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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 28, 2024 4:50am-5:25am MSK

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at the end of the 19th century , a new historical period began for the town of stolovich, the former church of the knights of malta was transferred to the assumption orthodox community in 1868, the main altar of the temple was illuminated in the name of the holy noble prince alexander nevsky.
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originally, as it was built in 1746, it was illuminated, today the alexander nevsky temple surprises with its preserved monumentality and majesty, however, some parts of it require restoration work, especially in the reconstruction of 1639 and represented a replica of the holy hut in the italian city of loretta, as it is today in the 17th century. sincere faith. we are in the vicinity of the first commander of the order of malta in stolovichi. and this chapel. it was made as an exact
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copy of the house of the mother of god in loretto, once the knights, the crusaders, so that the turks would not destroy this house of the mother of god in nazareth, where she lived, they dismantled it brick by brick and took it to europe, then, when the authenticity of this was confirmed at home, that means... in the italian city of loreto it was built, well, put back together, this, so this building is assembled, it is called the holy hut, santa casa. according to the design of the famous architect fontana, the preserved copy of the holy hut was located inside the cathedral. the fact is that in italy, in this holy hut in this one, there is a statue of the mother of god.
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at the beginning of the 20th century, now there is already a copy of this statue, where the statue from this chapel went, it’s hard to say, it disappeared during the first world war. when the former church of the order of malta was transferred to the orthodox church, the toloritan shrine was left in the same place, and the throne consecrated in honor of the mother of god. every believer could turn to the mother of god for help. today, only small elements of decoration have been preserved on the walls of the chapel. here it was possible to serve from
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time to time there on the patronal feast day, on some other occasions the liturgy was celebrated, well , now the plans are to somehow revive this whole thing, ennoble it, it’s not so much to directly illuminate the throne here, but in any case it’s very an interesting place, few people even know that there is such an interesting shrine here.
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it is unique in its history, like a temple we don’t have it on the territory of the republic of belarus; a temple was built in the style of the vilna frill, and also the vilna baroque. later called oborok or uniad oborok, the interior decoration of the temple, it has not undergone changes to this day, we see in the front part of the temple the pomp of brawling, you realize that many generations came here to pray, stood on this tile since the time of the crusaders, here we are today in the 20th century we can also stand here and pray to god.
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yes, it’s so massive, well, this one is already possible as, how to say, already the name, already everything else. in the historical documents
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of the temple there is no information about its closure, prayer was always heard here, and in times of political vicissitudes, during difficult war years, in troubled years... persecution of the church, thanks to which it was possible not only to preserve ancient shrines and relics, but also to find on christmas week, he renewed himself and poured myrrh over the throne image of the mother of god for signs. pratery konstantin lishkevich, this is what he announced to the people who were watching this icon, the worlds acted, it streamed myrrh until the bright easter, as it were, on saturday.
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good things, well, patience gives, meekness, humility, that is, those gifts that go with us into eternity, the lord gives everything, by grace he gives everything. there is another icon in the church that is especially revered and dearly loved by parishioners, the image of the mother of god, kazan, which has an amazing feature. the peculiarity of this face, which we have here , is that the mother of god is smiling on it.
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on the walls of the temple you can also see unusual ancient images, an icon of the nativity john the baptist, the icon of the orchistratigus michael, in which the uniad style is discernible. because, as it were, the uniate style of writing is already different from the orthodox one, and
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maybe a little bit, well, you could see significant icons, because you can see that the old icon cases remained, these, by the way, these icons, which are in the form of candles and practiced over lava, that’s why these icons they put it in frames and hung it on the walls. since the church in stolovichi was not closed and was not persecuted, that is, the inhabitants of this region and parishioners. depending on parishioners and local residents the village of stoloviche of the faithful prince alexander
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dnevsky is a place of conciliar prayer, mutual assistance and support. i found these photographs in an old newspaper, which everyone always shows, a photograph taken by the german occupiers in the first world war, 1914, the greenery is very cozy, such a cozy corner, they took photographs. people came with worries, they were busy, they left everything at home, at the end the eyes glow, you look and
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think, these are other people, the parish of our church is like one big friendly family, we all know each other, for many years now, everyone is a friend for each other, we celebrate holidays together, we gather here on sundays, with common efforts, we try to make... our temple, at least through our efforts, somehow be better. the history of the temple in honor of st. alexander nevsky is richly surprising. the christian shrine has seen the knights of malta, uprisings and wars and difficult times of persecution of the church, but despite everything, it was able to survive to this day, because the main thing is faith and prayer, which has always sounded here. i wanted to say that people should not be afraid of spiritual work, because it seems heavy, but very noble,
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correct, good, and gives us a pass and a ticket to eternity, and for this there are churches, for this there are people, there are neighbors with whom we can communicate, serve our neighbors, while we serve christ himself, and our temple also attracts people’s attention, always greets people, is welcoming, if we share goodness, it multiplies, and there should be love for everyone, for everyone. love, kindness, peace. the church of st. alexander nevsky in the agricultural town of stolovich is included in the list of historical and cultural values ​​of the republic belarus. the temple is unique in its history. surprises with its surviving decoration and spiritual strength, and its venerable shrines unite
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parishioners and welcome pilgrims. with you was the program of truthfulness i am ingabelova, all the best to you. as a little girl, i played school all the time.
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i just introduce myself to them as the head of the education department, and then i just say my catchphrase, and now guys, we’re just talking, so i’m just your girlfriend or friend now and i advise all my parents, somewhere he has shortcomings, but this you need to see all the good in him and learn lessons with him, go to his events and take him aside, it’s not easy to be a leader now, firstly... 81 institutions are 81 leaders, plus the administration, plus teachers, parents, children , this is all a component, one person can never handle any question, so we have a team, this is a team of managers, deputies, this component unit produces its results, today i cannot say that i am alone, no, i always say we, we can, we
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parents and children will do any event to help us, first we... that its flagship is a person should work, how a person should rest and in general how a person should live. the secret is simple, human relations with everyone, no matter what, just human relations, good relations, yes, there are problematic issues, it cannot be done without them, today the education system is very large, we have 16,708 schoolchildren alone, plus 5,485
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preschoolers, and 2,500 are teachers, this is also a large family that needs to be selected key, and i also want the heads of an educational institution to know how to see people and praise them, remember that a kind word is pleasant even to a cat, so know how to see everyone, the main goal of the education department is, of course, to work for results, for a unified system, i was born in the vitebsk region, a district in the village, flame, my mother stayed behind, i have a large family... we each had, of course, homework, to bend a cow there in the field, to pick grass for a rabbit, to prepare dinner, that is we've been there since early childhood were accustomed to work, i am not afraid of anything today, i can do everything, so i am grateful to my parents for the fact that they brought me a lot, this is hard work and compassion and empathy, nekers, but it was such
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a golden childhood, i am grateful to my to my parents, i wanted to be a teacher, i became one, they... could help me with this, they said, yes, of course, i have a mother, she is 95 years old today, she kept telling me all the time , they collected frozen potatoes in the field, my mother often remembers now, i remember when he says, we were hiding, and says, in barn, when there was nothing, the homeland, it is sometimes alone, it is necessary to protect it, today the student is also the defender of the homeland, this is our future. therefore, children must be raised with love for their homeland, for their fatherland. i’ve been living in garbage since 2013, it’s a good homeland, so warm.
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i'm dmitry kuprianyuk, atelier and restaurateur. any theater begins with a hanger, but a country begins with hospitality. welcome. so that our city becomes even more significant, more interesting. happiness for me is when my loved ones are happy, this is the most important thing, because if those around you are happy, they are kind, they are beautiful. look at the belarus project. on our tv channel to sit
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somewhere on the sidelines, but we have no other way, we can’t live in the country without defenders, our ancestors have a long history. will the blood flow beyond these centuries, where will the homeland dry up, until the men go into battle, if the battle is dreaming, then he hopes, he hopes for love, it means he will live, oh, if a warrior fights, then he hopes, he hopes for love , it means he will
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live, over the dear of my homeland, through the wing of the battle there is no end, only the banner should not fall, son. he will pick up the banner from his father, if a warrior dreams, it means he hopes, he hopes for love, that means there will be life, oh, if a warrior dreams, it means he hopes, he hopes for love, he will live, my dear warrior, two eagles are flying in the heights, one one of them
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has black wings, the other has white wings, thank you. thank you, friends, tell me if you want me to sing a completely new song, what a wonderful audience, well, now they were recently written, and by the way, today there were already a couple of such fresh songs, and i am very happy that you you take it well, because, my colleagues, the new song is very dear to me, it’s like my emotional perception. she was not a glamorous business,
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she fed the street people as best she could, gave away the last, drank jeans and food, but we wanted more and a lot, but we thought she was wrong. well, then she left completely my homeland, my mother is my homeland, my homeland, my mother is my homeland, my advice, she didn’t feed truffles with parmesan, only what she had, but there were books, we were set to music from... she saw off sports, she was tired, but in helped everyone, sent them to the sea into formation of detachments, into institutes. the space
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of the olympics taught us to achieve everything, set goals and boldly strive for them, but we were wrong, they started talking about her offensively, but she looked into her eyes in silence, sighed, then left her homeland completely. my mother is my homeland, my soviet homeland, my mother, forgive me, my motherland, my mother, my homeland, my soviet homeland, my mother
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is forgiven. motherland, my mother, my homeland, my soviet homeland. my mother, forgive me, my motherland, my mother, my motherland, my soviet homeland, my mother , forgive me, my mother, forgive me. thank you,
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go to hell, it's just a flash in the pan on... her eyes, black as night, how he later executed himself in the carriage for not jumping off and not holding on, oh your share, my share, the long journey, oh your share, my share, black eyes, oh your share, my share , a stranger, she is a stranger.
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it’s time to forget everything, a smart person won’t go up the hill, i know, but whoever can point out where my mountain is, i again dream of being in the middle of the night, her eyes black as night, and not being able to keep me in the carriage if i come across that station. oh, you are my share, the long road, oh, you are my share, but through the windows of the dusty car, i want to cut myself on her eyes, a sting into the soul so for... that i
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haven’t become any happier, oh, you’re my share, i’m the only one on the threshold, but i can’t meet her, i can’t bring her back, oh, you ’re my share, my share! how the horses flew over your head, flew slowly in the field on the ground, you were lying in the field
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, fog along with smoke from the last battle, fog over the grass that grows under you, fog covers the flying horses in the heights, outside... fog on the scales, maybe , it’s all just a dream, but the horses on your house, like birds, fly, reflected in the open sky, the wind will carry your voice away, who is the best in the world, who has been waiting for you for a long time. the moon, the moon is shining above you, the moon is shining above her, smiling out the window, the fog along with the smoke of the last battle,
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the fog over the grass that grows over you, the fog will cover the flying horses. high up in the sky, there is fog, maybe it’s all just a dream, but the horses above your house, like birds flying, reflect in the field, barely breathing, you lay in the field above you, as if they were flying slowly in childhood . kolomiy!
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