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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 28, 2024 7:50pm-8:49pm MSK

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it has taken root in belarus, now i’ll get to the main, i would say, hit of this salad, it’s still a roll with dried tomato and curd cheese. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. the title was added by rex ruthen albar, king of the white rusyns. thus, in 1217, the ethnonym of the word belarus was used for the first time in history. we'll show you what they eat in different parts of our country. country in a city that positions itself as the tomato capital of belarus, every cafe simply must have at least several dishes from tomatoes, here everything complements each other, meat is supplemented with vegetables, vegetables are supplemented with garlic and rosemary, generally perfect, simply perfect, food anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel, everything that modern belarus lives with today, watch on
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the belarus 24 tv channel. this is country news abroad, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country. feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany , france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. tune in. the channel's signal
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is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus. maxim vladimirovich, good evening, good evening, we continue the series of acquaintances with new ministers, probably even more difficult than heading the ministry of information during information war, there can only be leadership.
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well, if we talk about your desires, then just be afraid of your unwillingnesses, that was practically the motto, probably, if you look at all my career moves since graduating from law school, i really didn’t want to go to the diplomatic service, where i wanted i entered, my father, i eventually got there, that is, i wanted to be a military man, they said correctly, then at some point i very somehow for... myself
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could not imagine a job other than than diplomatic service, and of course, inside i always strived for a career, as they say, for any military man, for a soldier, it means to become a general, so for us to become an ambassador, but fate decreed that it threw me into the presidential administration, when in the presidential administration it seemed to me that there is no better job in building the foreign policy of our state, based on the president’s instructions, the curator of the diplomatic line, the president sent me to...
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rather be afraid of your reluctances, but of your own complexes, that’s what haunts me all my life. from the point of view of what period today is for diplomats, well, i’ll say that it’s quite the opposite, even this period is diplomatic, because you see how painfully the international agenda is going through this transformation from a unipolar to a multipolar world, and even americans today there is no longer any doubt that the world is moving towards...
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organizations that are called upon to deal with issues of global security, something needs to be done with international stability, but this is not being done, that’s what needs to be somehow agreed upon, regardless of size countries, economic potential with each other, that it is necessary to enter into good cross-border cooperation, this is better than any war, in fact, you see how shuttle diplomacy today... has turned into the main work of diplomats in many countries, that is trips to each other, international forums, conferences, russia and i put forward our proposals for signing, that is, charters of multipolarity, diversity, relevant things, you are our chinese
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side, peace initiatives in ukraine, issues of un reform, today it’s all just seething, so from the point of view of a general diplomatic worker who wants to prove himself and who wants to take part in... but - you remembered your father, then i will definitely ask this question: in our country there is no there are so many hereditary leaders, political dynasties, well, it’s not like our history, the average official, he ’s more like me, he comes from the outback, and
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he moved to minsk and so on and so on, you’re from a family in the capital, your father, you they said it themselves about this, he was the minister of sports, the first president of nog belarus and was friends with samoranch, as far as i know, this is the background, did he help you in your career, or did you still have to constantly prove your own self-sufficiency? the question is very interesting, i will say that, of course, if my father had continued to live in the positions he occupied then, or remained in the active political life of the country, there probably would not have been minister rozhenkov today, because my life guidelines are... . if before this it was really possible to go along life, relying on the power of, in my opinion, a very integral, wise and stable person, like a father, then at the age of 24 it all ended, and i had to get out on my own. the most interesting thing is that there are a lot of people who, in
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general, were once close to my father, and at that moment they told our family, well , that’s it, rozhenko, your time is over, then let’s do it ourselves, and choose how strictly speaking, there wouldn’t have been any, i’m very... very grateful to those people in the foreign ministry who picked me up, then later to the head of our state, because i already said this, all my movements were his decisions, and without even asking my opinion, because somewhere, even fatherly, he led me further in life, taking into account him, probably to a greater extent degree, i think, those personal contacts, he often talks about this with my father, that is, he unexpectedly remained for me the person who at some point later, seeing that... from me he could , probably something will work out, someone somewhere started preparing me, maybe for this position he started, because in those 24 years, of course, everything collapsed at once and i had to create everything from the very beginning, in fact, when at some
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point people who did not know my ancestry found out that i had such a father, then of course they were very they were surprised that such a son grew up, because in fact, in those years, few of the... children of big officials went into the civil service, because these are low salaries, these are small opportunities, this is absolutely not a solution to some everyday issues that needed by a young family there. various private corporations went somewhere abroad and so on, but practically no one
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went into the civil service, so then it was not entirely true, now i think that if the child of a civil servant wants to go into the civil service, this should only be welcomed, this means that in the family he was given the right feeling of patriotism, in fact, when you look at some of our leaders, whose children study abroad and do not return, stay there, create... for me this is an indicator of the appropriate upbringing in such families, therefore, as much as i would welcome, of course, parents should also see to it that , in fact, they continue to live there, well, after all, his child who goes to work still has his own life, you cannot steal the life of your son or daughter, that is, you can only push for something, advise something, that’s it, but...
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in your last post, you largely determined the course of a number of ministries, and here’s how to implement it today. your own settings, on a different level, yes, you would n’t want to soften these requirements now just, yes, once already, well, i ’ll also answer this trick with revelation, yes, well, i probably didn’t build so much how the ministry should work, but how they should build their work based on the tasks of the instructions that the president sets , this is the absolute truth, and of course,
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the council of ministers has one deputy prime minister, a second deputy prime minister, a third, prime minister, and so on and so forth, here you begin to understand that there are probably too many of these pulses, and of course, i wanted would be a little less of this tension, because man charged, who seemed to have gone through such a school near the president, i worked in the administration for 18 years, then maybe i would have had enough tension only with the presidential administration, but some people with whom i communicated, probably before...
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you know, me always somehow a little bit, as if one theme was always fighting, that we seem to live in the same space, we see the same events, but we don’t see how the president’s proposal suddenly reacts to them, so let’s try to do this , and we are already starting to move, preparing some kind of preparation, that means a new find and
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then, in general, we are developing it, i immediately told my colleagues, as soon as i came to the ministry of foreign affairs, and i said: why are we always going, well, just a step or two behind the president, yes, of course, the president naturally feels many things much more sensitively than we do, but we will never escape the fact that there will be instructions, there will be expectations, but we must still deliver shells rather than just carry out his tasks, that is, we ourselves must -to initiate and throw there, it means to elaboration so that the president sees that the foreign ministry has... attention to the current agenda, and we are also not a little divorced from the country, we are trying, therefore, to reformat this international agenda to the needs of the socio-political and socio-economic development of the country, and not as it once was, that the answer was from the ministry of foreign affairs such that you know, you put things in order there with some political affairs, economic issues, social
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issues, give us this and we will promote the interests of belarus there somewhere beyond abroad, this is probably not the case. the mechanism for promoting our domestic economic policy is the foreign ministry, and not vice versa. well, let’s talk a little about rhythm, since you already mentioned it, but literally a week after your appointment, you were already received by the minister of foreign affairs of china; before that, in astana, you already talked with the foreign ministers of russia and kazakhstan. this is about this shake-up, isn’t the rhythm so frantic ? well, in many ways, i will say, this rhythm was set before me, by sergei fedorovich maleinik, in fact. very grateful, because many of the things that i have today in my work schedule of meetings and contacts and trips, all of this was directly worked out by him with the mido team, but i am very grateful, and indeed i further strengthened this dynamic, because just since how you show yourself in the first days, weeks, months of work, how you make
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acquaintances, how you position yourself in relationships with your colleagues, largely depends on how... you smoothly or not smoothly enter this community, or something about foreign policy, which is very important to us today necessary, and of course, for me, as a young minister from the point of view of appointment, it was very important to carry out this kind of meetings, conversations, conversations, well, with very serious diplomats, let’s do this with the main allies, with the main allies, yes, if to this add a meeting with the indian foreign minister.
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after the appointment there was a very important topic, we worked on it very well, and, of course, the first official conversation upon arrival in astana, well, i can’t help but pay tribute to the wisdom and general conceptuality approaches of my colleague from china, mr. wang, and of course i was very amazed, the meeting, instead of the short
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time planned there for 3 hours, lasted and took place at a government residence in the countryside, which has never happened. moreover, all this was confirmed after my appointment, so, of course, i built this rhythm for myself, based on what happened before, but i, frankly, am very grateful for this, but the president noted that in diplomatic circles you are a person not new, we worked in poland in israel, i, perhaps, from a close friend i'll start abroad, on tuesday latvia banned cars from entering its territory. with belarusian license plates, poland creates constant obstacles at the border for our heavy trucks, lithuania is generally concerned about the belarusian food basket for those crossing the border. mead once promised that he would give his asymmetrical answer, so this is the answer mead gives? the ministry
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of foreign affairs worked out the proposal, together with those interested, all the details were discussed and submitted to the president for consideration, here is the proposal for visa-free entry procedures to the territory of belarus of citizens of a number of states, the president made this proposal. supported, and i am glad to our colleagues and partners from the eu countries to announce that from the 19th at 8:00 am a new regime is being introduced for citizens of the european union countries and other european countries for which a visa regime has previously been in force, a visa-free procedure for entry through railways checkpoints to the republic of belarus for up to 30 days, this visa regime will... be valid until december 31 of the twenty -fourth year, as you know, the same our regime operates for citizens of poland, lithuania and latvia, that is, when our closest neighbors are closing their doors and making
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all sorts of obstacles to the development of cross-border cooperation and contacts between people, which, from my point of view , is a gross violation of all existing conventions within the osce and the council europe, the european union, we, however, on the contrary, show our openness, our desire to show off our country. to the international community, come, see, work with our people, do business, tourist trips should be carried out, and most importantly, keep in touch with your friends, acquaintances, relatives, but there is one caveat, for holders of diplomatic service passports, for those who today, in fact, are at the heart of these sanctioned things, the visa regime will continue, that is, it turns out that it’s better to see belarus once, right? i think that whoever comes to belarus will come more than once, but after seeing the first time, he will want to come a second, third and fourth time,
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taking into account the fact that this will be a visa-free regime, i am sure that he will also bring his friends, those who are easy-going, so we agreed, let’s go to belarus tomorrow , let’s go, what’s best about... when they saw the answer options in front of them, what made you smile so much? i didn’t know the answer and intuitively answered ah, well, because this house looks like legs that are walking, pay attention to the screen, is the transcription of the word written correctly? i think the word is spelled incorrectly because... there should be a comma after the t, which denotes, and what, what is this comma called, maybe you remember, i don’t remember, it’s an apostrophe, the comma is always placed below, the comma is a
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punctuation mark, that’s right, tricky questions, boranovichi and orsha or smargon, which city has never been represented in hockey extra league? ilya, orsha, smargon, this is the correct answer, hollifield, absolutely correct. olympic games. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. who and how helps make our lives better, what scientists are working on today. the technical revolution, the rapid development of computer technology, the appearance of the first robot patient in the usa in 1965. they are called scientifically. simulation devices, in addition to the human body, they have a voice, a heart and even a brain, all thanks to special computer programs, complex
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things in simple language, as well as the most interesting facts, but, finding themselves in monstrous conditions, our scientists continued their work contrary to hitler’s plans brought science to a new level, thanks to our academician lipatov they were new data on the rise of technology has been received. it’s so uh, i don’t know, so deep, so sincere, it’s impossible not to notice how they ended up in belarus and why
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they stayed to live here, here... it’s wonderful to watch on the tv channel belarus 24. poland: for me personally, the possibility of closing borders for goods - this is nothing more than a pr
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decision. obviously will hit the poles themselves, no matter how they put on a good face when playing poorly, won’t poland turn into a polish dead end of the silk road? you know, a very interesting question: i think that i am poland i know a little, i understand, i’ll tell you another secret, but it may not be a secret for a certain person, for the poles it’s definitely not a secret, so for you and for the viewers of the program too, my grandmother would...
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such pure poles, in fact, with all the characteristic things, hard work, such a rather sharp emotionality, at the same time very tough such a character , women are very bright in themselves, so to be honest, i imagine everything, speaking about poland, i would like to say that poland will never act to the detriment of its interests, that they are doing today, it means only one thing that it corresponds to their interests for today, at the moment,
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they explained in great detail the nature of things at the border, which was not only received with understanding, it was accepted by our colleagues, and at this point interest in what -some intrigue on this part. the most interesting thing is that by cutting off this piece of transit, poland naturally attacks the interests of both its economic elite and those people who live in the eastern parts of poland. here are those who, in principle, thought that will make good money due to the fact that latvia-lithuania, transit once stopped before poland, now all goods will go through poland and go to polish ports. in fact, you need to understand that the poles are far from stupid people, and what happens on the part of lithuania and latvia will never happen on the part of poland, they will not cut off these last things, they have purely
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politically determined demands for us, who... that in this way poland shows the entire european union that here, in this area in economic relations between china and europe, from the point of view of the implementation of those tasks that the european union seems to have delegated to poland in protecting this border, preventing migration, cooperation with belarus on border customs issues, today they are generally substituting the european union for the fact that they do not want to deal with this , trying to benefit from
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belarus some bilateral things. chinese partners, and here they decided to make everyone hostages, and i think that as soon as they see that this doesn’t work, then figuratively speaking, this topic will go somewhere, they will be forced to engage in cooperation with us, let me remind you that the president made them an offer, we are waiting for them in belarus, we will show them everything, tell them everything, we will tell them if they have any doubts, some comments, we are ready to listen to this, but we are ready to work, understanding that on this side there is a serious national polish minority with whom they would like to maintain relations, on the other side there is
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the belarusian side, but these are the steps they are taking in violation of all norms, rules, good neighborliness of all conventions and standards of the osce, the council of europe and so on, but today everything is closed to this. eyes, then let's look at this issue in bilateral relations, and a little from the other side, because it is poland and lithuania, our closest neighbors, that have become a haven for our fugitives, including for people who are really criminals, but love for them is in lately it has begun to turn, to put it mildly, into non-acceptance, yes, mass refusal in vonge, in lithuania in the same, yes, declaration of people as a threat. national security, well numerous relocations under 40% of the companies that first left for the same lithuania, they have now left from there, this is today, some kind of new diplomatic maneuver, or
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as in the golden calf, this favorite phrase, yes, another two years, and then they’ll just start beating you like the children of lieutenant schmidt, well, you know what, poland and lithuania really didn’t like politics. or they don’t like the policy of our president of our government, they thought and continue to feel some kind of feeling, maybe somewhere they think that some other government, another president will be more situation from the point of view of poland and lithuania realizing their interests. what are your interests? of course, poland wants to be more active in the western regions of belarus, as in ukraine; many people there still consider this their eastern lands, with lost property and lands there. buildings and so on, of course, they want to play our main economic violin here, they want the economic expansion of the european union to go through poland, and this is completely different money and completely different resources. the most
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important thing for lithuania is to kill any beginnings in belarus any identification of these southern regions of lithuania with the belarusian national ideas, called these fugitive litvinism, you see what is happening there as soon as they arrive in vilna. ninety-five, i think, or ninety -four, ninety-five, probably, our president, signing an agreement on friendship, cooperation, several more agreements, on the border, there on the status of some objects, speaks for all of lithuania, speaks, and there,
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that means , hanging gabilen from some century with a coat of arms, that means the chase, where is that tail down, at that time we still have a coat of arms, just like a chase with a squaw down and with all the noticeable things that characterize the difference between. at that time with the coats of arms, which means lithuania and belarus, there is generally some kind of dissonance, that is, it seems like, and of course, all this depresses them, they thought that they would change power here, imprison someone, which means in exchange for this, and we absolutely know that such conversations were held, they will receive a solution to their problems, financial, economic, and maybe even land, in fact, such cavalry swoop in the style of the polish hussars, but it didn’t work out that way. and what was interesting in the first year, in the second year, motorcades, trips, belarusian houses and so on, complete freedom in decisions and actions for these fugitives, today is already becoming a burden, to be honest
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, i’m wondering how to explain to those security guards who walk these drivers and motorcades around tikhanovskaya, maybe even more than around the president of lithuania, all these 4 years, what are they even doing, why is this necessary, i’m not even talking about. what is cautious, conservative soft paws, yes, here it is - zimbabwe, once
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china, three highways, brix on the horizon, well , there are not enough fingers, where does such multifaceted activity come from, and how does it work? it’s like, probably, a flow from two vessels, if someone wants to flow something and there is something to flow, our president constantly sets the task that in these conditions in which we find ourselves today, it is necessary... firstly, qualitatively carry out our task, and secondly, we need to run as fast as we can to complete it, and of course, we cannot afford that classical diplomacy, which has been formed there for years, in some countries for decades and centuries, we are forced to immediately build our external political line, because we are subject to the very powerful influence of some powerful people of this world, let’s call the collective west to a greater extent, and of course, taking into account the fact that we are quite we are seriously losing... and sales markets, supplies of equipment from the point of view
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of relations with the west, in order to maintain the sustainable development of our country, as i said earlier, we must find through diplomatic instruments replacing all this, of course, is a pity, because from the point of view of optimality, looking across three seas, when you have it here across the border, is a big expense, so they have a need, they have a need, but today this is the only... through the eyes , and in fact all of us, through such
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because in fact it turns out that we look at the world with the same organizations, like the sco, brix, regional organizations that exist in asia and our partners in asia are more reliable, latin america, the middle east, we are all adherents of that new world of multipolarity, and these adherents are becoming more and more numerous, we take only one organization. the shos is almost 3.5 billion people, this is 40% of the world's population, if you combine the shos with brix, there will already be more than half of the world's population, if we take shons, in fact, 30% of the industrial production of the whole world, add brix there and almost up to 50 we don’t get there, but this is all the resource base, based on which we can solve political, economic, social issues, precisely in that region. well read all the most famous analysts
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of this eurasian integration of the eurasian space, they all say that it is there that a new center of power and attraction will emerge for the implementation of the most interesting political and economic plans, this is the heart of the world in general, that’s why we are going there, maxim vladievich, now in order to get to the same lithuania or latvia, yes, you have to stand at the border for 30 hours, yes, and minsk... to resolve economic issues, social
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issues, some educational issues, in addition, this is a powerful platform for building a common political line, this is a platform for holding multilateral and bilateral meetings to further resolve already bilateral issues, this is support in international organizations, and i say that within these organizations we can rely and believe in that our partners will not abandon us. and they will support us, and practice proves this, this is the solution of financial issues that also concern us today, this means promoting joint projects, for example such...
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well, there is one topic regarding brix, we currently cooperate very closely within this organization, we take part in all its segments, meetings at the level of ministers of education, on economic issues, you know, we took part in these games of the brix countries, the president is going to october
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to attend the brix summit, which will be in kazan, and this will be his full-fledged participation there, taking into account the meeting on a bilateral track, while 10 countries are members. this means that the final, as it were, legal consolidation of the term brix partner is now being formulated or an observer, how they come to this, we really hope that by the brix summit in kazan, it will be finally formulated, and i want to tell you that taking into account the negotiations held with all the brix member countries, there is an agreement recorded that belarus among the first... there will be these partners of this organization, for now - there is an expectation that there will be no more of them than the number of members, that is, also 10, so we have confirmation that all brix members are ready to see belarus there as one out of these ten, well, i think this is quite accurate for today. vasily
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vladimirovich, here is the world, it is changing right before our eyes, and this is not a dystopia, not a science, as they say, yes, information specialists. today we are talking about the fact that the distant arc, it has become much closer, even than some of our closest circles earlier, it just so happened that on the thirtieth anniversary of the first presidential elections, yes, the visit of the first ladies of zimbabwe and nigeria to belarus occurred, with from a diplomat's point of view, why africa is interesting to us and why india is interesting to us, since you have already remember about her? well, in fact, i’m in favor of using any mechanisms to implement our goals, tasks in the development of bilateral interaction with countries, that is, even if it’s first ladies and informal communication, now, based on the results of the visit of the zimbabwean delegation, it is planned in
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the coming days a delegation of our belarusian women's union will go, all these formats serve only to strengthen relations and interpersonal contacts. onto which economic and political relationships and support are then strung international. africa, 1.5 billion population, that's decent. the second topic is the further dynamics of population growth, and that is, the consumer market will only increase. the next thing is huge resources, according to many indicators, more than 30-40% of global reserves, moreover.
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happened, why did this conflict happen in syria, in iraq, that means, at one time, why did egypt
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do this too, the color revolutions shook, we know where they started, tunisia, because these countries at some point switched from such a simple trade with the west, which put it this way: there, relatively speaking, there is oil, there are diamonds, bauxite, something else, something else, in exchange for goods, equipment from the west, they switched to what they began to develop... they have the corresponding production, at some point this has become a dilemma for western countries, and so good, i buy oil from them, i buy some resources from them, we have to drive something there, and if, strictly speaking , they began to raise their own agriculture, that means there is no more wheat there, neither vegetables nor fruits will come from europe, that is, they started there assembly production and processing with the help of belarus. there is china and so on, what will happen? capital will be pumped out of european countries, nothing good for them. in many ways, the same paradigm was
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in relation to these wars between the west and china there in the 16th century, when china simply began to actually pump silver from the new world and from europe, switching to silver currency, without buying anything in europe, but they sell there everything from silk to paper and everything that china was famous for at that time. so it's the same here approach, purely predatory, and as soon as they begin to develop, that’s it, these countries are uninteresting, it is necessary to change the rulers, which means that they need to be hooked on luxury goods, which they learned to make in europe during this time, and so that everything is imported there, peoples, so today these peoples, the west doesn’t like this, because love ends immediately, love ends, but india, well, the president always says that with india we should try to reach the level of, well, nothing... less than with china. on in fact, the country is huge, powerful, developed, and, of course, there are opportunities to find some niches
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where we do not compete, or where, on the contrary, we can create something jointly so that it is useful for both sides, and we can somewhere to give something else to foreign markets, there is, undoubtedly, here, but you need to understand that in india, probably, there are still issues of cooperation with certain countries, the west in a little more with... a little more, but i i want to tell you, despite this, there are a number of projects, there are a number of agreements, and i i am sure that in the near future, without disclosing them now under nakedness, well, we will be witnesses, which means their implementation, there is one topic that only the lazy are not interested in and which is directly related to your field of work, and our dear american and partners, here. ..
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really hopes very much wishes that all us presidential candidates
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reach the finish line of this presidential campaign healthy and without injuries, i support, on the other hand, of course, many today analysts from all countries of the world, from all international organizations make their predictions about what america will be like, with trump or biden, they make their predictions that it will be... so to speak, the collective international community, well, in principle, it’s not the business of the united states of america, but in america itself there is also
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fatigue. that today the country’s leadership is very much engaged in external political matters, foreign economic sanctions, and so on, and is less engaged in the internal development of america, the migration agenda, job creation , building security on the streets, in regions, you see what is going on there today, the solution to drug problems in the end, right on the streets in the central part, there are politicians who remember that there is the munroe doctrine, which ... said that america has vital interests, here is america , latin america, north america, everything, and we are nowhere, and we have fenced ourselves off from these, and there are such, so there are many opinions, we understand that any of the next presidents will primarily proceed from the interests of america, these are what there will be interests at that moment, i would like so that these interests first of all correspond, you know, with such
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a civilized method of achieving one’s goals abroad, if... this happens, then we will welcome these changes in american foreign policy, if it continues, then this policy of unilateral pressure , sanctions, the outbreak of wars, after all, these wars, which are on the perimeter of china, russia in hot spots, are all, in fact, sponsored and encouraged precisely from the ocean, points of growth of this... potential conflict, which is capable of going beyond the boundaries of purely these regions to embrace some more serious interregional things, and if instead the leadership takes up the peaceful agenda, i am sure that the authority will only benefit the united states , they will be able to implement a lot of their projects of those , which they think that they can implement today only through
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the planting of their proteges here and there and the implementation of their own. look what time has shown, no matter where they climb, well , outside of europe there, yes, it’s early everywhere or late, their proteges lost, which means they were forced to leave there, vietnam, afghanistan, iraq, everywhere, well, this all actually confirms, so if they come to the understanding that through, on the contrary , a non-conference approach, taking greater responsibility in the formation of this this... new world order, they will be able to bring this kind of american character, then i think that they will win, because they cannot escape, there is no alternative to multipolarity today, in the near future, you can feel the school, maxim vladimirovich, diplomatic, very diplomatic, however, maxim vladimirovich, unfortunately, the last
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semi-philosophical question, if we compare the statements of famous people. two about the same subject, you can get completely different answers. according to your counterpart lavrov, whom you met recently, yes, the main thing is to always remain honest and not betray anyone, either in life or at work. but according to nietzsch, all diplomacy consists of petting the dog until the muzzle is... put on it, this is our western approach, you whose opinion is closer, the sovereign man or the author of the superman? well , there is already an answer in the question itself, of course, the sovereign is a man, i didn’t exactly lead you to this answer, well, the answer is on the surface precisely for the reason that we, belarus, i, as a minister,
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need predictable, reliable partners. this can only be achieved by fulfilling your agreements, promising what you can fulfill and monitoring implementation so as not to let your partners down, what our president always talks about, if you promised, fulfill, control, achieve, well, of course, we expect this from our partners, and of course, this is building a matrix of relations from some states on a bilateral basis, it is very important that they work with us, be friends or...
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these relations will not exist, this is the first, second, third countries will no longer trust you, because seeing how you behave here, they will also evaluate you. prospects for cooperation with you, the most obvious examples, russia’s assets were seized there in the european union, now they want them all there, which means confiscating them somewhere, interest from them there send, send this here, well, you see, everyone today started talking about large holders of some kind of bonds or funds there, that means partners, which are based on some examples, if we are talking about a muzzle, well, we have the west, than ... distinguished himself by the fact that for the last 200-300 years he has been putting this muzzle on africa and asia, and today we see what kind of relations, uh, french relations with the african
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continent are simply torn to pieces, the british flag there no longer flies so proudly those former dominions and former colonies, yes, and they completely forgot about germany, which was once also present in africa, i’m not even talking about belgium, which or italy, which... fled at one time, taking only the last suitcase there from their former dependent territories, and they allowed such a massacre having allowed such a massacre, it is simply their good that until now these countries, at a very serious international level, have not raised the topic of the genocide of their peoples, which was carried out in their time, have not raised the issue of some kind of compensation, reparations, the return of itself... here is a historical heritage that was carried around mercilessly in its time, which is located from the louvre there to wothanton in america today, well , listen, that’s why i still choose
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a responsible approach to partners, for now we’ll leave the muzzle to those who use the muzzle, but it’s like i think it’s a matter of time, great, better like the belarusians, yes it’s true, thank you maxim vladimirovich, you know, it was a wonderful conversation, it’s a pity that we are limited in time. me, thank you, thank you.


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