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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 28, 2024 7:35am-8:54am MSK

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the game is over, it's time to congratulate and reward the winner. the game is over and it's time to share these final impressions. victor, how are you? well, the game was not easy, especially in the third round. i thought that i would be eliminated in the third round, but i reached the final. became a winner. of course, victor, the winner, great, he came, he saw, he won. these are the emotions from our teachers, from vasily vladimirovich, thank you very much, congratulations, thank you, it was a great game, just super, wonderful, so the sixth-graders already have their second super finalist, the name of the third super finalist, we will find out in the next program, we wish all the participants who will enter this platform good luck, all viewers of an exciting and vibrant show, see you, all the best, is it true
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that thuja is a flowering plant? i know for sure that thuja is not a flowering, coniferous plant, similar to a christmas tree, but small, about a meter high. matvey, there are different types of thujas, plump ones, taller ones. which thujas do you like best? i like plump ones better. let's stop there. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only potato pancakes. tartar was brought to the territory of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth by a visiting cartographer, he told europeans about the miracle of the tatar cutlet. the cartographer left a long time ago, but tartarus has taken root on the territory of belarus. now i 'll get to the main point.
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the tomato capital of belarus, every cafe simply must have at least several tomato dishes, here everything complements each other, the meat is supplemented with vegetables, the vegetables are supplemented with garlic and rosemary, generally perfect, just perfect, the food is anywhere near tv channel belarus 24. i am belarus,
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i am proud of this cossack land, between the forests and the past centuries, i am belarus, i am glad that i have this name, and to the good glory of belarus i know it’s not for nothing, i’m belarusian, and i’m happy , that matsimov gave me, that i can smell the songs of my relatives and close ones and from far away. i am a belarusian, and even though today i am small, i will say, i come from a tribe of pakornas and i will not succumb to death.
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how wonderful? watch on tv channel belarus 24. this is history - nature. culture, faith, people, scholasticity, adzin times you like and not you will forget more than a few days, everything here is just right. hello, on the tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24, the weekly editors club program we discuss irina kulovich,
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general director of the belta agency, pyotr petrovsky, political analyst, radio presenter, vadim elfimov, head of the department of social policy, diology, academy of management under the president.
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we are tolerant people, but why organize all this, of course, it’s difficult to explain, but it’s not some kind of fashion, well, the states said that they started this whole thing some time ago, well europe has followed them, although i have already looked, large american companies, so to speak, are refusing, have begun to abandon the policy of this gender madness, well , besides gender madness, let's look at the latest news coming from paris right now, yes today, 800,000 people cannot leave for france, and so it became right?
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i saw about the need to create an alternative, they themselves don’t know what they are doing
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and i’m sure that sooner or later, if they don’t come to their senses, this will happen, so news, zmagarskaya some propagandists wrote: the cargo carrier and the chambersants are sounding the alarm, because the mercedes davodzitsa perasajvazza on the gazelle, well done, young people, just thank you, just thank you for this on the gazelles.
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show, but if a team of refugises, refugees, that is, from all countries of the world, yes, where there are some, then oppositionists, refugees, gathers them and makes a sports team out of them. the principle, so to speak, of the olympic movement in general is national representation, these are countries this is the state, the peoples, whom they are here, and there are refugees from countries that paris bombed, unfortunately, it’s interesting, for some reason you don’t need to look, i think that there are, knowing the degree of their cynicism, they are just with this.
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the right to show the signal of the olympic games, but they stole about 150 thousand euros from us, stole them and are not returning them, everything is as it was 10, 20, 100, 150 years ago, this is what is happening, we are a colony for them, or rather belarus is not a colony for them, they would like it to be like this, they stole it and said that there would be no broadcast, there will be no money either, they don’t answer, they stole nothing, they stole it, they have the right, this is the titular nation, so i think that it is only necessary to deal with them from a position of strength. well , regarding sports, let’s do this, the main task of the olympic movement, how it originated,
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yes, it is, firstly, competition, well , rivalry, yes, competitions, secondly, to identify the capabilities, physical capabilities of a person, what he can do, how he can run faster , how he could jump further, and so on and so on, that is, in his natural state, by the way, for this there is also vada, that is, so that chemistry is not used, yes, so that there are no stimulants and so on, doping, and so on, so that a person even shows in his natural form. in general, the unnatural was on the screen of this team of transgender people, where a person no longer understands what he is, gender engineering , and so on and so forth, there is a complete violation here.
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some of our western societies need to offer an alternative mechanism for selecting athletes for our olympic games, let we should not close, but let there be parallel public olympic committees that will conduct the selection themselves, and let these athletes be from other countries, especially from countries like hungary, serbia, why not.
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dozens of countries in another non-western world, but this will also happen in sports, but of course, it seems to me that everything is involved in the economy, that’s when these countries will become independent from the american dollar, well, let’s put it simply, in mental terms, economically , financial, then it's it turns out, i read it, the americans are sounding
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the alarm, a third of the world is under sanctions, the americans are no longer able to simply monitor and control this. process, because if it has imposed sanctions, it needs to be monitored so that they are implemented, a huge number of lawsuits, a huge number of complaints, requests for clarification, and the americans themselves, thinking people, are sounding the alarm, saying that this cannot continue, because the stick it is possible, the thread can be bent, then everything will be reset, in the end, these countries will simply quit working with the american dollar, with american financial systems, then the united states will definitely not be able to influence anything, so...
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taking advantage of the fact that the heads of the most high-status media are sitting here, i want to say that belarusians will not be offended if they don’t show us such games, because this olympic principle, faster, higher, stronger, it has been replaced by the principle of meaner, lower, dirtier, more vulgar, so, you know, how in
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internet memes they write, yes, something of a healthy person, and something of a smoker, so...
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this time never passes, they are just were made in order to take measurements, so to speak, to test biden to what extent he is capable, and how easily they passed
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from biden to kamali haris, it was clear that these were even speeches prepared in advance, because kamala haris had previously been unable to connect three words, but suddenly she suddenly spoke quite logically, at least some related things, well, because only in america they put a souffléor in front of the president, so now there will be a connected speech and... that everything will be fine with him now, and i would said that the most important coup d’etat did not take place, because trump is alive, you and i understand perfectly well that this really, maybe god protected him, maybe something else, but this is a pure coincidence, yes, then at that moment when they shot, they shot almost to death, from a very short distance, he just jerked his head, that’s all, and then instinctively his, as they say, healthy psyche kicked in, he didn’t start running and rushing around there. and crouched down and left the shelling sector, well, then the matter was already covered it was finished, after 43 seconds, which means this sniper has already
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been shot by secret agents, listen, in 43 seconds you could kill fifty people, but not with a machine gun, i mean, when you know, there is shooting, yes, panic, you we saw how people behaved, someone crouched, someone ran, and so on and so forth, at that moment in 43 seconds we could determine where the shots were coming from, and find this person, and they were leading him. and this psychological moment the democratic party, the advantage that trump received, skillfully, the pr people there actually did a good job, because look, now
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2 weeks have passed, everyone has already forgotten about the assassination attempt, and no one is discussing it anymore, they are already saying that they are already throwing out information that harris is catching up with trump, it will soon be overtaken, work has begun, first , which means they interrupted by saying that where biden was, he suddenly fell ill, then he suddenly died, then he died, then something else, everyone switched attention, this is a very cunning one. removal, yes, they removed it, and then they slipped in kamala haris, and now who will be his vice president, there’s something else there they took me away, this topic no longer exists, but by the way , a real coup was actually being prepared, and i would say this, today kamala haris, she, of course, well, i don’t want to predict, yes, but my opinion is this, imagine the situation, although it was planned, yes, but to start the election campaign, yes, three months in advance, that is, almost half the previous period, they had not promoted another one.
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this expression is very strong in the united states, everyone understands perfectly well that for 4 years biden said something, something represented, yes, but did not decide anything, everything was decided by this very thing, and it was important for deepstate in these elections to remove these two elders who were preventing, yes, from updating the policy, why it was necessary to remove trump, because it was necessary so
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respectable from...
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different, pompeo recently wrote an article about trump’s actual plan, as he said, for ukraine, well, they play in ukrainian, both of these candidates, both parties are interventionists in foreign policy, that is, they are different they will try by means achieve and strengthen american hegemony, so we don’t even need to hope for the victory of one or the other candidate around ukraine.
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and dominate, but i will also give an opinion about kharis, just one episode so that you understand that this is biden in a skirt, let’s listen to her sweet story, and my mother told a funny story about how she once with me, i was furious then, performed by mom, this sounds much funnier, in short, she looked at me from top to bottom and asked what you need kamala, and i raised my head and answered freedom.
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miraculously, she reached kamala haris 60 years later, she decided to basically pass off this story as a story that happened to her in plain sight. now i was listening to both peter and... and vadim, you know, i have the feeling that we are now only discussing what was shown to us from behind the screen, these doll figurines, yes, but that deepstate, about which peter remembered, this is centralization, this is dictatorship, one candidate is shot, the second candidate is pushed into a corner for 3 days or four, even more, hidden from the american the people, the current president, do you understand where the power is? power is in money, here power is not in truth, power is in money, and this money must be created in conditions so that it can continue to be earned. what does america make money from? the fact that she constantly sponsors wars.
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we know this very well. and today , this showcase that they played for us, added action, added blood, perhaps trump would have been killed, yes, it would have been a completely different story. general secretaries who died, how many films have been made, how many stories, how shameful it is, closed, they gathered these elders there and removed them from power, but what was happening now in the usa is simple, this is medieval palace at its worst, some kind of
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showdown in some kind of tsarist british dictatorship, in a country that he always boasts that everything is very open and transparent with them, in fact, grandfather was pushed into a corner, this one yes... resolving issues regarding money elimination, well , maybe such a strange analogy, but look at this murder of irina farion, what happened, yes, what they said just now the ultra-right, what they said, they are solving an internal issue in this way, eliminating the split in ukrainian society, they took it upon themselves, as it were, that they did everything, here is another, another demonstration of how they are supposedly resolved democratically.
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few people focused on the fact that in fact, the removal of biden and the murder, the attempted murder of trump and the subsequent removal of biden is a confession, this is a sincere confession of this american deep state that it is guilty of the attempt. assassination attempt the president, because if he had been killed, it is clear
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that trump would have continued, biden would have continued the race, that is, this is the first moment, the second moment, well, we are historically so involved that many of our people follow the american domestic agenda in great detail, because our people are educated, unlike the western world, if only we would also be allowed to vote, of course, i even remember.
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i want to say that at present,
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unfortunately, neither kamala haris nor donald trump are our allies, no matter which of them becomes in november, they will continue this sponsorship wars, because they earn a lot of money, and dmitry alexandrovich is right, and even before dmitry alexandrovich, that’s all, marx said, there is no crime that capital will not commit for the sake of 300% profit. but the russian federation is no longer the same as it was during the negotiations in minsk in istanbul. you saw nebendi’s speech at the united nations, which was extremely harsh regarding the fact that only on the conditions put forward by putin and no preliminary ceasefire for a possible regrouping, the russian mill is grist. once again, the results of the front, if we look, yes, how many weapons have already been allocated, everyone was shouting that now the advance of the russian army there will slow down, now ukraine will go into line.
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in order to concentrate the attention of our viewers, the very attempt to assassinate trump suggests that this is a non-system candidate, he is not part of the system, deep state is fighting against him, and i am deeply convinced that the previous period when trump was president, we simply did not allow him to do what he would do in the state, maybe maybe, yes, but somewhere in the depths of the ruling circles there is an understanding that the united states needs to be saved, we need to return to the concept of isolationism, in other words, the united americas are too... spread out, yes, we have to pay too much on debts and so on, this is starting already destroy the united states of america itself. putin, when he went to the dprk, yes, he turned the situation into a dangerous one for the united states of america, because in america they realized that putin and kimchunin could agree on some technical issues, yes, these conflicts, yes,
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twist, stir up back and forth, as long as it doesn’t threaten them, from this point of view, i’m convinced, even pompeo’s speech, now... note that trump has not yet told any specific program, like kharis, like kharis, well harris for obvious reasons, and trump simply does not want to lose votes, he does not want to specifically identify what he will do, he is a kind of general message: i will drain the swamp there and so on and so on, so today everyone is fighting for him, yes , everyone is fighting for him, pompeo is there, someone writes something, something else and so on and so forth, i just draw you to the point, zelensky, why zelensky, as soon as biden began to lose his position, he immediately asked for a call. i was talking with trump about i just wanted to put on an episode, so i called, and trump, what surprised me most was that trump picked up the phone and answered why, i’ll explain, because in fact, zelensky did not allow trump to be elected at one time, because that zelensky had dirt on biden, burisma and so on and so forth, and biden, 5 years flew by
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quickly, flew by quickly, now this is what to do, he calls trump, but since biden has already been removed, it means that the price is... the compromising evidence that zelensky has on biden, it is already practically zero, what could he offer him? i think that despite the fact that biden could have sent him there as the same netanyahu, but not to say hello and so on, he still answered, i think this is what happened, look, after a conversation with trump on the phone , i believe that trump is more beneficial for us, yes, he is ready to end this war on some terms; we will not accept the war has begun. from a purely economic, because they have already let europe down, now their main enemy is china, and to strengthen china with an alliance with russia and north korea, they in no case should initiate a criminal case against kuleb, because in russia, in ukraine
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negotiations with they are in the russian federation illegally, he flew there immediately in an interview there is such a tv channel tsn, he said that i didn’t say anything.
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end this war, this is a war machine, you are facing a war machine, this is what they do, they fight wars, they won
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hitler, they defeated napoleon and the spring offensive never happened, and i said the russians have millions and mines and thousands of army tanks, i said we should go for low, i kept them low, i kept gas prices low since the new government took office, oil has risen in price by nearly $100 a barrel, double what it was before school buses broadband in louisiana, poland and nato's northern flank. those who are watching know what we are talking about. perhaps
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the illusion of adequacy prevents her prepare or even think before speaking. the democratic delegates who are going to chicago should think twice before handing over the furrows to her. kamala harris is telf yet it seems the democrats are fully committed to their death spiral, pursuing the disastrous biden, they are now throwing their energies at someone even worse, kamala harris, she seemed staggeringly terrible. unruly, underdeveloped and incredibly uncharming, she scored 3% before dropping out of the presidential race in '20, fake awkward, embarrassing, even downright evil, these are some of the key terms that well, it’s clear and i, as a woman, wants politics, by the way , it’s interesting for another 25 minutes after she was first introduced by the ambassador, before entering the stage to the soundtrack of a tune usually reserved for the president, exactly interferes, you hear immediately and you can see your own.
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begins all over the world, we are waiting, why do they need media salivation every 4 years, for one simple reason, this is
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the element with which... they choose, and now it’s from this person the universal future depends, i’m talking about my games, precisely in order to find out something is wrong, you made an absolutely correct reservation, you said that they would choose in washington, so what i’m most afraid of is that they will choose the next leader in washington, not in the usa , because we remember the night of voting for trump or biden, when these curves were like this, suddenly within an hour or two biden had sharp
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gotta get rid of this guy, maybe then we'll pick his opponent, but you can see our senators standing up in the crowd like if chinese officials had come on january 6 and said: yes, yes, go away, you know you can, how we would have liked it, if chinese leaders had come and said: yes, we were with you 100%. american senators, standing in kiev, tell the demonstrators, we are 100% with you. history newland famously passes the cookies around, but it was much, much longer than that, during the weeks of february 214 there was a violent coup. that's when this war began. this war didn’t even start in 2020, it started in 20-14 years. this was the beginning of the war it was a violent coup that overthrew the ukrainian president, who wanted neutrality. when
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he and his security officers were violently overthrown. they told him: they will kill you, so he flew to kharkov, and then on the same day he flew further to russia. the us immediately, within a nanosecond, recognized the new government. this is a real revolution. this is how the cia conducts its regime change operations. i want to say that i immediately project onto belarus at least three such attempts were on the territory of the republic of belarus, how to arrange it, who to involve, how to get the people out there, a certain part came out there.
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a huge number of reports on the internet from british and eec countries, at that time britain was still in the eec, the media, as they believe, were quite respectable, a huge number of reports that the nazis had come to power in ukraine and had already practically seized it, well, 2014 happened, almost they killed yanukovych,
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carried out a coup d'etat, aristovich describes further. how ukraine developed. home it’s our mistake that ukraine was created within the borders of the ninety-first year as a multi-ethnic and multicultural state, because mono-ethnic, mono-cultural ukraine has much smaller borders, these are about nine western regions, without access to the sea. they began to make a upa dugout out of it, a huge polyphonic, multicultural, polysymphonic country, they began to push the upa dugout, naturally, all normal people, looking at this, ran away from here, or went into internal migration, because a forced change of self-identification never led to good, gradually it acquired extreme forms, one maidan, the second maidan, especially after the second war and so on, these are extreme forms, extreme in relation to which, well, even those who no longer think much about such things as self-identification, strategic perspectives, people began to think, what should i even... should i do in a society where i am forbidden to listen to the music i want, it’s impossible, you know that you can’t send a russian book across ukraine, and you know that you can’t quote russian-language sources in science, for example, and mendeleev also cannot be quoted, it is impossible, it is impossible, you scoundrel,
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all 8 ukrainian philosophers who were represented in the european and world cultural space, 15 were squeezed out of ukraine by a system of denunciations from their students and colleagues in the department. in ukraine , such a continuous thirty-seventh year is simply in ukrainian. we have a collective stolinenko strangling the country, forcibly trying to change the self-identification of millions of people, voluntarily more than one sensible person who is asked to break down, to give up from self-identification, to lose his dignity, he will never voluntarily want to deal with this social system, much less die for it, this is a brief description for you of 33 years of development of ukrainian statehood, by the way, i want to remind you, if i’m not mistaken, in relation to him we have a criminal case has been opened, he is an extremist, well, i think that they are asking me that the man is very clear and... well, he just said from the inside, he is of course a rogue, i am sure that he knew this even when he poured it into the ears of his fellow citizens throughout, he carried out what he now criticizes, he does not criticize, he tells
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what he himself did, so it’s so clear, cool, but i want to draw attention again that this is the path that we should have taken, but it would be even cooler than - i want to say that everything we have is protective, right? as a matter of fact, these were all inventions from the very beginning, yes, but the whole state, state policy was built on these inventions, why could this be, because
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the historical memory was fought off from the beginning the elite, the intelligentsia, and then the people, so when we today pursue a policy of preserving historical memory, we preserve the state, we preserve the people, we preserve our world, because probably... the president, among other things, is not only an economist, yes, a politician, a manager, he often emphasizes, and it seems to me that i’m like a historian, feeling this historicism in him, as it were, he says: i’m a historian by training, this is exactly how it is, so when our president preserves historical memory, thereby he preserves ours, who has no, whoever doesn’t honor the past has no future, no future, and perhaps regarding the visit of his head of state to the russian federation, we are now in the middle.
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we understood perfectly well that, of course, this is not helsinki, but for some reason they remembered the initiative of belarus helsinki 2, when it turned out that this is valaam, for some reason this helsinki 2 somehow came up for me again, because it feels like making some very important decisions, and two presidents are again going to a place that is very important and so sacred for the slavs and for orthodox people, i have a feeling that there is an understanding of the processes, the importance of these historical moments, an understanding of the importance of history. the importance of religion, the importance of fundamentals, that’s how the place is, including strength before making some important decisions, and some spiritual scrapings, it seems to me that this is not accidental, because this is not the first time they have been in alaam, but
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the third time, it was possible find some other places, but we went exactly there, probably also in order not only to talk about belarusian-russian relations, we understand perfectly well what will be talked about foreign policy, and this is some kind of special place, it seems to me that it is already on the map, i assume that it is one of the key issues of the negotiations.
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this is what aristovich said, because this is the sincere desire of an ordinary ukrainian person, now aristovich is broadcasting the thoughts of ordinary ukrainians, they want to speak in the language they are used to, listen to music, read, walk calmly, and on the ground, but naturally everyone doesn’t want to fight, but does the ruling elite want it, i deeply doubt it, well, now it’s broadcasting, it’s one thing broadcasts, but something else, moreover, i will say that...
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take control of this situation, since they are realists, since they see what is happening on the front line, since they are tired of these senseless deaths, only then will there be any - there is progress, while this criminal junta is sitting in kiev, they are all, they have all their accounts abroad, they were all bought long ago, rebought, and their only goal, speaking now suddenly about negotiations, is to stall for time from my point of view, because a question of life, here again. you said it right
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that they were bought, rebought, and i would even say in a different way that all of them are special services, these terrorist, extremist, this is a continuation of western special services, so they advised and trained, com zaluzhny, where he ended up, the minister of defense, he ended up in the uk , that is, many even say that three floors in the sbu are divided between the cia and mi-6, that’s why.
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the american state, which option will it choose regarding the crisis in ukraine, in relation to, or will they continue to drag out this, unfortunately, deadly for ukrainian people will finance the conflict and finance it, which is very likely, or they will look for some opportunities to preserve it, which is also not very beneficial in order to unleash another hot conflict somewhere else, perhaps in the middle east. and we remember dmitry aleksandrovich, we said this about the fact that the key rap point is november 24 from the very beginning of the northern military district, we said until the elections are held by kruger, in my opinion, yes, with us.
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many people ask us, what should we do with this krieger? well of course, honestly speaking, as for me , it’s a pity to even waste a bullet on this scoundrel, of course, on the territory of the european union, germany, there are patriots in prison, for example, such a patriot of the union state as krasikov, who eliminated one bandit on the territory of the eu, of course, it would be great for him change, but just change.
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and his president, a presidential candidate, almost turned his head with a bang, that he was talking about some kind of railway somewhere on the territory of belarus, he might not even doubt that his hand wouldn’t tremble, and he wouldn’t misha, not the cia, we heard jeff sachs talk about how they work, there are thousands of examples, i like our time because, in general, no one hides anything, before such things were openly, so to speak, hardly in the usa sounded.
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yes, i agree, thank you, it was a club of editors, see you in a week, goodbye,
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we arrived in the umyadel region, in a village called.
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this is a collection, i didn’t even realize that there were so many types of samovars, look at these are so beautiful, discover belarus together, with the belarus 24 tv channel. we follow the sports life of our country. the belarusian school of batuta again shows a high class. the winner of the fourth stage of the swiss world cup was belarusian stanislav yaskevich, oleg ryabtsev took bronze. congratulations to our guys. a result that, to some extent, can be considered historical in terms of the medal count in our sport. belarusian athletes completed their performance at the brics sports games, having won 247 medals.
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results and achievements will not work speak. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world, take a linguistic walk in the company of our guides, and find a new place. on the map of belarus, which is definitely worth watching, as well as suggesting projects and
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