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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 30, 2024 6:35pm-7:00pm MSK

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history has recorded a huge number of natural disasters over the centuries. typhoon in india in 1881, which killed 300,000 people. the chinese flood of 1887 killed up to 2 million people. by the way,
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god's punishment or the river of sorrows, as the huang he is called, has always been the center of chinese civilization, but extremely obstinate. the flood of 1887 was the work of this river, 900 thousand died, but in 1931 everything turned out even worse. the perfect storm in china was caused by several factors. from 1928 to 1930, the country experienced a severe drought. after the harsh winter. as a result, a lot of ice and snow accumulated at the river sources. and finally, nine cyclones at once in 1931. the fate of central china was sealed. all three great rivers of china - the yangtze, yellow and huai - overflowed their banks. on the night of twenty. on august 1931, the water level in
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lake gauyu in the northern province of jiangsu, which was already extremely high , rose even higher due to rain and squally winds and the dams could not withstand the shock of the waves. a stream of water with a terrifying roar swept through the streets of the sleeping city of gouyu. more than 10 thousand people died there that day, most of them died in their sleep. the yandza river rose so high that all the surrounding valleys were flooded. by the beginning of august. forced an incredible 500,000 people from their homes to wander in search of shelter and food. 16 of china's 23 provinces were flooded, as was the country's capital. then, by the way, it was not beijing, but the city of nanjing. in some places, the water level rose by 16 m. stoichia destroyed crops of rice, wheat and farms. in just a couple of days , 150,000 people died, and millions more died from hunger and disease. a lack of food supply has become so critical.
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that many people have reached the point of cannibalism. the flood led to an outbreak of malaria, which killed another 300,000 people, and typhus, cholera and dysentery spread. a very important point is that, since there was a civil war in the country and there was anarchy, the komendanov government provided very little assistance to the victims. yes, some have been renovated. several small dams would have been built there, but essentially everything was limited to this, there was outside help international organizations, in particular the red cross, and there were volunteers from other countries who helped the victims. the most devastating hurricane in us history, as
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scientists have dubbed katrina, the storm literally destroyed the country's major cultural center, new orleans, to the ground. because of katrina , new orleans literally became a hostage, people were trapped in their own homes, unable to escape. the assistance system has shown its ineffectiveness. some families never received help. 800 destroyed thousand houses, the cost of restoration. just imagine, 80% of the city went under water, how did the residents of new orleans behave and help restore or pump out water? no, it was morodism that came into play, this is the material of that time. in new orleans, where more than half of the residents fled their homes due to hurricane katrina, looters are on the rampage. so in the french quarter, the historical part of new orleans, many grocery stores were looted, in the business... in the
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city center of canal street, looters broke out the iron bars on the windows of expensive boutiques and jewelry stores. full police work in the city is impossible because the streets are flooded. not in the city. both landline and mobile telephone services. the situation led to the police even opening fire on criminals; shootouts became a fixture of new orleans in those years. by the way, the city is being restored to this day. activists criticize washington, saying that federal authorities do not care about residents who have lost literally everything. but in 2021 , the discourse about the aftermath of katrina took an unexpected turn. it must be recognized that the police lie and that's what they are used for. the sole source of information in materials poses a challenge, especially for communities of color. today society is wondering whether the police, under the guise of mordors, killed innocent people, but of the wrong skin color. without these questions, reporters risk reporting stories that support police actions
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that may be unlawful. it is very important to talk about past disasters, but not so much as if... we should talk about ourselves, then our neighbors, and act accordingly. on december 27, 2004, a powerful tsunami hit
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the indian ocean coast, killing more than 200,000 people from madagascar to thailand in just one day. the tsunami was caused by underwater. in indonesia , a few hours later, a powerful wave covered 14 countries, even reaching the coast of africa; in the resorts of thailand alone, the number of victims exceeded 800 people; it is noteworthy that 90% of the dead were tourists. the waves rose up to 40 m in height; in indonesia alone , 14,000 houses, 120 km of roads and two dozen bridges, and indonesia in general. a separate topic is the most seismically active region of the planet. every day , a dozen serious earthquakes are recorded in indonesia, and two or three of them, if the epicenter is located appropriately, can lead to a significant number of victims. the country of 300 islands is part of the so-called pacific
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ring of fire, a powerful tectonic fault. the plate that forms the bottom of the indian ocean, according to scientists, is squeezed here under the asian plate, about the same. when you walk through a scorched forest, more the silence is overwhelming, you can’t hear the singing of birds, or the rustling of leaves under your feet, only
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silence. these words from professor mike clark, lecturer in zoology at latrobe university of melbourne, australia, could apply to any of the forests being devastated. as a result of a disaster. without a doubt, this is the most destructive disaster in australian history, scientists say. according to him, the total area affected by the fire , 18 million hectares, is beyond belief. this is more than holland, denmark and switzerland combined. scientists note that it could take ten years to restore australia's flora and fauna.
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the timber industry can also lead to dire consequences, on the one hand for the citizens of this state, on the other hand, on the other side of the scale lies the need to... restore the country's ecological system, this is certainly a matter of a very difficult choice. the then prime minister of australia scott morison said that the main reason for the fire was the drought that lasted in the country for 3 years and that same thing - global warming. some scientists also claim that the main cause of fires in australia was global warming, which was caused by industrial carbon emissions into the atmosphere, raising the air temperature on... the surface of the earth. it should be noted that back in 2018, at a un conference, it was reported that
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australia was not meeting its obligations to reduce carbon emissions under the paris climate agreement. so we came to the belarusian events. such bad weather. many were caught in the meltdown, after all , our climate is usually calm, we are not used to strongly to hurricanes and tornadoes, so july 2024 tested the resilience of belarusians, squally winds, heavy downpours, hundreds of settlements without electricity and water, littered roads, de-energized farms, fallen forests, almost all regions suffered when...
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to the gomel region for analysis the head
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of the presidential administration, dmitry krutoy, left to determine the situation and make appropriate decisions ; several thousand specialists were involved ; almost three hundred units of equipment were deployed to restore power supply; diesel generator sets were deployed. the president kept in touch with each region of the country the restoration of damaged facilities, frame by frame, under personal control. in this case, we restore the electrical lines. transmissions, if we see that this old stuff is collapsing there, then i instructed him to demolish it all and install new lines, these are mainly these low-medium voltage lines, so governors, take control of this while the minister and his specialists work for you , demand that all power lines be restored, and the frail, thin lines must be demolished replace. the minister knows this, viktor mikhailovich reported to me, the state security committee carried out monitoring, there are
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cases when they are offended by the energy sector, partly by utility workers, and that i won’t go there, let them pay me triple my salary, then i will go, such people in handcuffs should be handed over to kubrakov , this is an emergency situation, there should be no such conversations here, as they say, rely on lukashenko, don’t make a mistake yourself, always work together.
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and the speed of reaction and efficiency of their solution. elimination of the consequences of the hurricane continues, but it is already obvious that our state system has mobilized quite quickly. and began to work in a mode corresponding to a large-scale emergency situation. presidential power has once again proven its effectiveness. the institution of the presidency is the core for the entire vertical of decision-making and public administration. conclusions from what happened have already been partially drawn, but there is still a lot to be generalized and work algorithms for the future to be built. and to the finale
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of the story from the eighteenth. great century the lisbon earthquake is also called the killer of the empire. in those years, portugal owned many colonies and had the largest fleet and the status of a world power. everything changed on november 1, 1755. at 9:40 am there were three powerful tremors. the most powerful of the three was the second shock. the ground vibrations from it lasted three minutes. it destroyed the building, formed giant cracks in the center of lisbon, and in a matter of minutes... took the lives of more than 100,000 residents of the capital. three tremors of the earthquake turned a prosperous sun-drenched city into a living hell on earth. because of a huge amount of dust, the capital of portugal plunged into darkness, all the former happy life was under rubble. after the earthquake , the surviving residents of lisbon ran to the coast to escape, where they were met
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by a twenty-meter tsunami wave. lisbon was destroyed by 85%. they disappeared under water. royal archives, securities, documents; the entire surviving part of the treasury had to be spent on the restoration of the capital. a considerable part of the famous portuguese fleet also suffered. as a result, colonial ambitions countries were buried like portugal's untold riches. at the same time , both looters and clergy appeared in lisbon. the earthquake occurred during the catholic day of all saints, and many saw this as a sign from god that portugal had turned away from god. the entire system, the entire managerial elite of portugal gathered for the holiday of the day of all svitek, and in fact, in a few minutes there was the most terrible second shock, in fact, most of it either died or was maimed, and another very
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large part simply simply fell into the state of such inhibition is also very important. it should be noted that even the king himself, who was not directly affected by the disaster, yes, but after that he began to be afraid to live, to be in the premises, for most of the rest of his life he lived in a richly decorated, but tent, this is a very important point, for many people were affected by this this catastrophe. the emergence of such a science as seismology: centuries later, earthquakes and other natural disasters still occur, and will continue to occur; for example, even deserts can be seriously flooded united arab emirates. there are several reasons for this, and it is a pity that even against the backdrop of serious climate change, the state of flora and fauna is still of little concern to the largest corporations and bigwigs of the world. happily.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence. what popular nickname did this house receive? matvey, you smiled so much when you saw the answer options in front of you, what made you smile so much? i didn’t know the answer options and intuitively answered a. well, because this house is like legs that walk. pay attention to the screen: is it correct? is there a transcription of the word? i think that the word is written incorrectly, because after t there should be a comma, which means, and what, what is this comma called, maybe you remember? i don't remember. this is an apostrophe, the comma is always placed at the bottom, the comma is
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a punctuation mark. that's right, tricky questions.
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but all these plans were dashed and you realized that this is the kind of life you want, then you converted your parents’ house into a stable, now you rescue horses and dogs, you have about seven horses now, and dogs, i just lost my mind counting, you probably know better how many there are, more than sixty, i don’t know for sure anymore. at least start doing something, so that this will somehow move, watch the project i’m from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel, how
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lukashenko as president treats corrupt officials, we all know this very well, if you’re a thief, then you’ll be in jail, no matter how no matter how pro-state you are, lukashenko is demanding of everyone, but... he is especially demanding of those who are nearby, our main enemy, carelessness, fraud and corruption. homeland, in my understanding, this, of course, is my country, and my cities, but first of all, the homeland is the people. every third person on the territory of belarus died from the war. and when now someone suddenly doesn’t understand what belarus and specifically its leader lukashenko are doing, when we conduct maneuvers, then combat coordination, then we call the wagnerites to you to learn from experience, then we return nuclear weapons. the enemies present this as aggression, that they are there at home. maneuvers, but all that alexander grigorievich wants for his homeland is, so that the same thing does not happen again, every third, a stable environment that is controlled, here, but nevertheless
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you cannot relax. that's all lukashenko does: he defends his homeland, the way its leader should defend it. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on belarus 24 tv channel.
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