other plans, but all these plans were crossed out and you realized that i want this kind of life, after you converted your parents' house into a stable, now you rescue horses and dogs, you have about seven horses now, and dogs, i just lost count of you... you don't know any better, i don't know for sure, there they see more opportunities , they use them to the maximum, yeah,
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it wasn't anything that serious. on the belarus 24 tv channel. a good morning should start with a proper breakfast. we will prepare zucchini fritters along with red fish, and in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad. bulgur, excellent side dish, slow carbs, low the glycemic index gives you energy for 3-4 hours, just amazing. we will help
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you choose. products to make the first meal tasty and healthy. when choosing a frozen product, pay attention not only to the manufacturer’s expiration date, but also to ensure that the package contains as little ice chips as possible. a good radish is easy to identify; it should be firm and have a bright, evenly colored skin. let's not forget about invigorating exercises. while charging, i do the usual head and shoulder rotations, and stretch my chest. back, this all light exercises 10 times, open your arms wide, from this position bend to the side, stretch the entire lateral line of the body, watch the champion's breakfast program on our tv channel, only for our tv viewers we choose the best routes, it’s hard to believe, but someday there were centuries-old forests on this land, we are in the mud,
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welcome and let's go.
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maria mamertovna matusevich, liaison officer of the partisan brigade for the homeland, from the partisanka award list. matusevich, fearless intelligence officer and liaison. from the enemy garrison to in the city of cherven she obtained accurate information about the enemy, as well as medicines for the partisan detachment. the fearless fighter maria stole a typewriter from the enemy garrison , as well as two rifles, three discs for a machine gun with cartridges. on february 7, the brave girl organized a safe passage for 60 people with weapons, after which... she herself
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was captured by the nazis and subjected to torture, during which matusevich uttered only one phrase: i die for soviet power, for my homeland. on the same day the fastas were shot maria.


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