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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 28, 2024 5:20pm-5:54pm MSK

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fantastic, really fantastic, i’m not lying, how can such large pieces of vegetables be combined together to make this taste so unified, i don’t know, but this is a wonderful salad, and i can only have one conclusion: i know a lot about tomatoes, it’s thick with flour, recipe: tear the lettuce leaves with your hands and put them on a plate, pour them with a dressing of olive oil, provençal herbs, oregano and basil, cut the tomatoes, cherry tomatoes in half, sweetheart and robin into strips, put the chopped tomatoes on a plate, then wrap small pieces of cottage cheese in meat slices cheese and sun-dried tomatoes, transfer the rolls to a plate and decorate the salad with sesame seeds.
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it's time to head back to the main festival grounds to enjoy the ultimate battle of the tomato festival. a long time ago, back in ancient rome, people demanded bread and circuses. time has passed, now in ivye nothing has changed in principle, only people demand tomatoes and spectacles. you can’t even imagine what will happen now. behind me, two teams of real gladiators are preparing for a tomato fight, crushing tomatoes so that they don’t too hard and did not leave bruises on the body when hit. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, plus, let's go! well, of course, these are not real
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gladiatorial fights, victory here is not the meaning of life, instead of blood there are tomatoes, and it seems to me that this is for the best, how cute it is, ivyevsky tomato, it was fun, and if you come here next year, it will be even better.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence? what popular nickname did this house receive? matvey, you smiled so much when you saw the answer options in front of you, what made you smile so much? i didn’t know the answer, i intuitively answered ah, well, because this house looks like legs that walk. pay attention to the screen, is the transcription of the word written correctly? i think that... the word is written incorrectly, because after t there should be a comma, which means, and what this comma is called, maybe you remember, i don’t remember, it’s an apostrophe, the comma is always placed at the bottom, the comma is a punctuation mark, right, tricky questions, baranovichi, orsha or smargon, which city has never been represented in the hockey extra league, ilya, orsha, smargon, this is the correct answer.
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people near the forest, near the field, on the rivers and lakes, admiring the fresh wind, smelling the clean skies, hearing the singing birds and forests, smiling at the dormouse, respectfully jumping for the fruit. navokal u harmoniya s
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pryroday belarus 20. 4. in every store, cafe, restaurant, at work, at school and even in the car. yes, yes, according to the traffic rules of belarus it should be. in every car, this is, of course, a fire extinguisher with which not even a professional rescuer can cope with a fire, although, of course, this was not always the case; for centuries , fire has been the hardest test for people; they tried to extinguish it with stones, axes, buckets, and in order to
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stop the spread of the flame, they even demolished nearby houses. this is a science project nearby, my name is ekaterina beretskaya. hello, today we will find out together when to help people. in the fight against the fire element , a fire extinguisher came in and what role science played in this, so don’t miss it in the program. barrel, box and grenade, let's study the history of the creation of the world's first fire extinguisher. what kind of modern fire extinguishers are they, how many are there and how do they differ from each other. and ready to fight the fire, the correspondent for the program extinguished a real fire with the help of a fire extinguisher and now knows exactly how to do it correctly. the german zechariah greil suggested using it in the fight against the fire element somewhere at the beginning of the 15th century. the barrel was filled with 20 liters of water and equipped with a small
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amount of gunpowder. if a fire started, the barrel was set on fire and rolled out into flame, it exploded and put out the fire. how did the first one appear? at least vaguely similar to a modern fire extinguisher, i’ll tell you right now. in 1734, in germany, the doctor fuchs proposed extinguishing fires using a glass ball of salt water. he was thrown into the flames, where the ball broke. the saxon engineer kühn invented a fire extinguishing box that contained a mixture of... vitres of coal and, when ignited, released a gas that prevented the spread of fire. the first such box was tested in 1846. and the first explosive powder fire extinguisher was called pozharogaz and it was invented by the russian engineer naum sheftal in
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the second half of the 19th century. well, the first foam fire extinguisher well known to modern man was invented by russian engineer alexander lorran. the scientist spent a long time conducting experiments to extinguish the fire. oil and realized that the most effective way to deal with fire is to use air-mechanical foam and founded the compact fire extinguisher evreka, which works on this principle. its first test took place in st. petersburg in may 1905. and almost half a century later, in 1953, after 15 years of complex research, the japanese chemist jero nizamo synthesized an organic liquid called light water. this liquid has unique properties. it is capable of extinguishing a fire at any stage of ignition; the same scientist, jiro nima, in 1954 invented another type of fire extinguisher, a self-triggering one. the chemist was prompted to make this discovery by a powerful earthquake in tokyo. niizam's device was triggered
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automatically in case of danger without human intervention. the extinguisher modules were filled with powder with a thermal sensor, which reacted to fire. in belarus the latest innovative developments in the field of fire, emergency and rescue equipment are carried out at the research institute of fire safety and emergency problems of the ministry of emergency situations of belarus. deputy chief, our guest today is pavel vladimirovich, hello, we have already learned how humanity came to the modern fire extinguisher, now for us. i would like to know how many of these modern fire extinguishers, or rather, it would be more correct to say, types, exist today, what are in service? our industry today is able production of a wide range of fire extinguishers, they can be of different designs, both structurally and in principle and with different fire extinguishing agents, however, in
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firefighter practice, the most used is powder carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, as for powder fire extinguishers, they effectively allow you to extinguish both fires. solid, liquid and gaseous substances, so in principle electrical installations under voltage. the second most common type of extinguisher is carbon dioxide, that is, powder, so i i understand that there is some kind of powder inside. it is the most universal, it does not require any great maintenance, taking into account the fact that it needs to be recharged every 5 years, in principle it is the most common universal. can we say that fire extinguishers are the main tool for firefighters? it’s just the opposite, probably yes, a modern firefighter is equipped with a large number of other equipment that allows him to effectively deal with a fire, and a fire extinguisher is more of a tool for... the least prepared citizen of our country, who, in principle, having detected
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a fire at its initial stage using a fire extinguisher will allow it not to spread, but at the same time, you and i must understand that when a fire is detected , it is very important to assess your capabilities and the capabilities of the fire extinguisher, if the fire goes beyond the scope of a soccer ball, so to speak, then you should not use a fire extinguisher, you should call professionals who will arrive in a large car and bring with them a lot of fire extinguishing agent. shopping centers, yes, this is such a fire extinguisher , but the fact is that in our cars, for example, for non-professionals, the equipment of firefighters actually includes fire extinguishers; when conducting fire reconnaissance, when we have already left for the place, we can actually use a fire extinguisher to extinguish some then local outbreaks, be it a fire in an electric meter. there or, for example , some kind of small fire that causes more smoke than fire. as for those
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fire extinguishers that are installed, be it in shopping centers or gas stations, we are with you we often see such large containers, up to 400 kg or more, this is basically the same fire extinguisher, because it is a cylinder, in particular a metal container, and depending on the fire load from some circulating substances or materials in production or in the same retail... my colleague decided to understand the nuances of using fire extinguishers and, under the strict guidance of rescuers, did this.
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a fire can occur in any office building, apartment or even in a country house. for this you need to know how to use a fire extinguisher correctly, this is exactly what i have to do today in order to say for sure that it has been tested on myself. and we will extinguish something that, according to statistics, catches fire in apartment buildings quite often. we. we studied the operational report and concluded that one of the fires that can occur in apartment buildings is a fire in the electrical panel, so the correspondent today will have to document fires in the electrical panel using a fire extinguisher. if you don't have one if i can work out the rules for using a fire extinguisher today, not in theory but in practice, you can read the laconic memo, which describes all the stages of extinguishing, applied to the cylinder of the unit. the design of a non-extinguisher is quite simple, in fact , we have a cylinder... we have a pressure gauge , there is a guide socket, which is actually
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on the fireplace, and a lever, which we will actually press in order to release the fire extinguishing agent from the inside. our task is to remove the seal, well, we removed it first, here we are got it out, yes, and pull out this ring so that our lever can work, then later we take hold of the lower handle, point the bell at the source of fire , press the upper handle in order... to actually emit it, try, break the seal, direct press the top button and continue to simmer until the last sparks go out. you need to react and act as quickly as possible, since carbon monoxide is released at lightning speed, a minute is enough for poisoning to occur. i used today a powder fire extinguisher, by the way, is one of the most popular. it is controlled by a finely dispersed composition, mainly consisting of mineral salts. this fire extinguisher
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is quite lightweight, it is convenient to use for extinguishing local fires, for example, a car engine or an electrical panel in a house. the next most popular fire extinguisher is carbon dioxide; it can already extinguish larger fires and objects under high voltage up to 1,000 v. it is filled with carbon dioxide, which is under high pressure, so the device itself heavier because the walls are thicker. it's better to have. for example, children, so all these situations can be eliminated as quickly as possible with the help of these fire extinguishers. the cost of a fire extinguisher starts from 40 rubles. the price will depend on its volume, but in any case , rescuers advise that it is better not to save on such things, especially if the area of ​​your home is large and if children are growing up in your house. you
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look at the science project nearby and here’s what else lies ahead. just one element, minus many problems, which requires a new development of engineers, research institute of the ministry of emergency situations. rescue equipment and fire equipment are made in belarus and are in demand abroad. and 10 times less, how forest fires were minimized in the program’s report very soon. the situation on the polish-belarusian border is getting worse, because germany has begun to expel people with asian and oriental appearance from its country to the territory of poland, it looks more like a local agreement that they decided to use for internal political games both in poland and in
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germany, but this is probably , other. actually in fact, this goes back to the distant past. the british were the first to want to encircle russia, depriving it of its status as a great power in the black sea region. this is how the idea arose to expand nato, so that every country in the black sea region around russia would become a nato country. in 2007, president putin gave another clear speech at the munich security conference. there he said: “gentlemen, you promised us in 1990. ” watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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if you have just joined us, i’ll tell you that this is a science project nearby, according to scientific units, today we are dismantling fire extinguishers, at the same time all the latest developments of our scientists in the field of fire extinguishing. in our studio there is the deputy head of the research institute of fire safety and emergency problems.
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creating a compact or sprayed jet to supply in the event of a fire. barrels are always used everywhere, they can only differ in design, they can be overlapping or non-overlapping, there can be combined barrels, barrels can be for supplying water, foam and any fire extinguishing agents substances. in our case, we are talking about the fact that our development is a combined universal barrel, which allows you to form both a compact and a sprayed stream, and when using a special nozzle, allows you to supply low foam. in the face of a fire, unlike analogues used by foreign countries, our neighbors, our barrel has less weight and smaller dimensions, which makes it possible to generally increase its versatility - this is not only and not so much a fire, it is a combination of various incidents, very often with an increase in mobility, and the number of cars in
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the country has greatly increased, very often fire rescuers go out to eliminate the consequences of road accidents and... that’s why in their arsenal they constantly have sets of various hydraulic pneumatic tools, these are horn-cutting tools, various gas-powered tools that allow you to quickly remove the victim if this happens, again, if we are talking about eliminating, say, the consequences of some man-made disasters, be it destruction, building structures, then the rescuer has in his arsenal, again, there is a whole range of tools that allows you to quickly open door or... equestrian openings, any other building structures, clear the rubble, because, as we said earlier, we have trunk, yes, which must be submitted in fire protection, but this is not always possible, in order to pass precisely...
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therefore, our institute, together with production facilities located on the territory of the republic of belarus, by conducting various research and development work,
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a number of elements of equipment were developed, well , in order, then we will talk about firefighter combat clothing, currently firefighter combat clothing is recognized, in principle , it has a certificate of the eurasian economic union, it is not recognized only in our country, it is also recognized abroad and has low mass. in comparison with analogues, at the same time , it does not worsen, and sometimes even surpasses analogues in its characteristics, it allows you to protect the lifeguard from elevated temperatures, from some mechanical loads in general, it is such a universal, most universal element. if we talk about some other means of protection, then this is a suit for carrying out emergency rescue operations; it is lighter compared to combat clothing, but at the same time it allows you to protect against short-term temperature influences and sparks. re-melted metal, it is used in eliminating road accidents, clearing out debris, as i said earlier, further, in the same way, we are developing
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the entire line of rescue safety shoes, we have developed a lightweight package of materials, which allows us to make a pair of shoes weighing less than a kilogram, while they just as effectively protect the rescuer’s foot from elevated temperatures, from moisture, and are anti-puncture. and if we’re talking about shoes designed for extinguishing forest and peat fires, additional protection is installed against the cutting edge of gas-powered tools, i also want to mention the rescuer’s helmet, it’s 20% lighter compared to analogues of the product, which, in addition to high shock loads , also allows protection from elevated temperatures, it is equipped with various fastenings for the use of additional equipment, be it a flashlight or...
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this is russia, and kazakhstan, other countries of our eurasian union, they really with pleasure, at all the exhibitions that we present, they enjoy increased benefits. interest, demand, automotive equipment, rescue equipment, almost all of it is also ours, when you said almost, it was just insulting
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in fact, and i may have said that on purpose, because now the country’s factories produce the entire line of necessary equipment, from light tanks and rapid response vehicles, to heavy-duty vehicles that can easily transport up to 12 tons of water, and if we talk about even new products , which are not presented almost anywhere... this is the last national security exhibition at which our manufacturers were presented with a ladder truck with a lifting height of 52 m. we know that construction what we have now is not in width, but in height, so this is the most promising model for implementation in our service. and of course the traditional question, but nevertheless i can’t help but ask, what’s next, what are you working on now? further this is fruitful development, this is studying. some foreign analogues, this is the introduction of these developments into the structure of our ministry, we can say that progress does not stand still, and what
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is applicable today is the most... flame testing with thermal load and at the same time reading indicators with more than thirty sensors are located in different parts of the body, that is, when...
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in the next delivery we make these changes , the next delivery is absolutely one that will be acceptable to our rescuers, so we are keeping up with the times, so to speak. pavel vladimirovich, thank you very much, success, fiery ideas and, of course, dry sleeves. thank you. and we continue right now to tell and show how a unique automated system for detecting forest and peat fires works, and this is
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also our development.
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approximately 5 months, since turkey is the bird most susceptible to stress, we try to minimize as much as possible all negative factors that may further affect our bird. and show one day from your life. foredi raduzhno is the most promising variety for growing under artificial conditions, no matter what we do, it is always made from freshly
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caught fish. that's what it is. today, lakhva’s trump card is that the fish is environmentally friendly, of high quality and, most importantly, fresh. each production site is very important, since its work affects the quality of the finished product. today we have shown that what is produced in our country can be, not only the same in quality, but in some cases even surpass it. look. on tv channel belarus 24. the speed of fire spread in the forest in summer is comparable to the speed of ignition of gunpowder - employees of the boravlyansky
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special forestry enterprise admit. an unextinguished fire is adhesive. a cigarette or even a ray of sunlight reflected by a piece of glass, hundreds of hectares of forest can turn into ashes. to date, a forest fire is, consider, well... the situation in 2019 was brought under control, helped by computer technology, an extensive video surveillance system, a group of scientific programmers and, of course, specialists from the ministry of forestry. a fundamentally new project for our country for
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monitoring forest fires was called forest guard. forestry enterprises had surveillance cameras; they were installed throughout the republic on observation towers, where the observer used to sit and observe, then this system was automated.
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if you can’t put out the fire, then of course you can do it well, the ministry of emergency situations enters. in response to any signal, even one that is not confirmed, the duty team leaves immediately. and thanks to the fact that the highly intelligent system is able to see even a small amount of smoke from a fire, the flame simply does not have time to flare up, and there is no need for firefighters to go to the scene. it was after the implementation of forest guards throughout the territory of belarus that these are official statistics, expenses for...


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