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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 1, 2024 12:00am-12:20am MSK

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maybe something happened, huh? was he really, really, really upset about the parrot? what? wait, what was he at kotov’s reception? yes, it won't hurt him. don't worry, he won't feel anything. you don't want him to suffer, do you? don't cry, don't cry, my dear, my little one. what's wrong with him, viral enteritis? wait, so this is curable? have you signed up to become a doctor? she found the dog in the trash heap, the property is weakened, there are no vaccinations, then the parents won’t take the mongrel home. this means that parents will not fork out for expensive treatment, and you, and you, don’t poke, let’s formalize it, don’t be clever. well, let me take the dog,
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now your aunt will explain to you what to do next, well, let's go, let's go, we're good, let's go, let's go, and write down the initial examination and x-ray, yeah, let's go, we're good, let's go, great, that is, you, as always , are great, but i don’t understand anything at all, who will do the repairs there now, and what is it, why? dani, i'm sorry, brother, you were born into the wrong family, have you lost your shores, cats? come on, let's see you, lyuba, urgently prepare the operating room, what kind of operating room? i saw my diagnosis, and you saw the x-ray, or when i was counting the money completely gone, there is no interitis there, there is the people’s body in...
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what do you think, i’m blind, if you started an affair with our boss, everything is possible, you take your nose where it doesn’t belong, otherwise i ’ll completely tear it off for you, i got it, i got it, let’s go, my furry one, you’ll regret this, cats, yes, yes, that is, you... are ready to do everything in a day, great, yes, what are your rates? yes, thank you, so, if you came to gossip about kotov again, i’ll tell you now the truth is not up to that, even so, he treated you well, what do you allow yourself, the question is what your favorite allows himself, here is assault at work. together, at the
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moment he is carrying out an unscheduled operation, without any preparation and not through the cash register, what do you say to this, eh, i hoped that you were not the kind of person who could be manipulated, margarita alektsanovna, well , apparently i was wrong, thank you , nothing, nothing, my nose will cost him dearly. this is not just failure to comply with discipline, this is already causing minor bodily harm, and i i’ll write a statement, just like that, he’s also a writer for me, but don’t listen to him, maybe he pinched his long shnobel over there in the door, that in general, if you fire kotov, then i’ll definitely leave, tell me, my fly is no more, well, how no, he’s alive and well, he said hi to you, but why a fly, he’s a boy, because when he grows up, he’ll become a mukhtar, yeah. you are the best doctor in the world, well, thank
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you, you run, you’ll visit tomorrow, which means run, someone will pay for the operation, but at least i, and i, and i are of the same opinion, nothing, let's chip in, i understand, i understand, you have a wonderful team, as far as i have noticed, you are all very good and kind people, but i decided that i will not make concessions to anyone who is not a brilliant doctor. neither those who should not be allowed within a kilometer, neither people nor animals. you misdiagnosed a patient today and almost killed him. so, i believe that you are not suitable for your position and i want you to write a letter of resignation today. how?
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transparent price and automated system control over when to earn a new tool and who will have access to it, the government has lifted the veil of secrecy. a new living wage budget and school assistance. what
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else awaits belarusians at the start of the last month of summer? we collect the main innovations of august. reconstruction of roads, purchase of equipment and bringing order to the carrier market. about transport work. industry, our report. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, veronica buta is with you, hello. see online how the price is formed and what trends in the market, what importers offer prices for purchasing goods outside belarus. by the end of the year, the country plans to create an automated system for analyzing and controlling prices. the system will be used by state regulatory authorities. march from the point of view of controlling and forecasting inflation, other authorities from the point of view. in terms of monitoring compliance with price legislation, it is expected that the state will receive an effective operational tool, and its functionality was discussed in the government, the list of goods was discussed, the reliability of such a database, about the new the mechanism, its developers, my colleague svetlana lukinyuk. the new mechanism
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of the automated price analysis and control system primarily concerns. the entire chain of movement of goods from the importer to the final consumer, both imported and domestic goods, that is, throughout the entire market. in fact, we are talking about the opportunity to see online the potential
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of government agencies and inter-state coordination in this area. the new system will make it possible to quickly make decisions on economic regulation measures that aimed at ensuring a balanced consumer market. all wholesale links to the final retail link, and accordingly we can identify who is inflating prices, who is not behaving conscientiously in the market and take appropriate response measures. a list of goods is now being discussed, the cost of which will necessarily be monitored online. the ministry has
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milk, non-food products, clothing in general; at the moment we offer 41 product groups. they will work with a large amount of information located on various platforms, everything. involves the use of special technological, technical and software products. an artificial intelligence subsystem will also be used to obtain qualitative analysis. the developer and operator of this platform is development bank. we will receive analytics, forecasts, forecasts of imported spare parts, imported parts, goods. and third, this will allow the ministry to initiate new projects in the field of imports. replacement, these are warehouses, this is new production, which will allow, therefore, to replace imported products in the future. even before the launch of a system for analyzing and controlling prices, some adjustments to the legislative framework are also necessary,
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as well as the unification of a significant number of information systems of various government agencies into a single database. svetlana lukinyuk, alexey young man, area of ​​interest. benefits will increase in belarus from august. an additional 70 million rubles were allocated from the budget to increase child benefits. let me note right away that these changes are expected, since they are associated with an increase in the cost of living budget by 3.4%. lump sum payments will also become more significant when birth of a child and those benefits that are adjusted based on the average salary in the country. the most important innovations of august were collected by alina lapo. by the beginning of august , the ministry of labor and social protection annually announces changes to the subsistence level budget. the main guideline for calculating a number of benefits and additional payments changes steadily once a quarter. last time it grew up in may, next time it will be revised by november. so, starting from august, the
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average cost of living budget per capita will be fixed at 433 rubles. growth is a little over 3%. its size, in essence, is the necessary monetary minimum and social benchmark for providing state targeted assistance. the cost of living budget is calculated on average per capita, as well as by socio-demographic groups, such as pensioners, students, children, and so on. due to changes in the cost of living budget . the built-in social protection system, various types of allowances, increases in pensions, as well as benefits, including child benefits, are automatically changed for example, benefits in connection with raising children from 3 to 18 years old in a family, when the mother is on leave to care for a child under 3 years of age, will amount to more than 216 rubles in august, in total such a family will receive starting in august. benefits in the amount of more than 1,105 rubles.
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lump sum payments at the birth of a child have become more significant. the amount for the first baby is now 4,330 rubles. if the family grows second, third or even more, they will receive over 6. the increase since august is almost 200 rubles. those who are waiting for replenishment will also be paid more, benefits for women who register with health care organizations on time will increase to the level of this most updated subsistence level budget . traditionally, in august we expect an increase in child care benefits for children under 3 years of age, although these payments are no longer based on the budget, the average salary in the country, they are adjusted twice a year, so more than 7% has been added to these payments, mothers will be paid for the maintenance of their firstborn almost 778 rub. on the second and subsequent monthly payments will be almost 889 rubles. about a thousand for a disabled child. all these amounts will be valid until february 1. impact of the cost of living budget.
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the additional payment, taking into account the allowance for care, will exceed 162 rubles upon reaching the age of eighty. august is also the time to prepare for school, no doubt, this is a troublesome and expensive task, here large families can count on state help. that the size of the lump sum payment is not affected by the parents’ income, the maximum amount of financial assistance for each child from the family is 30% of the subsistence level budget, according to the ministry of labor this math assistance will reach 240,000 students this year. alina lopo, ilya maksimov, area of ​​interest. now let's take a break for a short advertisement, then about our roads, where the road surface has been replaced, and where repairs are yet to be done? stay with us.
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we choose the best routes only for our viewers. it's hard to believe, but once upon a time there were ancient forests on this land. we are in trouble. welcome. and we set off on an exciting journey. there was extensive trade. they also brought to druze...
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chokeberry, which people plant, somewhere they buy these sprouts, but it all jumped here on its own, sprouted, something that you know...
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this is an area of ​​​​interest and we continue, now the results of trading on the belarusian currency and stock exchange, we will tell you how the rates have changed. the belarusian ruble strengthened against major currencies. so, the american dollar costs 3 rubles 13 kopecks, the euro is now 3.39 at the national bank rate, for 10 yuan they are asking 4.31, 100 russian
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rubles costs 3.60. and now about our transport system in belarus, the reconstruction of a number of large ones continues. roads, for example traffic on the updated highway p-53 on the duzhodino section has already started, the section to borisov is next. also this year , a 15 km section of the minsk-vitebsk road on the approach to pleshchanitsy will be commissioned. there are plans to begin work on the mogilev-chausy highway, complete the reconstruction of the lida bypass, and continue work on the p-99 highway, all for the comfort of drivers and passengers. the purchase of modern equipment is also aimed at this. bringing order to the carrier market. anton malyuta will talk about the work of the transport industry. 87,000 km, that is twice around the equator. imagine how extensive the belarusian road network is. the density is one of the highest in the cis, and in europe in general, so
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there is no point in building a new highway now. the emphasis will be on routine repairs and maintaining proper condition. we will pay special attention to the repair of bridge structures. the future development of the transport complex is also very much included in the strategy of the same name until 2025. the main goal is to improve the quality of transportation and the comfort of people. for example, in minsk for a long time there is an automated fare payment system. this feature will soon be available in other regions of the country. but,
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of course, it is also important what kind of transport you travel in. the fleet of equipment continues to be updated. since the twenty-first year, in general , more than 1,100 buses, more than 270 trolleybuses, as well as 48 electric buses have been purchased; in the first half of this year , about 260 buses, 29 electric buses have been purchased, the tasks are very ambitious for the year, this is a way to update - in terms of buses , this is about 700 units, in terms of trolleybuses - this is 100 units, and accordingly about 70 electric buses, except...


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