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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 27, 2024 10:35am-11:17am MSK

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liberated more than 50 settlements, including matykaly, ryasna, kustin, and occupied railway stations, lyshchitsy, kamenka. in the afternoon, soviet troops came close to brest, completing its encirclement. there was one day left until the complete liberation of belarus. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we came to the umyadel region, to a village called nasi, yeah, they say that you can find so much entertainment here, even a day is not enough to see everything, in belyenchi there is a creative a family where she is an artist, and he is a collector and jack of all trades, the family has turned their house into a creative workshop, and we are setting off on an exciting journey around our country.
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internal political games both in poland and in the agreement that they decided to use for germany, but this is probably different. in fact, it goes back a long way. the british were the first to want to encircle russia, depriving it of its status as a great power in the black sea region. this is how the idea arose to expand nato, so that every country in the black sea region around russia became a nato country. in 2007, president putin
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made another clear speech at the munich security conference, where he said: “gentlemen, you promised us in 1990 that nato would never expand. nato expansion is not an isolated case of deception. the united states has the key countries of the alliance, the position is this: you can’t fool, you can’t live. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards, in the project it’s different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. boris alexander mikhailov, participant of the great one. patriotic war, hero of the soviet union.
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with the onset of darkness she broke out of the encirclement. by the decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr, on awarding the title of hero of the soviet union to the general, officers, sergeants and privates of the red army, boris aleksandrovich mikhailov was awarded the high title. hero of the soviet
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union. natalya viktorovna, hello, good afternoon, murad sergeevich, my first interview in the status of a minister with a person with whom we accepted new responsibilities on the same
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day, i would not like to compare ministries, but briefly, what is the new position for you, we will discuss, yes, actually the ministry of information today. should really become the ministry of truth, and this is not according to orwell, this is how you would today paraphrase your ministry, which you head, the ministry of care, the ministry of assistance or the ministry of protection and stability, which would definitely retain in the name this word of labor, if in a more expanded format , then rather it is the ministry of labor and social welfare.
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truly enormous experience, experience above all of truly rational spending of budget funds, and senior colleagues, financiers, when i just came into the system as a young specialist, always said: behind every budget ruble there is a person, and the truly effective use of budget funds is always for the benefit of the person, so you really need to think and use it rationally budget funds, but when i joined the system of the ministry of labor and social protection in 2017, i headed such a powerful... financial institution for more than 4 years, this is the social protection fund, source financing the pensions and benefits of our citizens, of course, this knowledge was very useful to me, but now they are already overseeing this issue and other areas, including such an economic area as wages, of course, all this is very
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helpful in my work. i remember one official, he will probably recognize himself when i tell him, he always told me, if you want fewer problems, don’t waste money,
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we finance this employer either directly, the mother, or the family, as for wages, our department works state labor inspectorate, we are also open to information from citizens, we are connecting, moreover, lately we have even been working on such areas as we are deploying promptly, if we see such address and hotlines to we see that we have an appeal from citizens, there are several of them for one employer, we understand
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that today there are different management systems, sometimes there is one legal entity, and its representatives are deployed in all corners of our country, so a person clearly needs to understand where to turn if there is a problem, he contacts our department, we collect this information, here is our decree of the head of state to help pay the wages themselves, so if to summarize, maybe...
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the key direction, what volume of specialists, what volume of professions, as
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a prospect for creating new jobs within development of new sectors of the economy, which sectors of the economy will move at a faster pace, which sectors need to be strengthened, well, this will already be a guideline for educational institutions, and we will understand who, what kind of specialists we need prepare, as far as needs are concerned, but today we are fine...
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in a good sense, you can pay for utilities now right before almost july, the change in pension payments, but it has begun to worry a lot of people, let's reassure. the changes concerned a small category of citizens, young pensioners living in cities under 70 years of age, up to 70 years of age, and the first thing we did when we began to implement these provisions of the law, the new law, was meet with the banks, held a big meeting, invited all the banks , with whom contracts have been concluded from the ministry of labor and social protection, and
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what do you think we asked them to do? we asked them to review those proposals.
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they offer him to pay for utilities, sometimes even to make some purchases, and well, this is very useful, it is in great demand, and indeed it expands the capabilities of someone who, well, most of the time can be somewhere at home, so these all the institutes in the compilation work, well, we are only now as an organ of the same bank branches, post offices, he can even come to the post office on separate postal ones...
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which is controlled, that’s it, but nevertheless, you can’t relax. that’s all lukashenko does, he defends his homeland, the way its leader should defend it. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. a good morning should start with a proper breakfast. we will prepare zucchini pancakes along with red
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fish, and in addition to this we will prepare a healthy green salad. bulgu. great side dish, slow carbs, low glycemic index, gives you energy for 3-4 hours, simply amazing, we will help you choose products to make your first meal tasty and healthy. when choosing a frozen product, pay attention not only to the manufacturer’s expiration date, but also to ensure that the package contains as little ice chips as possible. a good radish is easy to identify; it should be firm and bright. evenly colored skin, let’s not forget about invigorating exercises, during exercise i do the usual rotations with my head, shoulders, knead my chest, back, that’s all easy exercises on...
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okay, big changes from july 1 affected sick leave, well, the topic is so eternal, yes, let’s make it more clear, the minimum amount of sick leave. for example, yes, that is, if it increases due to something, the indicator has changed, if previously it was focused on the subsistence level budget, now you are on the minimum wage, that is, the indicator is higher. as for the actual amount of sick leave, of course there are such serious calculations when we come to this formula fit the new formula, and here, too , there is such a certain interest of a person, yes, that is , work continuously, form a senior you will have from the first. according to the innovations, there are also certain positive aspects here, previously the calculation of the average daily
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earnings for paying sick leave, it was not calculated for all payments, that is , individual bonuses, financial assistance, they were not included, they were included in the calculation, the approaches were adjusted, now for everything , for the entire facility for the calculation of mandatory island contributions, then there is... if we are talking about real savings, about the control of these funds , including the payment of sick leave, then here is the point, it is envisaged to increase the period for calculating the amount of sick leave to 18 months, why? because if such a limited period, there were such thefts, when such thefts often happen, when earnings are inflated, before, so to speak, certain events, well, the second... the main place of work, but taking into account the earnings
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, he will be paid sick leave according to all employers, this is the calculation of the average daily earning money is no longer an accountant of an organization or an economist, this is a calculation directly by the fund, so it turns out beneficial for the person. tional resources of the fund, that is , it takes into account earnings from all places of work of a person from which he pays taxes, yes, it calculates the amount, it will be balanced, a normal topic in fact, but sick leave is about pregnant women, yes, well, those who is going on maternity leave, you remember this remark from the representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs, maria zakharova, she suggested change the name of the certificate of incapacity for work. for women on maternity leave, because they think it’s unfair to call a woman who is raising a child, yes, well, it’s clear about the component of this benefit,
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yes, what is it worth, well, if in history, where the name comes from, then in the distant future in 1917 , we adopted a maternity leave, it was called that, and maternity benefits, this leave has been there ever since, at least for us. what options does the employer have to set this duration? working week? our labor code provides for no more than 40%
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of working hours and 12 days off per year, no more, while the employer can set 34 and 36 days in his internal labor regulations, but the normal working hours, and this is now the question is rather in the economic plane. this reduced length of the working week and then this issue is really such a massive one, and that is, for all employers, the spread of different working hours and duration week, it is also very debatable, if we are talking about shortening this working week, then there are a number of areas, industries, professions that really help us live, for example, the service sector, public transport, and
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the name of our boarding homes, now if social boarding houses, after july 1, yes, we are bringing the real center of social services for the population into line, we have had this practice in the ministry for the last few years, we are compiling a rating of boarding houses from first place to 91st, social boarding house, from first to 146 if the territorial center of social services for the population, what this gives, of
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course, we understand perfectly well. in the first places, in the first places, the best, we see, we have developed certain criteria for this rating, and every year we begin work, starting from the end, these boarding houses, which are in the last tens or twenty, we examine them, we go out, a zone of special attention, a zone of special attention, we go out, we monitor these boarding houses, we take the initiative, if necessary, to the locals authorities, that something else needs to be strengthened ,
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there are not so many of them in our society, they are only 2% of them, if we are talking about recipients of payments, social benefits, then this is 2% of recipients, specifically to them this message was addressed, well, excuse me for interrupting, i want to emphasize this
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idea, our opponents, who like to criticize everything that happens in the country, yes, they pulled out the first part of the phrase, yes, and completely ignore the second: the money must reach to children. but here it turns out that this is precisely our job and the ministry to convey information, that’s why we touched on this topic today, 2% is already an indicative figure, well, some statisticians say that this is within the margin of error, but for every percentage of this there are children to whom the money did not reach, i understand correctly, yes, that’s right, and i would like to say, maraz sergeevich, this is also very important here, these are families. both with one child and a large family, that is, we cannot say that we have large families only from this category, and those measures that we accept, well, first of all, we plan to go through the entire layer of legislation, which provides for certain
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restrictions, well, first of all, this is, for example, a restriction related to the payment or assignment of family capital to the use of funds, the second is our interdepartmental... domestic hearth, and as for the control of these funds, it is provided here, again today i have already mentioned more than once the law on state benefits for families raising children, the norms of the new law also provide for controls both from
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employers on payments of funds, and so from the side of state bodies on payments to employers of these funds, that is, such an information exchange of these tools that would be harsh on such parents who...
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maraz sergeevich, this is a clearly structured support system at all levels, i’ll start first of all with wages, oddly enough, yes, the state regulates the minimum level of wages, for several years now the law has stipulated that the minimum that a person should receive is this is 30% of the average monthly wage in the country, the minimum level, the minimum wage is built exactly at this level of remuneration, and then of course you are right, these are social payments.
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the president himself congratulated mothers and newborns in hospitals, but again in europe all kinds of it are cultivated, yes, on independence day, which we passed, we gave gifts to little belarusians who were born on that day, yes, well, this is already a good tradition that we have we have existed for many years, and if in russia there is a family year, then sometimes i have it feels like we have been a family for decades. yes, it exists in the country, but to what extent
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are these examples that i have outlined unique? and maraz sergeevich, can i correct you, yes, in our opinion, this is why you are professional, but in this area, in our opinion, this is not even a decade, thirty years, since the institution of the presidency, of course, this is the direction, yes, it is developing very seriously and thanks , first of all, to the head of state, if you go through the milestones, look, yes... well, even take the last decades, as you they said, 2013, this is a direct link between the amount of the childcare benefit for a child up to 3 years of age and the average wage in the country, an increase twice a year, that is, we understand that the average wage in the country is increasing, the amount of the benefit is increasing, today it is very significant, and then this is an improvement in helping young families.
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and we will extend it for the next 5 years, yeah, this is also a task, in the future there are a lot of areas related to increasing the authority of the father in the family, this is the father’s leave, really, the father’s leave, this father's day, and a number of other areas, of which there are a lot, and indeed they are significant, so we must pay tribute that indeed... the head of state is very sensitive to these areas and
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we are constantly increasing them, strengthening these areas in support of our families . well, unfortunately, the last, semi-philosophical traditional question: the union of a man and a woman, enshrined in the constitution, was chosen by our citizens themselves, they don’t want to know anything, about the month of pride, which just passed in europe. about lgbt parades, well, the truth is, belarusian society does not accept this, we have other parades in our country, completely different, and we showed it to the whole world again, no matter how our western opponents try to hush it up informationally, but as the minister of information, i will naturally to fight this, our program is just one of the tools for this fight, for delivering the truth, so... what does
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the new minister of labor plan to work on first? well, maraz sergeevich is indeed today the institution of family and marriage, well, internationally, so let's say, first of all, in the western field, it is going through hard times, really a transformation of the position of men and women.
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