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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 31, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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the story is actually so funny, because i studied in energy, i work in the field of marketing, but i took part in the competition because i was interested in trying my hand, and after this competition we had the belarusian republican youth union, the institute of national science of belarus with a radio station fm pilot, and a joint project appeared on the chronicle of liberation, in which for more than a month we talked about the progress of the bagration military operation, declassified reports from the general staff of the red army. applications for the third season of presscode will be accepted until august 30 inclusive, then the qualifying stages will take place. the winners will be awarded at the annual forum of young journalists. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. this is where i say goodbye to you, all the best. this
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is the natural wealth of belarus, the size of tayamnits can be found in braslauschyna, here you will find enchanting lakes from the extraordinary called bozhae voka. the name of the lake was inspired by the dzyakuyuchy abras, which reminds us of the waters. vozera is in the shape of a regular circle, which... hello, the sas program is on the air i am authorized to declare, i am its presenter nadezhda sas, i welcome you, let me remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. in today's program we will talk about the palace coup in the usa and
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the consequences of the impact on the ukrainian crisis immediately after the digest of key events in world politics this week. minister of foreign affairs of ukraine dmitry kuleba made an unexpected visit to china, where he was received by chinese foreign minister wang yi. the main topic the conversation focused on the prospects for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. contrary to previously repeated approaches from kiev , this time kuleba said that the ukrainian authorities are ready for negotiations with the russian side, it’s true. i hastened to add that moscow should be committed to conscientious negotiations for a fair peace, which is allegedly not the case now. in turn, ivan noted that any conflict should be resolved exclusively at the negotiating table, and china is determined to facilitate this in every possible way. unexpectedly positive about the visit kuleby reacted in russia. president putin's press secretary, dmitry peskov, noted that kuleba's message itself is in unison with our position, however, the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs. zakharova
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spoke out much harsher. she noted that moscow has no faith in the words of the ukrainian authorities. she recalled that if kiev really wanted to negotiate, zelensky would first of all cancel his own decree prohibiting dialogue about peace with putin. the opposition in the european parliament was ignored when distributing posts. the third largest faction, patriots for europe, including 84. the tatas did not give up a single post of vice-president of the european parliament, chairman or deputy chairman of the committee, and also left the europe of sovereign nations faction advocating the normalization of relations with russia without anything. but the greens and liberals who lost the elections got very tasty posts. representatives of the so-called centrists justify gross violations of democratic principles by the fact that they isolate supposedly radical nationalists and friends of putin. in fact
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among the political forces artificially left behind were the ruling fidesz party in hungary, as well as the parties that took first place in france, the netherlands, austria, the czech republic and belgium according to the results of the june 9 vote. thus, with the dialect of the elites , the results of the expression of the will of tens of millions of eu citizens were actually rewritten. the head of the ministry of belarus paid an official visit to the korean people's democratic republic. during the visit , negotiations between the minister of foreign affairs of our country, maxim rozhenkov, and the minister of foreign affairs took place in phinyang. foreign affairs of the korean democratic people's republic of choe-sunghee. the ministers noted the coincidence of their positions and agreed to continue making joint efforts to move towards a fair multipolar world order. in this context, the interaction of the two countries in international organizations and the situation in the field of global and regional security are considered. minister of foreign affairs of the dprk.
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expressed support for belarus’ efforts to counter illegal sanctions and restrictions from western groups states the famous english writer george orwell, in his article in october 1900, predicted that nuclear powers would always be in a state of permanent cold war with each other; it is believed that this is how the term cold war came into popular use. but lately the world has come so close to sliding into a hot, nuclear war that simply taking a step back to confrontation in the spirit of the cold war is already perceived as a huge relief. about why the last few weeks have been like this actively started talking about this steps back. from the abyss, and how the events of the presidential race in the united states affect this, will be discussed in today’s program, i am glad to welcome political scientist peter petrovsky to our studio, hello, good afternoon, also today victoria fedosova, political scientist, deputy director of the institute, is taking part in our program strategic research and
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forecasts of the peoples' friendship university of russia. hello, hello, according to tradition, we begin our program with a quick question, and victoria, do you think they will come out are the americans from the ukrainian project, like... from afghanistan, you know, a lot depends on the internal political situation in the united states, of course, because we see division, or rather we don’t see it, it is assumed, somewhere behind the scenes, in that very deep state , the prioritization is different, and if the americans withdrew from afghanistan already at the peak point of the critical crisis, we witnessed this, then there is no need for such a clear exit yet, yes, donald trump and those groups that support him, they can do emphasis in a political election campaign. the fact that this does not need to be financed is completely unimportant, but in order to find an alternative to the military-industrial complex and restart it without ukraine , it will be necessary to incite other conflicts, iran, china, and so on, and turn this spiral. it’s working so far, and we cannot guarantee that trump and those who stand behind him will really make a choice in favor
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of the americans leaving ukraine. here peter, i agree with victoria, and indeed, when we talk about ukraine and the united states of america, we imagine communicating vessels, here. even judging by the reaction and certain statements that have been heard lately from representatives of the ukrainian authorities, we can say that there is total confusion, they are even trying to build some new bridges in relations with the trump team, because ukraine has been working exclusively for the last 10 years with the democrats and there i was looking for support and funding, well, firstly, probably the maidan project, it was a project democrats, first of all. yes, although trump was the first to start supplying weapons to ukraine, we should not forget this either. jevelina, yes, which in this regard, trump has a simple formula: if i make a profit, then i will work with them, if i don’t
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make a profit, then i don’t need them. and of course, the question for mr. zelensky is probably what can he do? suggest to trump how he can sell himself? zelensky is also not an independent figure, and with what they are fighting, it is clear that not a single one of his own production, enterprise, and even those that were still created somewhere in the carpathian mountains or in stalin’s dungeons, all these enterprises are assembly shops for western, western weapons, and here it seems to me that there is no need to consider that...
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or not the periphery, i would he said more - this is a colony, it was and is, remains, a peace treaty has not been signed there, and there the corridor for making independent decisions by the german government is very, very narrow, very small, so you can do whatever you want with this economy, and this is happening , she is now being sacrificed for the sake of these big ones global interest between the united states and china, you know,
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the war may end before the end of the year and not all territories of ukraine can be returned by military means. quote. i believe that if we are united and follow, for example, the peace summit format, we can end the hot stage of the war. we can try to do this before the end of this year. and zelensky also admitted that the war would end diplomatically, not militarily. the president of the republic of belarus has repeatedly spoken about this. the only method, it seems to me, any war ends in negotiations and the search for compromise solutions. i’ll also quote zelensky, this does not mean that all territories are being reconquered by force, i think that
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the power of diplomacy can help, and i would now like to draw attention to zelensky’s direct speech from an interview with cnn, at the second peace summit, if the plan is fully prepared, if russia will be ready to talk through this plan, then we will be ready to talk together with our partners, with representatives of russia, yes victoria, and trump and johnson’s statement about the end? wars, what do they mean? johnson now, we understand that the new ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny has begun his duties as the ambassador of ukraine to the uk, so indeed, the british are taking an alternative option for the scenario of loading an operating system into this system, which bugs zaluzhny if something happens, which is why zaluzhny remains the figure who is ready to talk about a militarized scenario, he speaks harshly about mobilization in ukraine, about mobilization. of the entire west, and these are not theses that he himself came up with, we we understand that someone wrote these theses to him,
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and most likely in great britain, which will be the center for making such a decision, if the scenario is chosen, to go further along the path of war. if we are talking about trump, indeed, yes, torque is appropriate, but trump has alternative points on the map where he can apply this us foreign policy initiative and projection of power, so for trump there is a more flexible situation here, the british are very specific about to place your interests. aggressive position, aggressive rhetoric used by the european union, and the european
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parliament often used extremely negative theses that did not exactly call for a peaceful solution, what do you think, if the agenda changes, maybe more politicians will appear in the european parliament who remember what the purpose of creating this institution was in general, i think that yes, yes, the process, the process of the collapse of the european union, uh, will now gain momentum more than ever, and let’s not collapse, but reconstruction, that is, the process of returning the european union to its original purpose, this a voluntary union of sovereign states, this is where we need to return it, then we can say that a voluntary union of sovereign states from lisbon to vladivostok would be an ideal scenario for everyone. living peoples on the european continent. thank you very much, waldemar gerth,
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a german politician, was in touch with us. let's continue our discussion. let me remind you that recently, us presidential candidate donald trump, almost on a daily basis, promises to very quickly end the war in ukraine. this is what he's talking about wrote, in particular after a conversation with zelensky, saying that the warring parties will have the opportunity to conclude a deal. not so long ago, trump generally stated that he would end the war in ukraine even before his inauguration if he wins the elections, let us recall that according to... the significant resonance of ex-british prime minister johnson in this article johnson writes that this is a beneficial option for kiev and the west peace was the end of the war on february 24 , 1922, followed by ukraine's entry into nato and the eu. let's display it on the screen right now. russia will have to retreat at least to the borders that existed before february 24 in 2022. and to avoid future
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conflicts and uncertainty, the rest of ukraine will need to be recognized. a free country, capable of choosing its destiny within the eu and nato and absolutely ready for early accession. moreover, the armed forces of ukraine in the alliance could replace the american army in europe, thereby removing part of the burden of ensuring security in europe from the united states. what is donald trump trying to achieve? and it is important to note that russia, as compensation, will be given guaranteeing the rights of the russian-speaking population in ukraine; restoring relations with the west. but peter, you know. it is significant that even such a hawk as mr. johnson suddenly started talking about peace. well, firstly, it’s not him, but those who stand behind him. the second point, on what conditions, that’s what he voiced, these are the conditions for nato’s expansion of the european union to the east, firstly, and secondly, these are
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attempts to sell some kind of militaristic services to ukraine, that kiev regime, to trump, although trump doesn't need to bring out his troops, he wants them to simply pay for the presence of his troops in the countries of the european union, and not for someone to be paid there in kiev. yes, peter, we are adding yuri dutkin, a ukrainian analyst and military expert, to our broadcast. yuri, greetings. hello, hello, we are analyzing the latest statements coming from the lips of the presidential candidates of the united states of america, donald trump. and
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in the states of america, trump’s statement, his teams are aimed at completing it in the near future, and it seems to me that the russian federation and belarus are interested in this, no one wants to continue this conflict endlessly, no one wants to continue.
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such a nation existed for the sake of russia also suffering a certain fiasco in this field, political and military, that’s the point. victoria, but you must agree that if a new team comes, for example, the trump team, which has its own personal scores that need to be settled with
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the ukrainian authorities, plus, i think, funding and military assistance will also be reviewed of the united states in ukraine, on the other hand, there is still a certain ukrainian trace in the election campaign that was still between trump and hillary clinton, this is still 2016, and how the ukrainian authorities got the hang of being useful to someone from...
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they will try to refuse this , having previously agreed with the deep state that let us redirect our cash flow financial flow somewhere else, there are no prerequisites for
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trump to just take it all out of hand and decide, as he states in his electoral campaign that now i will solve all this with one call, no, by the way, analyzing their debate with biden, when trump was asked if you are ready to agree to the conditions that putin put forward, and putin essentially proposed a program.
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i know that you are still a trump supporter, the only person who will today try to explain his further plan of action, we discussed trump’s plan today, in your opinion, we started the program with a blitz question, will the americans withdraw from the ukrainian project, as in their time fled from afghanistan, while this picture is still invisible, for them to leave the ukrainian project, they are very deeply entrenched in it and this. so far this is the only project that they can hold on to, because they have another one there , taiwan floating, latin america, they also don’t have such a serious
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foundation there, where to hold on, africa, they have lost, asia, there are also problems there, so here the only thing left for them is ukraine, they left afghanistan in order to be there, now we will see if this is a real situation, so that president trump, presidential candidate trump, when he became president, would make peace in ukraine and leave ukraine. his personal position , i know that there is one, was that he wanted to get out of ukraine, if the deep state does not join the trump team, it is very active, if his personal position on the ukrainian case is not changed, then we will see a continuation, maybe in a slightly different format of this scenario, but whether this situation will worsen, we will see over the next couple of months and after trump's election as president. yes, peter, but we cannot help but discuss, naturally, the current situation with...
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the system, but we must also understand that yes, trump will try to break, if he comes to class, yes, break something, but will he be able to break it, for the past four years it seemed like he couldn’t really do anything, who will come if we look at it from the side of the us democratic party, yes, who will come there, well, harris, michelle obama, or maybe hillary
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clinton by the way, let's remind our... dear viewers, information about who she is kamala haris, short section portraits. kamala haris is a potential democratic presidential candidate, lawyer, former prosecutor and senator from california. in 2019, haris ran for the top government position, but later withdrew her candidacy. she held the vice-presidential post for 4 years. in this position, she oversaw issues such as migration problems on the southern border and electoral protection.
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"if you are a manager, you should be a manager, and not an individual player who cannot organize the work of the white house, the state department there and something else, she had the characteristics of just that politician who separated from the entire team, was there in a completely different wing of the white house, and carried out certain intrigues and disintegration.
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this incident, what caused it? well, the most important thesis, of course, and i doubted it, to be honest, they would change it, because this is the most irrational step, even biden, despite the fact that he is old, he was old 4 years ago, they could continue to pump him up , but apparently, even the seventh heart does not help these oligarchs and strange grays cardinals, so death is still pressing, and the aging process is pressing on biden, that even they have come to terms with the fact that he will not pass for... a picture and, of course, sponsors who understand what a picture is, hollywood, netflix and others corporations, including media, they understood, even actors got involved in this, because they understand what level of pr these public relations are, how to what extent it affects the political situation in the united states, well, imagine clooney, who says that we need to change this picture, this picture has been changed, yes, money immediately poured on kharis, but she was like
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a political technology tool in...
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joe biden could not withstand the pressure of voters from the sponsors of his presidential campaign. the last few weeks have been extremely tense for the then-candidate for the top post. the democratic leader decided to leave the fight for a place in the white house. biden has dropped out of the presidential race. this is the first such case in a decade. as the politician himself said, he now intends to focus on fulfilling his duties until the end of his term, and the decision to leave was made in the interests of countries and democratic parties. fellow party members, sponsors, and even voters themselves called for biden to stop his campaign. the pressure on joe intensified after his debate failure with trump at the end of june. straightaway. after it, the ratings quickly went down. trump's position, on the contrary, has strengthened. compared to his opponent , he looked much smarter and faster. back in june, biden was literally tormented by journalists with questions. does he intend to stay in the race? then the politician gave clear and
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unambiguous answers. he will continue to fight. but now the decision has changed to the opposite side. analysts note that those who paid for the democratic leader's presidential campaign had the final say. wanted to invest money in a candidate who does not inspire confidence among voters. in turn, the sudden announcement of his departure made it possible to create the appearance of a decision being made on biden’s terms, which helped save the president’s image. the current head of state himself proposed to nominate fifty-nine-year-old kamala haris, vice president of the united states, from the democrats. haris accepted the offer, stating that she intended to participate in elections. the country's leading dim party leaders supported her candidacy, but the outcome of the campaign was everything. has long been called unpredictable. in addition, kamala’s approval, if it happens, will only happen in august at a congress of fellow party members. she is already preparing to compete for the attention of both politicians and voters. the latest polls show the vice president trailing trump by
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a small margin. americans do not yet perceive her as a separate independent politician. kharis's main task for the next 3 months is to build her own image,” analysts say. apparently, this will be done now. yes, well, here you need to understand that biden in the twentieth year came in like a duck and under control, here i agree with the guests of the studio, like a duck, then and the same thing now kabalahari comes in like a duck, who
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will control from the outside and so that just follow the instructions of their, as they say, masters and oligarchs of america, who will simply manage this whole action further, obama, the clintons, everyone who still stands behind them. potential and its capabilities, even someone i am convinced that he will be the forty-eighth president of the united states of america, and that is, he gives an understanding that these people are definitely not interested in this oligarchy and
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this clan system continuing to exist in the united states of america, i think, not only in the united states america. the fact is that andrei telizhenko, from the president, said correctly.
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states, where it is said that this is exactly the kind of detachment that is needed in american politics, in order to behave inappropriately, to impose on the world some absolutely, well, incommensurable, non... things that are not comparable with reality, moreover , i will say, create the most important enemy of the united states, china and the russian federation. the russian-russian-speaking space is only more predictable, it’s actually interesting,
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that’s what the ratings of kamala harris and trump showed. 38:43, yes, that is, even though kamala harris, update, face, fresh, they poured in a lot of millions of dollars immediately on the first day, the rating is still not gaining, now it still takes time to promote her a little, but i understand that after the debate, the democrats, the sponsors of the democrats, understood. what i didn’t expect from them was that they would choose the scenario of radicalization on the verge of civil war, why? because if they had reconciled themselves to try to find options to survive trump’s next term and then enter a new democratic term, as was the case in the twentieth year with this transfer, then they probably could have managed peacefully. now that 60% of americans, according to the latest polls, think that there will be election fraud, it is almost inevitable, they believe that this is highly likely. indeed, because if there was a biden figure, then
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it would be difficult to even throw in for him, now kamala haris, in principle, meets the base electorate that they launched in california and launched on the southern border, kamala haris is also involved in this, when she worked there as a prosecutor, criticism was already pouring in about her real shortcomings and shortcomings, and of course the republicans will focus on leaving, moving the discourse away from what, well, archetype, let's say, she is represents, because now there is a mythologization of politics and they will go into that very reality in order to somehow try to balance, but the democrats, the democrats will launch the story with postal voting, with the stuffing of fake ballots, with the voting of the dead, to the fullest, unfortunately, for the usa, i don’t know for us how this will be in favor, this really puts them on the threshold of a civil war, because for the second time to steal the election from trump, and he very much heated up this rhetoric after the twentieth year that he
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ideology, and the main thing, since the end of the 19th century , that the americans have always fought against is preventing the integration of eurasia through various methods, and there are armed conflicts and coups d'etat.
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russia together as negotiators is not beneficial for the united states of america. americans will choose either one or the other. moreover, i think that russia will be offered the formula peace in ukraine in exchange for distancing itself from beijing. it will happen either way, a similar formula will be offered to beijing, restoration of relations on american terms with...
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maintaining a balance of interests, while i see that in kiev the balance of interests, in general the word balance of interests is probably not very clear. yes, yuri, over to you, we are moving towards the finale, we will
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sum up the results of today’s discussion, in today’s program, in addition to the respected belarusian guest, the russian guest, there is also...
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there is no such thing as victory, this is what world history tells us, the history of our former soviet state that broke. the backbone of german fascism, there is no peace without victory, the tasks that were set
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vladimir putin at the initial stage of the special military operation, they still remain these tasks, denazification and demilitarization. today, everything is moving towards ensuring that the special military operation achieves its goals, despite all the talk. about peace, and ukraine has finally become that part of world politics that finally strives to ensure that its population, its people, its citizens live with dignity, we have already experienced in ukraine, in particular, the period when nazism bandera , had the most severe consequences for this country before...
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the war, here the conversation is short, and there are no alternative, fairy-tale stories, the reality is this. victoria, please, let’s move towards the finale, yes, we are at such a turn in history where really harsh decisions are required, alexander grigorvich’s statement that he shares and supports the goals of a special military operation, they are understandable, because belarus knows what it is khaten, and if there is a further denocification program, belarusians must be present, because that is the job that the prosecutor general does.
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the west must fall out, leave ukraine, because if they do not leave ukraine, there is mexico, there is canada, there are other regions that are also interesting to the russian federation, china and other countries, and they can also create problems there, and this is what i think the first part of the negotiation process that should begin, why should the west make these concessions, so that it is clear that there will be no further war, there will be a final victory, there will be peace, everything this regime did, killed people in ukraine, drove people out of ukraine, destroyed ukraine from... from the middle there will be truth, and people will know what happened there, i think many ukrainians will then understand what happened and return back to
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ukraine, and will be against those actions of the banderev regime that took place, and those who don’t want to will remain abroad and the like, but first of all, the west must understand that it must leave ukraine, just as it left afghanistan and leave this territory, otherwise peace negotiations , the peace process, well, it will just go nowhere, yes, thank you, probably in order... today we need to think about that model of post-war ukraine, no one should start negotiations about ukraine at all, they tell us that in 1943 we already created anti-fascist german committees, the red chapel acted on territory of germany, now this does not exist, so we must start with this, what kind of new anti-fascist ukraine we will establish, my dears. and this is especially true for the citizens of ukraine, who are fighting this nazi regime both in ukraine and abroad, so that they
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became a subject, among other things. and maybe even union belarus, russia and ukraine, then we can really talk about the negotiation process. we conclude with gratitude to all participants in the discussion, and of course, i would like to recall the statements of another figure from the period of the beginning of the last cold war, june 14, 1946. in an address to the un atomic energy committee, american politician and businessman bernard baroch said: behind the grim sign of the new atomic age lies hope: we must choose world peace or the destruction of the whole world, and so far this the rule worked, the nuclear red line scared politicians away from completely ill -considered actions. whether this will continue to happen against the backdrop of a clear decline in the quality of western
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elites is a big question. thanks a lot. it was. see you in a week. a real process of resolving the ukrainian conflict is possible only after the elections in the united states. are you sure you don't want me to stay? no, i need it myself, i have to do it myself. okay, hang in there. goodbye, goodbye, finally gone, that is, can you hear me, you might faint, and i, and i won’t be able to call you first aid, i will do it, and it’s time for you
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to get used to this idea, there are no miracles. said the ghost, uh-huh, there’s a small formality left, what should i do, what should i do, sign, such a loss, for me personally nikolai sergeevich was like a father, watch the series “my favorite ghost” on the belarus 24 tv channel. editors’ club, people gathered families. in their apartments in order to look at our parade, because this is also such a good reminder that there is this island somewhere that values ​​​​peace and talks about peace, this a demonstration, including economic power, not every average country can hold a parade, just thesis: belarus has become a member of the shanghai cooperation organization, which accounts for 30% of the world. belarus has overtaken south korea, australia, the usa,
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brazil and israel in the sustainable development ranking. gdp is growing.
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senior colleagues, financiers, when i was still...
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raising children, this is such a serious, main task, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch
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it on the belarus 24 tv channel. what is right in the racing forest, at the beginning of the angry dawns, the creatures and the world. and i know the fall, the accumulated azers are woven with charms, i smile at the suns, you look at the bottom of the sea, which is gilded with gold , and from their end, the lavashian azers, as if not this year, they are more and more eager to i never knew the mountains, the seas, and never forgot the azeri, loves my heart, petrus brouka.
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