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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 26, 2024 9:00pm-9:45pm MSK

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good evening, panorama is live, ekaterina tikhomirova is with you, let’s summarize this friday, watch this episode. negotiations on valaam, development of belarusian-russian relations, union projects, regional security, the president’s working visit to russia continues. the formation of
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independent macro-regions changes the international architecture of relations. the sco has demonstrated an alternative to a unipolar world based on coercive pressure. in the united states, they suddenly began to think about their own isolation, what is our role in these processes and let's discuss in panorama. the opening of the summer games in paris is the official start. why are the french unhappy with the organization of competitions, tourist athletes or the funeral of games in the muddy waters of the seine. how. the world championship is turning into the olympics of crime. almost 200 athletes from ten countries will compete for medals in four age groups over 3 days. the crystal rose tournament traditionally brought together the best gymnasts about the true beauty of the game. we'll tell you in the release. from a notebook briefcase to a tie and a tracksuit. the first-class shopping season has started in minsk. in pompous. we'll tell you everything about preparing for school.
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the main supplier of artists, glebovka is preparing for a housewarming party. at the old location, the new educational campus will be commissioned in early september. who will move to petrus brovki? the tv news agency knows, and was the first to walk through the fresh corridors. the day before, the new season of the belarusian biathlon federation cup was brightly opened in the central square of novopolotsk. and today we have a great dynamic race. we'll show you everything in panorama. the working visit of the president of belarus to russia continues, and today alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin continued negotiations on valaam. the atmosphere is informal, but the agenda is very serious. for the most part, heads of state communicate behind closed doors one on one, yesterday and today. twice already, these places with a special atmosphere have become a platform for negotiations, so you can say it’s a tradition, and at least the leaders are not wearing ties. the topics for
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discussion are the most serious: current issues of the development of belarusian-russian relations, promotion of union projects, regional security and, of course, international theme. every meeting and negotiation of heads of state causes great resonance. alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin are the only world leaders who see each other so often. the day before, the presidents visited local orthodox shrines. the calm atmosphere of valaam is conducive to confidential communication. the meeting place implies that, of course, we are talking about essential issues, about issues of the development of our values, our civilization, the spirituality of our societies, taking into account the place that has been accepted for this kind of meetings, in general it must be said that the presidents of the two countries communicate regularly,
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perhaps these are the most regular meetings in the modern practice of political relations, international relations, which is not accidental, this demonstrates the nature of trusting relations, the level of mutual interest of the two countries, the level of integration, in where our countries are located, of course, and for russia, belarus, and for belarus, russia is a key actor in international relations. unfortunately, the west, collectively, does not perceive our civilization as full-fledged they perceive russians and belarusians not as a people from their own history, but as an object for colonization. this is precisely what is connected with the constantly increasing number and quality, restrictions of various forms of pressure, hybrid wars against our states, they do not recognize our right to sovereignty on... choice of lifestyle, culture,
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naturally, in these conditions we combine our efforts, we remember , that over the past 2 years, when the pressure on us as a quality... increased, our alliance, our cooperation only became stronger, experience shows that we will win, our peoples, our civilization faced more serious challenges, and during the second world war, when it came to the very physical survival of our civilization, we won then, we are winnable now. today, the union agenda has a strong interregional foundation. belarus and russia are implementing a number of joint projects, from economics to space. the states made a significant breakthrough in resisting sanctions pressure, replacing many products with their own technologies and competencies. many projects have received continue to be developed based on the results of high-level negotiations. recently, we have significantly strengthened interaction in
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industrial cooperation, microelectronics, and infrastructure projects to ensure security. an event that was expected, but not by the french. at these moments , the grand opening of the olympic games is taking place in paris. it must be said that the organizers chose an unusual format: instead of the traditional procession of teams in the stadium bowl, the ceremony takes place against the backdrop of the sights of the french capital on embankment of the seine. the athletes had the dubious honor of sailing boats through its waters. 10 days ago content level. will cross the center of paris along the river from east to west to a point opposite the eiffel tower, where the rest of the ceremony and the final opening show will take place. however, the sports
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extravaganza risks turning into a complete fiasco for france, and it’s not the weather, it’s the organization of the games, or rather the complete absence of this organization, that literally suffers... all the athletes suffer from bad food, residents and guests are generally in shock. many cafes and restaurants do not work due to fences along the streets. it is impossible to go there without a special pass. it's getting to the point where there is even a shortage of drinking water. there are problems with public transport, it is practically non-existent. and the worst thing is that, despite the conditions similar to martial law, sabotage occurred on the railway. an unknown person damaged the signal cabinets.
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paris fought against homelessness for a year, but did not win. the crime rate has increased tenfold . the ministry of internal affairs of the fifth republic stated that only cases of theft in the last week counted about 9,000. add to this the cases of armed attacks and rape, these four-year games are time to be called the olympics of crime. at the same time, the olympic games in the capital of france have already gone beyond the initially estimated budget ; they are estimated at 11 billion euros, which is almost twice the original figures of 6.2 billion. the opening ceremony of the paris olympics alone took 122 million from the budget. for the thirty-third olympic games in total, about 14,250 athletes from 206
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countries went to france. all competitions will be held on 35 sports facilities in paris and its surroundings. athletes will compete 329. the competitions are devoid of competition, for example, the main contenders for medals from our country were not allowed to start. belarus will present an anti-record number of athletes in paris, it could have admitted 17 belarusians to the games in ten sports, for... at the last olympics in athletes. the olympics in the capital of france lost tokyo, the belarusian delegation numbered 108 grandees of modern sports in paris will not compete in wrestling irina kurochkina, vanessa kaladinskaya, kirill maskevich. the pentathlon lost its stars maria gnetchik and
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anastasia prokopenko. primacy of rhythmic gymnastics alina gornasko did not go to the fourth anniversary games. and these are not all titled athletes. rhythmic gymnasts from belarus and russia were not even given a chance to compete for olympic licenses. all quotas were played at the world and european championships, where our athletes were denied access. it would be very much to hope for a special invitation to paris from the organizers optimistically, but at the same time the graces did not stop and continue to train; one of the most important starts of the current season is the international crystal rose tournament, almost 200 athletes from 10 countries will compete for 17 sets of awards. why do foreigners want to compete on belarusian platforms? kristina kamysh will talk about the true beauty of gaming. rhythmic gymnastics
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owes its appearance to st. petersburg. almost a century ago, it was the artists of the mariinsky theater with the famous isidora and duncan who stood at the origins of the creation of this sport. beauty, grace - a unique mastery of not only your body, but also objects. this is all a soviet- era invention. heirs of the soviet school, belarusian russians have always stood on the olympic podium. the exception will be the french summer games, which officially opened in paris. the international and european gymnastics federations, as well as mok, did everything so that the viewer at the main start of the four-year anniversary would not see exceptional performances by... the girls, we believed until the very end that a miracle would happen, and we still we would end up in paris, but fate decreed
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otherwise, very strict requirements were put forward for group exercises, there was no talk of a neutral status at all, we were immediately turned around and even without any, without any hope that something might... then change. despite everything, belarus preserves true rhythmic gymnastics, where beauty, purity, logic and complexity of execution are important; almost 200 athletes from ten countries showed up for the crystal rose tournament. over the 3 days of competition, medals will be contested in four age groups of children: junior, junior and senior. we are proud and worried about each of our tournaments that takes place in minsk, and it is a great honor for our gymnasts to show the best of the belarusian school of rhythmic gymnastics. of course, every gymnast who comes out on the mat really wants her home audience to see her. how cool she is, it becomes more honorable to win a medal in the crystal rose tournament. before you
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is the warm-up of the graces from malaysia. rhythmic gymnastics is just developing in this country, therefore, it is important for female athletes to compete and gain experience with world leaders. it took the guests exactly 24 hours to get to minsk, but the girls admitted that the hard road was worth it. crystal rose is very good.
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he can’t help but come and watch on tv, it’s not the same when he watches it live, even, to be honest, he gets a little goosebumps, because the sensations are completely different, at these competitions everyone will perform in their own way, it’s always beautiful, it’s always cool, it's always... very, very romantic, not anymore for the first time we are gathering our huge hall, all the stands of the rhythmic gymnastics palace, there is a whole whole team, halls, in general, through one, all my family, so the support is felt, we will enjoy our beautiful programs, today the individual athletes qualified in two exercises out of four, the group members completed one event each, and these results will count towards the all-around competition for tomorrow, and now important information for the fans on saturday. the start of the competition is at 10 am, and the finish at 20:30, all day you can
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enjoy the beauty of playing live, since access to the stands of the capital's gymnastics palace is free, the belteleradiocompany took care of those fans who are not in minsk, live broadcasts of the crystal rose are available in belarus 5. kristina kamysh, nikolai loskevich, television news agency. the grain of discord still stirs polish hearts, the country has not yet forgotten about the protest movement of farmers over virgin food. how society was given a new reason to rebel against kiev and think about about how wonderful, in quotes, the previous government was. the pisovtsy got hot not only with gray visas, but also, as it turns out, with the supply of grain from the square. now the prosecutor's office is targeting more than seven dozen companies that are suspected of fraud in the processing of ukrainian agricultural products. about
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the fraudulent skills of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth in the story of yevgeny belousov. intrigues, scandals, investigations. polish authorities continue to take quarrels out of public view in the form of ex-stealers. this time a scandal erupted with ukrainian grain, which was once so warmly received by the pisovites. the polish prosecutor's office has begun an inspection of 75 companies suspected of fraud with yellow-bladed grain. the investigation claims that these organizations imported thousands of tons of wheat into the country, concealing its origin and destination. according to the investigation, imported. the grain to poland was industrial and intended for the production of alcohol and biofuel, but later it was sold for flour, among the buyers were well-known polish producers, however, about grain fraud this has been said before, although mostly by striking farmers. they decided that we should allow the import of food from ukraine , allow the population to consume it, get sick
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because of it, and be poisoned by it. we don’t understand this, because our duty is to protect our families, our farms and... citizens, we have a duty to protect the entire population so that they can have healthy polish food on the table, grown on polish soil. we must pay tribute, the polish farmers carried out their action en masse for almost six months with varying success, and i would like to believe that they achieved their goal, the flow of grain from the square became smaller, and they began to check it more carefully, but we did not hear any loud statements about victory, and the polish authorities still have not been able to come to an agreement with the kiev side on grain issues. supply contracts were supposed to be signed back in may, but they were canceled due to the theft of ukrainian officials. then the deputy minister of agriculture of poland stated that he did not intend to conduct a dialogue with people accused of corruption. he didn’t name names, but most likely meant the one who resigned minister of agrarian policy solsky and his retinue. they had just previously been charged with suspicion. whether these two events are related
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is unknown, but if so, then poland can actually be called the beneficiary of any unclear situation. more than 70 companies that they suspect of fraud with ukrainian grain, i think, this is just some fragment of the iceberg, because the companies that are really involved in this grain scam, the so-called grain deal, the black sea initiative, there are much more of them, that is, one way or another otherwise a significant piece polish agriculture... agriculture had its own benefit from this very grain deal, political figures received kickbacks, business received cheap, unaccounted for supplies, which were then sold in some products with greater added value, with a high degree of probability
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this whole scheme was polish ...
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already on the territory of the country. the purpose of the petition is to force the authorities to negotiate with nato allies and thereby achieve the deployment of american weapons of mass destruction in latvia. a task of particular importance in
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the document also names support for poland in its similar aspirations. let me remind you that a year ago warsaw announced its desire to acquire us nuclear weapons. but great britain plans to create missiles supposedly to destroy russian nuclear weapons, the times reports.
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the kiev regime has changed its opinion radically, who today talks about some kind of zelensky formula, who even remembers it, if at that gathering in switzerland that the kiev regime wanted. military differ significantly from the plans of official kiev, should we support the olympic movement with a touch of western values, or the time has come to revive it
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based on historical traditions, this is not only discussed in the new issue of the editors’ club, immediately after the panorama. thousands of guests from 12 countries among. on the sidelines of the forum, a meeting with the most proactive and active women on the continent who advocate for the development and
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prosperity of african countries. for belarus, the african direction is among the strategic ones. we already have partners in many countries, and zimbabwe can become a hub for us in many areas and access to a large continental market. africa needs technology and true partners. belarusians. brought proposals for developing cooperation with zimbabwe and the continent as a whole, when women gathered, 200 of them, yes about 200 women, women from completely different fields, but who are interested in developing business relations with belarus, this suggests that our trip has already was somewhat successful in terms of establishing contacts, yes, because the first women who came to us were about 10, today there are already 200 of them,
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africa, the first lady who became the initiator of its implementation, residents call moi, which in translation is the mother of the nation. she actively promotes healthy eating, initiates charitable social projects, plus her areas of interest include medicine and baby food and a forum. this story is not so much about food and the diversity of zimbabwean cuisine, but about healthy food, caring for the nation and the development of the region. this was noted with a worthy award from the un. zimbabwe, like belarus, sees its future in unions where they are guided by the principles of equality and justice. harara and minsk intend to will soon become full members of brix. a similar center of gravity is the shanghai cooperation organization, where belarus is already an equal partner. our country
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traditionally stands with its own. initiatives are actively scaling them within the sco. the second international conference on eurasian security will be held in minsk this fall. my colleague andrei sich examined the origins of the initiative in our interests in the sco in the screenshot section. minsk knows how to bring interests together and coordinate positions. in 2023, in the belarusian capital it was possible to gather representatives of the west and the east on one platform. experts, analysts and high-ranking officials from different regions discussed ways of global détente in international relations. our country voiced its vision and consolidated it in the draft map of multipolarity and diversity in the 20th century. in this regard, of course, it is important.
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the fact that belarus does not delimit the interests of europe and eurasia. for us, europe is an integral component of the eurasian space, our space, and therefore a new security architecture is impossible without respecting the interests of all parties. of course, this is a reliance on international law with the key role of the united nations, and not some kind of ephemeral order based on rules that are developed narrowly. a group of states, this is respect for sovereignty, the sovereign right of states, their own path of development, taking into account civilizational, historical, cultural and other characteristics, in the end, their own model of development, without edification, without any, without any pressing and pressure. shanghai
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cooperation organizations highly value the role of belarus. as a donor to regional security. official minsk, not in words, but through direct and concrete steps, has proven its ability to act as a stabilizing factor. it is for this reason that scaling up multipolarity and diversity within the framework of the sco charter in the 20th century aroused keen interest. this can be seen in the congratulations that were sent to alexander lukashenko on behalf of the sco secretary general on the occasion of our entry into countries. we are firmly convinced that full membership of belarus in the sco will present new opportunities and expand the space for the development of the organization. the sco secretariat will fully support the participation of belarus in the activities of the organization, provide all the necessary conditions and assistance to promote in-depth cooperation between belarus and member states, jointly promote cooperation in various fields, and achieve common development and prosperity. a separate track
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of mutual interests. economy, to put it mildly, it would be incorrect, everything is intertwined, there is no time to build up, and alexander lukashenko calls on the state apparatus to more actively use the new window of opportunity, while the head of state does not stand aside, and is not traditionally ready to build bridges himself. the sco for me is primarily about economics. our main partners are there on this platform, i can meet and talk with anyone, this is a window, an additional window into these countries. the common shows market makes it possible to completely neutralize the impact of illegal sanctions pressure. a just think about it, russia, china and india. today these are truly the three pillars of the world economy. unimaginable opportunities are already open for belarusian exporters, and cooperation between interests and opportunities is being realized. the target
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task... set by the president is to diversify exports to all other countries, because the consumer market of the sco member countries is estimated by experts at approximately $4 trillion. china, china accounts for $2 trillion of this figure, there is also india, according to twenty-third year, it imported goods worth 900 billion dollars. here is the potential for further growth of our foreign trade. interestingly, such cooperation is causing growing concern on the other side of the world. the sco has never set the task of working against anyone, but by uniting, the state has demonstrated to everyone what equal cooperation means. an alternative to a unipolar world, the american press suddenly began to think that the united states, with its mentoring rhetoric, no longer has a place in eurasia. the white house is driving itself into isolation about the new architecture of international relations,
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andrey sich in the screenshot section. there is just over a month left until the new school year, which means school shopping season is open across the country, from notebooks, briefcases to ties and tracksuits. a wide range is already presented in trade sections, first-grader corners and school fairs. department stores have enlarged shopping areas and installed more fitting rooms. there are more than 400 school uniform models for boys to choose from, and more than half a thousand for girls. in the school capsule.
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in this metropolitan department store alone , there are more than a hundred models of clothing to choose from; the children quickly collected their school capsule and already know what they will wear to the sixth grade. well, have you chosen everything? yes, we chose everything, we liked everything, yeah, well, cool, let's go to the checkout. there were cool, very oversized trousers, there were very cool jackets that i... looked at, here are the sweatpants, everything here is very high quality, i chose a couple of sweaters for myself, good trousers here, socks too, i trust them so much that they even choose me clothes, from a notebook to a briefcase to a tie and sportswear
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suit, everything you need for the new school year is presented in shopping sections, first-grader corners and school fairs throughout the country, droskov at school have a blue vest and a blue skirt, so we choose a skirt. vests, let's go try them on, in august there is always a big rush, because everyone remembers that they need to go to school, so we are slowly getting ready, now we are getting ready, in the top of the schoolchildren are vests, trousers, oversized blouses, shirts , both classic and with decorated accents, casual jackets, new this year you can, it’s called a fan skirt or a sundress skirt, that is, they have a detachable upper part, it can be removed and turned into a skirt, you get a new look, from knitted
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fabric and textiles to the finished product in 5 days, just like high school fashion requires painstaking work and attention to detail, intensive work at this enterprise began back in may, as a result of 30 options for school images. to ensure that the suit fits and the decor looks aesthetically pleasing, a team of professionals works, from designers to craftsmen sewing art. the designer did everything for the inheritors, everything is ready, the cutting shop starts cutting, preparing the cut, then everything comes here, here the girls are sewing everything, you see we already have trousers at work there, the most popular color for school right now in one look, yes, it’s called a skirt with a vest, here’s the school emblem, let’s say that ’s all. yes, the whole school, from little ones to big ones, they all wear the same look. each region of the country has its own format for school shopping close to home. this year, taking into account the practice of previous years, we still we decided that we will host school
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bazaars directly in our retail facilities, because having studied the experience of holding them, we understand that it is still much more convenient for the consumer to be in more comfortable conditions where there are air conditioners. therefore , today bazaars operate in the main metropolitan department stores, they work every day, naturally. the cost of a school uniform for younger students starts from 320 rubles. high school students have almost 400. by the beginning of the school year, large families will receive from the state. and more about the belarusian trade, it celebrates its centenary with positive indicators, the industry is developing confidently and takes one of the main places in terms of its contribution to the country’s economy. this sector accounts for 10% of gdp. today, on the eve of the anniversary, a solemn event was held in minsk, congratulations to the workers and veterans of the industry from the president. considered prime minister roman golovchenko. also
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, the special merits of the best representatives of the industry, where over 600,000 people work throughout the country, were noted with certificates of honor and gratitude. growing retail turnover. in the first half of this year alone, it amounted to more than 41 billion rubles. a very serious amount. i am glad that the share of sales of domestic goods is increasing from year to year. today she makes up. almost 77%. in addition, trade also carries a significant social burden and supports vulnerable categories of the population. the infrastructure of retail facilities itself is also growing. for example, in the first half of the year, the number of retail facilities increased by almost one percent; today there are more than 129 of them. catering and restaurants and service and chorus, it is also increasing in volume. and today we really see such good dynamics. development of the belarusian trade sector, let me remind you that
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belarusian trade will celebrate its centenary this sunday. abrest celebrates the anniversary of the liberation from the nazi invaders and the thousand and fifth anniversary. the festive program started today with the opening of the brest-2024 philatelic exhibition. these are stamps, postal envelopes, postcards and other products that demonstrate historical facts. a total of 85 different collections. also the ministry of communications and belposhta have prepared a project, which consists of an artistic marked envelope and a special commemorative stamp. the cancellation ceremony also took place today. all postal products give us the opportunity to show.
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topic. the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus is a gift to the residents, so i will say, this year the international competition among fire rescuers at the bresse border was dedicated to this from the german fascist invaders, about 80 professionals from belarus, russia and kyrgyzstan are participating. over the course of three holidays almost 100 different events are planned for days in brest. the academy of music will close in september. the buildings on the international street require major
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repairs, and the musical instruments and students playing them will move to petrusya brovki, where today the glebov art college is already packing up its easels. the art incubator is having a housewarming soon, a new educational campus will be opened in september. such updates were initiated by the ministry of culture, with the help of financial departments. the agency's film crew was the first to walk through the fresh corridors tv news. lydia zaplotskaya. this hectare of land behind the oktyabr cinema for glebovka has long been a creative gleba. forty seventh. there was an old building here. this is where the pencil was correctly placed in the hand. dantsik, sovitsky, shchemelev. on the sixty-third year of birth. in 2010, the building was declared unsafe and demolished. at the same time, they began to build a new building, but this frozen art object remained there for 10 years. the main thing was. not to lose square meters of the ministry of culture, which are tasty for the city, not without the support of
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the chairman of the council of the republic of natalia kachanova was able not only to hold the place behind the glebovka, but in 2 years to fashion the concrete frame. we took the old project, brought it into compliance with current standards, we did not exceed the limits that were originally according to the project documentation. if we talk about real numbers, then today about 35 million belarusian rubles have already been invested in this facility. for this money, which was found with the help of the ministry of finance, more than 13,000 km were improved and revived. we begin the tour of the temporarily unfurnished but ironed rooms.
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the space is huge, the stained glass windows increase the scale, which is noteworthy, there is an air conditioning function, the different tones of the gray walls attract attention, this is more than a design idea, the same still life, which will be painted on a lighter wall, will give its own effects, its own reflexes, its own color perception and color sensations, the same still life, placed on the opposite side, will force... the future creator, artist, to think, to see the same thing, a little differently, the play of color, light, to develop color perception, this is extremely important, they will save a lot on pronunciations, glebovka for the first time will get its own dormitory for 80 people,
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the dormitory has a block system for no more than two young artists in a room, a refrigerator, a microwave, designer tiles, even washing machines... another week and basketball hoops will shine in the gym, there will be a stall in the assembly hall in classicism style. the art college will move entirely to the new campus, while its old address in petrus obrovka will be temporarily occupied by the music academy. ministry of culture in september this month plans to begin
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repair and restoration work, carrying out major renovations at the music academy, so the ministry plans, of course, to move the music academies there in order to build. could carry out their work without hindrance, and college students and teachers would move to a new building. grebovka's housewarming party is planned for the start of the new school year, september 2. lydia soblotskaya, grigory kristofovich, alexander moguchiy, tv news agency. vesebsk region continues to maintain a high level of preparation biathletes of the highest level, after all. this is where the world championship medalists and olympic champions came from, but they also create a big holiday for children in novopolotsk. these days, in the bright summer surroundings , the first stage of the belarusian biathlon federation cup is taking place, exemplary in terms of organizing the tournament, which allows children to plunge into the atmosphere of a big events.
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andrey kozlov about how children's competitions are gaining international status. the eighth season of the belarusian biathlon federation cup.


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