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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 31, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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the president does not convey a program instead, he sleeps on the painful torture of our race, which is a thousand times ours. i am deeply convinced.
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we sounded glad to the fractions, zzіўlyazza, adjuvatsya connection with the hour and heat, just respect, the skin day is formed from tradition. syonnya, year albo
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stagodze tamu, everything that was considered old was kalistsi new. we ourselves do not respect this; we pass on our knowledge and experience directly . geta is our smiler. i shake my hand. and with such a dear pose. from simple, happy moments a happy life is formed traditions, we are celebrating the decline of our products, we appreciate the moment for our daily, belarus 24.
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maxim vladimirovich, good evening, good evening, we continue the series of acquaintances with new ministers, probably even more difficult than heading the ministry of information during the information war, maybe to be only the head of the diplomatic department at the very...
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just be afraid of your reluctances, that was practically the motto, probably, if you look at all my career movements since graduating from law school, i i really didn’t want to go to the diplomatic service, where my father wanted me to go, i eventually got there, that is, i wanted to be a military man, they said correctly, then at some point i really didn’t see myself work is different than diplomatic. service and of course, inside i always strived for a career, as they say, for any military man, for a soldier, that means becoming a general, so for us to become an ambassador, but fate decreed that it threw me into the presidential administration, when in the presidential administration it seemed to me, what there is no better job in building the foreign
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policy of our state, based on the instructions of the president, the curator of the diplomatic line, the president sent me down a sports path, which my father really didn’t want... for me to ever get into, that is, himself, being minister of sports, he always characterized her as very intriguing, quarrelsome, so he always said that my son would not go into the sports industry, but i ended up there, well, then the presidential administration came back, when i had already gotten used to the fact that sports diplomacy was better no, when in the presidential administration he became involved in the most serious issues of the activities of the head of our state, it turned out that in his opinion, it means i’ll do better again where?
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today, this is a transformation from a unipolar to a multipolar world, and even americans today no longer doubt that the world is moving towards this multipolarity and it is only a matter of time how long this hegemony can be maintained, everyone understands this, of course, and of course, today is the most important task diplomats of all countries, politicians of all countries, find a place for your state in the architecture that will come after, when everyone begins to agree in detail on how...
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to enter into cross-border, good cooperation, this is better than any war, in fact, you see how shuttle diplomacy today it has become , well, the main work of diplomats in many countries, that is, trips to each other, international forums, holding conferences, russia and i are putting forward our proposals for signing, which means charters of multipolarity, diversity, relevant things, you are ours the chinese side, peace initiatives in ukraine, issues of un reform are all just seething today, so from the point of view of a diplomatic worker in general who wants to prove himself and who wants to take part in something so eventful, today is the time to work, well, to the question of such a militarized thing, i will answer with the expression of gromyk, who said: “
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10 years of negotiations are better than one day of war.” today are these 10 years of negotiations, and as our president says, it’s better that there be these more negotiations and longer than strictly speaking, at least somehow... there were even hints that some kind of armed conflicts in which our country would be drawn. of course, no one needs war, at least the belarusians, they definitely don’t need it, but you remembered your father, then... i will definitely ask this question, in our country there are not so many hereditary leaders, political dynasties, well, no our story, the average official, he’s more like me, he comes from the outback, and he moved to minsk and so on and went, you from a family in the capital, your father, you yourself said this, was the minister of sports, the first president of the legislature of belarus and was friends with samorance, as far as i know, this is his background... he
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was only there for 2 years, then of course, it greatly influenced my life guidelines, and if before that it was really possible to go through life, relying on the power of, in my opinion, a very integral, wise and stable person, like my father, then at the age of 24 it all ended and i had to get out further on my own. the most interesting thing is that there are a lot people who, in general, were once close to my father, at that moment they said to our family: that’s it, rozhenkov... themselves, and as if, strictly speaking, there
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was no choice, i’m very grateful time has run out for those people, then somehow let’s give it to the foreign ministry, who picked me up, then later to the head of our state, because i already said this, all my movements were his decisions, and without even asking my opinion, by and large, because somewhere, even in a fatherly way, he led me further in life, taking into account his, probably to a greater extent i think, those personal contacts, he often talks about this with my father, that is... that is, he remained, unexpectedly for me , the person who at some point later , seeing that something could probably come of me, someone began to prepare me somewhere, maybe for this position he started, because in those 24 years, of course, everything collapsed at once and i had to create everything with from the very beginning, in fact, when at some point people who did not know my pedigree, they found out that i had such a father. then, of course, they were very surprised that such a son grew up, because in fact, in those years, few of the children of big officials
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went into public service, because these are low salaries, these are few opportunities, this is absolutely not a solution to some everyday problems questions that a young family needs, there is an apartment, a car, some things, i could go there because my father was nearby, when my father passed away, it was already an inertial movement further, by that time i had already become part diplomatic... all the families, i liked it, i have already moved on, but most of the young people, i remember with whom i studied, and there were quite a few at the law faculty, children, leaders, none of them went into public service , they all went to the then nascent cooperative movement, various firms, private corporations, some went abroad and so on, but practically no one went to the civil service, so then it was not entirely true, now i think...
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just greeted, of course, parents too we must ensure that his child, who goes to work, still has his own life, you cannot steal the life of your son or daughter, that is, you can only push him to something, advise something, that’s it, but i’m absolutely sure it’s impossible to pull him, to pull him through all the steps of the career ladder, otherwise he will lose himself at some point, when there is no such support, he will be left alone with his problems and... in your last post, you largely
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determined course of a number of ministries, that’s how it is today to accept for execution your own instructions, here in a different horizontal direction, yes, you would n’t want to soften these requirements now just for that, but since already... well, i ’ll also answer this trick with revelation, yes, well, not not so much as i built, probably how the ministry should work, but how they should build it.
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you pass it on as the president says, so that you feel the rhythm and tension, this is one thing, when you sit down it means. ministry , it turns out that your pulse is being passed on to you from the presidential administration, from the council ministers, from the council of ministers there is one deputy prime minister, a second deputy prime minister, a third, the prime minister, and so on and so forth, here you begin to understand that there are probably too many of these pulses, and of course, i would like a little less of this tension , because he’s a charged person, he sort of went through a school near the president, and i worked in the administration for 18 years, then maybe the tension with the administration alone would be enough for me. president, but some people with whom i communicated, probably earlier, horizontally, let’s call it that, now they want to show me that, probably, there is a pulse after all, it not only once came from me, it can also come from there, i’m coping with it for now, as i understand you, maxim vladimirovich, that’s just that’s when the president , when appointing you to the position, told you that
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mit needs to be returned to the place, yes, that it should occupy in the system of government bodies. how do you define this task for yourself? well, firstly, the voice of meade, and through meade’s voice, the voice of belarus in the international arena should sound louder, and not just louder, and not emotionally, and more loudly creatively, with interesting ideas, interesting proposals and some very non-standard solutions that our friends will accept with pleasure and which our, let’s call our enemies, will be puzzled by. ill-wishers who will find it difficult to cope with some of our foreign policy projects and ideas; secondly, of course, increasing demands on our embassies and on the foreign ministry unit to carry out the tasks and instructions set by the president and the government, because of course, there are still rhythmic powers to
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develop relations with organizations, some and countries on members of the government, here... there are ministers, heads of organizations, of course, it is important that the foreign ministry remains the coordinator of this work and still concentrates this on himself work, besides, you know, i’m always a little bit, as if always struck by one theme, that we seem to live in the same space, we see the same events, but we don’t see how a child suddenly reacts to them the president's proposal, here we go let’s try to do this, and we’re already starting with... i immediately told my colleagues, as soon as i came to the foreign ministry, and i said why we always go, well , it’s like a step or two behind the president, but it’s clear, the president naturally feels many things much more sensitive than we are, but we will never escape the fact that there will be
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orders, there will be expectations, but we still have to deliver more shells than just carry out his tasks. economic issues, social character, give us this, and we will promote the interests of belarus somewhere beyond abroad. probably not the case after all. the mechanism for promoting our domestic economic policy is the foreign ministry, and not vice versa. well , a little about rhythm, since you already mentioned it, but literally a week after your appointment, you were already received by the minister of foreign affairs of china.
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before this, in astana, you already talked with the heads of the ministry of foreign affairs of russia and kazakhstan. this is about this shake-up, isn’t it too much? such a frantic rhythm began, uh, well, in many ways, i will say, this rhythm was set even before me, by sergei fedorovich, maleinik, in fact, i am very grateful to him, because many things that today i have in my work schedule of meetings and travel contacts, all this was directly worked out by him with the mido team, but i am very grateful, and indeed i further strengthened this dynamic, because this is exactly how you will show yourself first ... days, weeks, months of work, how you make acquaintances, how you position yourself in relationships with your colleagues, largely depends on how smoothly or not smoothly you enter this ... community, or what, external politics, which we really need today, and of course, for me, as for a young minister, from the point of view of appointment, it was very important
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to carry out these kinds of meetings, conversations , conversations, well, with very serious diplomats, let’s say, with the main allies, with the main allies, yes, if we also add to this a meeting with the minister foreign affairs of india, if we add more meetings that are so brief, even if...
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well, this is, of course, the first official conversation upon arrival in astana, and i can’t help but pay tribute to the wisdom and general conceptuality of the approaches of my colleague from china, mr. wang, and of course, i was very amazed, the meeting, instead of the planned short time there of 3 hours, continued and took place at a government residence, which had never happened, and all this was confirmed after my appointment.
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here is a proposal for visa-free entry into the territory of belarus for citizens of a number of states, this proposal was supported by the president, and i am glad to our colleagues and
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partners from the eu countries to announce that from the 19th 8 am a new regime will be introduced for citizens of the countries of the european union and other european countries for which until now there was a visa regime, visa-free. conventions within the framework of the osce, the council of europe, the european union, we, however, on the contrary, show our openness, the desire to show our country to the international community, come, look, work with
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our people, do business, take tourist trips, and most importantly, it means maintain contacts with your friends, acquaintances, relatives, here, but there is one caveat for holders of diplomatic service passports for...
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the heroes of our program are the outstanding characters buried in the right monologue at the moment when i was being distributed, it was still completely unheard of, they were looking for some literal lines of immunological knowledge, spent days and nights in the library, gained some experience, a bright knowledge, i dmitry kuprianyuk, atelier and restaurateur.
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for the poles it’s definitely not a secret, so for you and for the viewers of the program too, my grandmother was maria genrikhovna, and my mother was bronislava frantsevna, along that line, which means it was just, let’s say, polish part of my gene pool, so when i say that until her last days my grandmother went to the red church and prayed in polish, you will understand that i, too, in fact, understand in general what the polish people, the polish nation, and their aspirations are.
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speaking, i imagine everything, speaking about very bright women, so honestly poland, i would like to say that poland will never act to the detriment of its interests, what they are doing today... means only one thing, that their interests for today, for this corresponds to the current moment, which means there are some political things in poland that allow such an attitude towards belarus, which means that somewhere with someone they are playing this trump card, our border and this trade turnover, well, i want to say that blackmail about transit of chinese goods was not possible for them at all, no matter how they swaggered there, otherwise these fugitives would not
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agree with them, in fact... the economic elite, and those people who live in the eastern parts of poland, and those who in basically thought it was good will make money due to the fact that latvia, lithuania, transit was once stopped before poland, now all goods will go through poland and go to polish ports. in fact, you need to understand that the poles are far from stupid people, and what happens on the part of lithuania and latvia will never
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happen on the part of poland. they will not cut off these last things, they have purely politically determined demands on us, which we do not consider justified, and even if they need them, then we need to talk. a do not use the language of an ultimatum to achieve something, we will never agree to this, and i think that the poles, knowing me, also understand that i will be the last one who will advise doing this in relation to them. from the point of view of contacts with china, this is also an attempt to influence us for a clean solution to its polish issues, but there is one thing, but that in this way poland shows the entire european union that here, in this area, in economic relations between china and europe , from the point of view of the implementation of those tasks that the european union, like as poland delegated on protecting this border, preventing migration, cooperation with belarus on border customs issues, today they are generally setting up
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the european union by not wanting to deal with this, trying to benefit from belarus some bilateral things, that is, you are dangling bilateral things on bilateral things, but you don’t engage in... petty blackmail at the expense of the interests of the organization in which you are, because these migrants today are a really serious problem for the european union. problems with cargo flow are a serious problem for companies in the european union and chinese partners, but here they decided to make everyone hostage. well, i think that as soon as they see that this does not work, then figuratively speaking, this topic will go somewhere, they will be forced to engage in cooperation with us. and let me remind you, president.
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under 40% of the companies that first left for the same lithuania, they have now left from there, is this
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today, some kind of new diplomatic maneuver, or like in the golden calf, my beloved this phrase, yes, for another two years, and then they will just start beating you, like the children of lieutenant schmidt, well, you know what - poland and lithuania really didn’t like politics, or they don’t like the politics of our president of our government, they thought of some kind of feeling and they continue, maybe somewhere they think that some other government, another president will be more flexible in terms of poland and lithuania realizing their interests. what are your interests? of course, poland wants to be more active in the western regions of belarus, like in ukraine. many people still think there this is with their eastern lands, with lost property, lands there, buildings, and so on. of course, they want to play our main economic fiddle here, they want the economic expansion of the european union to go through poland, and this is completely
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different money, completely different resources. the most important thing for lithuania is to kill in belarus the beginnings of any kind of identification of these southern regions of lithuania as the belarusian national one. state, in fact, i remember the evening, the first president of our official visit to lithuania, it was, in my opinion, the ninety-fifth, in my opinion, probably the fifth year, our president, signing an agreement on friendship, cooperation, several more agreements, on
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the border, there on the status of some objects, all of lithuania speaks, speaks, and there, that means, hangs a tapestry of some century with a coat of arms, that means a chase, where the tail is down, at that time we still have a coat of arms. just like a chase with the tail down and with all the obvious things that characterize the difference between the coats of arms at that time, that is , lithuania and belarus, and it generally results in some kind of dissonance, that is, it seems like... here and, of course, all this depresses them, they are trying to solve their financial, economic, and maybe even land problems, in fact, for this, such people will sit here as kings in belarus, but this did not happen, naturally, they thought of doing it like this a cavalry charge in the style of the polish hussars, but it didn’t work out that way, and what was interesting in the first year, in the second year, motorcades, trips. belarusian houses and so on, complete freedom in decisions and actions
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for these fugitives, today it is already becoming a burden. to be honest, i'm wondering how can i explain to those security guards who have been walking these drivers and motorcades around tikhanovsky, maybe even more than around the president of lithuania, all these 4 years, what are they doing, why is this necessary? i’m not even talking about the ordinary taxpayers of these two countries, why is money being spent on all this fuss if their... work does not lead to anything good in relations between countries, in principle, we all already understand that it will not come anywhere, they won’t sit down anywhere and they won’t give any chips to these countries, they will still have to sit down and negotiate with the current government here with president alexander grigoryevich lukashenko, so today more and more it’s in this suitcase without a handle, and then this handle will also be thrown out. when some ties are destroyed, belarus. creates practically new things with lightning speed, in general, diplomacy in
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the classical sense is something so careful, conservative on soft paws, yes, here one is zimbabwe, one is china, three is the sco, brix is ​​on the horizon, well, there are not enough fingers, where does such activity come from? multifaceted, and how it works, it's like, probably an overflow from two vessels, if someone wants to overflow something and there is something to flow over. our president constantly sets the task that in these conditions in which we find ourselves today, we must, firstly, carry out our task efficiently, and secondly, we must run as fast as we can to complete it, and of course, we cannot afford classical diplomacy, which has been formed there for years, in some countries for decades and centuries, we are forced to immediately build our foreign policy line, because we we are exposed to a very powerful influence of some powerful people of this world, let’s call them more. in order to maintain the sustainable development of our
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country from the point of view of relations with the west , which i spoke about earlier, then we must find a replacement for all this through diplomatic instruments, of course, it’s a pity, because from the point of view of optimality, to look beyond the three seas, when you are here across the border. this is a big expense, so they have a need, they have a need, but today this is the only opportunity, because well, our ability to negotiate is not partners beyond the bug are absolute, and we always welcome any consultations, we are ready to be open to any negotiations on any topics, to resolve any issues that are on the big agenda, but today we are forced to go to our already partners further away, where they are waiting for us, where they are waiting for us , where and i will tell you what i can do. to be sure that our partners are further there, russia, the cis countries, china, in africa
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we are our partners, in asia they are more reliable, because in fact it turns out that we look at the world with the same eyes, and in fact all of us, through organizations such as the sco, brix, regional organizations that exist in asia and latin america, in the middle east, we are all adherents of that new. world of multipolarity, and these adherents are becoming more and more numerous. we take only one sco organization. the sco has a population of almost 3.5 billion, which is 40% of the world's population; if we combine the sco with brix, there will already be more than half of the world's population. if we take shons, in fact 30% of the industrial production of the whole world, add brix there and almost up to we don't reach 50. now, this is all the resource base.
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that's the region. well, read all the most economic, social issues, it is in the well-known analysts of this eurasian integration, the eurasian space, they all say that it is there that a new center of power, gravity will emerge for the implementation of the most interesting political, economic plans, this is the heart of the world in general, here that's why we go there. now, in order to get to the same lithuania or latvia, yes, you have to stand at the border for 30 hours, yes, and minsk-beijing in my opinion, it’s like 10 hours there, it’s even less than that, well, it turns out to be three seas away, yes , for sure, it’s very close. the question is, what about the sco? so we need to try to explain to ordinary belarusians what this organization gives to each of us, and not to the state as a whole? that's what? well, within the framework of these organizations, the sco and brix , the common approaches of the participating countries are being worked out,
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and observer partners also participate in this, which means that in solving economic issues, social issues, educational issues, in addition... this is a powerful platform for building a common political line, this is a platform for holding multilateral and bilateral meetings to further resolve bilateral issues, this is support in international organizations, and i say that within the framework of these organizations we can rely and believe that our partners will not abandon us will support us, and practice proves this, this is the solution to financial issues that ... also concern us today, this means promoting joint projects, well, for example, such logistics as transport corridor from belarus to pakistan, through russia, through kazakhstan, uzbekistan, afghanistan, afghanistan in this regard, today is already a calm state, i spoke with the minister of foreign affairs of afghanistan, he told me a lot
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about how serious trade is today between these two countries, and even i also advised to go to afghanistan, through...
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formatted participation there, taking into account the meeting in a bilateral track, while 10 countries are members, which means that the final, as it were, legal consolidation of the term is now being formulated a brix partner or an observer, how they come up with this, we really hope that by the brix summit in kazan it will be finally formulated, and i want to tell you that taking into account the negotiations held with all brix member countries,
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many of the indicators are more than 30-40% from global reserves, which are in great demand in metallurgy and industry recently. and look at what kind of independent policy african countries have begun to pursue, more and more, untethering themselves from
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any previously imposed agreements or agreements, let's call these countries the collective west; there is an increasing desire to build their own lives independently, the independence of their foreign economic policy. why is this interesting for us, why might they be interested in working with us, we go there as partners, real partners. and today, why do many people think, this happened with libya, how it happened, why
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in syria, this conflict, in iraq, that means, at one time, why egypt was also shocked by color revolutions, we know where they started, tunisia because these countries are in at some point they moved from such a simple trade with the west, which was expressed like this, there is, relatively speaking, oil, there are diamonds, bauxite, whatnot... in exchange for goods, equipment from the west, they switched to what they began to develop in proper production, at some point there was a dilemma for western countries, and so it’s good, i buy oil from them, i buy some resources from them, we have to drive something there, and if , strictly speaking, they have their own steel to raise agriculture, it means neither wheat, nor vegetables, nor fruits will come from europe, that is, they started there. assembly production manufacturing with the help of belarus russia there china and so on, what
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will be the pumping of capital from european countries, nothing good for them, in many ways the same paradigm was in the relations of these wars between the west and china there in the 16th century, when china simply began to actually pump silver out of the new world and from europe by switching to a silver currency.
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well, india, well, the president always says that with india we should try to reach the level, well, no less than with china, in fact, the country is huge, powerful, developed, and of course, there are opportunities to find some niches where we do not compete or where, on the contrary, we can create something jointly... so that it is useful for both sides and we can where -there is no doubt about giving something else to foreign markets, but you need to understand that in india, probably, issues of cooperation with some western countries are a slightly higher priority, and of course, in this regard, that means inertia there is a little more movement, but i want to tell you, despite this, there are a number of projects, there are a number agreements, and i am sure that in the near future, without disclosing them...
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and other earlier ones for only four killed presidents, but that’s why, in fact , the behind-the-scenes managers of
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america’s development policy are somehow not asleep today. make their predictions about what this will mean for the international security architecture, what it will mean for relations with certain countries, i, frankly speaking, would not make such forecasts today for one reason only: yes, there are certain things in the trump election campaign , which are close to us and are close to many countries, which, frankly speaking, are already a little tired of this
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us mentorship and...
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it will primarily be based on the interests of america, these are the interests at that time, i would like these interests to first of all correspond to , you know, such civilized methods of achieving one’s goals abroad, if this happens, then we will welcome these changes in american foreign policy; if it continues, then this policy of unilateral pressure. sanctions, the outbreak of wars, after all, these are wars, which along the perimeter of china, russia in hot spots, these are all, in fact, sponsored and encouraged precisely from the ocean, growth points of this conflict potential, which is capable of going beyond the boundaries of purely these regions to embrace more serious interregional ones, they
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will be able implement a lot of their projects that they... think that they can implement today only through installing their proteges here and there and implementing their tasks, look what time has shown, no matter where they climb, well, beyond europe there, yes, then everywhere sooner or later their proteges lost, which means they were forced to leave there, vietnam, afghanistan, iraq, everywhere, well, this all confirms in fact, so if they come to that, i understand...
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consists in stroking the dog until the muzzle is put on it, this is our western approach, whose opinion is closer to you, the sovereign man or the author of the superman? well, the question itself already has an answer, of course, sir, this is a man,
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i didn’t exactly lead you to this answer, well the answer is on the surface. precisely for the reason that we, belarus, i, as a minister, need predictable, reliable partners, this can only be achieved by fulfilling your agreements, promising what... you can deliver and monitoring the implementation so as not to let your partners down, then, what our president always talks about, if they promised to fulfill, control, achieve, well, of course, we expect this from our partners, and of course, this is building a matrix of relations with some states on a bilateral basis, it is very important that they worked with us, were friends and implemented projects that were agreed upon not only next year in 5 years, but also in 10, 20 for 100 years, so that we can maintain this friendship, on which the entire complex of economic, social, political contacts is based as an inheritance from us to our children, as the president always says, if we achieve some kind of subordination
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of the interests of another country, as nietzsche preaches, that is, he defined it, as the collective west preaches, then of course there will be no stability in these relations, this once, secondly, he will no longer trust you. from third countries, because seeing how you get along here, they will also evaluate the prospects for cooperation with you. the most obvious examples are that russia’s assets were seized there in the european union, they now want to seize them all there, that means seize them somewhere, send interest from them there, send that here, but you see, everyone today started talking about some large holders there bonds or cash, meaning in dollars, in euros.
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and they completely forgot about germany, which once was also present in africa, i’m not even talking about belgium, which or italy, which fled at one time, taking only the last suitcase there from their former dependent territories, and they allowed such a massacre, allowing such a massacre, it’s just their good that before still countries. these, at a very serious international level, did not raise the topic of the genocide of their peoples, which was carried out in their time, did not raise the issue of any compensation, reparations, the return of
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the historical heritage itself, which was carried around mercilessly in its time, which from the louvre there to mathanton is located in america today, well , listen, so i still choose a responsible approach. partner, for now we’ll leave the muzzle to those who use the muzzle, but it’s like, i think, a matter of time, great, better like the belarusians, yes, that’s true, thank you,


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