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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  July 31, 2024 2:05pm-3:00pm MSK

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at the golden sandy pіў and pіў from their endless days on the braslav azery, as if not most years ago, i would like to know the mountains of the sea and i never forgot the love of sir petrus brouk .
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yesterday i tried to arrange a romantic dinner for us, yeah, so my igor fell asleep right at the table. no, of course i understand that he’s very
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tired, but i’m not made of iron either, i spin around all day like a squirrel in a wheel at this counter, but i’m just offended, offended, dragging that i’m an empty place for him, a piece of furniture , what do you say, but i don’t beat myself up, hello, my furry needs a rabies injection, everything will be fine, i'll call you back, okay, good afternoon, rabies vaccination, mikon, handsome, oh, you have respect for him, here we are a little wild, don't worry, we have high-class doctors , everything will be as it was, and igor, and the rabies vaccination, yeah.
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“hello, let’s be careful, tea, coffee, maybe read a magazine, no, no, thank you, absolutely, that’s right, there’s no point in reading them, they write some kind of garbage, if a man doesn’t show signs of jealousy, then he doesn’t love , uh-huh, well, if my husband is calm, balanced, doesn’t show any signs at all, he can help there, but nothing, nothing can be done, you’d better tell me, your husband is jealous of you, but damn, he might still help, angela , call someone here, urgently, you’re on the left, i’m on the right, if everyone moves at the same time, he won’t know who to attack, well, he has four, everyone will get it, and you don’t have such a pistol with the main drug, well, they shoot at tigers , did we shoot once?
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well, they scared you, you’re good, what’s his name? killed, or what? who will win, the cat's cat or the cat's cats? well done, well done, that's all, take your furry, angela, don't forget to put a stamp on the vaccination certificate, furry, how did you manage to do this, we agreed with him, but cats can be negotiated with anyone. please come, fairy, you
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can tell me how you are, what are you doing, a clothespin on his withers or something, but it doesn’t matter, you ’re 4 hours late, yes, but according to the labor code this... is harsh as absenteeism, so congratulations, you got your first warning, two more, i can do it dismiss you under the article, apparently we gave the rabies vaccination to the wrong person, uh-huh, should you also put a clothespin on your withers, why, well, let's go, your sister never dreamed of opening this clinic all her life, she put together an excellent team, wonderful doctors, you, and me too... svetlana fought for each of her clients, and you decided to destroy this clinic with your stupid rules. i understand, but svetlana made me promise that i would help her, and i will keep this word, even if you all, the whole team, interfere with me. it’s clear, it means you’ve seriously decided to ruin this clinic, just keep in mind
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that you won’t be able to do it that easily, because you’ll be dealing with me. great, i was just about to fire you. and i was going to make sure that you leave here yourself, believe me, it won’t be difficult. you, ritochka , have been accustomed to winning all your life, all your life you have studied only with an a plus, but no matter how you swagger, it is even clear that you are a beginner and do not know how, and i will prove it to you, and you will leave here with your tail between your legs, under your wings how to her fiancé, who is probably a bore, by the way, pasha is not a bore at all, please read the labor code, since you decided to fire me under the article. cynical bastard, bastard, that’s it,
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you want a cookie, you don’t want it, whatever you want. hello, vasya, hello, hello, wow , why aren’t you eating cookies, you’re not sick, your nose seems to be wet, well, let’s live with the cookies, didn’t anyone go out with you, but no, most likely not, everything is clear, now it’s clear, why is she so sad, let's go, vasili, matvey, let one of the adults take a walk with her, vasilisa big dog, you can't handle it, it could be dangerous, okay? yes, it’s not dangerous, you just don’t love her and are afraid, i’m not afraid and i don’t love her, no, no, i mean, i love her, i love animals in general, by the way, dogs and cats, yeah, especially cats, let's go high, the forearms consist of the radial
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humerus, connected by the elbow joint, it goes below. the carpal joint, consisting of seven bones, it is connected to five bones, that is, with five fingers, each finger has a claw, but this is if the dog is healthy, but here the radius bone is broken, on there is a scar on the face, there is a hematoma all over the body, who are you , girl, and the volunteers will find the owner, we will find out, i would like to listen to her, why his dog has so many injuries, i’m all about the bones.
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okay, angela, i’ll go, i still need to look at the tests there, i’ll also go and see how igor is doing, how do you like your new place, adapt, yes, yes, more or less, if anything happens, i’m always ready, by the way, i checked the prescription here, he always uses a very expensive drug, and this is not profitable for our clinic, because you can use analogues, yes, it’s possible, but i don’t know anything about the drugs i understand, i just need to prepare the clinic for obtaining a license, that’s all, and you know, i ’ll do it, so, there is a log of inspections,
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a log for recording the temperature of refrigerators, there are two copies, so, this is in one copy, two, where -i had it written down, what are you doing, right? in two, and how do you know, well, everything is great, i filed down your rat’s fangs, so now she will get better, gain weight, the main thing is to feed her more often, well , let’s gnaw carrots, all sorts of sticks, you you just saved us, you do everything so delicately, thank you, you are simply gold, i completely agree with you, my husband, pure gold, here is your check, yes please, all
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the best, goodbye, yes, this madame gritsatstsueva is coming for the third time since, well , actually she’s a grishaeva, well, what can you do, since her rat’s fangs grow so quickly, i wonder why? of course, i could leave, but i will stay here until the commission arrives, because
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svetlana asked me to do so. you all can ignore me, but here's a request from your beloved svetlana’s boss, who , by the way, is now in serious condition in the hospital, you must still respect, so be so kind as to bear with me for two more weeks, okay? did i just say something funny? no, no, everything is fine, it’s just now. 10:00, i’ve been here for an extra 2 hours, now i’m on my way to a call, minding my own business, i didn’t break anything, i didn’t bother anyone, great, well done, here’s the sugar, common carp, a species of freshwater ray-finned fish. at the store they told me it was it’s just carp, so eat it, it’s delicious and healthy,
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i had one of these living in a basin, his name was kuzi, then my mother and i released him into a rod, hello, yes, i’m listening, as if i wasn’t on the test. okay, i'll talk to him, matvey, today you had an important test in mathematics, where were you at that time, to remove the gall bladder, great, why were you there and not in class? yes , because this is a very interesting operation, cats do it better than anyone else, i tried to persuade him for two weeks to let me see cats again.
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successfully, he was even allowed to call, how are you doing? everything is fine with us, everything is great, yes, i got an a in math, aunt rita cooks very tasty, well done, good, i’m glad that you became friends, how things are at the clinic, you know, everything is fine, all the documents are in i prepared a list, yes, don’t worry, they will definitely give you a license, everything is under control, in general, the light, listen, you have nothing to worry about, great. pash, wait, it’s very hard to hear,
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what? what are you saying? will the restaurant give a discount if we arrange a banquet this month? pash, forgive me, i just can’t tell you the truth, when i arrive, i hope that, hello, hello, pash, can you hear me? quit, here's good morning to you, right? it’s not very kind, hello, vasilisa, why aren’t you at school, what the hell is this school, by the way, an inspection from rosvetnadzor came from, like, wait, like an inspection, but for me, i didn’t have time to do everything re, this is, this, this is not necessary, that's it,
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good afternoon, my name is. oh, why do i need your refrigerators? i need a certificate about the absence of parasites on my phantomas, so that i can use it in children’s rooms. perform at events, show tricks, and tricks, yes, of course, you go to the laboratory, this is the second door on the left, there they will give you a certificate, angela, please take the girl to
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the laboratory, please come in, yeah. “you ’re so proud of your competence, but you behave like a boy, you’re a complete mess, in papers, at work, in your personal life, who do you think you are, a genius who can do anything, i’m not impressed by your tricks, you understand, it seems they came to you, good afternoon, bilov, gennady petrovich, rostvetnadzor, i would i wanted to see the clinic, do you mind? , graphics. amazing. the documents are in perfect order. this is the first time i’ve seen this in my practice. usually, the documentation in clinics is such a mess. you know, i
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tried very hard. now, let’s go and see the basement ? is everything okay? the basement, yes, your application states that the basement has been completely renovated, i'm ready, that's what you have here, oh, be careful, now, now, now, now we'll organize the light, now just a second, yeah, what's this, oh, sorry, here's our basement and the renovation will be done then, so, so, so, so, so, well, now, wait, the computer froze for some reason, but it’s just retrograde, mercury slows down the work of all the equipment, you see, i’ve already been to four clinics, no one wants to sterilize my
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little forget, that’s it they direct you specifically to you, they say that the best one works surgeon, i hope you have already fired your little ball. in the sense of kotov, but the fact is that he is the one, no, no, this is excluded, the premises are unsuitable, i have to indicate this in the act, unfortunately, you were not issued a license, we can fix everything, we have more time, dad, mika, what are you doing here, i’m trying to get this terrible clinic to do a basic procedure, but they ’re rude to me out of the blue, and he’s still here, and i ’m much more surprised why you’re here again, i’m in the past...
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yeah, yeah, that's it, i can take her, yes, of course, of course, let's go, wait, wait, and you prove that this is really your dog, be careful, boy, it bites, why do i have to prove anything at all, well, the dog is purebred, dear, you never know for what purpose you are taking it, okay , okay, listen, uh-huh, listen, don’t touch the dog, this is my dog, i have photos of it on my phone, here’s the pedigree. okay, i’ve convinced you, i can go, let’s go, a second, a second, why is this dog you have, so many injuries, so scared, can you take it? i don't hit her, i i’m raising you, you understand me, because she needs a firm hand, let’s go, i told you, it’s you who need a firm hand, are you a lantern
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or something, and what are you allowing yourself to do, and i’ll complain, i’ll write a statement to the police, you i understand that you should complain to her, and i ’ll write a statement against you for cruelty to animals, so that’s it, let’s take the dog, let’s go as i took it, like this, what are you asking? “i’m sorry that this happened, but you’re out of your mind, how could you not give the animal to its rightful owner, and so on it happens, in fact, fyodor mikhailovich saved vasilisa, the owner beats her, she should not have been left with him, and even if he killed her, and if the owner goes to report to the police, he will not report, as soon as you finish reading the labor code, look at the criminal article 245 cruelty to animals." maybe you should create a legal consultation, with such treatment of clients, we can’t see a license like our ears. margarita aleksandrovna, yes, yes, my daughter and i thought about it and decided to give you another chance.
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let's pretend i'm not here today it was, but i will come only in 2 days. and you, fyodor mikhalavich, are great, bleach the chewing gum. goodbye. it turns out that you are not just a boor. you are a hero, well, you see, you started burying the clinic early, the patient is more likely alive than dead, the patient is alive, and the doctor who argues with management during working hours, i give a second warning, yes, yes, yes, i write it down. a talk show in which famous people
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answer tricky questions from the younger generation. i love singing very much and dream of becoming a famous artist. could you now hold a mini-audition for me to evaluate my chances. well, let's sing something. there for. dawns, behind the fogs in the silence of forests and fields. wonderful. oh, it would be interesting to know if there are any statistics on reliability and safety, or maybe there are some safety criteria for your airline? of course, of course, there are statistics, and there is such a concept of punctuality, this, again, is related to flight safety. let's turn 180°, yellow everyone. please, your question is, what are your hidden talents? i tell you i’ll say, somehow everything in my life, i walked out on stage,
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i immediately started singing. watch the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel. independence of truth, july 3 is a holiday of our memory. we are all united by the great victory over. character, an enterprise of this kind has acquired a certain trans-regional organization , the only one in the country, they produce more than 20 million products per year, we have purchased equipment for
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pressing, new molding lines, glazing lines, know-how - digital printing, literally 2 seconds and the design is ready to it will take 2 days to apply a pattern like this on this crumb, everything is done by hand, using special ceramic paints that are absolutely safe. main topics on the main broadcast. watch on belarus24 tv channel. what's going on here? celebrating our first victory. i see, well, of course, you can celebrate if you feel like winners, and i feel like a loser, i...
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had to check the basement, oh well, but we all forgot about it, but there’s business there for half a day, well, if if we don't have time, we'll open it a law office, excuse me, no, i really, really didn’t succeed, every perfectionist considers it his duty to rebuild a house, replant a tree, re-educate his son, she took it. for the clinic, took care of my nephew, in general, what was it like, remained like that, yeah, what do you mean what was it like? so fyodor mikhailovich almost got married, but that was a long time ago, that’s true, wow, i’m right, i just felt like a tiger and a goat - this is an ideal union. angel,
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i have a big request to ask you, don’t discuss this. with no one, oh, no, no, no, no, no, you, what did you do, what did you do, stupid dog, what is this, well, you stupid dog, why, why, that too? who gave permission to touch these documents? lord, what is this, and lord, this is a contract, like a snack? yeah, where is our leadership? the management was upset, apologized, yeah. well,
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right, who's to blame? who? how could you forget to check the basement? how's that? but for terita, the main thing is that everyone obeys her. it seems that someone didn't understand that we need to talk less. by the way, through the mouth of a baby, no one if only one of us would not allow ourselves to make such a mistake. so the first thing i would do would be to go and check all the premises. mom definitely wouldn't allow this. okay, let's go see how vasilisa is doing, why? let's go, let's go, let's go, let's go, why did we come here? vasilisa is in aunt rita’s office, so let her sit there, and you and i will talk like man to man, what are you allowing yourself to do? and what? your mother didn’t teach you that you can’t talk about others behind their back. let's stop interfering in adult matters. actually this is my mom and i's clinic
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this also applies. so. namely, that your mother’s clinic, aunt rita is your mother’s sister, do you think she doesn’t want to help her? she is trying to save this clinic, and instead of supporting her, we are letting her down. why did you suddenly start defending aunt erita? she promised to fire you, you never know what she promised, i also promised you to get rid of her. and what, you changed your mind? yes, matvey, i changed my mind, because you can’t fight with women, they need to be protected. ok, let's agree. i have a plan, just for now, no one, yeah yes, i myself don’t understand how i could forget about this basement, but i understand perfectly well when
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you take on something that you don’t understand at all. this is exactly how it turns out, tell me, what are you, a veterinarian, pash, what does veterinary medicine have to do with it, and these are the elementary fundamentals of planning management, i, well, you know, i ’m well versed in this, but the result says the opposite. ira, hello, hello, pash, i was actually counting on your support now, by the way, listen, i’m generally surprised by your position, and the way you set your priorities, it feels like don't you care at all that you canceled? our wedding. well, of course it does. well, what are you saying? well, please, let's not quarrel. i will return to st. petersburg soon, we will go after aksia and submit the application again. by the way, i miss you. me too. although, to be honest, i never really get bored. we are preparing for an important contract. moscow is in a hurry, they want to see reports before the meeting. wait, are you going to moscow? yes, with irina. class, when will you be there? that i can't
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tell you the exact dates, well in the coming days, i i’m very glad, i’ll be waiting for you, that’s good, then we’ll discuss our plans for the future when we meet, now excuse me, i need to work, i’m already delayed... that’s it, bye, wow, wow, wait, this, is that all for me, uh-huh, wait a minute, i just need to eat faster so it doesn’t glass, i understand, uh-huh, mm, how delicious, thank you, but it’s too much for me alone, come on, you too, no, i won’t eat the boiled food,
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oh, hello, hi, why aren’t you at school, but our math teacher got sick, and the last lesson of history was postponed until tomorrow. what are you going to do? we have vasilisa now i need to go for a walk. do you want to join us? no, i need to go to work. just 5 minutes. okay, come on.
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well? where are the cats? kotov, by the way, is already in a cage with a wild animal, that is, in the operating room, and i, my dear, have been in a cage for many years, how long have you and i been married? aren’t you afraid that one fine day i will want to fly out of this cage, but why? i don’t limit you in anything anyway. that is, if someone falls in love with me, then you won’t even be jealous of whom, him, me, why? "you love me, yes, that's it, i'll run, the patient is waiting, why be jealous, no, he definitely doesn’t love me, listen, but if she has
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rabies, she’s about to come and bite us, which means her owner is now running along the corridor and biting all the visitors, but she’s vaccinated, she’s from a petting zoo, come on..." hold it, i think i've groped it, you 're holding it, i'm holding it, yeah, come on, come on, come on, come on, oh, hare, yes, hare, the fox ate the bunny, if it was some child who fed the forest rubber a hare, this is what instincts do, yes, i generally put zoo visitors in cages put me in and fed all sorts of rubbish, by the way, about the cage, which means i don’t understand what ’s happening to anzhelka, she tells me that the family for her is a cage, she says, aren’t you afraid that i’ll fly away from this cage, she wants i was jealous of her, not of anyone in particular, but of everyone, well , in your opinion, this is normal, but women in general,
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to be honest, are abnormal creatures, they themselves don’t know what they want, they don’t know what they want, they demand from men, that's what you want, i want peace, wow, what... this green melancholy with cuckooing sounds, oh, i was in my time, here as you say, i almost ended up in this cage, now, oh, not for any price, not for any reason, i live as i want, do what i want, and not a single woman will interfere with me, so be jealous, oh, what is there to envy - well, you ’re alone all the time, i don’t understand at all, fairy, that you ’re running around with this loneliness of yours, you’re a normal guy, i’ve known you for a long time, “ all these jokes of yours, this feigned cynicism, this is some kind of - then protection, yes, what are you hiding from, what are you so afraid of, and so dr. freud, let you teach your wife
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how to keep you under his thumb, and i myself i'll figure it out, yes victoria, dictate the address, would you like tea or coffee? no, thank you very much, let's see our patient. yes, yes, of course, here she is, lying here, she vomited twice today, can you imagine, she doesn’t eat anything, that’s it. time on her pillow, do you think it’s like this before giving birth, my little squirrel, my girl, now let’s see, uh-huh, check, feel, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, uh... but judging by the size of the tummy, so until
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we’re still far from giving birth, yeah, i don’t really like the fact that she’s so flaccid and vomiting, it’s possible there’s an infection, yes, but what? do, i really wanted to babysit the kittens, babysit, that means, look, now we’ll put the cat in a carrier, you ’ll take diapers and a drinking bowl with you and we’ll take the cat to our hospital, i think it’s nothing serious, but still tests and examinations will not interfere with her, well, i can visit her, and of course, my little forget, my girl, now dr. kotov will take you to the hospital and cure you, because dr. kotov is the best specialist, thank you very much, fedor, please, you what? called, brought the cat to the hospital, we need to take blood,
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uh-huh, that’s the direction, uh-huh, oh, why did you go on dating sites, igor won’t be jealous, that’s what i’m trying to achieve, why, then, that love should not turn into a routine, this, this should be like a storm, like a hurricane, because when the passion passes, the man leaves, and this... this is not about love at all, but what? about repairs? i need to make a basement, reed ordered it, so i’m looking for workers, and the year of birth is indicated, oh, goat, goat, that’s it, you have to go to the pits all the time for it , pointing your finger, no, that’s not suitable, that’s it a pig, and this one can actually stretch everything out for two weeks, a goat, a pig, there’s no way to hire people, wait, look, here’s a rooster, roosters
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generally do everything perfectly, uh-huh, listen, and look at how handsome he is, and so, i’ll take everything, i hope , now you’re only talking about repairs, of course, hello, mikhail, can you imagine, today a four-month-old puppy was brought in for castration, he refused to do the cats, it’s terrible, what are you even doing there, and i ’ve never even heard such words from you before, yes i didn’t think that people could be like this cruel, you know, usually at 4 months, so come on, just without physiological details, and rit, i don’t have time, irina and i have a very important meeting on us, so let’s talk about castration another time, okay, okay, come on, bye, bye, pasha is great, everything is fine with him, and he has
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a serious contract, but i’m here with you, and nothing works out for me, and the cats don’t care about me, and well, to hell with it, yes , and try these again, they’re just fresh , fresh, and help yourself, excuse me for being so i quickly rushed over, i just thought that...
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what are you doing here, and i wanted to say that you think i’m a complete fool, yes, yes , that you seem jealous of me, that i’m jealous of you, listen, you probably forgot who’s the boss here, no, listen, that’s enough already margarita well , okay, you would like to fire me, you would have done it 100 times already, but you stuck it out precisely because of victoria, it’s even nice, damn it. i'm jealous of cats, you, you know who, you're a narcissistic idiot, yes, i'm jealous, you know what it's called, it's called centropopia, yes, it seems to you that you are the navel of the earth, and that all women should revolve around you, but i will explain to you, i
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will explain to you that this is not so, cats? no, did you hear what he said? are you going far away with you? well, i’m actually on call, very good, let’s see who ’s calling you where, whether it has anything to do with work, and if it doesn’t, i’ll be happy to sign an order for your dismissal, well then let’s go, so i need
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to call rita, otherwise she’ll be stuck in this clinic for who knows how long. no need, they adore women surprise, please, come, here, please, here is our boris, poor thing has been toiling for a week, oh, if only he didn’t die, god, god forbid, he... is like a child to the owner, wow, the situation, what’s wrong with him, yes who knows, the veterinarians came three times, prescribed a bunch of medications, spent an enormous amount of money, and the fights got worse and worse, the veterinarian, that means, hello,
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the zverovit clinic, this is dr. kotov, and i mean so... “if borika dies, then you can't live, that's it, come on, phone, phone, me, me, both, come on, come on, come on, come on, that's it, well, finally, thanks for seeing me off, well, today we're resting, tomorrow we're going to the bank, mutrika, there's delivery to your room from the restaurant, you'll have champagne, it's strange why rita doesn't pick up the phone, well, to st. petersburg, mind you , she ’s also in no hurry, maybe she’s not interested in
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you at all, i call, she doesn’t answer, and if something happens, you know, i’ll... i’ll go, and maybe i ’ll have a drink, and it’s been a long time since you’ve had it so limp, on it's been five days now that the doctors say it doesn't cure pigs, they say one even hinted at barbecue, the bastard, so that means we're getting a girl let's let it go, it's still of no use. and i’ll stay and treat your little pig, yes, and if you don’t cure me, well, shoot me, there will be one alone, everything is fair, you ’re completely crazy, he says, you go, go, it’s just a neglected tit here, yes , lady, go upstairs, sit there, and you lock
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her up, go, go, oh, hello, and 4 days at home, hello, where is she in that case, probably at work, at what job, actually time 9:00 pm, in fact, animals don’t get sick according to the clock, in fact, she doesn’t veterinarian, and the manager is apparently bad, so i’ll come back.
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give me your hand, damn, thank you. you just asked to go to the toilet in half, the gate is locked, and you can’t climb over the fence, well, you’re crazy, let’s go and help you hold the iv, hold it higher, like this, and what are we going to do now, we’ll wait, in an hour the drug will take effect. then the temperature will subside, by the morning the pig will come to its senses and will already be running like a horse, after that
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you will need to take a course of antibiotics, but that’s without me, great, this is all your arrogance, stupid, if only you i recorded all my calls as expected, then by now people would probably know where we are, and you are flying at breakneck speed, and i thought that she was here. that is, you want to say that a few hours ago she left for a call with this great doctor of yours , she still hasn’t returned, they don’t answer calls, can you explain to me what’s going on here, but it’s just a matter of gravity, yes what kind of attraction, what mutual, well, you understand, the stars are smiling, the tiger and the goat are soaring, this is a wonderful union that has every chance to last a lifetime, i ’m not asking about tigers or braids, i ’m asking where your boss is, listen,
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but i’m answering you, you understand, it’s fate, a few years ago they almost got married, now mercury is retrograde goes back, so they have every chance to return to the ascending point to change everything, so stop, that is, you want to say that she is having an affair with this veterinarian of yours, this is still not clear. but excuse me, but , strictly speaking, who will she be? and i, in fact, am her fiancé, fiancé, listen, well excuse me, for god's sake, but here you go, forgive me, i thought he was already dying, because these veterinarians were called so many times, to no avail.
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that someone would point a gun at your granddaughter, and that a gun is a gun, but i didn’t have it loaded, well, that’s how i understood it, i listen, son, take the gun as a souvenir, that’s what i would like remember, thank you, i ’ll keep it out of harm’s way, don’t get sick, well, thank you very much, by god, and sorry again. "the gun must be handed over to the police, and the owner this crazy guy too, he’s a normal guy,
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well, he got a little nervous, a little bit, you’re normal in general, he locked us in his house, and do you remember how they locked us on the zakharovs’ balcony, well, i remember, of course, i remember how we they knocked, they didn’t open it, so..." as if he were alive, even their songs didn’t bother us, it was a funny night, we never even quarreled with you then, well, it wasn’t like that, i still don’t understand why you're always trying to quarrel with me, and no, it's you who constantly attack me, no, you're me you provoke, and you absolutely don’t know how to compromise, you lie, i beg you, don’t start, no, i’m not starting, it’s you who are starting now and saying: why am i starting, it seems there is only one way to silence this woman.
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skotov, are you completely crazy, pasha? the situation on the polish-belarusian border is getting worse because germany has begun expelling people with asian and oriental appearance from its country to polish territory. it looks more like a local agreement that they decided to use for internal political games both in poland and germany. but this is probably different. in fact, it goes
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back a long way. the british were the first to want to encircle russia, depriving it of its status as a great power in the black sea region. this is how the idea arose to expand nato, so that every country in the black sea region around russia would become a nato country. in 2007 , president putin gave another clear speech at the munich security conference. there he said: “gentlemen, did you promise us in 1990 that nato would never expand? nato expansion is not individual." the united states, as a key country of the alliance , has the following position: you can’t deceive, you can’t survive. ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. you are watching the news live in the elizaveta lokotko studio. good afternoon in this issue. israel and the us do not take responsibility for the answer.


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