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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 31, 2024 4:50am-5:43am MSK

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they develop it themselves and accept it themselves. in this situation, when we create state scientific and technical programs, i am deeply convinced that the customers of these programs should be industries or even specific companies. minsk tractor plant, minsk automobile plant, gomsilmash and a number of others, which are able, we will say, to formulate a scientific task, what specific tasks should be in this program and be ready to implement the results of scientific achievements, namely the implementation link today needs to be strengthened. there is a separate issue regarding personnel, including encouraging young people to come to science to earn money if you have really created something significant. how the higher attestation commission works has been discussed more than once; the status of a scientist should not grow from research to the table or simply research for the sake of research. i know that the process of, as i already said, election of a member is currently underway. academy
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of sciences, the significance of these scientific developments for the state is the cornerstone of the criteria selection, it is also important to have your own school that attracts young people to science; if there are no successors of ideas, there is no continuity, then there is no scientist, i fully support the proposal of the scientists themselves that it is necessary to establish clear criteria for the selection of candidates for academicians and corresponding members. no nepotism of mutual responsibility, which our field often sins with, and then we will hold elections in accordance with the updated statute of the academy of sciences, the election regulations, strengthening the pool of academicians and corresponding members should be based on whether their real one is sufficient contribution to the domestic economy, are our scientists at the forefront of strategic economic solutions?
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there are many questions, there are some successes, but dissatisfaction with the results is also serious, as i said at the beginning. at the same time , there is always a swing in the opposite direction, simplifying as much as possible, in order for the industry to turn into the sphere of major innovative technology, it is necessary to modernize production, so to speak, the plant must purchase new machines. the director of this plant must calculate, we will buy equipment, make, for example, a new engine, he definitely must to be in demand, it must be bought, and not for a year or two, but preferably more than five, in order to...
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recoup costs, all this needs to be included in the strategy for a decade of enterprise development, are all managers ready to make such decisions? i could answer this question in a streamlined, diplomatic way, raising the authority of the directors, organizers, managers, what they want, they want, but not everyone wants to tell the absolute truth, this is a very big responsibility, it is necessary to take out a loan. and the money requires a refund, this requires very serious calculations so that these products are liquid, the payback of such projects, if we take either dynamic or real, discount approaches , all, well, for at least 8 years, we need to see somewhere ahead the horizon until the fiftieth year, so that this the products were competitive.
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which could lead to the death of a person, a crash, an accident and other serious consequences, six articles of the criminal code. based on the totality of the crime, he was sentenced to exceptional punishment. the head of state invited people immersed in process to hear details, opinions and advice. let’s find out what the meeting participants say right now. the explosion at the azirishchi railway station occurred on october 5 last year at 23:22, a minute before the arrival of the passenger train. german citizen rika krieger had left explosives on the tracks shortly before. the very next day, according to plan, he would have cleaned up his electronic
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traces. the chain, as expected, led to kyiv. in addition to the terrorist attack on instructions from the sbu, the german photographed the military unit and military equipment. last thing the word is up to the president, the petition for pardon was written to the head of the belarusian state, but the reaction of the german authorities is also indicative: they simply abandoned their citizen, so today the fate of a person was being decided in the palace of independence. the difficult conversation was attended by people deeply immersed in the topic: the prosecutor, the lawyer who oversees legal issues of the deputy head of the presidential administration, and the journalist who informationally
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defended and was supposed to defend rick krieger in court, and the person who first told me reported that we had committed a corresponding act of sabotage, which fortunately did not lead to the death of people, and not only there, as far as i know, the court charged him with guilt, not only this offense. fully proven, together with the kgb department of the republic of belarus is counting on a presidential pardon, in the course of those, the lawyer who defended krieger, his client, in court. this criminal case was under investigation
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; all the circumstances of this criminal case were reported to the president in detail. the president listened carefully to all those invited to this event, taking into account the circumstances of the criminal case, i can say the following. i assess this conversation as frank, i believe that the president heard the opinion of all parties who were present during the conversation, and we, for our part, are counting
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on an act of humanism that the head of state will accept, everything is in the hands of the president of the republic of belarus, and the rest is all insinuation, sorry, we read a lot of this information in the press. but for me personally therefore, there is no supporting data on pardons or rejections of this petition. he said he would think about it and make a decision. the trial began back in june and the hearings were attended by representatives of the german consulate, but with all their appearance they showed indifference to the fate of their compatriot, and sometimes so demonstratively that they attracted the attention of journalists. i noted for myself that later, when the verdict was pronounced, literally, probably five minutes passed. here they are came out of the courtroom, lawyers, employees, representatives of the german consulate, they... well, you know, they hugged, they smiled, it felt like, i don’t know, they patted
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each other on the shoulder, smiles, that’s strange to me, i think , a citizen of your country has just been given a death sentence, you don’t even take it, if what he did is all clear, but a citizen of your country was given a death sentence, you are a shumir, exclusively in the world of punishment, but you have smiles, and also i got the impression that these people and since now we don’t hear any actions or statements from the german government, maybe they just really... don’t care, so they abandoned their citizen of their country, be that as it may, no matter what crimes the person committed there, but he is a citizen of your country, and it seems to me that it is your duty, you should at least try to help him in some way, to somehow contact him, to at least do something for him, but here there was nothing of that, and i even caught one moment themselves thinking, or maybe they want the death sentence to be carried out, in fact , there is no one to protect this person now, that is... he is in belarus, he appeals to the president with a request for pardon, that is, to his authorities , well, does he
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understand that it’s pointless? yes, of course i understand that this is a very serious crime, there is absolutely no justification for it, while i was sitting in this courtroom, i simply did not understand how a person today in his right mind is even capable of committing something like this, this is a terrible crime, this is a terrorist attack, but with another on the other hand, when they saw all this, this reaction, they abandoned him, it’s just that to me, well , honestly, somehow it even became human for him.
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as for the single energy market, minsk and moscow have become one step closer to its creation. let me remind you that the day before, vladimir putin signed an order, thereby supporting the agreement on the formation of a unified energy market of the union state. the belarusian side approved the document last year, and the russian government did so in july. the agreement spells out the basis for the development of this market, mechanisms for purchasing and selling electricity. energy. now this will be done by special authorized representatives from each side. the second stage
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involves deeper integration in the electric power industry, the organization of a unified dispatch control of processes, as well as equalization of the cost of gas, and the price of gas directly depends on the cost of electricity. experts explain that the main beneficiary in this story, the consumer in the single market, predicts increased competition, and this will lead to lower prices. now, in fact, we are talking about the electric power industry and the governments of the two countries are defining common rules of the game, so that in the end they can freely trade electricity. both belarusian companies on the russian market, that is , to sell their electricity to russian consumers, and russian generating companies, so that they can also sell their electricity to belarusian consumers, everything is spelled out in the document, one might say the rules of the game, how there will be a system operator who will manage flows of electricity, all these frameworks
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are outlined, in the future there will be a single electricity market, it should grow to... the ias market, that is, so that , for example, kazakh companies can engage in trading, and sell electricity also in russia and belarus, here , that is, the task of states is to create conditions for this trade, and the trade itself will be carried out by companies. let me note that in recent years belarus has been fully self-sufficient in its own electricity; we do not import kilowatts ; on the contrary, we are ready to export the surplus that appeared with the launch of belaes. the unified energy market will give belarus additional opportunities to supply electricity to russia. alexander lukashenko also had a telephone conversation with the chairman of the central committee of the russian party. gennady zyuganov thanked the president for the congratulations on his eightieth birthday, which the leader of the communist party of the russian federation celebrated in june. they also talked about cooperation between the communist parties of the two countries,
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and discussed the issue of holding the second international anti-fascist forum, which is planned for... in the fall. gennady zyuganov was invited to it by alexander lukashenko. the event is expected to be attended by guests from more than 100 countries. the anglo-saxons took on venezuela. after yesterday's victory in the presidential elections of the country's current leader nicolas madura. aggressive radicals took to the streets of a number of cities. according to. attempts are being made in the country to organize a fascist and counter-revolutionary coup d'etat. the protesters, who in the west will now urgently have to be dubbed peaceful, incredible and in socks, waited several times overnight health centers, at least five police stations, several city hall buildings and dozens. their candidate received 70% of the vote, and
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the data supposedly correlates with the exit polls. it’s okay that the survey that showed gonzalez’s victory was conducted by the american company edison research, and local companies like interlac in their exit polls confidently declared madura’s advantage at 55%. even if they write 100% of the remaining votes for madura, this will not be enough to defeat edmund, we have enough, enough, the difference was so big, overwhelming. this is not easy, maria has already turned to the army and called for the overthrow of the current president of the country. the daughter of an expropriated rich man who became a pilot, at one time she studied at yale university in the usa under the program for world leaders. further in the biography, among other things, is the creation of a non-profit organization to protect the political rights of fellow citizens with money from usa,
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the us agency for international development, they were preparing for... the 2004 referendum, they attracted volunteers, developed didactic materials, forms for observers, software, etc., however, the referendum on the issue of early termination of the powers of president ugachavis was failed, the leader’s supporters won, then not only did maria become a member of the national assembly, but for now the listed moments of her career are enough, let’s return to the streets of caracos. an eloquent episode from the career of one of the local entrepreneurs, who marched under the banner of the opposition, and is now sobbing on the ruins of her kiosk. foreign organizers of unrest are working according to sharpe's most classic training manual. one
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venezuelan lesson is already behind us, it was in the eighteenth year after the re-election.
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china, russia, iran, belarus, cuba, bolivia, nicaragua, did not recognize the results of the people's will, and in a row are following the pipe of washington krasolov, peru, panama, chile, uruguay, and finally, argentina, which has already sold its own to the united states. economy, ignoring the benefits of the technology of color revolutions, they impoverish their population, and these voices work in the same wretched methods, in different points, in different hemispheres, because as everywhere there is one interest, their interest, forever thirsty for the insatiable united states, which imagines itself as a superpower, and they so want to return to venezuela for oil, gold...
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votes. well, you know, one gets the feeling that the collective west has already realized that their methodology for the euro-democratization of the region, or, frankly speaking, the utilization of the slavs, has completely failed in belarus and russia. and because of this, washington is now simply forced to throw the poles into the furnace of its interests. and the baltic states. and i really want to hope that our neighbors, ordinary residents in poland, lithuania, latvia and estonia, will have time to realize this. that is why, precisely because there are elections in the states, washington, in some kind of mortal frenzy , is transferring heavy military equipment to a base in poland. at first , 87 tanks and 150 infantry fighting vehicles will be deployed. in parallel, after the coup in kiev, the euro-democratization of the slavic country, the states continue to exterminate ukrainians. the pentagon itself also allocated a billion 700 million to supply kiev with missiles for the hymars sams large-caliber artillery systems
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from the belarusian-ukrainian border, the southern neighbors withdrew their troops, and our military did the same. a two-week joint belarusian-chinese exercise recently ended; a unit of special operations forces conquered the mountains of kazakhstan during the peak of brotherhood exercise. there will be august and september for the belarusian military. joint training with russian colleagues and csto exercises are no less intense. read more about the construction of an international defense account. in the new issue on form with anna chish litash. this is footage of a joint belarusian-chinese training attacking falcon. for two weeks , the bressky training ground turned into a springboard for international exercises. this is a significant event
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for our country, this is a new round of development in relations with the middle kingdom. it is worth noting that belarusian troops have previously interacted with their chinese counterparts as part of bilateral maneuvers on chinese territory in the far east of the russian federation. on the belarusian soil of trainers. were carried out in 2011 and 2015, but these exercises can be called the most intense in terms of intensity and number of tasks tasks. last year, while visiting beijing on an official visit, belarusian defense minister viktor khrenin held negotiations with the chinese military on holding joint exercises between the two countries. the agreements were enshrined on paper, so the past maneuvers are nothing at all. a spontaneous decision and clearly not a way to increase tension on the borders, while the west became noticeably agitated. the breske training ground is located just 3 km from the polish border and...
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about the maneuvers: the military of the two countries practiced day and night landing, overcoming water barriers, conducting combat operations indoors in a populated area for cleaning buildings. artillery crews were also involved in the training. this is to list briefly and dryly. in fact, there is something behind the scenes that is not shown in the news. this is only a matter for the military. it's about sharing experiences, learning new forms and methods.
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solving tactical problems. by the way, the language barrier is not a hindrance. all negotiations are carried out using gestures and signs, in some cases military interpreters. at this time, in the mountains of kazakhstan, belarusian special forces carried out tasks within the framework of exercises the pinnacle of brotherhood 2024. here our military completed a full course of combat training in the mountains in desert areas. the maneuvers took place at the kaktal training ground. the belarusian side took part in them. 50 military personnel, special forces, together with their kazakh colleagues, were engaged in mountain, engineering, tactical medical and fire training. reconnaissance units made a twenty-kilometer march, during which they discovered and eliminated a factory for the production of improvised explosive devices and base of an illegal armed group. in the final part of the exercise, the scouts destroyed columns of imaginary enemy equipment. these
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maneuvers, like... thai indicator of close and friendly relations with the military of kazakhstan. ahead of belarusian military personnel is joint training with russian colleagues as part of air defense exercises, and in the fall the annual csto maneuvers - military brotherhood. belarus conducts all maneuvers exclusively in a peaceful manner with the aim of improving our army, strengthening friendship with foreign colleagues and developing international military cooperation . at the same time, we... prove to the west that we will defend our interests and defend the territory, both alone and with the help of our partners in alliances. and the west is still persistently trying to show us something, they mocked the opening of the olympics and are happily rubbing their little hands, the international olympic
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committee continues to demonstrate pseudo-democratic standards, they suddenly declared that they cannot interfere in conflicts between national olympic committees of israel and palestine, because he could have been outside of politics. they said this again and rubbed their hands maliciously. let me remind you that earlier, a letter was sent to the palestinians to thomas bach with a request to ban israeli athletes from participating in the olympic games in paris. there are between 20 and 30 wars going on in the world. if we had listened to the complaints of all the teams, no one would have been able to... regarding the conflict in the middle east in relation to the belarusian and russian oh, while, despite the voiced position, sanctions continue to apply to the athletes, athletes compete at the games in a neutral status and subject to a number of conditions; each athlete passed a strict test, and only a few made it to paris, some even without the necessary sports equipment.
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according to them, the food in the olympic canteen is of very poor quality, the germans are even forced to shop in supermarkets and prepare snacks in their rooms, but there are no conditions at all, cardboard furniture is only half the story, it’s an african heat in paris now, there’s almost no air conditioning in the athletes’ rooms.
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present, relative had an accident, not can talk on the phone. to save him , money is urgently needed. most often , pensioners fall for this trick; wanting to help, they are ready to give away all their savings. this is what the telephone show, which brings in millions, is designed for. many detained couriers, whose task is to take money from victims, do not know until the very end that they are committing a crime, believing that they are honestly working as couriers transporting money. about the crime on... there they told me that i needed to pick up the money at the designated place, put it on a russian card, and take from this money
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part, they would have presented it to her. this eighteen-year-old guy from gomel realized only after his arrest why an unknown person on the internet offered him 300 rubles for an hour of work. for this money it was necessary to pick up the turntable. the grandmother who gave the money was thinking. that this way she can help her daughter. a seventy-eight-year-old pensioner, who became a victim of scammers, contacted the department of internal affairs of the bobrussk city executive committee. the woman believed the story of the accident, the culprit of which was allegedly her daughter. a large sum was required for failure to prosecute. then a taxi arrived in a car, into which she put a suitcase with money and sent the parcel to minsk. however, bobrussian law enforcement officers controlled the movement of the woman’s savings, so soon, when transferring money from the taxi drivers to the courier, the latter was detained by employees of the central police department of minsk. and such stories happen weekly; in minsk, a timely call to the police helped to detain the accomplices of telephone scammers. hello, girls, check monova 17, some scammers got in there, i can’t get home from work, but there my dad is 80 years old. okay,
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we'll pass on the information. most often , gullible pensioners suffer in such scams, and to prevent the victim from calling back, the scammer remains on the phone until the courier arrives. namely couriers, the organizers of such schemes are located abroad, and couriers are needed to transfer money; they are recruited blindly via the internet. two people must be over 16 years old, we will pay 250 rubles per day. he was told that they buy dollars there and sell them at a higher price and that people are needed. which they will go to the address and deliver them to the employer, and we went to the address, they asked me to pick up a package from a man, when i arrived on the floor i
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saw that it was grandfather, money, there was a package with towels, they found it in money in the bag, then they told me to call a taxi and take the money to the address. “hello, hello, hello, she said it would be in a yellow bag, well, i’ll give you a yellow one, i didn’t find it.” a twenty-one-year-old teacher filmed a video report about her work, now these shots are attached to criminal case. a twenty- one-year-old teacher of a capital educational institution was detained, who, like a teenager , planned to earn money in her free time, on the instructions of the curator, the minsk resident was supposed to deliver parcels from one. after the couriers took the bundles of money, they took them to another intermediary, leaving
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a small percentage as payment for work, a twenty-one-year-old welder was detained right at his workplace. a girl arrived and gave me 5.00 dollars. usually these are couriers, that is, the lowest falls on the shoulders of those who were detained as a link in this criminal business, it turns out that those who wanted to earn quick money now owe fabulous sums. similar schemes are now working all over the world, these are personnel from voronezh, there police and... fsb officers found a criminal group, at the direction of anonymous curators, using simboxes and jessm gateways, they ensured the operation of equipment that made it possible to replace the numbers of foreign subscribers with russian ones . investigations are ongoing. vladimir korolev
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grigory kristafovich, television news agency. restoration work continues in belarus; the once again raging disaster did not go unnoticed. hundreds of fallen trees, a torn off roof, a downed power line. unfortunately, there are casualties. ordinary people, sergey ladosev, also joined in eliminating the consequences. with details. heat waves, hurricanes, bore, yes. we can briefly describe this summer: we had not had time to recover from the regions from the previous disaster, when a new one came on sunday, according to the latest data from the ministry of emergency situations, from strong pores eight settlements were affected by wind and thunderstorm fronts in these regional republics . more than 300 trees were felled across the country. the hardest hit areas were in the grodno, mogilev and minsk regions. all this is due to the arrival of the north cyclone. it was he who brought strong gusts of wind to belarus, causing damage to the roofs of buildings, falling trees and... damage to cars. in the brest region , temporary
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power outages were recorded in pinsk, baranovichi, pruzhansky, stolinsky, maloritsky, luninetsky and ivanovo districts. in addition to wind , the region also experiences dust storms. on july 28 and 29 in breshchina, due to increased wind , rescuers eliminated the consequences of bad weather. we mainly carried out cutting and cleaning work. it should be noted that the incidents occurred in eight districts of the region, as well as in brest, luninets, baranovichi, there were no casualties, the cyclone in the brest region brought very heavy rains, an increase in the west-northwest wind in the brest region was observed up to 15-20 m/s. on july 29 , poleskaya station, region there was a gust winds up to 22 m/s. the cyclone is currently
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weakening. in groda , an oak branch fell on one of the residential buildings and broke through the roof. no one was injured, but throughout the city the bad weather knocked down trees, poles, fences and billboards. in the minsk region , experts recorded three cases of roofs of residential buildings being torn off. rescuers quickly went to help the population of the private sector. facilities in minsk were mainly damaged. zerzhinsky and borisovsky districts. gas workers, forest guards and state traffic inspectors joined in the liquidation of the consequences. i would like to draw your attention and not ignore messages that warn of bad weather. you can quickly learn about them by subscribing to the telegram channel of the ministry of emergency situations of belarus. if you see that the wind remains strong enough, think about your car, and do not park under trees under any circumstances. it’s better to drive it into the garage; if this is not possible, then look at some more open area and try to adjust your plans yourself. stay at home if you see that the weather is bad, but if you
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are outside, try your best enter the building faster, avoid shaky buildings. in the capital itself, the disaster toppled dozens of trees. in one of the residential areas , the traffic light could not cope with gusts of wind. on independence avenue, several houses had their roofs completely torn off. due to the elements , two people were injured by fallen trees, one of them a man in the agricultural town of eremiche, royal district of the khrodno region. the second case was recorded in babruisk, mogilev region. a woman was injured due to a falling tree. both victims are now in hospitals. rescuers the ministry of emergency situations continues to work to provide all necessary assistance to the population. employees of the ministry of emergency situations went out more than 300 times, carried out work on sawing, cleaning fallen trees, clearing roads, and eliminating some emergency structures. mobile diesel generators were also provided for the uninterrupted operation of agricultural facilities, and assistance was provided to the population in pumping water. only for. per day
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, the power supply was damaged in almost 2.0 settlements , more than 6,000 transformer substations, 171 farms and 24 boiler houses were left without electricity. on almost 500 emergency crews and more than 400 pieces of equipment were involved in eliminating the consequences. let me remind you that today the danger level is orange in belarus, rains and strong winds will continue until the end of the day today, tomorrow the weather will improve, it will be cool at night, but during the day it will be warmer from 20 to 27°. more than seventy schoolchildren from kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and laos are vacationing these days at the zubrenok children's center; thousands of kilometers and different languages ​​are not a barrier when there is a desire to maintain good neighborly relations. in the visit program and health improvement and acquaintance with belarusian traditions. and, of course, the exchange of cultural characteristics, what kind of language of friendship it is, was learned by
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karina guryavich. tesheginden, chygyz kylyp, salyshty, imir bilashev was fascinated by the original history of his native kyrgyzstan from childhood, when the guy grew up, he became interested in the culture of other countries. now a participant in the international shift is expanding his knowledge of belarus with interest, and is already dreaming of making friends.
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ecosystem, in principle there is direct access to the lake here, what is striking is the weather, that is, already at the end of july, there are rains here, in in uzbekistan now it’s even 40-50 degrees, i invited a lot of friends from other units, the children are very friendly, everyone comes and says hello, i really liked it,
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foreign guests will get a full acquaintance with our country, they will spend several days on excursions, visit the national library , look into the world and... sversk castles, relax in agrotourism complexes, see belarus in all its glory. the children here are very friendly, they really wanted to meet us , it was very nice to meet them, they they are very sociable, that’s what really impressed me, and the nature is also very beautiful, the food here is very tasty, i really liked it, the people here are very friendly, we were invited here, and we are from kyrgyzstan, and from school. asan aliyev is our hero, the hero of the soviet union, he did a great feat here, he was buried in minsk. they take us everywhere, we walk all over the cram, you know, such kilometers, but we get there on bicycles, the leaders, and this is a very
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plus for us, we also relax. children are invited to belarus on vacation since 2017. this year , guys from syria and egypt have already visited here. every year groups from donbass come for health improvement and rehabilitation. the national educational and health center zubryonok supports the image of a friendly country in the international arena every year. karina gurevich and anatoly dolotovsky. atn. today we met a delegation from the moscow region in the capital region. these are 20 representatives of veteran organizations. a tour of the khatyn memorial complex was prepared for them. the guests visited the museum.
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jointly and separately on our territories, all those plans, activities, to solve those tasks that are defined in our charters, we are now veterans and we do not pretend to production indicators, that is, gdp there, we are interested, but we no longer compete there, because we they have already given theirs, but the issue is educational, we consider mentoring to be our duty, we published a book... let him remember, poverty is proud, about all the war veterans who, to our great regret, made money at that time, to the war veteran of the minsk region more than 150 people remained. the official meeting was timed to coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from fascist
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invaders; plans include patriotic competitions with the participation of veterans of the two countries, meetings with youth, publication of feature articles, and publication of new books about war heroes.
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how lukashenko as president treats corrupt officials, we all know this very well, if you are a thief, then you will... sit, no matter how pro-state fuck you are. lukashenko is demanding, yes, of everyone, but he is especially demanding of those who are nearby. our the main enemy is carelessness, fraud and corruption. my homeland, in my understanding, is, of course, my country and my cities, but first of all, my homeland is people. every third person on the territory of belarus died from the war. and when now someone suddenly doesn’t understand what belarus and specifically its leader lukashenko are doing, when we conduct maneuvers, then combat coordination, then the wagnerites come to you. to learn from experience, then we return nuclear weapons, the enemies present this as aggression, that they are maneuvering there at home, but everything they want for their
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homeland alexander grigoryevich, this is so that the same thing does not happen again, every third, a stable situation that is controlled, well, but nevertheless you cannot relax, that’s all that lukashenko does, protects the homeland, as its leader should protect. author's project of igor turai propaganda, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation. i love singing very much and dream of becoming a famous artist. could you hold it for me now mini-audition to evaluate my chances. well , let's sing something. there, behind the dawns, behind the fogs, in the silence of the forests and fields. wonderful. and... it would be interesting to know if there are any reliability and safety statistics, or maybe there are any safety criteria for your airline?
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of course, of course, there are statistics, and there is such a concept of punctuality, this is again related to flight safety, let's turn 180°, yellow sector, please, your question, what hidden talents do you have? i'll tell you, i somehow... since the previous years, the stakhanovsk plant has been thanked for providing extremely high-quality food products.
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datermina's new dzyarzhaўny pastauki, kalgas tsaper zdae malako vyshplana ў fund miru. byaskontsy molasses aўtatsysternaў with malak uyazdzhae ў getyya varoty. amal, all creative processes at the plant are increasingly mechanized. the machine is not reminiscent of the pharmacy store, but it spills into the gatovaya prada. all the latest processes, the bank is sealed and ready and the supplies are the most important meats, our dear. in milk filling line for cleaning couple, previously graphite filters were used, they often failed and the line stopped. scientists from the minsk research institute of powder metallurgy proposed using filters made from powder of a light and durable metal, titanium, compressed by explosion. the biggest problem
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of this season is the economy of cheese, but it’s not so... but it’s small adgon, as it stagnates the creativity of basic dairy products, there’s no need to gain money here. sennya adgon perapratsoўvaetstsa for food for chickens and begging. shtogod 15 thousand kancentravanaga spazhynaga stern thus, new reserves of creativity have been created. 60 thousand bottles of melaka, lots of sour cream, kefir, plum, tvaraga and other dairy products grown in minsk. how can one jump and jump around such a product? all creative processes involve folding mechanisms. machines tear out paper bottles, causing them to become crumpled and clogged. this automatic line has a high production capacity, here you can fill 6 thousand bottles of malak per gas, and this packaging machine costs 2 tons per change. tvarozhnay massa. a wide range of new
5:43 am
technologies, plant selections and the anniversary of the republic on... the information picture of tuesday will be complemented by sports day. hello. let's start the program with the results of belarusians at the olympic games. in the decisive swim, physics failed.


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