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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 30, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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belarusian science, participants of the working group to analyze the activities of the national academy of sciences were invited to attend. it was created on behalf of the president. alexander lukashenko calls not to make hasty conclusions, to carefully study the issues and set the right tasks. the process of electing members of the academy of sciences is currently underway. according to the president, it is the significance of scientific developments for the state that should become the most important selection criteria. continuity of generations is also important, namely the presence of its own scientific school. active
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state position, the president is convinced that belarusian scientists should be at the forefront of solving strategic, economic and social problems. the appeals of scientists, specialists, and some members of the government convince me that we need to take a serious look at the development of academic science and make appropriate decisions in all areas and personnel decisions.
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approach the study of the problems of the academy of sciences and make an appropriate decision, this is the third time i’m saying this, because without science there ’s nowhere else to go. a telephone conversation took place president alexander lukashenko with chairman of the board of rosneft igor sechin. in particular, the prospects for cooperation between belarus and this large russian oil and gas company were discussed. the union state of belarus and russia is entering a new stage of global economic integration and formation. unified energy market. the draft interstate agreement has been prepared, agreed upon and passed the internal state procedure. it is expected that at the first stage of the market trade will be organized electricity between authorized legal entities. on the belarusian side, this is belenergo. the second stage provides for deeper integration with the expansion of market participants and the organization of a single technological process. restoration work after the bad weather continues. populated areas of belarus,
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reports the ministry of energy. the organization is constantly monitoring the situation. difficult conditions in the country remain. today again strong winds up to 20 m/s. mostly rain and thunderstorms. over the past 24 hours power supply was disrupted in 1917 settlements of the country. 6,168 transformer substations, 171 farms, and 24 boiler houses were de-energized. rescuers went to sawing sites 154 times. trees. restoration work is being carried out in more than 540 settlements. the most difficult operational situation has developed in the krodno and iminsk regions. 283 brigades and 339 units of special equipment are working on the elimination. a situational headquarters has been created to eliminate mass outages. constantly monitor the developing situation in if necessary, all forces will be increased and increased. the harsh conditions
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are now harsh for the workers, sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s raining, but this weather is not a hindrance to the harvesting company. everything necessary is being done to ensure food security in belarus. over 4,900 thousand tons of grain have already been threshed, including rabs, with minsk, brest and grodno regions leading the way. in parallel with grain harvesting, flax is being pulled across the country. work continues on the preparation of grass feed. the project premiered in the art museum, exhibited. works in which the main unifying line is the search for sacred symbols, the walls of the main art gallery of the country, national art of the 17th centuries, everyday scenes, portraits in which the text of the holy scripture is hidden. experts have divided the exhibition into four thematic sections and offer a scientific art quest to consider the attributes and unravel the allegories in the images of the mother of god of jesus christ, his disciples and followers. in the hall of the climax there are statesmen and confessors, and here.
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not without hidden meanings. the museum of ancient russian culture of the academy of sciences of belarus also provided its collection, a work that is rarely available to the viewer. saint augustine and the royal doors. look at two works: jesus christ, here he is wearing one object, on the adjacent icon with another object, and we say why exactly this way and not otherwise? friendship without borders. the international session takes place at the zubrenok children's center. schoolchildren from uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan and laos, those who
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have achieved success in intellectual and creative activities, spend holidays with belarusians. the program includes a music ring, a concert, gatherings around the fire of friendship and various themed evenings. during the rest period, the guys will study the history and cultural features of belarus. watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts are especially important. events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting trips around the country,
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feature films for all ages, territories of the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands. germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day, every day. be. with belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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dalia pavlovna, good evening, good evening, the most successful female cardiologist in belarus, professor, chief non-staff cardiologist, head of the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology, at the age of 27 you already became the head of the department, yes, but how quickly did you realize that your heart lies in saving millions of hearts of belarusians, and not only belarusians, thank you. germana, if you remember, the cause you serve, my dear man, i am responsible for everything, and there volodya ustemenko in the ninth grade realized that
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he wanted to practice medicine, i realized this in the eighth, and then, well, in first, i was lucky with my mother, she was a wonderful doctor,
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and to love myself in the capacity in which a person gets pleasure from life, yes, but
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this is when we talk about prevention, yes, after all, here is a concrete example, was it really not, as they say, someone from above who specifically sent you to a specific person when you provided help and it saved him, literally on the street, it happened, you know, you know, there were several such situations, thank god, as a rule, i was not alone, in particular, once a person with... felt ill in the subway, and i i remember this feeling when people moved aside and i saw a relatively young man who clearly became ill, next to me was another young man, as it turned out, he was a doctor in the intensive care unit of one of the clinics, and the two of us provided assistance to this man until the ambulance arrived and the doctor came down , right... in the subway, well, there was such a wonderful story that ended happily in the store in the elevator, i could
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talk about it for a very long time, but fortunately i have a sufficient amount of simple practical skills to provide the first help to a person, but in general the country should have a well-organized system of naturally providing assistance to such patients, fortunately at the moment... we, in general, not only have it, but have improved it by all possible means. apparently, those people for whom this happened, and next to whom there were real professionals at that particular moment, yes, apparently, they did not sin too much in this life, on the contrary, i must say that this is the system for preparing the population for such situations, it maybe one of the most important ones, i once saw this in stockholm, i am very glad that they are doing it in our country now. preparing young people to provide such emergency care, this is very important, because the presence of a doctor nearby
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is a happy occasion, the very first aid should be provided by the person who is nearby in this situation, i completely agree, okay, let's talk about what your heart probably hurts, but according to who statistics, heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the world over the past 20 years, well, at least this information said, yes, belarusians are honest people, we are talking about our problems, and we are talking about the
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paths we are taking so that these indicators, well, let’s say, not only bring them to the world level, but maybe even make them much more , much more understandable and much more favorable, we include in these mortality rates from diseases of the circulatory system. not only cardiac pathology, but also cerebrovascular. so we sincerely believe that in europe or america, demonstrating these statistics, limiting them at a certain age, say, 70-75 years, representatives of medicine in these countries hide a certain part of the information, but we show everything. and we sincerely believe that the system of preventive measures that
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we have carried out in recent years and which we are improving now, it will give its results, 5, 10, 15 years later, but we will get a decrease in mortality rates from diseases of the circulatory system, we will teach people to love your health, value it, we are very glad that we have in our constitution...
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well, they always wanted to be ahead of the rest, you and i know, yes, that the truth does not always become a priority in their information system, i always proceed that if a fool understands that he is a fool, he is no longer a fool, we need to talk about problems, otherwise you simply won’t solve them; they will get worse. it’s easy to explore belarus; all you need to do is create a non-trivial route. the long-awaited weekend has arrived, and this is a great reason to go on an exciting journey. and today i am building my route to tolochin. the most important thing is to be open to amazing secrets and facts.
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chagal, lissitzky, pen, malevich, these famous teachers brought up a lot of talent. watch the project the route was built on the belarus 24 tv channel. the day that went down in our history, belarus became a full member of the sco. the documents were signed at the organization’s summit in astana. over a quarter of a century , the organization has become one of the most influential and authoritative international structures. interest in it around the world is growing. the sco shows
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that there are other centers of power where the interests of everyone are respected without superiority and dominance. and such a policy is close to belarus. belarus celebrated the anniversary, which traces the path of formation and development of the country. strong, stable, independent. this has become so blue during the 30 years of alexander lukashenko’s presidency. modern belarus is space, nuclear technology and production with world brands in key industrial areas. and in many ways, this is a bet on russia, with the strength of a time-tested relationship. the longest belarusian antarctic expedition in history has ended; it lasted 8 month polar explorers made two inland expeditions, during which they studied the kanavalov mountain range and discovered an unexplored area with an area of ​​3,600 km; it is quite possible that sensational discoveries await us in the coming years. the area of ​​scientific interest was marked with markers with the symbols of belarus. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts:
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watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 20.4 tv channel. natalya pavlovna, what about your joke that we will all die from arrhythmia anyway. i, this, well, let's just say it's a sad joke. that is, there is a grain of humor in every joke, right? yes, yes, but we must certainly go to the point that the probability is premature. situations to be minimized, we are talking about the fact that this should not happen prematurely, should not happen because there is no contact between a person and a doctor who is engaged in preventive medicine or between a patient and a doctor who is treating this patient, i am talking here about compliance,
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the so-called adherence to treatment, this the weak point, unfortunately, is with belarusian citizens. you need to listen to the doctor, trust him , understand that he cares about your life, about your health. i agree. well, i have heard talk more than once that some people developed heart problems after suffering from covid. but today we can talk openly about the damage caused by this disease, that is, are these diseases somehow related? dear marat sergeevich, this is also a very sore subject for me, because as soon as covid began. it's dark, most people think they're striking, mainly the lungs are affected, in fact, even at the very beginning of the pandemic, chinese colleagues said that
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the central nervous system was under a gigantic blow, american colleagues began to pay attention to the fact that the cardiovascular system was seriously suffering, and we saw the development of severe multiple organ failure in these patients, there is one more point, studies have been conducted that have shown... that even if covid-19 in a particular person was asymptomatic, that is, only laboratory diagnostics confirmed it presence, in-depth studies show that several serious systems in this person’s body were damaged, does it go away and how quickly? many people say that weakness haunted them for many months, now there is a theory that in some situations it can...
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you really care about your health, the likelihood that these consequences will overtake you is definitely less, of course, and not only will they overtake you, but they will also manifest themselves in full, yes they will manifest themselves, okay, here’s a question from all men, yes, what is a beer belly everyone knows what beer heart is, it really is, how problematic it is, what it is fraught with, you know, i would marad sergeevich, i would talk here not so much even about beer heart, but in general... about the harmful effects of alcoholic beverages on the cardiovascular system, because this problem exists, it is described both in serious scientific literature
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and in popular literature, and people must understand that every sip of alcohol creates a precedent, as a result of which arrhythmia can develop, chronic cardiac disease can begin to progress insufficiency, i belong to that category of specialist. who do not support the idea that alcohol in small doses is beneficial, because i have seen people who, especially without the knowledge of drinking alcohol, take a certain dose for the first time, even a small one, they develop problems with the cardiovascular system, reminiscent of myocardial inflammation or some kind of arrhythmia, and if this happens...
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it is much more convincing than any stories, you have to see it once to understand, that in general, well, minimizing, let ’s say, alcohol consumption is the key to the health of the cardiovascular system and many other systems, well, what does a beer heart look like, excuse me for being so insistent, it looks like - first, as a rule, increased in volume, here... with altered turgor, that is, it, as i said, is usually a rather loose structure that does not fully perform
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its main function in the human body, that is its contractile function is significantly impaired, in these people arrhythmias appear, conduction disturbances, and stories that they develop athersclerosis in the coronary vessels to a lesser extent, somehow they don’t convince me, yeah, but the french, well , traditionally they say that a glass of red wine, yes, but they are leaders in liver pathology, okay, then let’s put our hearts at ease, but there is an opinion that in soviet times our belarusian cardiology lagged behind, but well, it was believed that two main centers in moscow and... in st. petersburg, yes, in leningrad were enough then all complex patients can be sent there when the union collapsed, it turned out that in the sovereign republics, but
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there is no powerful cardiac surgery, not...
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in japan, so, if we remember the same period in belarus and compare with what we have now, absolutely it is obvious that the state has invested, firstly, absolutely gigantic money, i remember the time when we literally had two or three angiographs throughout the country, now there are 36, we have cardiac surgery departments in all regional centers, that is, this is an absolutely brilliant development of my ...
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that’s because once upon a time , my colleagues asked canadian specialists who came to us every year since 1998, well, now you yourself say that we are already moving headlong in the profession, why are you coming? they say: because communication with you is an amazing gift, and once a year we should
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enjoy this gift.
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maybe i took it wrong, well, firstly, this is not a joke, i remember the feeling of happiness that i experienced before professional, i was put under olivier, three dissertations, yes, three dissertations - these are three scientific works, with serious practical
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implementation, these are works that i still quote in a variety of situations, these are brilliant young people who, in general, have joined such a unique professional...
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every day we work to ensure that you receive the latest and most useful information. the twenty-minute format allows us to talk about what is happening in belarus and the world, and take a linguistic walk in the company of our guides. find a new place on map of belarus, which is definitely worth watching, as well as suggesting projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more, awaits you in
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the project ether 24 on 7, watch on the belarus24 tv channel, only for our viewers, we choose the best routes, difficult believe, but when... there were centuries-old forests on this land, we are in tolochin, welcome, and we are setting off on exciting journeys. extensive trade was carried out; lavender oil and rose oil were also brought in, in this rarest for belarus the stone iconastasia is not just a whole historical era, but a piece of the soul of every parishioner. local families donated money for some icons to other pilgrims to show how not... usually wonderful, our country. the poet wrote 17 poems here, which were included in two cycles: old belarus and the place, and two poems: veronica in the village. only in 1871 , a temple was built on this site, later consecrated in honor of the intercession
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of the most holy theotokos. ancient iconostasis and rare icons of st. nicholas, the intercession of the blessed virgin mary. she has been for many years protects the city from various misfortunes. watch the program "cities". belarus on the tv channel belarus 24, here is the center for cardiogenic shock, yeah, the creation of a center for hybrid cardiac surgery in belarus, but all this sounds to me personally like, well...
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today, we already have several centers in the republic where such operating rooms have been built, but we, of course, really wanted the republican center to have a structure that meets the highest requirements in this area; construction was completed in july of twenty-three hybrid building, in december 24th we must complete the innovative one...
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but we have already reached the mode of operation that will allow us to successfully report in december 24th for this project. natalya, excuse me, please, yes, but still i understand perfectly well that when you talk to professionals, yes, for him, what is hybrid technology, hybrid operation, well, obviously these are the basics, yes, which he immediately understands, oh what are you saying, i don’t understand, to the tv viewer, let’s explain what hybrid technology is, specifically in this particular case? unfortunately,
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most patients come to us at the stage when they already have not one, but several problems, including heart problems, yes , heart problems, namely cardiovascular problems, and sometimes this is also combined with other diseases, diabetes mellitus, pathology of the thyroid gland, pathology of the kidneys, pathology of the liver, the question arises of how to perform a set of interventions, for example, a person needs surgery on the heart, on the vessels of the neck and at the same time it is quite difficult to perform this, this is a high-tech tactic that , of course, still requires sequential intervention to some extent, but within the framework of, say, one operating room, when a cardiac surgeon and an x-ray vascular surgeon stand at the operating table, each performs their own stage of the intervention.
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the road along which modern cardiovascular surgery follows is not just cardiac surgery, but cardiovascular surgery. i believe that we will go through many more different stages, i think that there will be many approaches, points of view, disputes on this reason, but at the moment this is one of the most promising areas. why am i asking, well, people of my generation still remember the stethoscope. when the work of the heart was literally checked by hearing, well, now, they probably also
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check, i don’t know, in the same way, but recently i was examined and saw it in person, and i felt it myself , yes, and through a vein, yes, and under load, and holters, and a contrast agent, yes, which is driven into the heart, with such a contrast it was and became possible, today everyone can belarusian, this kind of help is available to every belarusian, well, firstly, in fact... i’ll say a few words that no one has yet buried a stethoscope, that is, it is still necessary, that is, a very competent therapist, cardiologist, cardiac surgeon must own the simplest technologies for examining the patient and 70% of diagnoses, as they were made in the 19th century, in the twentieth and early twenty-first, are made at this stage, but then there is an advantage. we have super technologies
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not only to confirm this diagnosis, but to clarify it so much that subsequent interventions were absolutely error-free, this is the achievement of modern cardiology, and for this, if there is the slightest doubt among doctors in the regions, we are able, and we do this every day, to take away the most seriously ill patients. and in the presence of the most high-tech methods in the republican scientific and practical center of cardiology and in the presence of specialists through whose hands much more has passed.
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over time, we will bring all intensive care units of the republic of belarus under it, well, this is a good plan, a good plan, natalya pavlovna, our own artificial valve, and stem cells, almost 600 heart transplants, yes, well, more than 500 exactly, it was 2 years ago, and we are among the top 20 in the world in terms of this indicator, that’s what else we can be proud of with marked in belarus. is this what you are talking about with your western colleagues? well, first of all, western colleagues who work in the field of these high technologies do not need to be convinced that belarus is one of the coolest countries in the field of transplantology, i think that the name rumo, the name
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ostrovsky is known all over the world, and the fact that we currently have 573 transplantations. the heart has been completed, transplantations of the heart-lung complex are being performed, this is certainly the merit of a single person, this is the work of a huge team of brilliant, very responsible people. in addition, we use completely unique technologies in the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure. for now, this is an experimental implementation stage. research work, but we are the first in the world to recruit patients, and the results of our work were reported in in the united states of america, recently my deputy for therapeutic care, we perform a completely unique intervention in complex occlusions of cardiac vessels, that is
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, in a situation where stenting is performed with a very high risk, in our country.
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calmly say that we are the first in the world, and this was reported in the usa, no one disputes this, yes, that is, it is obvious to everyone, and the medical environment turned out to be much more cordial, as i understand it, than their western leaders, or that’s all - the point is this kind of community and some cynicism of doctors cardiologists, i once had to attend a congress of cardiologists in person, the anecdotes that they told about the heart, yes, of course they are.
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wrote on the internet and didn’t even put my signature, that is, it was such a low-grade anonymous letter that supposedly the russian belarusian society was not expelled, but suspended activities within the european society of cardiologists, but when i came to the european congress of cardiologists that same year, i foreign colleagues greeted me with joy and hugged me.
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one of the best clinics in germany accepts our specialists, so they also have something to learn from us? teach to learn, i believe that we are now at the stage when we are exchanging experiences, exchanging experiences, this is great, it only helps two-way traffic, how patriotic do you think the doctor himself should be? and how not to take all the manipulations and technologies to heart,
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that is, a true professional never gets used to the troubles of his patients, always experiences unfavorable gatherings very sadly, quite clearly, by the way, the life expectancy of doctors is one of the saddest indicators in the world, and i think that this psycho-emotional tension, empathy, and empathy are of decisive importance here.
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this is very important, being the daughter of a man who went through the whole war, the granddaughter of a man who went through several wars, i really want our wonderful, beautiful country to live in peace and prosperity and low bow to the people who ensured this, this is what it is my policy, and i like this approach, you know, it’s not by chance that i i asked this question, you probably understand this very well, you... didn’t you have to lead the center during the most difficult period in september of the twentieth? it was not difficult for me to negotiate
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with these people, many of them are my students, many of them knew me as a workaholic who not only raised several generations of specialists, but worked quite hard all his life, so i told them that our task is to be near. operations, given that the center has only 210 beds, you can imagine some kind of
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essentially the plant, with which one, with what turnover of beds.
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the television news agency presents it in the public domain. we have no secrets from our people.
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replacing the main workers and at the same time the main workers receive vacations in the summer . in addition, construction teams work not only in the mogilev region. today we have four visiting detachments - volgograd, two detachments in kazakhstan, and one detachment in simferopol. this year we were forced to invite students and student teams to help builders and installers
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construction cress in the morning you can see the whole world from the roof. the commander is again concerned about something, where are the boards, where are the nails, where is the mortar, an interesting conversation with the foreman, the work went very well when we completed the canal on time, everyone was very pleased, well, the last few days everyone tried especially hard, the foreman asked, so that they work diligently, and in general, so that there are even extra shifts left. this is my third semester of work, and i’m just convinced once again that in a team you can always live cheerfully and amicably, when one for all for one. there are a lot of impressions, the most important thing is that i myself observed that students can not only have fun, study, but also do great physical work, but
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the girls didn’t want to take the virgin land, they doubted achieving their goals, but the girls. this was the case in every one of our locations. what meaning do modern pen painters put into their work? and so that all this is not in vain, so that it helps people pray, so that it helps people repent, here.
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unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches. here we have just holy relics martyr vanefatius of rome, and vanefatius is the patron helper of such a sin, which many, many people face, this is the sin of drinking wine. this is a particle of relics that came to us just from greece. answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects. on the belarus24 tv channel. for a moment i want to stop running and see how it rains, the leaves move, the sun shines, and how
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our life is built from all these little things, i want to look at this world differently, discover something new for myself every day, this is so interesting to us because we...
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