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tv   247  BELARUSTV  July 27, 2024 3:50am-4:05am MSK

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the tree is inside, if there is iron, if there is mechanics, the fingers move, the arms move, the mouth opens, the ears move, all this mechanics is inside, it is also all made of iron, and you.
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today in the ether 24 on 7 project we will talk about current events and significant dates, see our traditional friday project. in the section your choice, we get acquainted with important news from world politics, economics, and society to clean up the waste after a hurricane and save the harvest. such tasks are faced by farmers today; representatives of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of internal affairs help to harvest grain during the hot harvest. development of belarus will finance the supply of more than 700 units of mass and amcador equipment to nicaragua. as part of the official visit of the prime minister of belarus to central american individual housing. the key to the success of the district and the implementation of investment projects. private business is also actively developing. recently, 15 new retail facilities have been opened. new productions are also appearing, including within the framework of the district initiative, one project. berezensky district region noted. the exhibition my minsk
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stardowns mighty slauns opened in the museum yakub kolos. a new exhibition at the state literary and memorial museum of the poet is timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the capital from the nazi invaders. during the great patriotic war, jacob kolas spent 2 and a half years in evacuation in uzbekistan, where the academy of sciences of the bssr was transferred. his longing for his homeland was expressed in poetic lines and articles. photographs and handwritten documents complement the graphics. works of uzbek cities from the family archive of the belarusian architect leonid levin. in the unique works of the master military minsk is also shown after. these are sketches, collages and graphics. many of them are presented for the first time. next, we continue to talk about significant events in the traditional category of dates of the week. let us remember our outstanding fellow countrymen who made a significant contribution to the cultural heritage of belarus. or to the construction of the castle, which
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was ready by 1581. this is indicated by a weather vane found on the territory with an embossed date and the coat of arms of kishki. initially, the castle, with the exception of the entrance stone tower, was made of wood. a deep, inaccessible ditch protected a fortress on three sides, with neman serving as a fourth natural amulet of the territory. at the end of the 16th century, the castle had a new owner, krzyszta fradivil. he... the gate tower turned into a powerful fortification with four fire levels. for many decades , the vlyubcha fortress became one of the residences of representatives of the most powerful dynasty of the grand duchy of lithuania, the radivilovs. since the 16th century, the castle has changed owners several times. in the second half of the 19th century, it was bought by the baltic nobles of the false feins. however they did not begin to restore the areas of the buildings. on the site of ruins. from the old
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manor house, a two-story snow-white palace was built in the english neo-gothic style. the surviving towers received windows instead of loopholes. the first and then the second world wars did not pass without a trace for the lyubcha residence. the palace was practically destroyed, and only the towers remained of the fortifications. after the great patriotic war , a school was built on the foundation of the owner's mansion. with her in 1964. and master classes from the military-historical club, theatrical entertainment.
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moscow academic theater named after. with a park in which you can see the monument to sergei gritsevets, the svisloch embankments, and the park named after yanka kupala. still, he's talented, who? yes, my tenant, a copy of my late husband. watch the film mother-in-law on july 27
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on our tv channel. in the guide section, the best projects await you. a magical world where dolls are so similar to people. hundreds of articulated doll collectors and lovers visited the dolims plus exhibition in hong kong. more than 150 exhibits were exhibited here manufacturing companies. visitors could purchase new items for their collections, as well as joint parts, household accessories and unusual outfits for dolls. a sandwich that can feed the whole family. even bigger than the girls in the film, the restaurant in hashimi makes huge sandwiches.' baguettes, filled with 1 kg of fried pork, one more and any other meat, cucumbers, onions and about 20 times the size of regular soy sauce. customers often buy this sandwich to bring back to their hometown as a gift or to throw a fun party. aquariums are not for fish. a unique
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dinner on the water - an opportunity to share a meal with cold-blooded creatures. in one of the restaurants in hebei province, tables for visitors are installed in the center of a large aquarium. they swim around the tables. what is pripetsky national park? this is a specially protected natural area, the heart of which is the pripast river. the other part of the territory is represented by swamps and wetland vegetation, as well as areas of floodplain oxbow lakes. on the territory of pripyat woodland, regional parks is not only important, but also necessary. the ecosystem is designed in such a way that a violation of one of its components will inevitably lead to changes in all other culinary journeys in ivye. in a city that positions itself as the tomato capital of belarus, every cafe simply must have at least several
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tomato dishes. now i’ll get to the main thing, i would say, the hit of this salad, it’s still a roll with dried tomato and curd cheese. what is it like to sleep? in belarusian, this is one a large solid tomato, they shade it a little, maybe make it open up more, the other vegetables that we added here, it would essentially not be a soup, not a stew, if there were no olive oil and sour cream, it would be just vegetable juice. let's unravel the secret of ivyevsky hot sauce, it is very thick and so, maybe they added flour, i... i can’t understand, nothing was added here, well, so incomprehensible, unpredictable, yeah, that’s it, the ingredient that i can find in belarusian capital of religious tolerance, see in the program food anywhere, these and other projects are broadcast on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. leshka, i’ll immediately introduce our guest, sergei rachkov, deputy, candidate of sciences, diplomat,
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they imposed sanctions on us from all sides, who forgot, i want to remind you that this did not happen yesterday and not 10 years ago, back in 1900... in ninety-seven, the restriction of political contacts occurred, it’s just that from year to year the collective west, as they say, kept spinning.
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relations, economic ties, but
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build up, deepen relations, because the number of countries with which we have good relations are mainly countries that today are ready to go together with us, with the russian federation, with china, with india, in solving some regional, global, world problems. today it is developing quite dynamically, i mean the countries of this hemisphere, where
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the prime minister of the republic of belarus visited, we note significant political dynamics there, it has recently become somewhat multidirectional, if before it was such a country of left-center views. friends, which is what the republic of belarus is doing, the prime minister’s visit to cuba, venezuela,
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nicaragua shows that these countries are strongholds in this region, but there are other countries that i am sure will also take place in the future large-scale visits, primarily of an economic nature. yes, a visit. really productive, let’s now watch a short excerpt from roman golovchenko’s interview at the end of this tour. everything in the market is interesting, especially in these conditions in which we work, but we we no longer rush, as they say, where we ended up, we work thoughtfully, in a planned manner and build relationships primarily with those countries with which we have the purpose of our such a long visit and tour. one might say, yes, for the countries of southern and central america.
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