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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 31, 2024 12:45am-1:15am MSK

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that's it, don't get sick, well, thank you very much, by god, and sorry again, the gun needs to be handed over to the police, and the owner of this crazy guy too, a normal guy, well, i got a little nervous, a little bit, you're normal in general, cats, he locked us in his house. do you remember how they locked us on the zakharovs’ balcony? well , i remember, of course, i remember how we knocked, they didn’t open the door, well, gogo’s rockin’ roll was alive, even their songs didn’t bother us, it was a funny night, we never even quarreled with you then, well, not it was before, i still am do not understand why. you’re trying
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to quarrel with me, no, you’re the one who constantly comes at me, no, you’re provoking me, and you don’t know how to compromise at all, you’re lying, i beg you, don’t start, no, i’m not starting, you’re the one starting now and you say i'm starting, it seems there is only one way to silence this woman. kotov, are you completely crazy, pasha?
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the island of freedom is in the sphere of our interests, the government is building bridges of cooperation, we will tell you what belarusian goods they have to cuba and what will go to us? let us explain with examples what it costs us to build a house, especially if the requirements for the construction and repair of housing have now been simplified. we go shopping for groceries, not only as trade is changing, including online. our report on the centenary of the industry. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, olga onishchenko is with you. hello. cuba is far, cuba is nearby. and even despite the difficulties, we can supply our products to belarus. there will be freedom on the island; minsk and
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havana are building close business contacts. the visit of our government delegation endorsed the new agreement. there are obstacles to paying for goods, but this does not negate the possibility of concluding contracts for their supply. thus , large quantities of domestic milk powder needed for baby food will go to the island. belarus proposed that havana become a pharmaceutical hub for innovative cuban medicines on the market of the eurasian union. we will produce separate oncology drugs. svetlana lukinyuk about big economic plans on freedom island. stand still
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to develop all the time, the road, as you know, will be mastered by those who walk, we are in cuba, a country of incredible energy, smiles and vintage cars. a country that is still fighting for its independence and is deciding the most important issue of how to fill store shelves with goods of daily demand. today there are no standard schemes that work on all continents and in all countries. it is important to respect their history and take into account their current situation. in cuba. a difficult situation, as you know, the tightening of the american blockade has actually seriously reduced revenues to the cuban budget, therefore, there is a need for absolutely everything, food, technology, everything, but there are difficulties with financial resources, but despite this we have found opportunities to conclude a contract for the supply of belarusian products there, the supply of goods both through payment directly alive, as they say... so due to the import
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of cuban products that are in demand among us, that is, the schemes were all found, in these conditions, i believe that it is possible to fly away from cuba with concluded contracts worth millions of dollars. it is too quite a serious result, as i say, maybe the figure is not so big, but in the conditions in which cuba lives today, this is significant, we are just leaving with signed contracts, but we still have a whole bunch of, as i call, developments laid down, in order to implement them in the future. last year we doubled our trade turnover, and in 5 months of this year we increased our turnover by another 20%. yes, the overall numbers are small, but everything external must also be taken into account.
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ideal attitude, but it is precisely success in the economic sphere that awaits our peoples, our presidents. and there are already such successes; in havana , the common desire was sealed with signatures, and we agreed, for example, on the supply of medicines from belarus and joint production here.
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innovative cuban oncology drugs have been registered in our country. vaccines have already been registered for treatment in our institutions. only after this can they be used for widespread use in practical medicine, well, this takes from six months to a year, and sometimes maybe more. we plan to start now, by the time when this implementation is in a broad process, it will be possible to talk about it only after clinical trials have been carried out. most of the supplies that come in cubes are with export support from the development bank. this year there have already been four loans, so contracts have been signed for the supply of thousands of... powdered milk for baby food and more. the next stage of cooperation is the creation of joint production facilities for the production of dairy products. today we discussed the creation of joint production, the mechanisms for its creation and financing, where
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belarusian suppliers would ensure a long-term supply of raw materials, provide qualified support for these productions and... such equipment, because our tractors are known and loved here, even if they are a little over 30, or even more, here all the cars are ageless, they look cheerful on the streets cities. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey young man, area of ​​interest. the construction industry is undergoing changes. the requirements for the construction and renovation of housing
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have now become simpler. last week the code on architectural, urban planning and construction activities. it summarized almost all the fundamental... documents that regulate the procedure for the construction of objects at all its stages, from the idea to its acceptance into operation. work on the document took about 6 years. for example, the procedure for constructing residential buildings of the fifth complexity class has been simplified. investigation of construction accidents is also one of the most sensitive topics in the industry. now this work will be carried out under the strict guidance of state construction supervision specialists. about new rules in belarusian construction, veronica buta. this code is the first in the history of the construction industry; in essence, it summarizes the main relevant documents from the moment of the project to the commissioning of the facility. the department assured that the innovations significantly
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simplify the process of housing construction and renovation. the main thing is that there is less bureaucracy, the paperwork is reduced, the preparation time for construction is reduced, and this is not a five-minute affair. permits, examinations, approvals, the norms laid down in the code will now reduce the time required to prepare for construction by about a third, in in some cases it will be possible to do without permits. documents, for example, you no longer need to obtain papers for the demolition of non-residential permanent buildings on your site, and you no longer need a project for a country house. if this is a plot of land in a district not adjacent to the regional center and the city of minsk, then no more documents are needed at all; when starting construction, register the object, that’s all; if these are districts adjacent to the regional centers, then you only need to get one document, a passport developer, simplified input order.
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government, and cities of regional subordination were transferred from the government to local executive and administrative bodies. at the same time, on the contrary, the requirements for long-term construction projects have been tightened. firstly, the very concept of long-term construction appears, this is an object whose construction has been ongoing for more than 3 years, and these periods are not provided for by the regulations. the head of state was instructed to restore order on the ground with such objects. thanks to this, over
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the last 5 years, our excess facilities have been reduced by almost 75%. further work will focus specifically on problem objects. now we are working on the issue of introducing it into legislation, into the administrative code, and holding customers and developers who have such objects accountable. this is clearly stated in the code. the timing of the suspension is only if there is a justified reason; the construction of residential buildings can be slowed down from two to four times during the entire construction, but only for a couple of months. and these are not all the upcoming innovations. early july deputies in the first reading adopted a bill on the registration of real estate by belarusians. it is expected that when the document comes into force, citizens and individual entrepreneurs will be able to register their buildings at any state registration agency, regardless of where it is located. property, this will save time, money and nerves. now
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a short advertisement, then, exchange rates, our report on the centenary of belarusian trade, how are store shelves changing? let's show it, editors club. people gathered with families in their apartments to look at our parade, because it is also such a good reminder that there is this island somewhere that values ​​peace and talks about peace. this is also a demonstration of economic power; not every average country can hold a parade. just a summary: belarus has become a member of the shanghai cooperation organization, which accounts for 30% of global gdp. belarus has overtaken south korea, australia, the usa, brazil and israel in the sustainable ranking. gdp is growing at a rate higher than the global and european average. belarus began
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to export products produced in belarus cars to the russian federation. belarus increased the share of industry in gdp to 27.5%. for comparison, the figure for europe is 16.5%. life has shattered all those deceptions, all the lies that were conveyed by our alternative media. this is the most clear proof to our enemies and enemies that at any moment... the whole country will unite in defense of our country, god grant that this does not happen. don’t miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. the heroes of this program chose to live outside the city, because you didn’t want to village, but you didn’t have such a plan, well, not exactly a plan, but there was no desire to return, there were other plans, these were definitely other plans, but all these plans were crossed out and you realized that this is the kind of life you want after. you rescue horses and dogs, you have about seven
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horses, now, yes dogs, i just lost my mind, they converted my parents’ house into a stable, now i’m counting, you probably know better, how many there are, more than sixty, i don’t even know myself anymore, i don’t know exactly, there they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum, yeah, that’s it there was nothing serious wrong, of course, but in the future there were grandiose plans to connect my life with the theater, and i’m young. this is how it all turned out? don't you regret it? well, it’s stupid to regret, what’s there to regret? everything is as it is, it also cannot help everyone, the same thing and we have a lot of sick children. the question is not to help everyone, but to at least start doing something, so that it will somehow move, watch the project i am from the village on the belarus24 tv channel.
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this is a sphere. interests and we continue, now to exchange rates: belarusian ruble, weaker to dollar, yuan and russian ruble. so, the current rates for the national bank. a dollar costs 3 rubles 13 kopecks. the euro added a little, its exchange rate is 3.40. for 10 yuan they give 4.32 belarusian, for 100 russian - 3 rubles. 60 kopecks belarusian trade celebrated its centennial anniversary. the industry is important for each of us, any consumer immediately senses if the market is stormy, if something has increased in price or... on the contrary, fallen, if the product was on the store shelf yesterday, but today the assortment is different. we are all closely monitoring changes in trade. this area occupies one of the main places in terms of contribution to the country’s economy, second only to industry. in the first half of the year, retail turnover increased by 11.5%. the share of sales of domestic goods came close to 77%. the number of retail facilities is also growing.
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today there are almost 130,000 of them in retail. march, as a regulator, notes that the industry demonstrates a decent level of development, but the potential has not been exhausted, serious tasks lie ahead, as alina lapon learned. new challenges and new times dictate new tasks, but what always remains unchanged in the work of the department, these are goods at affordable prices, the presence of a wide assortment on the store shelf, belarusians are accustomed to this, and there is no shortage, it remained in... soviet times, retail trade faces the main task - to be economically sustainable, first everything, and of course, the saturation of the market, we try to provide the service as best as possible, in fact , our stores are excellent, the supply of goods is sufficient, we are making great
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efforts to move to the next level. find balancing the interests of everyone is not an easy task, however, even despite unfavorable external factors, the situation in the consumer market and the development of retail inspires optimism, the results for the first half of the year confirm this. the industry continues to hold second place in terms of contribution to gdp, its share is 10%. retail turnover exceeded 40 billion rubles. belarusians are fully provided with retail space, and the share of sales of domestic goods is also growing, already almost eight.
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belarusian trade sector. socially significant goods are of special importance. this is what we buy every day. bread, meat, milk, cereals. a change in their price immediately affects the weight of the buyer’s wallet. and in order to support especially vulnerable categories of belarusians, in 2022, marty, more than a dozen retail chains in belarus introduced a discount program of 10% for 29 groups of goods. since then, the program has been extended by the horace quarter. social discount program.
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mart works together with partners, near and far, of course, taking into account the interests of everyone and the common cause, together with colleagues in the eu, thoroughly monitoring compliance with the rules competition, so that violations in the cross-border market and unscrupulous participants do not ruin honest players, attempts are strictly suppressed. we have a whole set of tools; the antimonopoly service of the commission is a direct action institution. this makes it possible to conduct an investigation, stop violations, hold violators accountable, impose fines on them, and this gives its results in quantity.
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that’s all for today, look at your area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday, good luck in your business and see you later. jumping is the natural wealth of belarus, the size of tayamnits can be found in braslauschyna, here you will find enchanted lakes from the extraordinary
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name of the bozhae voka. the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which does not change for many hours. it’s a shame that there’s nothing wrong with the people on the right. and the size of such enchanting chandeliers in belarus. today the route has been built in the northern region of our country, the seninsky district of the vitebsk region. it is here among there are blue rivers and blue lakes spread out through pine forests. as the hospitable residents of vetebsk say, that’s it. the roads lead along the lake, is it really so, i suggest checking it out.
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today i will try some water from a local drop, master the skills of straw weaving and taste tea with the unforgettable name “meeting”. first, let's deal with the most difficult issue - transport. so, for residents of the capital it’s about 4 hours, the ticket price is 13 rubles. a taxi from tolochin to sino will cost you about 40 rubles. total 2 and a half hours on the road. and you are there, for owners of their own cars everything is much simpler, along the m1 highway, 2.5 hours, 214 km road, and you are at the appointed place.
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seninskoye lake is the largest in the southern lake region, and it was formed during the ice age; there were a lot of different fish here. local residents talk about an evil and a good spirit who lived on... on islands in the middle of the lake, the good spirit helped, and the evil one brought harm, people, as a sign of gratitude, gave part of the lova for helping the good spirit. in the end, of course, good defeated evil, because the main thing, as you know, is faith. after a lot centuries, on the shore of lake seninsky , the chapel of the holy matrona of moscow was erected. a small sanctuary differs from a temple in that there is no altar. therefore, services are not held inside the chapel, but this does not prevent the laity from going in to venerate the icon of the patron saint of the holy matrona of moscow, light a candle for a while and take a break from the bustle of the world.
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branislava, hello, hello, you have an amazing place, i really liked it, by the way, here is the chapel, tell us more information about it. well this chapel, it erected in the year of our city's anniversary. our city turned 575 years old in 2017, it is believed that matrona of moscow, to whom this chapel is named, is the intercessor of our city; local residents and guests of our city come to this chapel to bow to matrona of moscow and ask for his protection. and now, masha, i want to invite you to another monument, this is a natural monument. the places here, of course,
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are marvelous, it is not surprising that... having been in sino for just one night, i noted the color of the nature of this place: this is a clinic, it is very healing water, it is believed that it helps for health, for the stomach, i, too, bronislava, i want to be healthy and beautiful, so, dear friends, i’ll try your water, the water is excellent, you can feel that the key water really hurts your teeth, water here is hydrogen sulfide, and it is also known that the wooden chapel was destroyed and only in the late nineties the natural monument was restored, and i go further to the church of the holy trinity, which is located in sino, the highest point,
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today we can see the restored... on architectural structure, but several times smaller than it was before. photographic facts indicate that at first the church was wooden, and then the temple was rebuilt in brick, and after that, at the beginning of the 19th century , a monastery was erected nearby. hello, good afternoon, i’m seeing you. the nasinenskaya land would like to ask our temple, as everything is here. paidzemce. the rector of the trinity church, mikhail yarmashevich, told me about the difficult church. we go to our small church, which is closed for months of the former great church of the holy trinity, which would have been
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were founded here in... in 1772, when the catalics in these lands were already alive, i will appear as such a center of the catalan faith in these territories, there would be an order of the french, conflictual, today in the interior of the church of the holy trinity pleases with its veneration and the deep central... image of the holy trinity was painted by the hands of the rector of the church himself. he drew the main idea of ​​the plot from holy scripture. and the most interesting thing is that the abbot began work on the image 10 years ago. and who knew what exactly was in the new restored in the temple, the image will occupy the most prominent place. the white church was nine times larger than the square. adpavedna three times even.
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the roofs of the old cathedral with the same style, the same style as the cathedral at 18 stagodzi, the façade of this cathedral, the second façade of the cathedral with a memorable look, the style of the interior, of course it is impossible to say that there is a printed copy there, what do you mean by transept, bathed, we are here mostly hell only nava and there only sataits are captured, if only some sundays, if only we remembered what is on us
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there was a hetai land. the building survived many historical events, political and military actions, but this did not prevent the rector of the church from finding strength, restoring memory and giving the temple new life. and i’m in a hurry to move on, because people are already waiting for me at the seninsky house of crafts. i heard that real masters of their craft work there. forward! lyudmila vasilievna, hello, finally! arrived, hello, maria, we are very glad to see you in our seninsky house of crafts, collected here.


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