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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 28, 2024 10:30pm-10:50pm MSK

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and changed my shoes. zelensky has already made several statements that he is ready for negotiations with russia within the framework of the second summit on ukraine, and also wants an early peace and even suggests that the hot phase of the war could end by the end of the year. similar to combat action may be the vagaries of nature. this week, all over the planet, she again behaved like a boss. a flurry of problems when the storm tests one's strength, the most destructive natural disaster in the world, where the bad weather wiped out entire cities. looting instead. help from state inaction, hundreds of thousands of victims and a tsunami of consequences, in an understandable policy, disasters and climate challenges, watch on monday after the panorama.
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really achieved victory and let's move to the city of brest, which today celebrates the eightieth anniversary of liberation, so we send greetings and congratulations to the residents of brest. on july 28 , 1944, troops of the first belarusian front under the command of marshal of the soviet union konstantin rakosovsky liberated this city during the lublin brest offensive operation. there were battles bitter. the wehrmacht created a deeply echeloned system of defensive structures. nazi germany realized that with the surrender of brest, the path to warsaw and berlin for the red army would be open. therefore, in july of forty-four, hitler, just as in june of forty-one, issued an order not to take a step back. soviet troops on their way to the regional center conquered every village, every city, every meter of land. bloody battles raged in brest itself. any building or ruins became a shelter for the nazis. the red army soldiers went into hand-to-hand combat. having freed regional center, soviet troops interrupted the nazi occupation.
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schematically speaking, instead of the previously planned offensive, the svyukha began to attack from the north, back in march 44 months. before the liberation of brest, the fighters of the iskra special group, which consisted of only three people, were able to penetrate the safes of the brest police, obtain secret documents with accurate data about the mined objects of the city, the places where the cable was laid for sabotage, and also managed to find out the exact time when strategic brest facilities will be blown up, part of the brest fortress with some bridges, on which it is specifically indicated under which... pile and bridge the charge is located, how much explosive is there, the rescue of the abrest from destruction is compared with the rescue of the polish krakow by the special detachment of alexei batyan, better known as major vihar. the central archive of the kgb contains
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reports and reports from the spark special group, which report that wehrmacht units installed anti-aircraft guns on the inside of the northern gate of the breska fortress; they are indicated in red in the diagrams. in circles. in 3 years during the occupation, the nazis created a powerful fortified area in brest with numerous pillboxes, bunkers, and minefields. in addition, in the summer of forty-four, when operation bagration began, the wehrmacht command gave the order to strengthen defensive structures. three lines of fortifications with anti-tank ditches, trenches and trenches are being created across the buk river. the forts of the brez fortress were also included in the defense system. hitler issues an order not to take a step back, to retreat and leave brest nevo. in may, june and july 1944, commander of the first belarusian front rakosovsky receives a special report from the reconnaissance and sabotage group of the nkgb about the location of enemy airfields, the transfer and accumulation of wehrmacht troops with the exact coordinates of mined areas.
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the commander of the twenty-eighth army, lieutenant general luchinsky, recalled that even the forest tunnels were mined, they took the defense of the city so seriously. moskovskaya street is the entrance to brest from minsk. it was here in the summer of forty-four that the first line of german defense was located, the second a few kilometers from her. the first is on the outskirts of the city. today it is the center of modern brest. in the city itself there were bloody battles, every house became a shelter for the nazis. the population was forced to leave for the forests or nearby villages. the streets turned into ashes, ruins instead of houses, corpses of wehrmacht soldiers, destroyed german tanks and mortars everywhere. when the red army entered... the city, there were 14,960 inhabitants in the city, although before the war the figure had already reached 80 thousand. in fact, 6,700 houses, 45% of the housing stock, were completely destroyed. see the real picture of july forty-four can be
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seen in newsreel footage and miraculously preserved sketches of the liberators. for the first time in brest, the works of sofia uranova, a soldier of the 61st army of the first belarusian front, are being demonstrated. “she entered the city with units of the sixty-first army at about 8:00 in the morning, and many buildings were simply burning in the streets even after the battle, many buildings had signs that they were mined, that is, you could not go there, the city was really empty, but slowly and the residents began to return, she recalled, that two girls approached them, they had bouquets of sweet peas in their hands, they very modestly approached sofya sergeevna uranova and presented these bouquets, of course, this was such a kind of gratitude to the people who brought liberation to the city. the battles for brest lasted 3 days, several wehrmacht divisions were surrounded on the outskirts of the city. soviet troops captured the regional center on the night of july 27-28.
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residents woke up in a liberated city. a red flag fluttered over the fortress. about the liberation of brest and the complete end of the nazi occupation. was the complete liberation of the territory of belarus from the nazi invaders. the general plan of the belarusian company was prepared by army general alexei antonov. the operation was entrusted to three belarusian fronts and the first baltic. they were commanded by generals, each of whom was a real legend. battle tactics, victories, defeats, love and drama of great commanders. there are a galaxy of winners in a special tv news agency project. look at tuesdays in the evening broadcast on belarus 1. the power of words, an explosion of character, he personally knew
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lenin, but was in disgrace with stalin. military abilities. the fall of the award, the only front commander who was never awarded the title of hero. in a special agency project. i welcome you, dear tv presenters, to
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the beginning of the last month of summer. in folk calendars, the 1st holiday is called makryny. by the very name, the little girl knows that she is dealing with the wet, drenched yard. casali: “look at the spring makryna". another day in the folk calendar of ilya, the holy day and the navalnits. it's like the end of summer and the end of spring. kali and the day was gloomy, hummed, the thunder felt deaf, it would be raining, it would be thundery you are a booming rainstorm, a rainless storm yashche and the city of velma hutka, we are aware of what is happening not only in the first days of life, but also in the beginning of the millennium. i am enjoying the sunshine part of ecuador only for a few dollars. the zhihars
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of masawa pakidal the garads of chiron and san isabel. firefighters deployed dozens of safety precautions to eliminate the fire. large-scale forest fires have become a common cause for the evacuation of thousands of burning canadian states in alberta and british columbia. there they raged for more than 170 hours at the fire. the cutting was bitter and the wind was blowing. according to the weather forecast, these are the most violent fires in the region for the first part of the year. sleepy sleep has covered a large part of spain. wind temperature at daytime the country hit a record 44 degrees. they know the hell of the sleep and the people of the capital of madrid, and the taxams of andalusia. there the thermometer is not lower than 40 degrees. the meat kingdom ruled under the ever-increasing pressure of power. the parks of the evil states have special protocols in place
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during the different seasons. the secrets of the hidden beast fell from florida. in myastsovyh zaparka padapechnym dapamagayuts adnavіts thermal balance dapamogai ice. yagos are loaded with velar blocks at the meat enclosure, otters, diverse ungulates. the dawodzian chapels are considered to be delicate, they are only scorched. the most cunning tricks are used for the hellish summer heat of the game, they fall in the morning, yesterday and yesterday, frozen bones, and the same casino malaco, melted into ice. and now we are worried about the forecast for the house for tomorrow, with our neighbors and in the territory of belarus. panjadzelak has 29 years of life in the lands of western and western europe. high temperatures are normal, and at the same time there will be squalls in the summer, regions will be familiar
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pad uladai shirokaga antycyklonu. in the regions of western europe, the current atmospheric conditions are characterized by apathy, short-term rainfall and heavy rainfall. the same situation exists in the lands of late-night europe. panjadzelak has 29 days in berlin -23 cloudy, no clouds. in warsaw. taxama 23° tsyapla, cloudy, near kiev 24 above zero, clear, near vilnius -16 - rain showers, ryga - 19° tsyapla, navalnitsa, near talina 22 above zero, freezing rains, near st. petsyaarburg -25, cloudy , apatki is not predictable, maskve has 22° chicks, cloudy, budze. it's raining in the panyadzelaks 29 sunny days on the courtyards in the territory of our country
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, it seems that the atmospheric dandies have melted and the more cold and windy masses from the baltic region. most regions have even different intensities. wind temperature in the beginning is +10° and +16°, in the evening +14 in the beginning and +24 in the fall. temperature. wind in the cloud centers near grodno ad 14 and 20 cloudy night and early scattered rain. bresce has 14-22. with plus signs, cloudy, no forecast, near gomel 13-21 degrees above zero, cloudy, night and ў another day of rain, magilio +12 +17, cloudy, rainy days and nights , 12-18 degrees in vitsebsk,
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cloudy, early and rainy in the evenings, near the capital of our country - on the outskirts, experts say , that 's all this is due to the changing climate, and farmers are praising their future. tsі longer maroka prakarmіtsya ў this godze, servile volga davidovich. the zalaty palipshanians no longer give the same kind of rage as the calissians used to have at marok. the shessihad drought has put the entire rural and gas sector under threat
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countries that have a galley economy. according to forecasts , the ukrainians will die in less than a year, amal napalova. the rural area of ​​the urajainsk region has sunk, and a hectare of land is being given to us for no more than 10 bucks. what the hell? last year we had 40, 50 tsi navat 60 soft wheat, but this year we have great lows. the region is one of the most vulnerable in the world due to climate change, closures behind warehouses and unsustainable farmsteads, postponing the growing season to a much later date and storage none. aposhnim hours of maroka are faced with the hell of the terrible attacks of drought and climate change, and the hell of the rainfall, when maroka advodzitsya bodzhavye kalya 5 million hectares, but for climate change the bozhzhavym were paid only and 2.5 million hectares. the end of
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the spring season has increased during the earthworks campaign. in the past, maroc had droughts that lasted for more than 10 years, a problem that we are facing at the present time . radically change the climate, the whole world has high temperatures, navat in the snow, which does not know the norm, so we can have low temperatures in sakavik and may. in the fall of the ministry of agriculture of gaspadarka maroka, the harvest of wheat crops is laid out at 3.5 miles, for the previous year there were 6 miles, and in 2024 the intensity
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is still low im, amal napalova scarats the grazing areas, we are speaking about the crisis, which means that you need to import more, we are in the country, and drought has become a problem. upyared sa studzenya pa cheren the region has already imported amal 2 15 million tons of extra wheat, and all the evidence is that it is suitable for use, the limp fallow land of impartu means that we will manage the process, subs give prices as you please . food products, calamities and disasters in morocco, they are in full swing, and there is a real chance to join the group of countries that treat the planet's farmers. the villages began to sow crops in winter, and
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apples were harvested in the gardens. gets of the day lie with the packets developed over the years. and the yashche were jumping, the kali navalnitsa was happy and the spring was long, the kali sarokhi guchna krychatsa and pratsyaglaga , the whole courtyard, the kali on goosebumps, the languid heaps of the lingering cold winter. 4 life marya ci magdalena, asssyiruetstsa ў people with lady bugs pra being ўrajay, and taxa with the courtyard. on marya rosna flax budze shery, neўmalotny. the snowy areas were humming and foggy... the winter was getting early and frosty.


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