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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 27, 2024 9:40pm-10:22pm MSK

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"this year's me ether festival is going through work a little earlier, but this year, to be honest, we especially have big plans for the new season, the belarusian radio company, the tv news agency is preparing to launch a new information channel, and we are now in the final stage, but not only 17,
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team, without words, like, was at the beginning, a feeling of uncertainty, but i really liked everything, we saw everything was going great, super, a lot of sensations, positive emotions, i really liked it, i had a great time, wonderful emotions, good place for relaxation and it’s great that you can relax with the whole family. this is fun, joy, happiness, family, work. is bt family to you? of course, we are all together, one big team. how do you like the fieria of taste? everything is amazing, everyone put their soul into it, showed all their talents, well done, it’s not for nothing that they say that talented people are talented in everything, and television people especially. holy
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legend, crimea, even today the main media holding of the country is not resting in full force, someone was a little more lucky than our film crew, we combine pleasant things useful, but in every region of the country. there are still people who provide the broadcast, colleagues, a big greeting to you and gratitude for your work, and to you sergei the entire panorama team, veronica, well, at the end of more bright sports shots , the international crystal rose tournament continues this saturday in the capital's palace of rhythmic gymnastics. the real highlight of the competition day was the performances of alina gornosko.
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today, athletes competed for medals in the olympic all-around, competed in four age categories, children juniors, juniors and seniors, almost 200 gymnasts from 10 countries showed up for the tournament , in addition to the world leaders belarusians and russians , you can see the performance of girls from malaysia, nigeria, syria,
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that's it, our saturday evening will continue the family show, good evening, with wishes for a pleasant viewing and a great mood, i say goodbye, all the best.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly
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important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria and... set up a satellite dish satellite azerspace 1. signal the tv channel is broadcast in clear format and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. natalya viktorovna, hello, good afternoon, murat sergeevich, my first interview in the status of a minister with a person with whom we accepted new responsibilities on the same day, i would not like to compare ministries, but in short, what a new position and stability for you. what would definitely be preserved in the name is the word labor. if in a more detailed format, then this is most likely the ministry of labor and social welfare. why labor? labor always comes first. and indeed such
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worthy, productive, effective work, it provides opportunities to directly form the social well-being of the working person himself, while forming his social ones. was it easy for you to go from being an official who counted money to becoming an official who spent money? the ministry of finance is a colossal school, a financier, first of all, before making any decision, well
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, due to the specifics, of course, he immerses himself in various areas of professional activity, has a wide range of knowledge in these areas only then, and senior fellow financiers, when... the system had just arrived to young specialists, they always said that behind every budget ruble there is a person, and the truly effective use of budget funds is always for the benefit of the person, so it is really necessary...
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sometimes they even artificially restrained technical progress, so that there is no
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unemployment, well, this was such an important criterion, and the absence of unemployment in the union, this century has prepared a new challenge, artificial intelligence, we often talk about it, the consequences of sanctions are fleeting, outflow it specialist at a certain moment, the decline in the birth rate in all civilized countries, and unpopularity...
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we understand what is what, the key tasks that we need to work on, this, firstly, we need to understand, really, who the employer needs.
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than, if we are talking about the future, we really need to work, this is a forecast of the economy’s needs for personnel, this is the key task that we are working on today, in general this work began in 2018, the key ministries that work in this direction are this ministry labor and social protection, the ministry of economy creates a demographic forecast, and the ministry of education, which is already getting a poor result, but what volume?
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this option has been working for several days now, right? how's the progress in your opinion? can you evaluate it already? or while we look closely? in fact, we have a fairly large number of recipients of social payments who receive them through the banking system. well, now you know, this topic is very strong, the topic of july 1, the change in
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pension payments, yes, it started a lot of people excite, let's calm. the changes affected a small category of citizens, young pensioners living in cities, up to 70 years old, up to 70 years old, and the first thing we did when we started implementing these provisions of the law, the new law, was to meet with the banks, hold a big meeting, invite everyone banks that have contracts with the ministry of labor and social protection, and what do you think we asked them to do, we asked them to review... these are the proposals that they could formulate for our young city pensioners, cashbacks, bonuses, some attractive conditions, so they took up this work, and we see that within the framework of the information field they responded, yes, they offer something special, when you open a card, even certain enrollments,
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this system really , it’s like that, well , it gave attractiveness or something, but this new new adoption of an act of legislation, as for the future, well, more than 97%, of course, this system covered those who had to switch to cards.
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okay, here are the big changes as of july 1st we touched on sick leave, well, this is an eternal topic, yes, let’s make it more clear, the minimum amount of sick leave will increase, so they say three times, what’s more?
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once formed, they will receive 100% sick leave payment from the first day. according to the innovations, there are also certain positive aspects here. previously, the calculation of the average daily earnings for paying sick leave was not calculated for all payments, that is, separate bonuses, financial assistance, they were not included, they were not included in the calculation, the approaches have been adjusted. and now for everything, for the entire facility, for the calculation of mandatory island contributions, that is, for all wages, for all payments, the average daily earnings will be calculated,
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that is, it should increase significantly, but at the same time, if we are talking about real savings , control of these funds, including for the payment of sick leave, then here is such a moment, an increase in the period for calculating the amount of sick leave is provided. up to 18 months, why? because if such a limited period, there were such tricks, when they happen, often such tricks when earnings are inflated, before, so to speak, certain events, well, second, of course, here the control work also showed us its results, when we go out as part of the control measures to inspect how payments are made, payment of sick leave, then 45% of cases we...
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to the delight of accountants, economic services, this innovation is a calculation of average daily earnings, no longer by an accountant of an organization or an economist, this is a calculation directly to funds, so it’s beneficial for a person it turns out, of course, with the information resources of the fund, that is, it takes into account earnings from all places of work of a person from which he pays taxes, and calculates the amount of average daily earnings, they are multiplied by...
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it is not very common here and does not cause any kind of taunts or some questions from the recipients of benefits, this is rather a component, and we are following it, because we need to support, we need to support young families, young mothers, students, and in the new law on state benefits for families raising children, we are precisely that's they envisaged doubling the maternity benefit for new mothers, yes, that’s why we’re working on such a serious
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component of this, but... the name, even if it’s already what it is, let’s not hype it up, yeah, they work the most in colombia on statistics, almost 48 hours a week, in turkey 47, in mexico 45, in japan , although they say that officially there is a forty-hour work week, but 60 hours of work is not the limit, as if where did this japanese workaholism come from? russia at one time thought about reducing working time and almost about the transition to... moreover, when we also discussed this issue and considered this issue, then , after all, we probably need to look at it, well, not so clearly look at whether it is really a lot or a little, but in general, what opportunities does the employer have to establish this length of the working week? our
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labor code provides for no more than 40% of the working time and 12 days off per year, no more, while the employer can set either 34 or 36 days in its internal labor rules schedule, normal working hours, and now this is a question rather on the economic plane, is it really coping with the productivity of labor, maintaining the level of wages? he with his tasks, production tasks for this shortened working week and then this question is really such a massive one, yes, that is, for all employers the spread of different hours, yes, the length of the working week, it is also very debatable, if we are talking about reduction of this working weeks, that is, a number of areas, industries, professions that help you and me a lot.
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for example, the service sector, public transport, teachers, doctors, yes, the trade sector, again, if we say that we are shortening the working week for everyone, including for these categories of workers, then here, of course, we must understand that this is either a reduction in the provision of these services, or an increase in the number of workers, so my opinion is that in our legal field this issue is outlined quite flexibly forty hours, if there is such a need, we have provided 180 hours of overtime work, the state, which in certain industries allows, in agreement with trade unions, yes, to provide for an even higher, and so to speak, level of these standards and overtime, but by monitoring directly implementation of the norms of the decree, we see that organizations are very careful about these norms and, of course, this is
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absolutely not widespread. great, i would like to touch upon those who really need our care and social services, and there are also a lot of innovations here, in my opinion, the most important thing is the change in the model itself from a medical one to a set of social indicators, but do i understand correctly that not only the state of health will be at the forefront, but at a minimum, can a disabled person gain access to the same walks? is there an elevator, a ramp, and so on in the house, that is, things that we don’t notice in everyday life, when , well, yes, but individual belarusians really need them, absolutely true, the model is really expanding, early neediness or lack of need, and you are absolutely right,
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you gave such an example, a very good one, if we have a person who needs help, lives and he has limited mobility, for example, problems with heating, or with some conditions, then of course. he will be provided with these services, this is the delivery of firewood, yes, these certain ones are like that, it is very important, this is communication, this is help for the period of time during which he will need it, well, we will connect when it is needed, either the segment that needs it from social services, that is, in no case, not just let's say, an invasion, but help in all these directions, well, well, once a decision was made to get rid of changes and changes in these definitions in the first place, well , here we are... sergeevich, rather, we, the name of our houses is the component - this is an institution on the quality of life in these institutions that we have today. previously, if it was just care, then it was just care,
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for several years, we have this practice in the ministry: we compile a rating of boarding houses from first place to ninety-first social boarding house, from the first to 146, if the territorial center of social services for the population. what does this give, of course, we understand perfectly well, in the first place, in the first place, what will best test your erudition and intelligence, what popular nickname did this house receive? matvey, you smiled so much when you saw the answer options in front of you, what made you smile so much? i didn’t know the answer option, i intuitively answered a, well, because this house looks like legs that... pay attention to the screen to see if the transcription is written correctly words? baranovich and orsha or smargon. which city has never been represented in the hockey extra league? ilya? orzh, smargon. this is
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the correct answer. hollyfield. absolutely right. evander hollifield, american boxer, olympic bronze medalist. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. acquaintance with belarusian enterprises and such countries as germany, bulgaria, israel appeared. today we are implementing several investment projects in order to increase the competitiveness of products, an approach to de our products that we produce.
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well, there really is a problem in this, there is a need to build in this society, first of all, such rejection, clear rejection, dependency, consumerism, and of course, we
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must popularize them, we must really, where this problem does not exist, we must really talk about them, in development of this question, yes, here is a very good direction, where...
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position, this is also an indicator for use, they look if there is
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really a signal, yes, that is, it is not just monitoring, these are those families who have a signal, we understand that there is a certain threat to the river, if we say 2%, then we really know what kind of families these are, they are under control, yes, they are under control, if we see, that the situation is really getting worse, then measures are taken, and the child is placed under state protection, well, of course, we continue to work for ourselves, because... the child is happy in the family, and the parent must correct himself and take the true path, and the child must return to his home, so what about control of these funds, then it is provided here, again today i have already mentioned more than once the law on state benefits for families raising children, the norms of the new law also provide for controls, both on the part of employers on payments of funds, and on the part of state bodies on payments to employers, yes.
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social, yes, we should and can be proud.
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mrad sergeevich, this is a clearly structured support system at all levels, and i will start first of all with wages and labor. well , then, of course, you’re right, this is social payments, this is 3.4 billion for benefits to families raising children, such colossal funds, yes, this is family capital, and indeed, this is such a serious measure that over the past decades it has doubled.
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well, also, if we are talking as a social service, it was discussed today, a public association, also the red cross, for example, within the framework of the state social order, also provides this service, in the conditions of such an aging population, the annual aging of the population, this is very much in demand necessary, so all directions are indeed multiplying; they are very significant. and since we have already touched on these good traditions and our good approaches, you have seen many countries where the president himself congratulates mothers.
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