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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 1, 2024 1:10am-1:31am MSK

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and present a business plan, the first thing i indicated is that i need a team, it should be a team of like-minded people, professionals and honest people, today we have such a team, i sometimes compare the work team with a family, when the head of the family, he is responsible for everyone, a construction enterprise is separate, and we also work...
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well, i don’t want to talk bad about anyone, well , when you walk down the street, they throw cigarette butts or some kind of garbage, that’s my official the business trip was just from here to zagreb in croatia, i also noticed that there are even cigarette butts there, although this is europe, and you noticed in any city, even a small village, if you pass through belarus, no one will allow themselves to do this, a person often, well, this is his essence, he probably cannot appreciate that what it has is a truly socially protected country. and people are just used to it, i don’t think there are many countries where a working person pays only 20%, some kind of voucher, a sanatorium, the rest is paid by the state or an enterprise, where free medicine is not just in words, all these blessings that we have, including me, we must cherish this, and not just for the sake of words, you ask, why am i here? i am proud that i
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am here, as from the first days of my student years, to this day i always feel, there are always friends nearby, responsiveness, difficult moments they are always there, any phone call, i even called the same classmate from israel, a call, everything flew in, who studied too. with me at the grodno medical institute, this is a feature that this people can be proud of, admire, than i i’m also very proud, i admire it, because, well , it’s impossible not to love, it’s really, it’s true, if anyone who doesn’t understand, let him come, i’ll explain to them, the most important asset of belarus is its people, the belarusian people, they are, first of all, honest , clean in every way.
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i always wish to my belarusian friends and relatives that we, including me, can preserve what we have, this is peace on our land, you know, history is always heterogeneous in the life of every person and every country there are different stages, but most importantly,
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this is the natural wealth of belarus, the size of the tayamnits can be found in braslauschyna, here you will find enchanting lakes from the extraordinary called god's water. the name of the lake is atrymala dzyakuyuchi. to our abras, which remind us of the waters, the shape of a regular circle, which has not changed for many hours, there is a shame that there are so many people on the right from heaven, and the size of such charming lusteraks on bela russia
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can the show be scientific, and the experiments colorful, science and art, what are rivals or allies, food future robot orchestra and space, we will see the most striking experiments at the festival. where can you get acquainted with the latest developments of scientists and understand knowledge from the world of science and technology? at the science festival. this is the largest popular science event in the country. it is being held for the fifth time with the full
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support of the national academy of sciences of belarus. the first festival was organized in 2018 to give everyone the opportunity to meet the scientist and receive it in person. answer to a question of interest. every year event become larger and take place in a current live format. the program includes not just lectures, but bright, interesting presentations from scientists from various fields of science. engineering master classes, intellectual games, atomic quizzes. here, art objects are large-scale constructions for explaining scientific principles and phenomena. robots fly, walk, see, and also play concerts. recognize emotions, model buildings, predict the weather, put out fires. anyone can take part in competitions in workmanship, as well as start a chain reaction, accelerate the wheel to vinci, or even try to assemble a radio yourself. this year
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the festivals have a colorful and interesting space zone, you can see what a spacesuit is like, study models of an aircraft and even mock-up rockets. the exhibits are presented... you don’t always know how to tell about yourself in an intelligible and interesting way, but we ask them to play this game with us, so that they move a little away from their scientific nature and make it a little more interesting, somehow more accessible, master class, experiment, touch something, smell something, let’s say you can smell microbiology at our festival. how did
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the idea for the festival come about? what is the goal? it arose, we participated in a project like this, a scientific ring, where a scientist had to talk about his research in 15 minutes, in an accessible, intelligible, interesting way. and when we participated there, we realized that such a festival was missing, we would like it to exist, we would like to visit it, we seemed to be doing it for ourselves, but it turns out that here we are doing it, visiting, but to be honest, when we walk here, we don’t see him much, but the festival exists because we wanted such a festival to appear, the main goal of the festival is for a person who is not involved in science to have it, he would became interested in it, left the festival with a question, then... googled it, read some book, found out the answer to it, in this way he will become closer to science, and a person who is closer to science accepts innovations more easily, so, for example, older people find it difficult to master the telephone or a robot vacuum cleaner, but if people are scientifically literate, understand at least in general terms what is happening in science, then they
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accept innovations more easily and we move into the future faster, this turns out to be the development of scientific literacy, and we believe that development scientific literacy is important, but there is simple literacy, which we are taught in school, that we need to write and read. and this is scientific literacy, so that we understand what is happening in the world of science gradually, here is discovery after discovery, every year there is a nobel prize, and well, it would be good be interested in something like this, and well, we believe that if people are scientifically literate, then... they will bring a good future closer for us, for everyone, well, we see that at the festival there are different ages of visitors, very different, we just did such a stand where you could paste stickers and see what age the visitors were, everyone put them up, we saw such a graph that from zero to 90 years old we have stickers, it is clear that 90 years is not so much clear that people are from zero years old they didn’t glue it themselves, but there are all ages that are in this year traditional sites are presented, you know we... young scientists, this is a zone
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where innovations of scientists are collected that are almost ready for implementation, that is, this is not just some kind of fantasy and not a ready-made project, it’s on the verge, if look today, talk to the creator, then tomorrow you can see it already implemented, there are also many platforms from... the future, it was also last year, this year they expanded it, it is much bigger, they talk about new specialties, new ways to teach, approaches to training, and what new products are presented this year? this year we have a large space zone, but it is large in size and meaning, this year oleg navitsky, a cosmonaut of belarusian origin and a candidate, performed in this zone. for a flight from belarus, which will fly to the iss in the spring. this is an interesting space zone, well, there is a lecture about space,
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there are all sorts of stands, roscosmos brought rockets, models, there is a sai zone - this is about science fiction, about how science fiction charges us with some kind of vision of the future, and what it’s not true that in principle it can’t happen, spider-man can’t happen there, it doesn’t happen, but mutations happen, we’re telling you, there are science fiction authors, there are various objects related to popular science. in general, science fiction , we have a medical zone, well , traditionally there we talk about health, about the body, about how everything works here, how it is, how to make it work for a long time and efficiently, there is a training ground where experiments scientific, interesting experiments are happening on stage, by the way, we are there they did the opening, too, well, it’s interesting, we didn’t cut the ribbon, but we broke it in this zone, well, we froze it and broke it, this is such a different approach to the opening of the event, but... there is an ecology zone, well, an important zone, where we talk about how to protect the planet, how to clean the air, microplastics, good, bad, what living
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systems exist in belarus in the world, how they develop, there is an interesting platform that the nuclear energy information center is preparing for us with the support of the state corporation rosatom, blogger speaks there dmitry pobedinsky, and the goldberg machine will be launched there, it’s like this, you know, in films it often happens that scientists wake up, touch the alarm clock with their hand, the alarm clock falls on the cat, the cat knocks over the mop. the mop turns on the coffee grinder, this is the golberg machine that will work for the noke festival, you can try to see it in time, we have many guests from the russian federation this year, there is a russian festival science 0+, it is all-russian, it happens all over russia, we are striving for this, so that we also have a festival that is all belarusian, that maybe took place in all areas, and i would like maybe in smaller cities too, so that it would take place, there is a charging site, a charging park, they brought interesting experiments, experiments, well, these are large participants from russia, and there are smaller ones, russian... khtu, this is a chemical the mendeleev institute and the russian academy of sciences also brought their site. tell us about
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the tasting room project, what is this word? tasting room, well, we have such a rather creative team, and at the beginning of each season we constantly think about what else we could do it’s interesting to do something that has never happened, maybe in belarus, maybe in the world, or at least at a festival, so we came up with the idea that we have all sorts of institutes that deal with food products, their stands turn into such a tasting, like in store, a person takes it, eats it and leaves. he doesn’t understand how this syrah differs from the one in the store, what’s with the sausage, why is it shown here, he’s just trying the taste, but this format is different, you sit down, measuredly, listen to the speech of a scientist who tells why this sausage is important what's with it’s not new, you try it, by the way, in this tasting room this year we have a project from, i think, saligorsk, where there are different dishes from cucumber, more than 100 dishes from cucumber, and these are different... not only green, this red ones, yellow ones, those with pimples, cucumbers, they make ice cream, pies, salt, make them
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spicy, a lot of interesting things, that is, a cucumber reveals its potential, one might say, can science be called art there? definitely, necessary, if you know scientists, it’s clear that they are very creative approach their craft, and i don’t know, it ’s probably possible to say, this is how people in art call their profession a craft, so scientists should probably call it a craft, not a profession, because there is always something new. this is always more influenced by their attitude to the matter, their love, well, of course , skills are important, but if there is no love, then there will be no discovery, it is important to love, this year, by the way, we are trying to combine science and art. we have art objects, this is a bacteriophage, this is a bacteriophage - this is a kind of bacterial virus, that is, bacteria also get sick they have bacteriophages, this is one of the art objects, we also have a bicycle on square wheels, you can try to understand that it turns out that a bicycle can have not only round wheels, but also square ones, and in general we have such an idea that the festival had more art objects, such a combination of science and art, so that people of art would join this movement
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of popularizing science and maybe be inspired by scientific research, some interesting projects would appear, maybe this is not always the case some statues maybe... these are paintings, maybe these are musical works, maybe these are literary works, well , a robot orchestra has already appeared, by the way, yes, that too, this is a school project, a participant in 100 ideas for belarus, these are robots that play famous music, they just look like robots, but the music is recognizable, you can listen to it, you can still have time, yes, that is , a scientist can be compared with an artist in some sense, i don’t know if all scientists will appreciate such a comparison, but probably it is possible, i think it’s possible, tell me what you’re planning? v in the future, how will you develop the festival? there are a lot of projects, we would like to, we understand, having been doing festivals for 5 years, already 6 years in fact, the fifth festival, that there are not so many popular science projects, they are very difficult to create, new ones appear very hard very rarely, we we would like to create a school for popularizing science, where we train people so that they can
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popularize it not only at the festival, but outside the festival, we would like the festival to take place not only in minsk, not just for one day, maybe two. days like at least 2 days, i would also like to go to the regions to show, it’s unlikely that many people came from other cities, we know that there are definitely such people, but not so many of them, we dream of creating a science museum in belarus, such as is customary in in the world, what a huge museum there are, very interesting, when you come once as a child, you fall in love, then you remember your whole life, then you come there with your children, some things you know, some you don’t know, you find out there, maybe like this it seems to me that the museum is very necessary in belarus, some may even choose a profession after.
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the most striking achievements of modern science are presented. the participants are incredibly talented young scientists, both from the organization of the national academy of sciences of belarus and from leading universities of secondary specialized educational institutions. the event is held on the territory of the central botanical garden in minsk. by the way, this is not only a recreation area, but a scientific institution where work is carried out to study the assimilation of new plants, creating corners of nature from different regions of the planet. like this. an interesting location enhances the effect of festival both science and art cognize the world, only different forms of reflection. today their cooperation is a global trend. science moves forward and provides objective reality. art serves as a moral guide and offers artistic reality. and an attentive scientist will definitely see the point where these edges intersect. yulia
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burlo was with you. let's follow the cultural path together. see you in a week, see you again.
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that food that we will always need ourselves, and this is the food of god, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul, what unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches, here we have just the holy relics of the martyr vanefatius of rome, and vanefatius is a patron helper - this is the kind of sin that many, many people face, this is a sin. drink , this is a particle of relics that came to us just from greece, answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 2 tv channel. the hosts of the show , right at home, know exactly how to behave when visiting, hello!


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