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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 28, 2024 4:00pm-4:51pm MSK

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here they unite in a creative impulse. this festival is living evidence that we are together, ready to help each other achieve peace. thus, tinolak is a celebration of the ethnic and cultural diversity of the province. the new gas giant in the system discovered by the ueba space telescope is striking in its parameters. a super jupiter with a mass six times that of our gaseous one. the giant has a unique orbit that requires up to 250 years to complete a full flight around its star, while it is 15 times further from it than planet earth from the sun. scientists have long suspected the presence of a large planetary object around this star, located twelve light years away, but did not expect it to be so massive. this star really is. interestingly,
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it has been known for more than 20 years that it accelerates and moves under the influence of gravitational attraction. we decided to point the telescope at the star to try to get the direct image of the planet that was claimed in the radial velocity data. we have received information we immediately saw that there was a point source, but it was in completely the wrong place, so at first we were somewhat confused. we had to do a lot of work to understand what exactly was happening there, why what we see is not at all what we expected, but in the end we were able to make sure. that we are observing a new planet. will you be in london? don't miss the paradox museum metro station. feel free to go out, you won’t regret it, and you will be impressed for a long time. what is a museum paradox? will be immersed in an illusion or will feel out of place on your plate. in addition to unrealistic thrills , the memory of a fabulous adventure will remain in photos and video materials, in a word, a museum in shus. each exhibit is designed with
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photography in mind, and people leave the place with memories on their smartphones. this is a very important argument for the entertainment industry. an old style museum is boring, a new style museum is a place where you find entertainment and communication with the whole family or company, and here you can return at any time, looking at it. interactive exhibits and 25 immersive halls the museum's curators offer to defy gravity in an upside-down room, unravel the mysteries of the paradoxical sofa, visit inside a giant collidoscope and try not to get lost in the intricate curves of the mirror labyrinth. you have
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90 minutes to do everything about everything. by the way, paradox museums, which appeared in 2022, exist all over the world, with a branch of dancers and musicians from the balkans. the sarajevo folk festival dressed them in colorful traditional outfits. in the old town of the ottoman empire era processions, concerts, theatrical performances and even film screenings are organized. the pleasant atmosphere of the holiday became an addition to the cult. united states, china and germany, the number of tourists is growing from year to year. attracts tourists. the history of the city, the heritage
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of the islamic, ottoman, jewish, orthodox and roman catholic religions, which is also reflected in the architecture and gastronomy of the city. his name is equivalent to the name of god, this is russian mythology. the artist has truly climbed the olympus of the ballet pantheon. the characteristic dancer hit the russian big stage not from the first step , a review from the ministry of culture said the shots separated him from his stage dream. national ones must be consolidated locally. go home to riga. at the state opera and ballet theater of the latvian ussr, he danced in corsair and raymond. for the main role of life, krasus in grigorovich's spartacus, for her the series received stalinka in the image of a roman commander literally a hundred times. he toured together with plesetskaya, but the artist’s contribution to world ballet art, paris academy of dance awarded a prize named after marius petipa. nature did not rest on the children of the lenin prize laureate in academics. art
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came from ilzy and andris lieppa. the date of the week is july 27. day of the great beautiful maris liepa. you looked around the planet. thank you for being and staying with us. come in. on the website www.tvr watch your favorite projects of the television news agency online, goodbye.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the field events, current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey,
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iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan. lebanon. set up a satellite dish azer space 1 satellite . the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and open belarus for myself.
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it is generally different, probably, from many structures, in that it is clear, organized, comfortable, fast, convenient, any employee is always tactful, polite, but in general the team is very good, friendly, my experience is working in the press services of large structures already totals... years, 8 years i was the head of the press center of the dsaf of the republic of belarus, worked in the central council of the dsaf, for 5 years now i have been working in the minsk metro as a press secretary, i came out of journalism myself, then there were printed military media, served in the far east, in kamchatka, was also a correspondent, organizer,
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head of department, after that there was also work on military television, was first deputy general director, editor-in-chief, you may be a little surprised, but for some reason i always believed in in my childhood and adolescence, that... journalism is, in principle, the prerogative of girls and women, somehow it seemed to me something not very serious in terms of not such a job for a man, but it was precisely the concept of military journalism that interested me, and she is generally related to work in various military teams, to be honest, here i am at a military school, my direction was airborne troops, i trained in the kaunova airborne division in 1985, very successfully, in journalism i was supposed to graduate from airborne newspapers. airborne troops, but it so happened, in general, fate is a villain, one might say that already in the fourth year of graduation , instead of four people, only two people were given to the airborne troops for distribution. it turned out that my friend, there were four of us friends, and my this comrade is a sad pity, he worked at the headquarters
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as a clerk, worked part-time, and he quietly signed me up for the navy, talked to the officers about the fact that a person doesn’t get there, so that we could all communicate more together, all literally 2 weeks before graduation i... already i changed my uniform, already gave up the airborne troops, received a naval uniform, everything went straight off the ship nabal, so to speak, the navy, and some time after graduation. when we shouted for the last time, at that moment the ringing of copper is heard, because everyone is holding in their fist coins, and as soon as we all let go and the ringing of coins, that’s it, it’s just a magnificent sight, so we lined up on the parade ground, walked through for the last time, read out who was going where, that’s it, they suddenly immediately told me that the airborne troops, we made it before that, my wife and i got married literally a week ago, had a cadet wedding... everything, and then we got together with my wife and went to the far east. the main, main
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task of the press secretary, here is the press secretary of the minsk metro, is to ensure the information security of the enterprise, well they also say, in the field of public relations, that is, without fail, i study during the day, morning and evening, i study various media, what publications there are about us, what publications about transport, everything related to this, well, it’s probably very important for the press secretary operation. you just need to live the life of the enterprise, live the life of the entire team, i was lucky
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that when i came, we were just celebrating the thirty-fifth anniversary of the minsk metro, and i was one of those who was tasked with making a book about the minsk metro, so thanks to this, i traveled through all the services, met all the heads of services, the teams, because i photographed them and prepared some information partially about them, with all the structural divisions, departments, sectors, laboratories, that is, well. .. in fact, in six months i became acquainted with most of these key metro figures, after 5 years of working in the mensk metro, in principle i already know, well, probably, well, if not all, then absolutely most of the accents, i know a sufficient number enough information i have a lot of knowledge on all key topics, i myself am interested in this, and every person who works with the media needs to know this, i am the only press secretary, i have no assistants, we have a team of more than 500 people, well... i hope i’m coping, i hope it’s working out, but the amount of work, of course, is quite significant, working with
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the media, of course, this is working with television media, this is work with print media, by the way, i still haven’t sheathed my pen, i’m writing weekly, every week in the transport safety newspaper, this republican newspaper, i write two pages about the minsk metro, about its people, about events, even about cultural, social life, sports, that is, everything is production-based. in the foreground, of course, here - well , it’s also working with the site, i fill the site with information and photographs, myself, the departments, which sections are those that are the main page and others, well , for the past 15 years, it’s been like, uh, well, not bad i take photographs, probably, in general, i must say that the management always meets halfway and equipped with good photographic equipment, well, my hand doesn’t seem to be trembling, everything is working out, that’s what’s interesting about the work, of course,
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from the moment of its creation it was somehow created , it sets up for some kind of organization, already with some kind of community of people that is aimed at work process on process, so that there is safe movement of trains, so that there is comfort for passengers, something like this, well, probably, take anyone, this is a woman who cleans at stations, we affectionately call them mummies, cleaning machine drivers, our mummies, that is, well kindly, they have their own hobbies, some mothers with many children, they have their own hobbies for children.
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a train with passengers with ours, with everyone to lead, firstly, both the first train and the first guests, which was very responsible, of course, the driver-instructor supported me, but i still drove the train, that’s why it was very, very it was exciting at the same time as i was overwhelmed by the years that here i was, a young driver already, i was going to become
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a driver on the railway, it wasn’t that easy, i didn’t have to learn and i’m happy to learn a lot, i’ll say. so, well, often when we are at the depot, of course, television journalists, print media, well, of course, we always look at ivan sla merovich when we do personal work about him, but when, of course, that he is now educating young drivers, teaching, already how many came out from under him, he also examines them on simulators, special simulators that simulate all the work of a driver in the metro itself, so the experience is enormous, but he always says, yes, there is a certain excitement when it was then, although he ... had already worked for the belarusian railway, introduced him to the trains on the belarusian railways, but still everything in the metro was new, everything was again, and of course, he had to adapt in a new way, well, he’s a professional, that is, he is older in terms of experience than the metro in terms of work experience, because the belarusian railway was also in the biography, well, that’s all, the same age as the metro in terms of work experience, here’s 29
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eighty-four, that’s how he started working, and he hasn’t changed his whole life essentially main so conscious in local metro, my son works here too, this is very valuable, he passes on some of his knowledge to him, in his field, so well, we look up to the veterans. belarusian income, which is its jumping ability, is important for the time being in education and training. russian classicism, it is mostly found in modern architecture. halounae, if they were great, such
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recognizable forms. you are a great two men, flanking the non-agate palace, such eight... old-timers and all this new everyday life and the most popular tsikava. history of creation significant cultural aspects in the region. the basic elements of the saletsky garden are based on two algeas, whose historical features of architecture are associated with the earliest baronial functions. these palaces would have been drained, and in the 19th century, when the money appeared and in the future, they would have been published in the style of incompetence.
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“let’s start some kind of war now, we are all peaceful people, but if you are in danger, we must be able to protect ourselves. financial stability and indeed the provision of social transfers, social payments to our citizens is task number one.
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now we are in the driver’s cabin of a train of the previous generation, in particular the st. petersburg train, so what we see here is that the mouseman himself is quite close near the panel. control, he has to, let's say, manually manage the process of controlling the train, that is, there are corresponding levers, there are pedals, in general, in principle, there is still no system here... there was no air conditioning, in general - then, well, well, let's say so, a more labor-intensive process is occupied by the work of a driver, well, in this depot, as in all depots
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, there are both train drivers who work on the lines, and there are also shunting drivers, so today i would like to introduce you to vasily nikolai vladimirovich, this is speeding and drive the train safely. we immediately descended into the portal, that is, from the surface space, descended underground, into our beloved subway, now we will go to the automobile factory line, and after
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a while - for the first time we will have the opportunity to as part of the creative team of the tv channel belarus 24 - to move from the second line to the third, in principle, no one has ever done such filming before, today the train is controlled by a rather experienced driver, although young in appearance, but we have very experienced ones, they quickly navigate everything situations, this is pavel chistov, here is pavel, well, tell me a few words about how our route will run, well, now a blue traffic light will light up for us, allowing indications, we will go with you to the main route of magerevskaya station and beyond let's go to the pushkinskoye station, we haven't taken journalists before, no, no, for the first time, that is, this is the first time and you have a debut, he has a debut, that's all, but we distract the driver while driving, he must strictly fulfill his duties.
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there are a lot of so-called curves, that is , turns, various ascents, descents, and naturally, it is on the descents and turns that the rails themselves wear out the most, it happens that at night you have to change a certain amount of the rail line in order for it to be safe, but as a rule, again, this is on curves, on turns, because the greatest load is on the metal, but our workers manage to do this at night, and in the morning the passengers do not feel this, they already travel calmly in the morning from 5:30. to work, somewhere else, and don’t even think that so much work has been done,
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well, here we are at the dead end of pushkinskaya station, basically that’s it, you can’t go further... trains spend the night here, well, there’s such a common thing opinion, as if the trains are turning around, they don’t turn around, they just come to a dead end, then the driver, here now pavel will move to another cabin , movement begins in the opposite direction, pavel, show how this happens, dispatcher. dispatcher, hello, forty-third from the second main bagushevich, as you can hear me, correctly connected, i heard.
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i can hear you well too, i’m leaving. we follow the sporting life of our country. the belarusian school of batuta again shows a high class. the winner of the fourth stage of the swiss world cup was belarusian stanislav yaskevich with oleg ryabtsev taking bronze. congratulations to our guys. the result, which in some way degree can be recognized as historical by the oval of medals in our sport. belarusian athletes completed their performance at the brix sports games, having won 247 medals. we review the most
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interesting event. the chicago blackhoaks club selected our fellow countryman in the draft with the second overall pick, and this is the highest result of the angel talent fair for us, history. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. i was pleased and also pleased with the performance of our ska, because not a single victory of bgk over them was easy. now the generation has already arrived that understands that if they don’t study in the summer, then in the season they will feel very bad, about some results and achievements. it’s impossible to talk, all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. i love singing very much and dream of becoming a famous artist. could you please hold a mini-audition for me now to assess my chances? well, let's sing something. there beyond the dawns.
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behind the fogs in the silence of the forests and fields it’s beautiful, and it would be interesting to know if there are any statistics on reliability and safety, or maybe there are any safety criteria for your airline? of course, of course , there are statistics, and there is such a concept of punctuality, this is again related to flight safety, let's turn 180°, yellow sector, please, your question. what hidden talents do you have? i 'll tell you, somehow everything in my life, i walked out on stage, i immediately started singing. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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big! and a joyful event , train traffic on the first section of the minsk metro opens 6 months ahead of schedule. well , the minsk metro appeared, probably, thanks, well, first of all, probably to two people: the first person is the millionth resident, who was born on january 25, 1972, his name was oleg basko, why the millionth resident was so dear to minsk and the minsk metro, because that in the soviet union there was an unspoken opinion that...
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objects, that is, they are, in general, of special control, of special significance, that takes place in an underground space, there are a number of restrictions on connecting electricity to, let’s say, there must be a constant air exchange, an influx of fresh air, some noise parameters, a special fire-extinguishing safety system, that is , everything here is specific and designed so that maximum safety of every passenger, every metro worker from... move to the metro in the correct way. so one of the passengers was carrying a snake with him, and a poisonous snake at that, that is, well, you also had to be vigilant here. there was a situation when i ran away a small dog into the tunnel, we had to stop the movement, our employees found it and returned it to the owner, well, even to the point of banality
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, they once told a story, but it was a long time ago. apparently a live carp also fell on the way and the owner asked that, well, after all, her, let’s say, prey, one might say, was taken away from the store, so that, in general, it could be returned.
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because the sappers worked for a very long time, the warehouse was huge, that is, well, there were such interesting ones, there were moments when station representatives had to change the course of the shveslych river for some period, and for a very short period, literally , in my opinion, only a few days, the riverbed was returned to its place in order to do certain types of work. the minsk metro, like all other metro systems in the world, apparently also performs the function of a protective structure, that is, in the event of some emergency, natural disasters , a significant number of minsk residents , probably guests of the capital, can take refuge in it, so naturally many moments are provided, and special bolts , there are so -called shutters that, let’s say, close
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at certain moments by our specialists when a certain number of people accumulate, then also certain life support systems, air supply, clean air, also the provision of drinking water, night training and yes... to the point that they put up such special fountains right on the platform has hatches, they open, such fountains are connected, drinking water is supplied to people who are on the platform, it is acceptable that people can be accommodated in trains that are placed at stations, in the event the need even in the tunnels to fill people, that is, so that as many people as possible can use the subway to protect themselves from certain unfavorable factors. we do a lot in the metro to talk about the rules of safe behavior in the metro, especially for children. last year we completed work on the third series of animated films; an animation was made about the rules of safe behavior in the subway. well, the experience was interesting because we came up with the characters ourselves, this
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there was pasha, dasha, pasha - a hooligan who is always in a hurry, disrupting something, dasha teaching him something, and of course, the main character was mitrovich. this is how our minsk metro is cleverly designed, do you want it? to the park with cotton candy you need to get on the escalator in just 20 minutes you will arrive at the desired station, oh, this is a turn, who behaves like this, you shouldn’t allow those who argue with rules here, even though the escalator is steep, it’s still safe here, he is the very first of those who appeared, this is such a collective image of a person who controlled by the metro and... who knows how to do everything and what to do, but how was the image created? well , the legend says that the prototype was the real head of a station, one of our stations, we have two stations there, kozhidub vladimir mikhailovich, he’s working now,
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our veteran, but he doesn’t refuse, he says, yes, so be it, let him it will be like this, that’s it, dmitrovich fought me, and after that, of course, these leaflets began to appear, of this type, they are in the compositions, we distribute them on... on the subway safety day, to different children, so that those who go with their parents, so that they know how to introduce themselves correctly, the most typical, the most basic rules, and we also have a large mitrovich doll sewn, she is different, more positive, good-natured, he is a large two-meter figure , in which our animators, guys work, our electromechanical employees mostly, children and adults, first of all , of course, must know how to behave in the subway in order to travel safely. the work of a press secretary involves not only, let’s say, such an external aspect, when you imagine the metro in smart suits, let’s say, in a tie with a white shirt or something else, well , naturally, there should be
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a whole row of jackets, that is, for about eight jackets, there are a dozen ties , of course there are shirts there so you can quickly change something, well, there is also the kind of work clothes that we wear during emergencies ministry exercises, for example, during special forces exercises... for construction, setup, we also announce the same clothes, it must be helmet, that's because settings, well, when we go into the tunnel at night, after that, usually at about 13, or rather at 2:30 am, the tension is removed from the contact realism without fail, we all put on reflective vests like this, we sign up at the duty stations with a special log, she is responsible for all the people who are at this moment in... they must tunnel, then she must make sure that everything, well, yes, there is also something from the previous one
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to be taken into account as well when they all leave how to register everything , everyone should, let’s say, service, that’s when i am a captain of the second rank in the reserve, i am a member of the belarusian union of military sailors, well, in general, after almost 30 years of service in the navy in the armed forces of the republic of belarus, so... i went into the reserve at one time, so then, now in a peaceful civilian life, for 8 years now , as the head of the press center of the dsaf, for 5 years now as the head, press secretary of the minsk metro.
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what meaning do modern icon painters put into their work, and so that it is not all in vain, so that it helps to pray? to help people repent and become churchgoers. how are sunday schools taught today? one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one creativity lesson, one music lesson, and for the older ones, that is, adults there. already lectures on subjects, well, there is already, so to speak, more serious preparation. what is mercy? this is probably the food that we will always need ourselves, and this is the food of god, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul. what unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches? here we have just the holy relics of the martyr vanefatius of rome, and vanefatius is the patron. an assistant to such a sin, which
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many, many people face, is the sin of drinking wine, this particle of relics that came to us just from greece, answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel. the hosts of the travel show, just like at home, know exactly how to behave when visiting, oh, hello, hello!
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well, i had a long-standing hobby, in general
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, photography, so to speak, according to at work, it’s more like a divorce, there are several photo albums, i somehow participated in some, let’s say, photojournalist competitions, and one of the hobbies that i acquired maybe about 10 years ago is billiards, here are my friends and i, with colleagues working at the dsa in the central council, we had our own table, and we played both at lunch and somewhere in the evening...
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the music conservatory, when i studied at the music school, well, my parents also wanted me to know what - a tool, well, how interesting it would be, when we went to music school, they first invited me, my sister already said that she wanted me to play the button accordion, my parents wanted an accordion, but i said that of course i want to play the guitar, so we came to the conclusion that i played on the button accordion for one year, of course, well, i didn’t really take to it very much, so my friend and i... quit the button accordion and went straight into a radically different industry, went to do weightlifting at the olympic reserve school in the city of boris. i have wonderful parents, dads unfortunately already no, he didn’t live to see 85 years old, he’s a very kind man, very decent, i ’ve never heard a single bad word from him in my entire life, he’s so kind and he
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passed this on to us with his sister, my mother is wonderful, she also has the broadest soul, she has so open, she always helped everyone, tried, in general, and also somehow... printed materials, when, when there were doubts whether to continue to engage in journalism or do some more practical work, she supported and that’s all those comments on the texts of materials, on some the stories that we did on television later, she suggested from the outside, and it was so accurate, she hit the nail on the head, the wife of a technological production, so she
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worked in her profession for many years, but like all military wives, wives of officers, she had to work there, where there was an opportunity for such work in the garrisons where we served. there are a lot of talents, it’s very nice that she perfectly creates some of these, i remember back in the far east, she can knit a thing herself, embroider it beautifully, that is, well so with such taste to make some kind of applique, then, well, even some artists we knew came to us, the designers were simply amazed that like this it was just for themselves, just take it like that, make something for themselves in a few days to wear some kind of a month can put on a new thing several times to make, that is, well, in general, in this regard it is very... acquaintance with belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. the company's strategy is aimed more at quality and naturalness. we ourselves
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this is how we position ourselves on the market. we now have export countries such as germany and bulgaria. competitiveness of products, an approach to business that everyone can strive for, all our products that we produce in our workshop are tasty and healthy, made 100% from natural raw materials, even children can eat them. all food products require the approach of a good, competent, kind housewife, it seems to me that this is so, at least i have always set such tasks for myself that what i like, i approximately i understand what our consumers will like. watch the quality mark project on the belarus-24 tv channel. we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. pay attention to the coloring. each type of vegetable has its own color; if it is darker or brighter than
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usual, then it may contain a large amount of nitrates. be sure to ask where the garlic grew. it is best to take the one that... in a hot climate. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. yes, today we will make a healthy version of pizza that you can eat. everyone without exception. turkey is considered to be one of the most nutritionally sound meats we can use in our diet. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we pay attention to the position of our lower back . when we squat, we try to focus on our heels in order to use our heels as much as possible. we gently roll our shoulders back, make a full circle, feel how our shoulder blades gather, shake off, and go into a new day vigorous and cheerful, watch the project, breakfast of the champion on the tv channel belarus 24. for me, the formula for happiness is very
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simple, it is when you go to work with pleasure and return home to your family with pleasure. this is just an ideal, it seems simple, but it is so, really correct and vital, then you are a truly happy person when you. will always warm you up, let’s just say, we always have a naval order, because my wife supports me, and i ’ll say that i also learn a lot from my wife, from ina, to love animals, because somehow in our childhood it turned out like this , that the family didn’t have any pets, at first we had one cat , solomon, who lived for 16 years, so she really loves cats, different animals in general, since childhood , and her son maxim, he is already 35 years old, now an adult a man and from childhood i developed
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a love for the whole world and through love for animals, we had everything, a little turtle, there were parrots, a talking parrot, petrusha was a parrot, there were nymphs, there were some hamsters, the squishy ones called who - just as a joke, there were deguslets, well, there was so much, now we have it too there is a cat, irma, a beautiful british woman. my wife says, how come, she’s alone, she’s on the street, we found a street cat, we watched him for about 2 weeks, fed him, and now he’s been living with us for about five years, marcel, he turned out to be of noble blood, in in general, wonderful, wonderful cats, so i’m learning the goodness that she herself loves animals very much, she cooperates with volunteers, in general, she feeds the animals herself, takes in some animals for foster care, well, i literally, well, support these financially beginnings, somewhere together with her...
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more somewhere maybe a little somehow more, he is a rather simple-minded person, he is a thief, more somehow, i don’t know, well, something of an intelligent person, but somehow he really takes everything as it is, that is, he doesn’t like to prevaricate, he’s a very decent person, we’re delighted, and it’s very nice that even for 35 years now we’ve been here, and we’re always, we’re always kind to each other we can reveal secrets to each other there, and in the family he and his mother can talk about something somewhere. then somewhere with me, then discuss something together, that is , there are no taboos, it is very valuable when you maintain such a
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trusting connection with a child for many, many years from childhood, when this connection is lost, of course, we see what happens different, well, in families there are very different things, children and parents move away, in general , this does not lead to anything good, so we ourselves , parents, must definitely support this, this light is here in the soul, this is in warmth, this is relationships, it is necessary feel, help, give yourself to the child. and he always tries give yourself completely to your parents, that is , you just need to be a decent person in life, well, of course, i consider myself a happy person, because somehow fate turned out interesting, i generally worked, tried, well, communicated with people , that's...


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