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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 1, 2024 10:00am-11:00am MSK

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there are 300-odd students in the school, so we have a lot of young families, i believe that the president is so scrupulous and so... with such love and excitement for the countryside, for the fact that he himself is from villages, worries about us all, he wants everyone, as they say, to be on the same level, he also said here that there were some poorer ones who didn’t have it there, some richer ones, but you think tries to bring us all to the same level, so that even a village child is no different from a city child was no different, it’s good that he travels to all corners, not just some... there
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are big cities, there’s gomel, everything, in the districts they come to agricultural towns, they travel under the enterprise, that is, it is important for people that they we felt that he was not just there, but he was here with us, and he delves into our problems, into what we lack, alexandrovich, how glad we are to see you, what problems you have for today, we are so honored we were lucky that you came to us, thank you very much, we are just glad, we love you, i love you too, thank you, thank you, we are glad that he came, well, everyone was waiting, everyone was waiting, and i think that everyone really enjoyed this meeting, the residents of our town, not only residents of the agricultural town came here, there were residents of rogachev, me i met friends who came from even solobino to be
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at this meeting, to see in person, to listen, i don’t know, to somehow be in this moment, everything went so well, as i said earlier, how here his family met, we got to know him from such a side, a little different, that here he is very open, that he is very responsive to people, here he stood talking to everyone, talking, so well, this is a man with such a big soul, well, i think that here we are responsive people, we are always happy to help, our people choose the one whoever chooses them, each has their own touch to the portrait, i am in charge of this entire wealth of our palyashuks,
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which are the basis of the wok. vozera may form the name of vozera was drawn by its dzyakuyuchy outlines, the correct circle, which did not change for the current hour. there is a shame that there is a lot of people behind the right people with nibs, and shmat more than such enchanting chandeliers in belarus.
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they say: shchuchya, there is a large stone there, and this stone is located in the lake itself, they say that it grows, there are various legends about this stone. the most despicable, the heroes suffer incredible misfortune and life. i got some kind of stress, well, just a little bit, you come here to the shore, sit down, look at the water, you calm down, you relieve yourself of negative emotions. look at the paleshukie project on the tv channel. belarus 24!
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hello, sas has authorized me to announce on the air of the program, i am its presenter nadezhda sas, i greet you, let me remind you that this program is for those who want to better understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country
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of each of us. in today's program we will talk about the palace coup in the united states and its consequences and impact on the ukrainian crisis immediately after. key events in world politics this week. ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba made an unexpected visit to china, where he was received by chinese foreign minister wang yi. the main topic of the conversation was the prospects for a peaceful resolution of the conflict in ukraine. contrary to previously repeated approaches from kiev, this time kuleba said that the ukrainian authorities are ready to negotiate with the russian side. true, i immediately hastened to add that moscow must be committed to conscientiousness. negotiations for a just peace, which is supposedly not happening now. in turn, ivan noted that any conflict should be resolved exclusively at the negotiating table and china is determined to facilitate this in every possible way. russia reacted unexpectedly positively to kuleba’s visit. press secretary president putin dmitry peskov noted that
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kuleba’s message itself is in unison with our position. true, the official representative of the mit russia, maria zakharova, spoke much harsher. she noted that... there is no faith in the words of the ukrainian authorities, she recalled that if kiev really wanted to negotiate, then zelensky would first of all cancel his own decree prohibiting dialogue about peace with... the opposition in the european parliament ignored when distributing posts, the third largest faction of patriots for europe, comprising 84 deputies, did not give up a single post of vice-president of the european parliament, chairman or deputy chairman of the committee, and also left the europe of sovereign nations faction advocating normalization of relations with russia with nothing, but lost in the elections. and the liberals got very tasty posts. representatives of the so-called centrists justify
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gross violations of democratic principles by the fact that they isolate supposedly radical nationalists and friends of putin. in fact, among those artificially left behind political forces included the ruling fidesz party in hungary, as well as the parties that took first place in france, the netherlands, austria, the czech republic and belgium according to the results of the june 9 vote. thus, with the talk of the elites. movement towards a just multipolar world order. in this context , the interaction of the two countries in
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international organizations and the situation in the field of global and regional security are considered. the minister of foreign affairs of the dprk expressed support for belarus’ efforts to counter illegal sanctions and restrictions from groups of western states. the famous english writer george orwell predicted in his article in october 1945 that nuclear powers will always exist. will be in a state of permanent cold war with each other, it is believed that this is how the term cold war came into popular use, but recently the world has come so close to sliding into a hot, nuclear war that it is simply a step back to confrontation in the spirit of the cold war is perceived as a huge relief, about why there has been so much activity in the last few weeks we started talking about this about steps back from the abyss, and how do the presidential events affect this?
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in the usa, of course, a lot depends, because we see the division, or rather we don’t see it, it is assumed, somewhere behind the scenes, in that very deep state, the prioritization is different, and if afghanistan is already at the peak point of the critical crisis, the americans left , we have witnessed this, then there is no need for such a way out yet, but donald trump and those groups that support him can do so the emphasis in the political election campaign on the fact that this does not need to be financed, this is completely unimportant, but... in order to find an alternative to the military-industrial complex and restart it without ukraine, it will be necessary to incite other conflicts, such as
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iran, china, and so on further, to continue this spiral while it works, and we cannot guarantee that trump and those who stand behind him will really make a choice in favor of the americans leaving ukraine, peter, i agree with victoria, and indeed, when we talk about ukraine and the united states of america, we imagine communicating vessels, even in the reactions and certain statements that are heard in the latter.
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not an independent figure, and what they are fighting with, it is clear that not a single enterprise is of its own production, and even those that were somewhere in the carpathian mountains or... in stalin’s dungeons were still created, all these enterprises are assembly shops of western, western weapons, and here it seems to me that we should not assume that trump will come and declare some kind of truce, trump will be very bargain with everyone for a long time, he will turn it
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into a big market, how much china will pay so as not to start any conflicts with it. in exchange for russia to eliminate this war, what the europeans will eventually give, because biden and the european union have fulfilled trump’s program, the european union has become how much will russia pay in order to buy american gas, american oil, and began to move production enterprises to the united states america, and began to become virtually such a semi-periphery. usa, these are the questions, here i am i think it’s worth connecting german politician and entrepreneur waldemar gerth to our broadcast now. hello. we are talking about ukraine, the united states of america, the prerequisites for peace, do they exist, in your opinion, the reaction of the european union to the changes that we have recently seen in the united states of america.
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they have heaped dirt on trump and so on, and now we will probably have to work with him, so there will be a restart of these relationships, but it will be based on a purely pragmatic commercial interest in the fact that which trump is used to doing, the periphery, germany, or not the periphery, i would say more, it is a colony, it was. and there is, it remains, there is no peace treaty signed, and there the corridor for making independent decisions, the german government has a very, very narrow, very small, so you can do whatever you want with this economy, and this is happening, it is now being sacrificed for the sake of to these greater global interests than when
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ideologically stunned idiots do it, it’s simple. there is no logic, nothing is seen, nothing is heard, let's wait and see, yes valdemar, you know, i remember the words of stap bender, the ice has broken, gentlemen, even zelensky said in an interview with the bbc that the hot stage of the war may end before the end of the year and not all territories of ukraine can be returned to the military way, and quote: i believe that if we are united and follow, for example, the format of the peace summit, we can end the hot stage of the war. we can try to do this before the end of this year. and zelensky also admitted that the war will end diplomatically, not militarily. the president of the republic of belarus has repeatedly spoken about this. the only method, well, it seems to me, any war ends in negotiations and the search for compromise solutions. and i’ll also quote zelensky, this does not mean that all territories are being reconquered by force. i think the power of diplomacy can help. and now i want
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to draw attention to zelensky’s direct speech. from an interview with cnn. on another samite myru. at the second peace summit, if the plan is completely ready, if russia is ready talk about this plan, then we will be ready to talk together with our partners, with representatives of russia. yes, victoria, what do trump and johnson’s statements about the end of the war mean? johnson now, we understand that the new ex-commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny has begun his duties as the ambassador of ukraine to the uk, so indeed. the british are taking an alternative option for the scenario of loading an operating system into this system, which is buggy if something happens. that is why zaluzhny remains the figure which is ready to talk about a militarized scenario. he speaks harshly about mobilization in ukraine, about the mobilization of the entire west. and these are not theses that he himself came up with. we understand that someone wrote these theses to him, and most likely in great britain, which
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will be the center for making such a decision, if the scenario is chosen, to go further along the path of war. if we talk. trump, indeed , yes, bargaining is appropriate, but trump has alternative points on the map where he can apply this us foreign policy initiative and projection of power, so for trump has a more flexible situation here, the british are very specific about placing their interests on the remnants of ukraine, occupying the black sea, and somehow expanding their presence there, so now we see inside ukraine, among ukraine’s allies, these different vectors and theses of the information war, because the situation is still. it didn’t turn out, especially in light of the elections in the usa, they cannot choose one of the scenarios, they need to build different models in such a heuristic, dynamic scenario, so they all lead to benefit global west. yes, waldemar, but i think you will agree that the european union used a rather aggressive position, aggressive rhetoric, and the european parliament often used extremely
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negative theses, not exactly calling for a peaceful solution, what do you think, if the agenda changes, maybe in the european parliament there will be more politicians who remember what the purpose of creating this institution was. i think yes. yes, the process of the collapse of the european union will now gain momentum more than ever or let's not collapse, but reconstruction, that is, the process of returning the european union to its original purpose, this is a voluntary union of sovereign states, we need to return it there, then we can say that a voluntary union of sovereign states is from lisbon. vladivostok, this would be an ideal scenario for all living peoples on the european continent. thank you very much, waldemar gerth, a german politician, was in touch with us. let's continue our discussion,
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let me remind you that recently us presidential candidate donald trump has almost daily promises to end the war in ukraine very quickly. he wrote about this, in particular, after a conversation with zelensky, saying that the warring parties will have the opportunity to conclude a deal. not so long ago, trump generally said that he would end the war in ukraine. even before his inauguration, if he wins the elections, we recall that according to the media, trump’s plan is to stop the war along the front line with the russian federation securing its territories already captured, but we recalled today an article that caused quite a significant the resonance of ex-british prime minister johnson, in this article johnson writes that the peace option that was beneficial for kiev and the west was to end the war on the line on february 24 , 2022, followed by ukraine’s entry into nato and the eu. right now you are... on the screen. russia will have to retreat at least to the borders that existed before february 24, 2022. and to avoid future
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conflicts and uncertainty, the rest of ukraine will need to be recognized as a free country, capable of choosing its own destiny within the eu and nato, and absolutely ready to for early entry. moreover, the armed forces of ukraine in the alliance could replace the american army in europe, thereby removing the. these are the conditions for the expansion of nato and the european union to the east, firstly, and secondly, these are attempts to sell some kind of militaristic
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services by ukraine, that kiev regime, to trump, although trump does not need to withdraw his troops, he wants that for the presence of his troops in the countries of the european union were simply paid, and not that anyone was paid there in kiev. yes. negotiations must be rational and practical, aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace. yes,
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yuri, even the other day in some ukrainian telegram channels they joked wittily about the unexpected visit of the head of ukraine’s foreign ministry to china, that they allegedly overdid it under the impression of zelensky’s conversation with trump, but seriously, what’s more in this trip in your opinion? games to create a myth inside ukraine? that beijing might stop supporting russia or a real readiness to start a friendly or at least meaningful conversation about peace, because it was a little strange to perceive, that is, first we establish relations with trump, then we fly to beijing, that is , there is some kind of confusion, this lack of understanding in general, what is happening and where is this lifeline, please, you have the floor, speaking about peace, the chinese certainly have this idea... and have been and are being offered to ukraine, and in general , ukraine cannot escape from the fact that it is
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that is, how the united states builds its foreign policy does not depend on presidents, although, of course, trump is the person with whom it is possible and necessary to negotiate, and he knows how to negotiate, but the tasks that deepstate has set for the future, they will certainly pretend to be a reality, no matter what it costs them, through murder, forgery... corruption of everything, anything, and even, i repeat once again, they just want to send all ukrainians into oblivion, so that such a nation does not exist in order for russia to also suffer a certain fiasco in this field, political and military, that’s the point. victoria, but you must agree that if
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comes. team, for example, the trump team, which has its own personal scores that need to be settled with the ukrainian authorities, plus, i think, funding and military assistance from the united states to ukraine will also be reviewed, on the other hand, there is still a certain ukrainian trace in the election campaign , which was still between trump and hillary clinton, this is still 2016, and how the ukrainian authorities got the hang of being useful to one of the candidates, yes, that is, then burisma gate has this case of how...
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and today trump is strong, so get even with their offenders and reconsider the support for ukraine that was provided by the united states. well, look what happened at the rally when there was an attempt on trump’s life. everyone was shown that if trump goes left and right, he will essentially be given a black mark, maybe a second, third, fourth assassination attempt, if trump enters the field of interests of more powerful groups than trump himself. why politicians and presidents can gain some points and have some weight in american politics, it is possible through agreements like these behind the scenes, to offer these same groups some solutions that will be more beneficial to them, this is really a matter of bargaining, but personal sympathies, of course, no one will suspect trump of personal sympathies for ukraine if this is a unprofitable business, compared to other alternative scenarios , of course, trump will try to refuse this, having previously
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agreed with... there are no prerequisites for trump to take all this out of hand and decide, as he states in his election campaign, that now i am alone i’ll solve it all with a call, no, by the way, analyzing their debate with biden, when trump was asked if you were ready to accept the conditions that putin put forward, and putin essentially proposed a minimum program for russia, these are the negotiating positions that in principle, we cannot give it up. well, in the objective interests of one’s own security, one could probably throw in more demands, saying: let’s get the entire left bank and in general the entire territory of ukraine, so that later we’ll have something to bargain with trump to lower the bar, otherwise now we somehow they even underestimated their demands, it seems to me, so these are the demands made, trump said no, i don’t accept them, and i won’t accept them, and this is understandable, because trump still remains a representative of the americans, and he will have to show some kind of victory to the american people
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in that. so far there are no positive indicators here; andrei telizhenko, a political scientist and americanist, joins our broadcast. andrey, greetings. good afternoon, nadezhda, it’s nice to see you in the studio, as always. yes, andrey, i know that you still trump supporter, the only person who will try to explain his future course of action today. we discussed trump's plan today. in your opinion, they started the program with the blitz question: will the americans come out? from the ukrainian project, as they fled from afghanistan at one time, this picture is not yet visible, so that they leave the ukrainian project, they are very deeply entrenched in it and this is so far the only
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project that they can hold on to, because they have another taiwan is floating there, latin america, they also don’t have such a serious foundation there, where they have lost africa, asia also has problems there, so that’s the only thing left. with them this is ukraine, they came out of afghanistan in order to be there, now we will see whether this will be a real situation, so that president trump, presidential candidate trump, when he became president, made peace in ukraine and left ukraine, his personal position, i know that there was such a thing that he wanted to leave ukraine, if the underlying the state will not join trump’s team, it is very active, if it does not change his personal position on the ukrainian case, then we will see a continuation, maybe in a slightly different format.
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portraits. kamala haris is a potential us presidential candidate from the democratic party. lawyer and former prosecutor and senator from california. in 2019, haris ran for the top government position, but later withdrew her candidacy. she held the vice-presidential post for 4 years. in this position, she oversaw issues such as problems migration on the southern border, protection of voting rights and women's rights to abortion, advocates for all possible.
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races and the democrats' bets on kamala haris,
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we'll tell you in more detail in our story, watch. joe biden has succumbed to pressure from the voters of his presidential campaign. the last weeks were extremely tense for the then-candidate for the main post, but later the democratic leader decided to leave the fight for a place in the white house. biden has dropped out of the presidential race. this is the first such case in decades. as he himself said politician, he now intends to focus on fulfilling his duties. until the end of the term, and the decision to leave was made in the interests of the country and the democratic party. fellow party members, sponsors, and even voters themselves called for biden to stop his campaign. the pressure on joe intensified after his debate failure with trump in late june. immediately after it , the ratings plummeted. trump's position, on the contrary, has strengthened. compared to his opponent , he looked much smarter and faster. back in june, biden was literally tortured questions from journalists. does he intend to stay? in the race, then the politician gave clear and
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unambiguous answers: he would continue to fight, but now the decision has changed in the opposite direction. analysts note that those who paid for the democratic leader's presidential campaign had the final say. they didn't want to invest money in a candidate who didn't inspire confidence among voters. in turn, the sudden announcement of his resignation made it possible to create the appearance of a decision being made on biden’s terms, which helped save his image president. just yet. the current head of state proposed nominating fifty-nine-year-old kamala haris, vice president of the united states, from the democrats. haris accepted the offer, declaring that she intended to participate in the elections. leading leaders of the country's democratic party supported her candidacy, but the outcome of the company was still called unpredictable. in addition, kamala’s approval, if it happens, will only happen in august at a congress of fellow party members. she is already preparing to fight for the attention of both politicians and voters. according to the latest polls, vice. the president is behind trump by by a small margin, americans do not yet
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perceive her as a separate independent politician. kharis’s main task for the next 3 months is to build her own separate image, analysts say. apparently, this will now be done by haris, who first needs to secure the votes of a majority of the nearly 4,000 delegates at the democratic national convention. yes, andrey, your characterization of kamali haris is as you know.
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and deputy prime minister jady vance is enough, i’m not saying that this is anti-ukrainian rhetoric, but it is rather an adequate perception reality, what do you think? after all , the team player is quite strong, and the potential and his capabilities, even someone is convinced that he will be the forty-eighth president of the united states of america, and that is, it gives an understanding that these people are definitely not interested in this
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oligarchy and this clan system continued to exist in the united states of america, i think, and not only in the united states of america. the fact is that. andrei telizhenko said correctly, from the president of the united states at present practically nothing depends on them, on the contrary , first of all, say, inadequacy of statements depends on them, the more such inadequacies, the better, wentz is absolutely different from kharis in that he is pragmatic and progressive in this sense, yes, for the sake of the united states, to suit their politics.
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the united states, china and the russian federation , are creating the most important enemy of the federation, creating more problems, this is such a figure. yes, let us pay attention to the statement of the press secretary of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, mr. peskova, we will hear direct speech right now. biden's decision. leaving the presidential race is not a priority topic on the russian agenda, the kremlin will not give an assessment, this issue should concern american voters, well, this is victoria, i see a smile on your face, because all the shows in general in the russian-russian-speaking space are only concerned with , who will go there, our biden
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or our trump, as it turned out, both of us, because putin called biden more acceptable, and a candidate for russia, more predictable.
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this really puts them on the threshold of a civil war, because the second time
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to steal the election from trump, and he really warmed up this rhetoric after the twentieth year that the election was stolen from him, i don’t think that everything will work out just like that. let me remind you that on the air of the program sas is authorized to say, we recalled in today’s program the visit of kuleb, the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine to china, in principle it is worth remembering that the last thing that the americans would want, and this applies to both republicans and democrats, this is a peaceful settlement in ukraine through the mediation of china, but i want to conclude our program with a search. the world talked in more detail about the basis of the crisis , the contradictions between moscow and washington, the current crisis, which, unfortunately, ukraine has become only a bargaining chip, in fact without itself. active participation of the united states of america , there can be no compromise, but how ready are the americans to find such compromises, and if we are talking about a big
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deal where it will be divided, i don’t know the map world into certain areas of interest, and here we will have to take into account the opinions of all players, all superpowers, if we are talking about building a multipolar world, to what extent do such visits not harm this process, or , on the contrary, push it? century, such an object that the americans have always fought against is preventing the integration of eurasia, through various means, and
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there, armed conflicts, coups d'etat, pitting states against each other, and of course, neither china nor russia, for the united states of america together as negotiators not profitable, americans will choose. on the territory of ukraine, because ukraine is important for beijing, first of all, as a land
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part of the belt and road, which is like belarus, yes, if we talk, at our western and northern border, they are trying to close it, trying to blackmail western countries, especially beijing, therefore, in fact , it is generally beneficial for us that neither the first nor the second candidate wins. the third candidate, who would break the internal system in general, so that the united states of america would leave the interventionist agenda in isolationist, then we will already agree within the framework of the shanghai cooperation organization, then the abandoned europeans will fight with both hands and ask, let’s organize this eurasia from lisobon to shanghai together and organize some kind of common security system. organize, while this is not there, while the west, let’s also admit, has the strength for now,
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if we look, the same republicans say that they would have to deal with iran in the middle east, and also deal with china, that is, set fire to all of eurasia from the west to the east, to this moment, to unfortunately, there won’t be anything beneficial for us, because a compromise is an equally distant point from all positions, that’s what you think,
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which would explain their vision of the future, maintaining a balance of interests, while i see that in
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kiev there is a balance of interests, in general the word balance of interests, perhaps.
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this, this, this is very good, but there is no peace without victory, this is what world history tells us, the history of our former soviet state, which broke the back of german fascism. there is no peace without victory, the tasks that were set vladimir putin at the initial stage
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of a special military operation, they remain. its people, its citizens lived with dignity, we have already experienced in ukraine, in particular, the period when nazism, bandera, had the most severe consequences for this country, until 1954, we destroyed these, these bandera detachments sleeping in forests of western ukraine, i know this from the history of my family,
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i don’t need to read.
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glory so that they can be dealt with later by the prosecutor’s office and other law enforcement agencies, which will then defend issues regarding ukraine, those actions that would have been taken. west: leave ukraine, because if they don’t leave ukraine, there is mexico, there is canada, there are other regions that are also interesting to the russian federation, china and other countries, and they can also create problems there, and this i think is the first part negotiation process that should begin, why should the west make these concessions, so that it is clear that there will be further wars, there will be a final victory, there will be peace, this whole regime, what did, killed people in ukraine. expelled people from ukraine, destroyed ukraine from the middle, there will be truth, and people will know what happened there, i think many ukrainians will then understand what happened and return back to ukraine, they will be against the actions
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of the baderev regime that took place, and those who don’t want to will remain abroad and the like, but first of all, the west must understand that it must leave ukraine, just as it left afghanistan, leave this territory, otherwise peace negotiations, peaceful the process will go on.
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another figure from the early years of the last cold war, on june 14, 1946, in an address to the un atomic energy committee, american politician and entrepreneur bernard baroch said: behind the gloomy sign of a new atomic age lies hope. we must choose world peace. or the death of the whole world, and so far this rule has worked, the nuclear red line has scared politicians away from completely unthought-out actions. will this continue to happen against the backdrop of a clear decline in the quality of western elites?
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question. thank you very much, it was a program, sas is authorized to say. see you in a week. a real process of resolving the ukrainian conflict is possible only after the elections in the united states.


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