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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 29, 2024 8:35pm-9:03pm MSK

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who and how helps make our lives better ? what are scientists working on today? the technical revolution, the rapid development of computer technology, the appearance of the first robot patient in the usa in 1965. scientifically they are called simulation devices; in addition to the human body, they have a voice, a heart and even a brain. and all thanks to special computer programs. complex things in simple language, as well as the most interesting facts. but, finding themselves in monstrous conditions, our scientists continued their work, contrary to hitler’s plans, they brought science to a new level. thanks to our academician lipatov , new data were obtained on the improvement of the technological properties of rubber, which then served as the main raw material for the military industry. see the science project nearby.
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channel. markov fedor grigorievich, commander of the partisan brigade named after voroshilov. with the beginning of the great patriotic war in the red army, political commissar of the company on the western front, participant in the defensive border battle. in belarus in august 1941, he was recalled from the front and sent to the enemy’s rear with the task of deploying a party command from january to october in 1943, it destroyed 8,835 german soldier officers, as well as 60 police officers and traitors to the homeland, eight tanks, armored vehicles, 72 cars, 35 trains were
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mowed down, 42 railway and 140 road bridges were blown up. for exemplary performance, he was awarded two orders of lenin, the order of the red banner of labor, and medals, including for world war ii partisan of the first degree. streets in many belarusian settlements are named after him. in the city of molodechno there is a park and a street. named after markov, on which a bust of the hero is installed. a christmas tree was born in the forest, and it grew in the forest. in the first year of cultivation in this area , the survival rate was 80%. further into the forest,
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the more seedlings. we annually grow about 5 million planting material, standard, with improved hereditary properties. reforestation is like renewing the national heritage. reforestation is progressing very slowly. breaking a tree takes a second, growing it takes years. we are convinced of the truth of folk wisdom. the dark forest is for dark people. the goal is how many boarders were dropped off. there should be so much series and chew on, the forest is being cut down, the chips are flying, we are exposing problems in the field of reforestation, we have written off more forests than we planted, and we are drawing conclusions, we are not cutting down our own now, we are not planting for ourselves, a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency, under the control of the president, look right now at your lands in this hot season, forester viktor mikhnevich. walks
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every time such an opportunity arises, in summer due to the heat the plants are threatened by drought, young seedlings are especially vulnerable on these hot days if there are young spruce trees around, which can simply drown them out. we work in such a tense mode, because care is not something that we can stretch out there for some month, care must be carried out at a certain time, in a certain area, because it is overgrown with grass, this is choking or some other issues we didn’t make it on time. victor decided to check this particular area for a reason, small spruce trees were planted here 5 years ago, now is a very important time when the seedlings need to not only be looked after, but also thinned out and done like this called care, so that by the time of taking this young greenery. mature spruce trees, this
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usually happens 7 years after planting, a real forest has already formed here. over the entire period of cultivation of this plot , four treatments were carried out here and one addition was made. here it was planted with a closed root system, this is when seedlings are grown in nurseries in special cassettes filled with peat substrate. we will show how this happens a little later. another part of the planting material had an open root system. and in this case, seedlings are also cultivated
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in nurseries, but in open ground. so, says the forester, and here you can see with your own eyes how much better and more effective the first option is. there is already a height advantage. restoration, the future of the next generations depends on which forest grows to replace the one cut down, and the president, who is constantly personally involved in planting young forests, pays attention to this issue. reforestation is progressing very slowly. moreover,
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we agreed that not only along the roads, where they dug up roads half a kilometer from the road, cutting everything out. the vegetation soil was demolished, we agreed on this, that we need to do these forest plantations in places where you cut down the forest for logging, reforestation there should be immediate, well, former farms, around agricultural towns, large villages, which will remain in the future, and so on, so on, where there were water towers, where there were mechanical yards, now they are gone, dairy farms,
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and in 2020, even more than 5,000 hectares. here, perhaps, it is appropriate to explain what writing off in this context. as we have already said, after planting, seedlings are given 7 years to become a mature forest, but unfortunately, some of the small spruce, pine and larch trees
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disappear during this time for various reasons. here they are covered by forest rangers. it turns out that the state spends money on the production of seedlings. belarusians plant them all over the world during forest week. and then, due to untimely care, and sometimes natural disasters, some of them simply die, for example, in 2022, over 21,000 hectares of forest plantations were written off, almost 8,000 hectares of forest crops were lost from this volume due to failure to carry out timely maintenance. yes, if we take all forestry enterprises, everything works out, but in individual farms, the picture is extremely depressing, for example, in these last years, 3 years 21. 23 years, for example, in the varshan forestry enterprise, we planted 1189 hectares of young forest, wrote off 1809, that is, we have written off more forests than we planted, that’s all honesty and the root of the problem. why did this
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situation arise? the results of inspections show that reforestation work is not always is carried out at the proper level, as a result of which the young forest has low chewing ability. as a result, by the age of seven, not all forest crops meet the standards for quantity and height; when the time comes to transfer the young trees to forested lands, it turns out that the plantings have died and the young forest has not grown. this is barely, in particular, she is 7 years old today, but her annual growth is no more than 5 cm. accordingly, upon reaching the age of seven, this spruce simply cannot we simply won’t be able to meet the required standard for input, even with a sufficient quantity, although here there was a decent amount of waste as a result of flooding, even with a sufficient quantity. in height and there are simply no prospects for its further cultivation here, another illustrative
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example from the same glubokoe forestry enterprise, a young forest was planted near dokshes in 2017, once upon a time cake was mined here, and after the completion of mining the lands were transferred to the ownership of the local forestry enterprise, its task employees were supposed to plant a new forest of spruce and algae here, they planted more than 2 hectares of seedlings, but almost all of them... had already died by this time. the cause of death here is the flooding of this area. if we look at the standards, then by this age our spruce should already be more than 1.1 m, and the black spruce reaches more than 3 m. the flooding of this area here is due primarily to the non-functioning functions of the metering system, which was transferred to the forestry enterprise together with former peat mining in 14-15 years for afforestation. almost every spring and autumn this place is more reminiscent of a swamp than a young forest, as
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a state control specialist says, it was possible to foresee this problem at the stage of planting the forest, but this did not happen ; further look, we examined with the chief forester the data of the area where there is a hill, somewhere else some kind of system works, there is, it grows normally there, the pine feels, if barely so on, here it’s kind of like this...
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settlement, again we buy equipment for the production of nets for fencing
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, we are already increasing the fencing area by several thousand hectares. according to the ministry of forestry, from 2021 to 23 in belarus , reforestation was carried out on more than 127 hectares, the addition of forest crops took place on 193 hectares, and seedlings were cared for on 400,000 hectares, this is... what they can, but sometimes mismanagement occurs in these ranks. i worry about every hectare, and these are not loud words, so when by the will of fate, i had to become a minister, the first thing is that we exposed this problem, we exposed it, showed it for what it is, now i am working in areas, the first thing is, of course, work. at the local level, the responsibility of the direct manager of our forestry industry on the spot is the forester, he
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must be the creator there on the spot, and of course , mechanization of work, there is no other option. well, there’s another problem that makes adjustments to the process of reforestation, how mercilessly natural can be disaster, as we saw just last week, hurricanes along their path destroyed hundreds of hectares of not only young seedlings. but a mature forest. of course, all these places must also be restored, and this is not a planned, but mandatory case for the ministry of forestry. the dark forest is for dark people.
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first, they grow in specialized greenhouses, and then are sent to fields in the open air. fertilizer, moisturizing and other timely care bear fruit; seedlings here are almost one hundred percent. we have the first rotation in the month of march, we plant it in a certain cassette, there is a cell volume, it is larger, if we see here, this is
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the eighty-first cell, it is a little smaller, there we have a 60 cell. the fourth one, that is, it is larger in size , deeper, in order for the root system to form better, as far as i understand, already in the fall these seedlings will be sent for planting for a week of summer, these seedlings, some will be sent in the fall, and some of us will be packed in autumn in the box - and is sent to the refrigerator of the chamber, everything that is not needed is stored in the refrigerators until spring, thus, firstly, young seedlings... are not afraid of severe frost, and secondly, even when the fields outside are covered with snow, from there you can labor to take the required amount of planting material, refrigerators are also used for storing seeds, their harvesting is where the entire process of reforestation begins, each batch of raw material brought is weighed, then poured into metal boxes and
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stored until the moment when it is possible to put them in... here in a refrigerator at a temperature, we had batches that were stored for 8-9 years, i must say that under such storage conditions the seed quality does not change, at what quality we laid, this quality was preserved. the creation of such nurseries was a real leap in the complex process of reforestation. now it has become possible to grow planting material in large
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quantities. in total , about 33 million seedlings are produced throughout belarus every year. these are both pine needles and deciduous trees, but as they themselves say experts, the biggest plus is the ability to now cultivate planting material with that same closed root system, it takes root better and grows faster. if we talk about technology - growing planting material with a closed root system, then today we are working in two rotations and working only with norway spruce. we grow the planting material itself for 2 years, after 2 years. this planting material of a closed root system is used both by the forestry enterprise itself and is also sold by the entire forestry enterprise of the region. to by the way, the demand for belarusian seedlings today exceeds the supply, the same russians are happy to buy up all the surplus that is formed in our nurseries, so this is also a story about a profitable business, but as the experts themselves say, first of all they cover the needs within
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the country. we are given plans for today's growth using closed root growth. that is , there is the capacity of the center today, which today is, this year we have already planted 4 million seedlings, that is, out of the necessary need for planting materials, that’s why we do this, and this is a forest nursery near mogilev, a real biofactory for growing planting material with a closed root system, this technology allows you to produce seedlings all year round. except for winter, five greenhouses are used simultaneously , five fields for growing, thanks to special feeding using purified partesian water using a complex of mineral fertilizers,
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there is no stress on the plant during transplantation, the planting material immediately continues to grow, but in forest conditions. the forest is one of the most valuable belarusian resources, but apparently not everyone thinks so. location: chemeryan forestry. and this is another negative example in our material. in 2016 , a forest plantation appeared in this place, next to the highway, five rows of larch and five rows of maple. but years later, the maple seedlings died. turns out. there was no mandatory care for them, as required by technology. the forester , in collusion with private entrepreneurs , was assigned to work on caring for forest
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crops on an area of ​​100 hectares. in addition, budget money was illegally obtained in in the amount of 20,000 belarusian rubles. there are no crops, time has passed, but as they say, even the forest growers themselves say that what we are cutting now is not ours, we are not planting for ourselves, that is, we are trying to grow crops of good quality, as a result , the forest that grows is not what we want. currently, the investigative authorities have opened a criminal case and an investigation into the fact is underway. in addition to complete destruction, it also happens that planting material does not take root well. in this case, forest crops are left to grow, that is, they become forests not after 7 years, as is the case it must be after some more time, from a year to three. at the same time, it is obvious that some of the remaining forest crops will die and will be written off anyway. here first of all.
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in october 2022, the materials of the inspections of the state control committee on the write-off of leafy crops were considered at a meeting of the board of the ministry of forestry, a number of tough personnel decisions were made, the directors of seven forestry enterprises were relieved of their positions, as well as the chief foresters of eight forestry enterprises, reprimands were announced to twenty directors of forestry enterprises, note 11 to directors. the chief forest rangers were brought to disciplinary liability.
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and we are now setting the task through additions, through withdrawals, in order to reach this standard, a natural decline, of course, it will happen, to reach this standard, and this will already be a victory, the forest is being cut down, chips are flying, fortunately this is not about belarus, in our country this natural wealth is on the special account of the state, and if something is cut down, then after 3 years young trees are planted in the same place and released for 36 months in case... they are already growing in the area they will be able to produce young trees on their own, but if not, then experts will plant new forests, to help them millions of belarusians, for whom the annual forest week
9:00 pm
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9:03 pm
this is a panorama, summing up the main results of the day on the calendar monday, july 29, look in the issue! at a meeting on international issues at the palace of independence today , very specific projects were discussed that relate to key... partners of russia and china and new ones, for example, the dprk, individual questions to the government, the foreign ministry and industrialists, details, see...


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