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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 26, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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spiritual harmony, belarus definitely helped me reveal my body, now i’m so comfortable, it’s as if i’m exactly where i need to be. watch on the tv channel belarus 24.
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millions of belarusians perished in the hollows of the great patriotic war, but their memory lives on. in the different parts of the country, during the months of tragedies and incitements, memorials are created for heroes and heroes. vyalikiya and small yans want historical justice and satisfy that which is why they remember the meetings. memorial complexes of belarus in the cycle memory of the land of may. magile region, the city of babruisk, the city of the world and the city of the city. on the beginning of the vyalikay aychinnaya vine, babruisk will become a month old.
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for the red army, 41 years were not great, great wealth was accumulated in palona and in the region of hell bialystok and the minsk apynets for more than 300 thousand, and throughout the whole of this part, i will then fall in special months conditions for military forces, they will be called flags, for the police.
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on the territory of babruskaya fortress there were three camps organized and started to run. death for the meat-loving population and pastures. the minds were great and terrible, people knew they were hidden. for their navat for the savetsky military, they baked special bread, called nelga bread, where it is only 10% rich with a lot of flour. everything is astatnye - geta was cake, cellulose. the death population at the camp was great, the germans who served in the akhova camp of the camp spent hours working at their own circus, throwing potassium into a crowd of hungry people who had eaten pieces of bread, and you got tired
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shoot those who go for this bread. there are 150 camps for military personnel in the territory of belarus, babruisk. occupied asable months, in the so-called plan of the zeynastsi was assigned to the father of the ein-satz-group b. geta special special pharmaceuticals, which can be called death groups, which pavins were only forgotten, yana pavins were and forgetting the acts of the savetskaya settlement, the yans were forgetting the yaurey, y the pavins were the slaughter of the so-called palette sick people, and the palette sick people... intelligentsia, this madman, the command warehouse, the red army, this and you, who occupied the quiet pasadas there, well ў goradze, maetstsa on ўvaz, this may be the director of the school, this may be the manager of the newspapers there, this may be the manager
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of the administrative parts, here are the loyal administrators wasted parts, truly disgraceful german cruelty in terrible... treatments kolkastsi ahvyar 44 thousand zhyharov babruisk and yago navakollya, and taxama 40 thousand military, not recreated from the pratacols near the migratory population, but slaughtered. in the palace of the masavag , various forms of heat were used, and in babrystvo, on the contrary, such a form is widely known, the kali of the military... softened the transport, these cars, as the rules of the cars were closed type, and the winter was very cold in 1941, and all of them sit in such cars in the evening, i am delivering, and on
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the right hand, on the right hand, there are sometimes 10%, and sometimes 40% of those who are there, and they were very bad. such people were justified in such an act of slaughter, falling, that it is not their fault, that on the other side they transported different branches, that’s where the hell of the agul kolkasci, yay heta budze 20-25 thousand, and skin days іх exported from different months pru dapamose. german archives near babruisk for the beginning of the war
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three camps for military officers numbered 21a and two messenger camps for soldiers and sergeants numbered 131 and 314. unpretentious hours here the tax amounted and headquarters number 343 and 373, the number of shmatlik babruysk vyaznyas 600 dzyatsy 10-15. gudovaga ўzrostu, part of the military on teritory fortresses, i was found in the barracks, and part was on the closed prastor, and you know, the main thing is not maybe it’s so, there’s a lot of sickness there, yes, there’s no way to feed the heat, he knows, as apisvaetstsa in mothers, such sticky, sticky stuff, that is, geta navat balota, where hell is sluggish how many... people, how many back and forth, every time, this confusion is so clear, it’s easier,
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it’s not very adventurous, and it’s the result of the wicked savagery and the wicked smeariness. zhurbotny forests of the camp of babruisk fortress and from the unrecovered yahreys of the garad het rose on a red-hot date for the savets people. u night z 6 on the 7th of november 1941. for now. the first brotherly magic of babruisk fortress appeared in the spring of 1941. she plowed
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the savetian military forces who perished in the camps in listapadze in 1941. i remember the vigilant ones on the versa only got tired in 1972 . the memorial complex in memory of the great arrogants of the war on the ancient fortress of babruisk would have been secretly closed. of the year 2014, the author of the project maystar of the manufacturable maststva, deserved by the architect of belarus leanid levin. u pratsa nad memaryyalam taksama prima u udzel minsk sculptor alexander chappo. leanid levin at his place, the architectural tradition shows what it meant for babruisk, for the city, what it meant for the city. camp, concentration camp, and the most famous words,
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architectural words, to tell the tale. memorial complex to the fascists of history in babruisk, near the parking area of ​​karbashava street. it is stored in several parts. i will call the central campasian cube of men. the skin edge of the cube... i'm having a hard time. on the top of the concrete manument there are counter-reliefs of soldiers, i live and meat roasters, who perished in the concentration camps. adlustravanna of the greedy minds of the morning of the sick people of hell in cuba dahu. and there is no history - a symbolic casting platform, which is imaginable in the purchase. the idea of ​​presenting the platform as an image of the ancient military forces of babruisk was
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transferred to the architectural style, and a sculptural group was installed on the platform, created by alexander chapo, sculptors, who worked with leanid levin, concrete, black cola platforms. simvaly asudzhanykh death vyznyaў, ale skin from them sleeping on the outside of the van, bytstsam above two figures on the platform, the savetski soldiers, who are covering up the sickness with their hell, the current work of historical memorials to the complex of soldiers of fascism and babruisk mastatskaya. yago svaralnik. unfortunately, i didn’t bother with the memorials of the sculptor leanid levin.
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the dacha galina asked iago on the right. for me, it was important to practice because my father’s life was over, it was important to me, but it was also important for me to do all the right things and prices right now. indispensable moments, which were patrabny, if i remember, it depends. on the territory... the plowing of astana's dead in the reptile complex provides a month for the war of the military soldiers and civilians. this two brotherly magicians measures 6 by 8 m with bronze frames, which are braided with metal blades, a symbol of the peaceful belarusian life. look,
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in 2013, 2016 and 2018 , the astana of babruisk leaders of fascism were exposed, they were plowed by fraternal magicians. now the city has a month of memory. i appreciate that our project is being carried out, it's been a year since the beginning of new trees in this park. and the truth is... the bastard, i understand that everything will be a whole lot of trees, and this great goodness, that all the plantings were created not immediately before the end, in the practice of the bastard traditions of zhikharov babruisk, new trees, ' i've been here this month , the month of
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masawaga of foreign affairs and peaceful life in babruisk. in 2008, on the streets of bakharava, there was a memorial sign for yaureyam, as on the night of the 6th to 7th fall of 1941, the fascists lived at the hour of the death of the chancellor. the architects of the yaureyskaga memorial sign became taxama galina levina. they were tired for months, in which the babruisk geta was mixed, the geta was a weak teritory, i remember, such a memorial sign, it symbolizes the time of the tree of the jewish life, given the life of babruisk, but
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it was destroyed, ...rushana, angry - period vines. the history of belarus is replete with stories that tell the truth about the war in the world. to capture the memory of the past means to preserve the future of your place, town, city, country. it’s impossible to rewrite, because the memory never happens, it’s a great memory. lands of the sink.
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shametka, lyubov grigorievna. in 1942 , she became a liaison officer for a partisan raid cavalry group, and was also a member of one of the underground groups in cherven. the girl carried out very responsible assignments through other underground workers who worked in the police, hospital and other institutions as an occupier. she took out weapons, medicine, salt, paper and handed it all over to the partisans. on march 2, 1943, the gestapa tracked and detained a cart with weapons that was heading into the forest. lyuba shamitka was among those arrested. for 3 days the nazis mocked
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a girl, trying to get information about partisans and underground fighters out of her. but neither torture nor death threats broke lyuba’s fortitude, she did not betray any of her comrades in the struggle, and on march 6 she was shot. what will best test your erudition and intelligence? what popular nickname did this house receive? matvey, you smiled so much
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when you saw the answer options in front of you, what made you smile so much? i didn’t know, the answer option was intuitively answered a, well, because this house looks like legs that walk. pay attention to the screen. is it right is there a transcription of the word? i believe the word is not written. right, because after t there should be a comma, which means, and how - what is this comma called, maybe you remember, i don’t remember, it’s an apostrophe, the comma is always placed at the bottom, the comma is a punctuation mark, that’s right, tricky questions, baranovichi, orsha or smargon, which city has never been represented in the hockey extra league? ilya, orzh, smargon, smargon, this is the correct answer, huh? hollifield, absolutely right, evander hollifield, american boxer, bronze medalist olympic games. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. they were born in different
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parts of the world. my name is pavel morozov. i came to belarus from russia to fulfill the duties of the consulate general of the russian federation in the city of grodno. i came from venezuela 8 years ago because i fell in love. my husband, andrey from belarus.
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this is the bird most susceptible to stress, we try to minimize as much as possible all negative factors that may in the future, no matter what we do, it always is made from freshly caught fish, this is the sucker’s trump card today, that the fish is environmentally friendly, high quality and most importantly fresh, each production site is very important, since its work affects the quality of the finished product, we showed today that what is produced us in the country may be, not only the same in
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quality, in some moments even surpass it, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. live broadcasts on belarus 1 and belarus 24 tv channels in the capitals and regions.


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