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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 29, 2024 9:45pm-10:05pm MSK

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hardworking people. bragin has a rich history, he is the same age as moscow. it was first mentioned in the ipatiev chronicle in 1147 . according to one version, in ancient times a tannery was located in bragen . braginya is one of the largest solar power plants in belarus. 90,000 photovoltaic panels convert the sun's radiation into direct current electricity. power 18 mw. a record among belarusian solar installations. the line for housing is moving quickly. upon entering... a job
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, young specialists immediately receive rental comfortable apartments. a new microdistrict is being enlarged, modern electric houses are being built. large families have the opportunity to build a manor-type house with government support. district center. it is developing rapidly, the infrastructure is being improved, a sports and fitness center has been built, volleyball, basketball and mini-football courts have been opened, and a new workout zone has appeared. for several years in a row, the regional center has won first place in the republican competition for the title of the most comfortable. we remove, clean, paint, we shine every thursday. it's already.
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tradition. bragin is a special land. the historical museum houses a meteorite of the same name. the thirty-eight kilogram striper has a special value. a work of art created by nature itself. other fragments of a strong meteor shower. fallen at the beginning of the 19th century were exhibited in museums in russia and europe. we value the originality and uniqueness of these places, the intimate atmosphere, and the calm way of everyday life. bragen is our place to live.
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well, that’s all for me, they’re waiting for you ahead sports news, but right now we are watching understandable politics, the most destructive natural disasters in the world and a tsunami of consequences, looting instead of help , inaction. this is an understandable policy. hello, july will be remembered by belarusians not only as a time of warmth, but also of bad weather and violence of the elements. fortunately, they didn’t overcome nastya together. this does not happen in all countries. society reacts differently to natural disasters , instead of mutual assistance, sometimes it tries to profit from... native elements, typhoons,
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earthquakes, fires, floods, let’s remember the most destructive ones.
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history has recorded a huge number of natural disasters over the centuries, a typhoon in india in 1881 that killed 300,000 people, a flood in china in 1887 that killed up to 2 million people. by the way, the celestial empire is a sad record holder and of the ten deadliest disasters, half occurred in our asian allies. god's punishment or the river of sorrow, as huang he calls it, it has always been the center of chinese civilization, but extremely obstinate. the flood of 1887 was the work of the river and its hands. 900 thousand dead, but in 1931 everything
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things turned out even worse. the perfect storm in china was caused by several factors from 1928 to 1930 in the country. the high one, due to the rains and squally winds, rose even higher, and the dams could not withstand the shock of the waves. a stream of water with a terrifying roar swept through the streets of the sleeping city of gouyu. more than 10 thousand people died there that day, most of them dying in their sleep. the yandza river rose so high that
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all the surrounding valleys were flooded. by early august, water had forced an incredible 500,000 people to flee their homes and wander in search of shelter and food. 16 of china's 23 provinces were flooded, as was the country's capital. then, by the way, it was not beijing, but the city of nanjing. in some places, the water level rose by 16 m. stoichia destroyed crops of rice, wheat and farms. in just a couple of days , 150,000 people died, and millions more died from hunger and disease. food shortages became so critical that many people resorted to cannibalism. the flood led to an outbreak of malaria, which killed another 300,000 people. a very important point is that since there was a civil war in the country, there was anarchy, the commandant's government provided very little assistance to the victims. yes,
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some dams were repaired, several small bylatin dams were built, but essentially everything is limited to that. on the part of international organizations, in particular the red cross, there were volunteers from other countries who helped suffer. the most devastating hurricane in us history, as scientists have dubbed katrina, the storm literally destroyed the country's major cultural center, new orleans, to the ground. because of katrina new orlen literally became a hostage, people were locked in their own homes, unable to get out. the assistance system has shown its ineffectiveness. some families never received help.
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800,000 homes were destroyed, the cost of rebuilding the city is estimated at $160 billion. just imagine, 80% of the city went under water, how... the residents of new orleans behaved, helped restore or pump out water, no, looting began, here is the material from the historical part of new orleans, plundered many grocery stores. in downtown canal street, looters broke the iron bars on the windows of expensive boutiques and jewelry stores. full police work in the city is impossible because the streets are flooded. there is no landline or mobile telephone service in the city. the situation led to this. that the police even opened fire on criminals; shootouts became a fixture of new orleans in those years. by the way, the city is being restored to this day. activists criticize washington, saying federal authorities do not care about residents, who have literally lost everything. but in 2021 , the discourse about the aftermath of katrina took
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an unexpected turn. it must be recognized that police officers lie and that using them as the sole source of information in stories poses a problem. especially for communities of color. today society is wondering whether the police, under the guise of moroders, killed innocent people, but of the wrong skin color. without these questions, reporters risk reporting. stories that support police actions that may be unlawful. this is very it is important to talk about past disasters, but not so much to be horrified, oh how they went wrong, but to think about how we ourselves, in our own specific conditions , can save our lives and property, and this is very, very important, because this is what we see, it is extraordinary.
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in 2004, a powerful tsunami hit the indian ocean coast, killing more than 200,000 people from madagascar to thailand in just one day. the tsunami was caused by an undersea earthquake of magnitude 9.1 near indonesia. in a few hours, a powerful wave covered 14 countries, even reaching the coast of africa. in the resorts of thailand alone, the number of victims exceeded 800 people. it is noteworthy that 90%. dead tourists. the waves rose up to 40 m in height. in
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indonesia alone, 140,000 houses, 120 km of roads and two dozen bridges were destroyed. yes , in general, indonesia is a separate issue - it is the most seismically active region on the planet. a dozen serious earthquakes are recorded every day in indonesia, and two or three of them, if the epicenter is located appropriately, can lead to a significant number of casualties. the country of 3,000 islands is part of. the so -called pacific ring of fire, a powerful tectonic fault. the plate that forms the floor of the indian ocean, according to scientists, is squeezed under the asian plate here, at about the same speed as a human fingernail grows. the earthquake set a sad record in sri lanka, where the largest train accident in history occurred due to a tsunami, killing 200 people. as analysts noted, the region’s recovery from tremors ended only by 2000. and this is a very recent
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case: the fires in australia four years ago are striking in their scale of tragedy. unesco has counted almost 3 billion animal victims. kaalas, kangaroos, birds, the number is huge. when you walk through the scorched forest, what is most stunning is the silence. no birdsong or rustling can be heard. australia can be classified as one of the forests devastated by the disaster. without a doubt, this is the most destructive disaster in australian history, scientists say. according to him, the total area affected by the fire is 18 million , it’s mind boggling, it’s more than holland, denmark and switzerland. taken. scientists
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note that it could take decades for australia's flora and fauna to recover; the situation is still so critical that society is demanding that the government introduce a moratorium on logging. such a move would naturally make timber on the continent more expensive than gold. a situation in which the economic side is on one side of the scale. profit, which is also quite understandable, understandable factor, because economic collapse, an economic catastrophe associated with the lack of exports, the timber industry, can also lead to dire consequences, on the one hand, for the citizens of this state, on the other hand, on the other hand, on the other side of the scale lies the need for the main cause of the fire in the drought that lasted in the country for 3 years and the same... some scientists also argue that the main cause of fires in
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australia was global warming, which was caused by industrial emissions carbon into the atmosphere, raising the air temperature at the earth's surface. it should be noted that back in 2018, at a un conference , it was reported that australia was not meeting its obligations to reduce carbon emissions under the paris climate agreement. so we went to the belarusian event, such bad weather took many by surprise. after all, our climate is usually calm and we are not very used to hurricanes and tornadoes, so july 2024 tested the resilience of belarusians. squally
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winds and heavy downpours for hundreds of people points without electricity and water. blocked roads, de-energized farms, fallen ones. almost all regions were affected, when was an emergency declared in the belarusian regions because of the weather ? according to the ministry of emergency situations , seven people died during the natural disaster and another 13 were injured. the most difficult situation has developed in the mozal, rechesky and gomel districts of the southern region. backup power sources were used to supply power to socially significant facilities. the wind also damaged a huge number of residential buildings, which began to promptly restore. residents note that they have never seen such a riot of elements in their lifetime. scientists say that such storms can happen again, which means we need a cool head and a willingness not only of rescuers, but also of society to respond to such natural acacias. yes, the ministry of emergency situations and other authorities worked effectively, although they could have done it faster, especially in the first hours. in such conditions, having made sure
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that the usual methods of work were not producing results, the president personally began to lead the liquidation of the consequences. he mobilized all the resources of the state, quickly built a system of actions of various service departments, both republican and local levels. twice a day, morning and evening, the president received a detailed summary of the measures taken. the head of the presidential administration, dmitry krutoy, went to the gomel region to analyze the situation and make appropriate decisions. several thousand specialists were involved in almost three hundred pieces of equipment; a diesel generator was deployed to restore power supply. restoring damaged objects in the frame and behind the scenes , the president had personal control over communications with every region of the country. in this case, we are restoring power lines, if we see that this old thing is collapsing, then i instructed him to demolish it all and install new lines. these are basically
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these low medium voltage lines, so governors, take control of this. while the minister and his specialists are working with you, demand that all power lines be restored, and the frail, thin lines must be demolished and replaced. the minister knows this. viktor mikhailovich, for me they report that the state security committee conducted monitoring. there are cases when they are offended by the energy industry, partly by the utility workers, and why don’t i go there, let them pay me triple my salary, then i...
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well, here’s personal help, i’ve already asked the electricians themselves, i’m very, very pleased for these people , people are so attentive, you know, they probably just understand these troubles, well, they want to help, such attention, care for people, it’s clear here that they didn’t leave, although it’s a small village, well, i was pleasantly surprised, i came , i'm watching, the generator is working, it’s very nice that there are caring people, good people, they help, it’s generally sincere, we didn’t even expect it. that such assistance will be akin to martial law, the head of state will note: if you hesitate, you will lose the battle, you need to be prepared for such cataclysms. the strength of any state is not the absence of problems, they always exist, but the speed of reaction and the effectiveness of solving them. the liquidation of the consequences of the hurricane is still ongoing, but it is already obvious that our government
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system mobilized quite quickly and began to work in a mode corresponding to a large-scale emergency situation. presidential power has once again proven its power.


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