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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 27, 2024 7:05pm-7:21pm MSK

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tamara, but by that time she was already engaged to someone else, and this could not be changed. fate itself decided everything. tamara's husband soon died. the young woman was pregnant, but this did not stop ivan, who, not paying attention to the gossip, married her. bagramyan raised the born boy as his own son, and soon he and tamara had a daughter, margaritka. from a letter to his wife: do n’t worry or grieve about me, i feel good and cheerful, i can handle my work, i work as the chief of staff for marshal timoshenko, for us member of the military council nikita sergeevich khrushchev, you are satisfied with my work, i ask you to write more often, because your letters are a great joy for me. for ivan, the arrival of his beloved
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turned out to be a real holiday, from her he learned that their son was also at the victory parade on june 24, 1945... for 9 years, but despite this, until the last day of his life, marshal bagramyan continued to write her notes with declaration of love, never coming to terms with its loss.
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marshal bagramyan, owner of a unique, rich biography, full of ups and downs falls, incredible successes, tragic twists of fate. he took part in the bloodiest battles. many military operations carried out by him in history indicate that the path to victory is thorny; only those who are inspired by a sense of patriotism and the nobility of the church overcome it with honor. ivan khristoforovich bagramyan. this is the ussr, guard senior lieutenant leonid bida was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union.
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on june 29, 1945, guard major leonid beda was awarded the second gold star medal, so that you receive the latest and most useful information, the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus.
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denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland. italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day, as part of efforts to increase exports. belarus took our path, peace and openness without visas for citizens of 35 european countries. and founded.
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a historical moment, as the belarusian government called the conclusion of major deals with partners in central america. the delegation led by the prime minister held fruitful negotiations in the assembly plant building with a view. sales throughout the region, while distance is not a hindrance if there is mutual interest in an equal partnership. nicaragua is the largest for road construction and other works. there are a number of items that are interesting to us from the point of view of imports from nicaragua, first of all, these are cocoa beans for kommunarka, for spartak, this tropical fruits, including in the form of puree for yoghurt toppings, for other purposes. well, investments are also possible here from a point of view. belarus to nicaragua, because the nicaraguan side is ready to provide both part of its water lands and part of some large-scale projects, such as the construction of a port, an air harbor, roads to connect the pacific atlantic coast, and of course, our equipment
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is needed for such work. today i consider a very significant day in the history of our relations, intense, the hard work of the enterprises is all a real breakthrough in bilateral relations. the belarusians, arriving in nicarague on the 45th anniversary of the revolution, brought gifts. this is an ambulance with modern equipment, and grants have been allocated for studying at universities in belarus in specialties that are important for the country. well, the business forum confirmed that there is interest in belarusian. find new markets and effectively promote products. the principles of work in this difficult time were discussed at the belarusian trade and industry chamber at the meeting of the heads of mission. negotiations with foreign partners, decisions about...
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all kinds of family vacations, so the infrastructure is developing, significant funds are invested annually, already by the owners. more than 89 million rubles were invested, which is 1.7 times more than in the first half of last year, so i think that this trend will continue in the future. what do guests of belarusian sanatoriums still prefer? well, for example, even now in the summer, these are traditional medical programs specifically aimed at treatment of people, or maybe now spa is also gaining popularity, for example, spa programs do not use a method of application using natural healing factors, these are mineral waters and the smelting mud of our reservoirs, so today on the territory of our... the sanatorium operates 90 wells with mineral water, this is in almost every sanatorium, and people
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come to our sanatorium to receive such a service that they can get anywhere from anyone, namely mineral waters to achieve a greater healing effect, and of course, spa areas today are actively developing in every sanatorium, without exception, even in children’s sanatoriums today... of which there are also some spa elements for accompanying children in the form of rooms or individual procedures, and if we say in general about the spa infrastructure, today we have full-fledged, in general, full-fledged spa in 73 adult sanatoriums, and today this is in twenty sanatoriums. full-fledged spa complexes already, all other sanatoriums provide one or another
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spa services, so this area is developing, it is especially interesting for the western consumer, because this is a familiar type of vacation for them, as you know, in europe they especially practice spa weekends, most people go to the spa hotel, for a short period of two -three. in this list, the number of eu countries in our country exceeded 23,000 in the twenty-third year;
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at the end of the nineteenth year, this figure was only 9,000, so of course, with the introduction of a new visa-free visa for thirty- five countries, we hope that those clients who have already visited our country and felt the effectiveness. medical treatment will come to us again in the coming years, well, now what does this picture look like, these are our top visitors, from which countries do they come to us for treatment, to relax? yes, now, of course, the lion's share is from foreign citizens, these are russians, then there are residents of the cis countries, europeans, then countries, well, countries of the rest of the world, i want to say that the geography is very vast, as a rule, within a year they come to
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us residents of sixty or seventy countries come, for example, based on the results twenty-third year, the number of countries was 63, of which there were no restrictions on geography, today we have residents of different continents, including...
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deny nutrition, food quality, by the way, a balanced diet is again one from the principles of treatment of sanatorium weight processes, which is important for many today, because today the population is overweight, so our sanatorium also provides services to thousands of
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foreign citizens, sales revenue has increased compared to the twenty-second year by... 7% and exceeded 311 million rubles, that is, in equivalent, this amount exceeds 100 million dollars annually and i can already make 70 million rubles. our sanatoriums operate in a market economy, let’s call it that, of course, everything depends on demand, what is being done in our sanatoriums today to attract clients and lure them, because we all understand that today there is a lot of choice , almost in many countries there is such a thing. product, of course, we work on...
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