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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 27, 2024 12:15am-12:45am MSK

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the flag of belarus that has been in space with the emblem of its crew, the gift will be kept on display at the mead museum. our journey truly began with maxim vladimirovich from the very beginning of the project, and i thank you for such help and powerful support. indeed, in space there are no borders and there are no wars of hostility. our marina vasilevskaya went to the iss together with tracey dyson. you've probably been following this too.
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i see what is really happening in belarus, that is , what is published from belarus about belarus and for me it was not a discovery to be here and see what's happening here. but in fact, what america writes about belarus is like an excursion into another or parallel reality, because in reality what they want to present and want to show does not actually exist and does not happen in belarus. also, as part of the opening of the exhibition, a large autograph session was held in mitt. much attention is paid to the topic of space in belarus, this includes the technological development of the country and its international image. the union state has been implementing joint space projects for many years. and this work continues.
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historical sensation: during excavations on the menka river, phenomenal finds were discovered, what archaeologists say. scientists have found defensive structures of the 20th century, wooden structures, mainly made of oak. the fortification is grandiose; it is a five-level fortification up to 8 m high and more than twenty meters wide. only a few cities in ancient russia could afford the construction of such a fortress, and this was the progenitor of minsk. unique fortifications were discovered in the archaeological complex of the minsky settlement. large-scale expedition of the republican meaning, excavations of the shaft are in their second year. there is nothing similar in state of preservation in eastern europe, these are unique things, unique traces of defensive structures, which , as shown by our research, radiocarbon analysis of subsoil chronology, were built somewhere in the 990s, they were preserved due to the fact that they were a fortress foundation, a fortress wall built in a floodplain. the
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menki river, and these cages were filled with damp, wet, swampy gley soil, which served as a good preservative. at the same time, excavations continue on other objects of the complex, the settlement is being explored by student historians. now young archaeologists from mogilev are undergoing internship. there are thousands of artifacts - household items, accessories and ceramics. the historical layer will be studied for several more years. let me remind you that the archaeological expedition is working on behalf of the council. thank you, the review was prepared by elena putus. results, analysis of the main events of this week in the atn information and analytical program. main ether. well, all the projects of our tv channel are on the belarus website, as well as on social networks. i'm with you i say goodbye. all the best.
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kornach stepan. andreevich, navigator of the 247th fighter aviation regiment, captain. participant of the great patriotic war from june 1941, fought on the southern, crimean steppe fronts, flew i-16 fighters. the squadron commander of the 247th fighter aviation regiment, captain karnach, on august 9, 1943,
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flew out to escort attack aircraft. in an air battle in the area of ​​villages, large and small passages of the lens were rammed by an enemy fighter, me 109. the title of hero of the soviet union with the presentation of the order of lenin and medals gold star awarded to stepan andreevich kornach on february 4, 1944 for 270 combat missions, 70 air battles and 12 downed enemy aircraft. the project was created with the support of the national tourism agency and the ministry of antimonopoly regulation and trade of the republic of belarus.
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when the soul pushes to move forward, and the stomach sings from the soul to keep up. and there is a thirst for travel and adventure. on the way you always like to eat somewhere. hoskuda food. belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. see for yourself, because the kitchen is a reflection history, culture and character of the people. we will show what is happening in the west and east of our country. how they cook in the suburbs and... polesie. we are going on a journey to create a gastronomic map of belarus. today i tried it on the augustow canal. culinary hits of dombrovka. meat feast in the fresh
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air. potato boats with chanterelles. forest queens in a potato frame. when traveling around the grodno region, your eyes run wide, where to go first? there are ancient castles, centuries-old catholic orthodox churches history, houses in which famous people lived and simply incredibly beautiful landscapes, but there is a place that is simply impossible to pass by, and this is the augustow canal, if you ever visit the augustow canal, you are for it. remember this place for the rest of your life, this is exactly what happened to me, because it’s fun and very interesting here. the canal has a history of almost two centuries: in 1821, prussia introduced a ban on the transportation of goods from poland and lithuania through its territory, which is why access
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to the sea was practically blocked. to get around ban, it was decided to build a canal. he had to unite the neman with the vistula to open access to the black and baltic seas. it took 15 years to build the augustow canal, but it was worth it. as a result , 18 locks and many dams and bridges were built. however, with the advent of railways , the value of the canal was lost and the need to float cargo disappeared. but as you can see, the story did not end there; the channel is still active. behind my back there is now an amazing process going on, it’s called sluicing. the ship is moving from one. level of the reservoir to another, actually dropping several meters. believe me, it's very interesting, and i really want to try it. now, if you watch this process for a few minutes, you will see how the ship actually sinks underground, interesting. the sluices were built of stone;
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oak beams were used for the base. the places where the greatest load fell were reinforced with sandstone blocks. to make the gates of the airlock chambers , oak wood and... bottom were used the channels were made of both concrete and wood, depending on the type of soil, and they tried to ensure that the structure was not only durable, but beautiful. the outside of the gates was lined with red brick. the coastal line was also additionally strengthened with sand and clay, and in some places even with turf. the augustow canal can rightly be called a technological miracle of its century. so much work and attention to detail went into this. it was in construction.
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probably more than a dozen times throughout the day. today on the belarusian part of the canal there are four shipping locks. nemnovo, dombrovka, volkushek and kuzhenets. in dombrovka you can board a boat to fully enjoy a walk along the augusta canal, i definitely won’t deny myself this pleasure. the steamboat has set off, now we are approaching the most crucial moment, the locking; you won’t be able to get lost here on dombrovka. all tourists are given these wonderful maps, and you can easily understand where you are. we are here now, here is the dombrovka gateway. and here it is, the most reverent, crucial moment, we... enter the cell sluicing, what is it? and the level of the reservoirs is completely different: in front it is lower, here
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it is high, respectively, we will now be driven into a special chamber, and the doors will close and we will descend to a lower level, well , further forward, only forward! on dombrovka , sluicing takes about 15 minutes, the ideal time period to enjoy the process and not get bored, but to see: there is something to look at, many elements, sluices and memorial plaques with the names of design engineers, wooden the columns and drawbridges were restored by hand and retained their authentic appearance, there is no way back, the gates are closed, we are slowly descending, the water drops between the water pools.
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the volume of water that is poured onto the other side of the lock is 1,100 cubic meters, just imagine what an avalanche it would be if this water was poured out instantly, but all this happens very smoothly. once upon a time , edmund viktorovich introduced me to the channel, who has been working here for many years, together with him the channel serves 24 people. can you imagine? how much effort does it take to keep such a colossus in order? this works out perfectly; anyone who has visited the augustow canal will confirm that you want to stay longer here. edmund,
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what is it like to live on the august canal? well, you have to love the avgustovsky canal, that’s it. i heard that immediately after the need to float cargo along the canal was no longer necessary, it immediately became a tourist destination, a tourist mecca, in fact. yes, yes, we have a museum, this museum has old photographs, it is clear that the canal was already in those years.
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and also, and this is perhaps the most important thing for
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a culinary traveler, there is a lot of delicious fish in the obgustovsky canal, eel, trout and carius are found here, and several dozen species of rare animal birds live in the vicinity of the canal, sometimes you can see a black stork here, deep in the forest you will come across traces of bears or deer, the views here are the most picturesque, but it is understandable. the grodno forest stretches around the canal and many of the trees here are more than 200 years old. this territory is protected, so during the trip i had a great chance admire more often. people. they want not only spectacles, but also bread, i’m sure they heard me right on the augustow canal, there are a lot of small cozy cafes here, i’ll go and see what they’re serving, hello, good afternoon, how beautiful, what colorful guys, let’s get to know each other, my name is volodya alexander, maxim, alexander and maxim,
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and you have been working here on the augustow canal for about six years, yes, what else do you do in life? this is our hobby, cooking is a hobby, yes, wow, but our main occupation is being a hairdresser. it's amazing what kind of people attracts the august channel. however, i am sure that a talented person is talented in everything. local chefs really know how to handle meat. how do you surprise tourists who want to have a snack? i didn't have to wait long, which was good. the fresh air gave me an appetite, and when you see such views before your eyes... you get double the pleasure. so, here are the top seven dishes that the dombrovka gate spoils its tourists with. since tourists have been coming here, the menu has hardly changed. the choice of dishes may not be very extensive, but dear to the heart of every vacationer. all dishes are very popular. there is even
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a children's menu of sorts. it includes french fries, chicken nuggets and hot dogs. no, i won’t eat all of this, really, but if i don’t eat it, then i’ll take a bite, the food may not be the healthiest, but it’s really tasty, even if i didn’t finish the whole portion, but why waste it when you can treat it to them, and i’m pleased, and it’s delicious for others, help yourself, thank you, help yourself, take a sausage, thank you, everyone is looking for the meaning of life, thinking about how to become happy, i just thought, for in order for a person... to be happy, he just needs to eat a very tasty meal on time, now you can continue to explore the august canal with renewed vigor, there is something to see here, one of the most popular entertainments of the august canal is cycling, here you can rent a bike and take a ride, and i was on the august canal many years ago and rode a simple
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bicycle, look what a monster met me this time. in general , there are more than ten cycling routes on the augustow canal, the longest of which is 32 km, you can overcome it with such a monster generally a couple of trifles. you can either follow a prepared route or create your own. i decided to keep going to the gateway for a little while. it is considered the largest gateway and boasts its length. it is almost 44 m, and the water drop is impressive - about 10 m. it is not surprising. that locking there takes almost an hour, besides me, a lot of kayakers go to a little, along the way you can see their bases, the august canal is very popular with them, i wouldn’t mind going kayaking either, but the bike ride has its own distinctive advantages, i am not limited by the banks of rivers, i can always turn to the side to admire the sights,
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on the way stopping at svyatsk, where the restoration of the volovichi palace is being completed, i would have been in this palace many years ago and, honestly, what i see now , it’s amazing that belarus will soon have one more beautiful attraction. the palace was built at the end of the 18th century under the direction of the italian architect giuseppe sacco. the location for construction was not chosen by chance. ponds, canals and a picturesque park became a wonderful frame for the palace complex. residential buildings include three buildings, a central one and two side ones. ligels, which are united by semi-circular galleries. in my opinion, it looks incredibly beautiful; special attention should be paid to the central building, or as it can also be called, the front building. this is what i understand, a real luxury approach. can you imagine, back then guests were not just driven to the entrance, but taken straight to the doors. the central building contained
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ballrooms and living rooms. inside the palace looked as rich as it did on the outside. he was drowned in one of the ponds. it soon became clear that the daughter had made it. having become pregnant by a commoner, in order to hide the shame, volovich ordered her to be walled up alive in one of the columns of the palace on the second floor. after this , misfortunes rained down on the people. they say that
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you can still see a lonely white shadow wandering around the palace, the unrestrained soul of the murdered girl. the volovichi lost this palace to gursky in billiards. gursky lost him, the state took him for debts. then there was a drug treatment sanatorium here, but this story with a happy ending. now the palace is beautiful. the same, i would like to stay here longer, but it’s time for me to return to my original route, here i am a little bit, the villagers are a bit like the residents of st. petersburg, and there are drawbridges here and there, if you don’t plan the route home in advance, and the bridges will be raised, you simply won’t be able to get home. initially, the little gateway had two chambers, but in 1833 a third chamber appeared, and after reconstruction.
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red boat and overcome this raging elements, it is necessary to do this, after you have gained impressions, it would be nice to have a snack, my trip
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cannot be imagined without delicious food prepared with my own hands, so on the way back home i turned towards ivya. who and how helps make our lives better, what are scientists working on today? the technical revolution, the rapid development of computer technology, the appearance of the first robot patient in the usa in 1965. scientifically, they are called simulation devices; in addition to the human body, they have a voice and a heart. and even the brain, all thanks to special computer programs. complex things in simple terms, as well as the most interesting facts. but,
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finding themselves in monstrous conditions, our scientists continued their work. and contrary to hitler’s plan, they brought science to a new level. thanks to our academician lipatov , new data was obtained on increasing the technological properties of rubber, which then served as the main raw material for... watch the science project nearby on our tv channel. we all know very well how lukashenko as president treats corrupt officials. if thief, then you will sit. no matter how pro-government fuck you are. is lukashenko demanding? yes, to everyone, but he is especially demanding, especially to those who are nearby. our main enemy is carelessness, fraud and corruption. the homeland in my understanding is, of course, my country and my cities, but first of all, the homeland is people, every third person on the territory of belarus died from the war, when now someone suddenly
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does not understand what belarus and specifically its leader are doing lukashenko, when we conduct maneuvers, then combat coordination, then we call the wagnerites to you to learn from experience, then we return nuclear weapons, the enemies present this as aggression, that they are maneuvering there at home, but all that alexander grigorievich wants for his homeland is so that the same thing does not happen again... everyone the third is a stable situation, which is controlled, but nevertheless you cannot relax, that’s all lukashenko does, he defends his homeland, the way its leader should defend it. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. if. traveling around belarus you will come across an alley of centuries-old trees, feel free to go along it, you won’t be mistaken, you will probably find some kind of landowner’s estate,
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in belarusian, fan’s maentok. so , it seems to me, i was not mistaken, the moyon is so obvious , well, the hospitable hostess also greets me, by the way, meet galina, galina, hello, hello, galina, what is your place famous for, in particular , agruusalno, what’s so special here, what’s special about us is that it’s a beautiful forest, in this beautiful big forest we have very tasty mushrooms, chanterelles, chanterelles. i love chanterelles, they are incredibly tasty mushrooms. you know, galina, that every year 200,000 tons of chanterelles are collected in the world, and the lion's share is collected in ivye. i am sure about that. so it’s not surprising that chanterelles will become the star of our today’s dish. yes, and i was prepared, i picked a couple of these wonderful mushrooms along the way. here they are, sunny, bright, orange, arousing
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incredible sympathy, and me personally. on the chanterelle section, i want to draw your attention right away, yes, what are you ingredients for me? we were never surprised, yes, we practically don’t have them on the table, chanterelles, chanterelles, potatoes, sour cream, pepper, salt, everything, and you want to feed me something tasty, and i want to feed you, this is belarusian cuisine, how simple it is, and at the same time, how delicious it is, we use new potatoes, so... we don’t need them, we cut them in half and make a notch in the middle, that is, we make such a boat, a boat, oh, here, by the way speaking, such jewelry work in haute cuisine, well, more precisely in restaurants, it’s called carving, yes, when something is cut out of something, we call it cartoshing, as i understand it, this is where we will put our filling, yes, so less potatoes, more indentation,
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respectively, more mushroom filling, the boats are ready, whatever you need to do next, you need to add salt, yeah, that is, we essentially, well, not exactly marinate, season, yes, then we’ll pepper it in the same way, as you know, i love spicy dishes, so i don’t skimp on the pepper, we leave our potatoes aside and let's start filling, finely chop the mushrooms, uh-huh, you know, here, today we let's prepare... the perfect galilin dish, because we don't need to peel the potatoes, we don't need to peel the chanterelles, because chanterelles are the only mushroom that not a single worm can eat, and do you know why? because chanterelles contain a very important substance that simply kills all parasite eggs, so chanterelles are always a clean and always tasty dish. if you sort chanterelles by composition, you can discover a lot of interesting things. in terms of vitamin a concentration
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, chanterelles are equal to carrots, and the amount of vitamin c in them is the same as in citrus and garlic. do you know that chanterelles are so yellow, iridescent, because they contain a very important element called korotingaler, just like that, an amazing mushroom, it’s not for nothing that chanterelles are sometimes called forest queens, the potatoes are pickled, i think that now we have to put in the chanterelles. until full, well, we don’t feel sorry for anything for ourselves, well, of course there should be a lot of chanterelles. during cooking , the chanterelles will be stewed, so we compact them into our cavity to the very edges, after which we cover them with sour cream, let me while you - put the next one in, i’ll also make myself such a layer of sour cream, how good it is for you, look, your potatoes are yours,
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your mushrooms are yours. sour cream is also our own, also our own, oh, great, good, well, actually, it turned out, it seems good, yes, now we take the second boat, cover it, cover it, it’s clear, well, you see, i also made a fairly large hole in the second boat, so if you allow me, i’ll make myself, okay, a double filling, because there will be something to cover with, so what?


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