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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 2, 2024 8:05pm-9:00pm MSK

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president of belarus alexander lukashenko got acquainted with the progress of work to eliminate the consequences of the july hurricane in the muzyr region; the southern regions suffered from bad weather more than others and to this day require close attention. local authorities and public utilities, the situation is under the personal control of the head of state, it was discussed in detail at a recent conference call, conclusions were drawn, specific instructions were given, work deadlines were outlined, the president heard reports from those responsible for establishing order in populated areas and forests, alexander lukashenko demands strict fulfillment of the undertaken obligations, everything must be completed on time, control at the highest level will not weaken. the president demands that the reforestation of all affected areas be restored within the next year. territories, while
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processing all damaged wood. residents of the area affected by bad weather need to competently provide the necessary assistance. the president ordered to study the situation in each specific case. alexander lukashenko also talked with residents of the area and answered their questions. a telephone call took place conversation between the presidents of belarus and russia alexander lukashenko and vladimir putin. the russian leader called his belarusian counterpart. the heads of state reviewed the working issues that were discussed. during a recent meeting on valaam. vladimir putin cordially thanked alexander lukashenko for his participation and assistance in the prisoner exchange process, which took place the day before. a third of belarus' exports are petrochemical products, which are supplied to 145 countries. over 30 years, the institution of presidency has been preserved and increased the potential of enterprises, to establish the production of in-demand innovative products. a lot has been spent on modernizing technical re-equipment and implementing investment projects.
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investments yield returns. in the current realities , industrialists are diversifying their sales markets, gaining technological experience, and emphasizing intra-corporate connections. in general, during the operation of beloneftikhim , products worth more than $210 billion were supplied to foreign markets. belarus’s accession to the sco opens up new prospects for the petrochemical industry, also among its achievements doubling the number of gas stations in the country. the depth of oil refining at the muzeri refinery increased from 50.5 to 90%, and the output of light, most liquid petroleum products increased by 25%. we expect only one thing, that there will be absolutely equal conditions for us, without any barriers, we still supply products there today, but this will be even more effective for us, and we will be able to do it in large quantities. technological integration is a fairly serious vector deployed in this direction, there will be a more confident frank attitude and less there may be a low-key approach. uh each other.
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tax authorities began sending notices to individuals regarding the payment of property taxes. each owner of an apartment, car or land plot will see in erip the accrued amount for the previous year. for the first time, all three taxes were combined into one property payment. in addition to the electronic version, payers will receive a notification by mail. the relevant ministry noted that notifications will be sent to almost 3.5 million belarusians. this is done primarily for the convenience of payers. it was necessary before pay every tax. separately, but now you can pay the entire amount one-time or split it into several parts. the deadlines for paying taxes have not changed; as before, amounts must be repaid by november 15. from august 1, the tax authority begins sending notices to individuals to pay land tax, real estate tax, and transport tax. the proclamation contains all three taxes at once, regardless of the objects of taxation that may be located throughout the entire republic, so an individual is satisfied it’s convenient to receive and immediately see the calculation for each tax object and the total amount. another feature of paying taxes
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this year is that the tax is paid in a single property payment, that is, the total amount, not each tax separately, when it was necessary to select each region where the property is located, pay the property tax, then the land tax, select district of residence in order to pay the transport tax, but a single amount. the state control committee is 30 years old, president of belarus alexander lukashenko congratulated the employees and veterans of the department on the holiday. in honor of the anniversary , a solemn event was held in minsk. the priority tasks of the state control committee are to ensure the economic security of the state, control over the execution of the republican budget and the use of state property, as well as control over the implementation of instructions from the president of belarus. today, the state control committee is focused on identifying systemic problems in the economy and preparing proposals for their elimination. the fundamental control and analytical work of the department made it possible to develop fundamental measures to improve the efficiency of various industries. august 2 is
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special operations forces paratroopers day. the president sent congratulations to the personnel and veterans. the history of the airborne troops began on august 2, 1930. on this day, during an exercise near voronezh , a unit of 12 people was parachuted for the first time. blue berets made a great contribution to the victory over the enemy during the great patriotic war. in 2007 a new branch of troops, forces and special operations was formed, which became the successor to the airborne forces. today they are considered one of the most reliable links in the country's national security system. the popular project of the belarusian union of women and her work continues to reveal creative abilities. representatives of the fair sex. this time the initiative was taken up by activists of the women's movement in the healthcare system. embroidery , wickerwork, painting and graphics. about 150 works in different styles, techniques and genres can be see in the lobby of the country's leading cancer center in barovlyany. the project brought together more than 50
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creative doctors and nurses who, in their free time, create unique works of art. a professional jury will sum up the results and select the best works. the winner's name will be announced in a week. independence of truth, july 3 is a holiday of our memory. we are all united by the great victory over the common enemy, the countries of the hitler alliance. it teaches us to protect peace by any means of deterrence. every year the role of the sco in world politics increases. hegemon looks at the world as its property, as a result, the world today is in the deepest crisis, the best response to the challenges in global politics will be our unity and cohesion. with the admission of belarus to the sco, the organization
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acquired a certain trans-regional character; enterprises of this kind are the only one in the country, producing more than 20 million products per year. we purchased pressing equipment and new molding lines. lines for glazing know-how - digital printing, literally 2 seconds and the design is ready to apply a pattern like this on this crumb it will take 2 days, everything is done manually, using special ceramic paints that are absolutely safe, the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. marite iozovna melnikaite. at the beginning of the great patriotic war she was evacuated to tyumen. in june
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1942, she volunteered to join the rifle division of the red army. after graduating from a special school for saboteurs , he was thrown behind enemy lines with a group of partisans. belarusian people's avengers helped her move to the territory of her native zarosai district, and became a fighter partisan detachment and was elected secretary of the sub-district committee of the komsomol, conducted propaganda work among the population, created several underground komsomol groups, and participated in military operations. the occupiers promised a reward for the komsomol member’s head. but the locals did not give it away. on july 8, 1943, during the retreat after blowing up an enemy train, the partisan group under the command of melnikaity was surrounded. in an unequal battle, marite
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was captured and wounded. she was tortured for five days, but she did not reveal the location of the detachment. july 13, 1943. kaite was shot. by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr. maritei minikaite was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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anton, hello, good evening, not everyone supports me when i call. the program is not for officials or experts, it’s for political scientists, but i’m interested, so i invite you, and the more i communicate with ordinary people, every time i am convinced that they are not simple at all. cis and the only one, as far as i know, everything is so, everything is so, everything is true, it’s true
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that you started your career with the fact that in i burned my debut dish as a child, let’s just say, yes, i just burned it to the ground, only a spoon remained, a spoon in the very center in this heart, it was pearl barley porridge with meat, with pork and carrots, they made it in the oven, in the oven, i put it straight into the carriage, grandma put it there in a corner, and of course, that was all by lunchtime. became the color of cast iron, but in the center there was that same spoon, which is one spoon, one spoon that you could eat, yes, yes, it was very tasty, but why didn’t it discourage you from studying, where did it come from next, well, i was interested all the time, always and i always repeated, then the porridge - it was, it was the first such bright one, yes, and then how old were you, six, it was the first grade, then a little older i began to read my mother’s . recipes, and my mother is a health worker, they write everything there with the letter o always, uh-huh, i understood something,
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i didn’t understand something, but i still tried to cook, i went to the trash a lot, i have an older brother, i always had him as a taster, and these were pancakes that i fried in a waffle iron, yes, it was, well, there was a lot of things, there were some derivative cakes, i tried to make cutlets, that’s all, so i came home after school, did something... everything , just this, well, i’m still for always sports, yes, i always went to some clubs, basketball, i just went to the lockup room, i just wanted to go outside with the guys to play ball, well, to somehow develop, well, i know that basketball and auto racing , this is still a hobby, yes, yes, this is such a thing, well, look, anton, there is a motivational message in our invitation moment, we are so accustomed to living by stereotypes that a higher education will supposedly definitely help. become successful and many parents and children ignore working
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professions and colleges, yes, now is the time to enroll, it might be better to have an outstanding cook or hairdresser than a sad lawyer or economist, i agree, in general, i’m in favor of people going not to work, but went to do what they loved, our country will glorify itself, well , well, i’m talking... only about belarus, you can do this everywhere, the main thing is not to go to work, yes, this is such a word for me - work, yes, such a hiding ear, this is a hobby, this is the work of your whole life, yes, you choose what you will always do, and my parents did not support my choice, i’ll be honest, and when i went, everyone just pushed me according to my brother’s thesis, it was the higher college of communications, i went for the exam, it was the first exam there, in my opinion.
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mom had some and some with recipes, some old cookbooks, there was a library, i read everything, i studied everything, i
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had my first place of practice in the dining room amkador plant, well, i learned how to make cutlets there, and i, well, there’s a lot you can learn there too, then i had such a global job, i was hired at the first pizzeria in minsk on prospekt and i was called man squid, because that i came and cleaned squid at the sink for six months, i didn’t go further than the kitchen, because they weren’t allowed? i had a trainee, well , these squids are 60 kg, cleaned, then brought to 60 , then here i am...
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then i had about 110 cooks under my command every day at the same time, everything didn’t go well i just can’t imagine how you can manage so many people who do this, well, the dish is prepared in any case, it needs to be prepared quickly and at the same time you need to have time to look and besides, you are also a player coach and it’s also very important - this is what the japanese taught me i was there with them, i studied with the japanese in 2000, very important. this is the mood, this is what i always say, if you’re not in the mood, don’t stand at the stove, as soon as you’re in the mood, come to the shoulder, i just read your statement once about what’s important, what you we learned in france to smile, yes, but what happened between vocational schools and getting into the top 200 best chefs in the world, it was work, it was
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smiles, work, yes, it was italy, where i studied at the academy, where ours was not accepted ... education and i had to study from scratch in italy, but i graduated with honors, then after 3 years i confirmed my training by passing the exams and i am a master chef there , studying in france, it was small, it was n’t long there it's only a month, but this is an opportunity to meet the great polembacus, for me this is just such a standard that he taught, he didn’t teach... he also gave more of this - fuel for this fire, that this business needs to be loved, and you convey your love through the dish to the guest, and you change his mood is in the best, yes, you can even cure him and there from the blues, this is important, so for the chef it is important to start the day not
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just to say hello to the staff, to make sure that before the start of the service they are all in a good mood. then this energy will be transferred to the hall, this is very important, to the dish, so it’s not like the chef just came there, you sit there and command, you ’re like a clown on one bicycle, you have to juggle, you have to be able to laugh at yourself, know a lot of interesting stories, know about cooking, so that your staff was already charged at the beginning of the service, then everything will work out, well then the question is with a very polar spread, why? didn’t stay in italy or france and why haven’t you opened your own restaurant serving belarusian cuisine yet? well, let’s get to the first part of the question, and it’s all very simple: having gone there, you will always be an expat, a visitor, yes, you will not have truly warm friends, so you know that you’re welcome, and i grew up on this land, why should i
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leave here? i love this land, i love these forests, lakes, fields, even when now i already... such cuisine and belarusian and even my cuisine, but when the guests of the city know me from me, when the residents of the city see me, he will delicious, it will be interesting, with stories, of course with me, well, if we are talking about belarusian cuisine, what is belarusian cuisine, why even if potato pancakes are not the top of the food chain, yes, then in reality we know so little about
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the diversity of our own cuisine, well, our cuisine is not potato pancakes at all, well, that’s where it is now... we have river fish, yes , we have forests in which there are wild animals, we have, well, wheat has always been root crops, but there everything is possible there before potatoes, we used a lot of silderia root for food, this is ours, it grew from it , they also made it and fried it, can.
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in large places where in those days there were motels, where horses were changed, there they were repairing carriages, well, where exactly the guests spent the night there and lived for some time, including the world castle, a castle where only italians worked for the ardevilles, and we asked the grandmothers for recipes from the grandmothers. well, here are their grandmothers, and here are those forgotten ones, and we found amazing things, we had our own lasagna, only it was called lazanka from pancakes, it was prepared, and thanks to the french the idea came to us, well, the fashion for cream soups, they were called podvodka because the potatoes were crushed with a deck, they were boiled, crushed into puree and added to the soup, boiled and mixed, it turned out like a cream soup, and now you made something like this... yes, yes, sometimes i make it for guests of the city, especially when i worked in a hotel, it was just like that, we did a lot of this ethno- belarusian , that is, before the europeans
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worked for us, yes, now they are trying to force us to work for them, yes, okay, yes, our milk is recognized all over the world, 100%, yes, and you have developed a croissant recipe based on our belarusian flour , our butter, well, they are nothing no worse than the french ones, i've already tried them. literally before the broadcast, this is a delicious croissant, what other products do we undeservedly avoid? well , in fact, we have it, just like in italy they have motadela, but it’s an opening sausage, it’s not very tasty there in italy, honestly, they try to add it there, dilute it with pistachios, anything, peppers, you can do anything to give it tastes good, ours is a wicked sausage, it’s cool, which is still made according to gost, which is according to gost yes. this is the thrill that we have preserved these guests, yes, what our factories prepare according to gost standards, without adding any kind of food, any chemical elements, everything is natural, well, our vegetables are
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good if they are ripe, but there are always life hacks, a fashionable word, how to ripen the same tomatoes bought in a store in winter, buy a couple of apples, put them in with the apples - this is the first time i’ve heard about this, really, well , we all know. the word banana gas, well , everyone knows it, well, who does it? yes, yes , banana gas is what bananas need to ripen, because they are picked green, and in the truck they put it in this container, and let's go and put gas in there, banana gas is malic acid, apples emit this kind of gas, we call it conventionally, the one that ripens anything, that is, fresh tomatoes with apples in put the dark bag in there, well, just in the kitchen tomorrow you will have completely different tomatoes. and so you can ripen everything, well, of course, except for potatoes, they will start to grow, wow, this is the first time i’ve heard about this, well, these are the life hacks our grandmothers used, yes, our great-grandmothers definitely
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used it in order to preserve something, in order to pass on something, we need to rebuild it all again, we just somehow went very much into european culture, we want how it is, but we have forgotten how it was, it was with us, but with us it was no worse, we never had these trachtys. where we eat next to a carriage with some kind of cart with plows and so on and drink some terrible liqueurs, everything was fine with us, we had tablecloths that our great-grandmothers knitted with their hands, lay on the tables, we ate delicious food, but it came from the oven, yes, our culture is stewing, this is some kind of baking, everything was from the oven, but it was very tasty, but what is this story with cast iron frying pans? we’re all used to fashionable anti-stick coatings, it’s all very simple, so anyone can make one of these at home: buy cast iron for a frying pan, metal, teflon or
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some other super coating, make the same ones here are our potato pancakes uh-huh, here's a bowl of potato pancakes, and put four shortbreads on the fire, well, so that there is an honest life hack, and a spoonful in every frying pan, the most delicious one will be in the chigun. it’s not for nothing that all our grandmothers, grandmothers, they cooked only on cast iron, but what do you cook on now? i also cook on cast iron, i also have cast iron at home, there are, of course, all those trendy teflon ones, yes, but it’s very tasty on cast iron, and i bought myself just such a cast iron pan in order to make something like that, well, that too stewing, it tastes different, okay, so western sanctions, how they affected haute cuisine, were replaced with hazel grouse, and...
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aggression in general, sanctions, on the one hand, they even and good, because we may not yet feel as strongly as our brothers the russians, they have had sanctions for a long time, and this has given a huge impetus to such a word as import substitution, yes, when our factories start, they begin to move, think and what- they offer us something new, including in the food sector, yes, yes, we mainly talk about it, they are starting to check in, we have some delicious cheeses, yeah. yes, and really tasty, well, really tasty cheeses, they can turn out to be, yes, moldy wonderful, firm and so seasoned, everything is there, and so in everything, ours, well, our meat has always been great, the balts, i remember back there about 20 years ago they came for our chicken, because they’re the ones i talk to with the quarrels baltic, they say that on your chicken the broth is so fatty, rich, tasty, on ours it’s just water.
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the hosts of the show know exactly how to behave when they are at home. oh, hello, hello, very nice, very nice. what do you think this building is? well here the water is clearly inside, this well is called a crane. foreign students travel around belarus, study its history and explore its sights. i’ll feel like i’m close to home, because it’s right from the south, and i have a christo redentor in the background, and that’s all i need, and they say that the cleanest, so white, the bracer is one of the
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cleanest. a couple of years ago, a popular online culinary guide, yes, it compiled a rating of the most tasteless dishes in the world, 100 dishes, and from different countries, it included well known and loved by our compatriots, jellied meat, yes, yes, why is it so wonderful, really a delicious dish, well, in my opinion, i have both my mother and grandmother, well
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, great, my mother cooks... until now my grandmother cooked this dish perfectly , why is it on this list along with the same rotten, half-decomposed shark carcass, yes - a little dried or whatever they do, well, how can you put it on the same level, well, like any other top like that, yes, it’s always it very subjective because it is chosen by a certain number of people there, perhaps they did not understand the taste or they had a very bad recipe for ours. for our audience, this is a wonderful cosmetic product, let’s say this, well, lard is the best for women, this is generally the best recipe for belarusian doping, that’s what our president once said, i agree, but at night he ordered me to eat potatoes not with meat, but better with
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herring, so ? here are the president’s quotes, even about food, they are tearing up tiktok, this has long been known, yes, but what can you say about these culinary advice from our president, in fact, they are all correct, this is correct, because well, when you eat potatoes with meat at night, it’s a very long digestion process, but it’s hard for you, and well , it will be uncomfortable to sleep when you eat that it’s light, the fish enters the current normally. fish is digestible very quickly, it’s also healthy, much healthier than some fried piece of meat, you sleep well, and in the morning it’s easy, well, of course you need to drink a little more than from meat, but in principle i’m with i agree with him, but in general potatoes, we will even remember such soviet times, maybe no one even thought about it, but this is a very important stage, when we cleaned it, we now
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put it in water for some... time, it lay just in water, excess starch was removed so that it would be easier to digest, yeah, now they are trying to remove this step there... remove, bypass, yes, just clean it, fry or boil it right away, leave it there, i i think they cleaned it with their hands, while the potatoes were lying in this water, i cleaned them a lot of potatoes in 5 years of military school, here it is, here it is, it lies in the water, the starch goes down, well, yes, there ’s always this one, don’t peel it quickly, he slowly took several hours, several hours, that’s right , a great option to make your salad's life easier. well, i was told that you have some kind of unique recipe for the perfect mashed potatoes from our potatoes, well, yes, it’s actually a recipe, in general, mashed potatoes were invented by the french, this is their national dish, it is included in the folk book of france, as
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the main main dish of france and there is a recipe that cannot be broken, there are already two components, we keep laughing about it, but it is really very tasty, it is potatoes and butter one to one, wow! well, yes, well, the main thing is just not to beat with a mixer, of course, not to beat, not with a mixer at all, but just mix, yes, just mix with a masher, and just mix with a mixer , we immediately get wallpaper glue, but you can glue the wallpaper right away, it will stick, one to one should try it, it's very tasty, i even remember about all these mixers, all these gadgets, studying in france at the baquuse field academy, a meringue class. broken dried or baked whites, we come to class to learn from it seems, well, we already have everything, they’ve definitely already invented a mixer, yes, they’ve invented whisks, we don’t have either whisks or mixers, the teacher says to us: guys, when did they come up with this recipe , there weren’t any whisks yet, there were these
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little brooms, they’re like rods, and here’s a small broom, we’ll do it like we did it before, i’ll say that we beat it with these little whisks, well , four times faster than we beat it with a whisk, because there’s a lot of... air, and it’s very tasty, and it’s really better than with a mixer, because you feel the product, and you understand when you need to stop, and with a mixer, even at our national cook , we see that sometimes it’s better to remove it, because people get into some kind of passion, they want to make their life easier, but they just ruin everything , well, i memorized the recipe, i’ll try to make potatoes, one to one with cream butter, anton, nekrasov believed that the meaning of life...
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i think that these will be our cheesecakes, this is our dish, this is our belarusian, these are not potato pancakes for sure, yes, because pancakes, but still this is brought, ours potato pancakes are a derivative of the german rösti, yeah, we’ve been making cheesecakes all our lives, all our grandmothers baked cheesecakes in the oven, they were different shapes, and in balls, someone there made them flatter, and it’s very tasty and.. . the recipe goes away, in fact, we start adding flour, well, i see how they cook, and put flour into the cottage cheese so that it doesn’t spread, but some step is lost, he’s trying to make it simpler, but everything is simple, we just need to heat the cottage cheese a little, right next to
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the stove it’s there, how are our grandmothers doing, they hung it on the stove , he was hanging there, yes, yes, in the stocking, that’s right, the serum was released, the torque was heating up, uh-huh. they squeezed out the whey, used it further, added egg, sugar, their love to this cottage cheese, of course, yes, then a little later vanillin, someone added poppy seeds, someone added raisins, well, everything like apples, they made cheesecakes and fried in the oven, they don’t spread because we’ve already removed the whey, this is a dish that tourists know, i worked in hotels, and i know, yes, they all want cheesecakes in the morning, they want cheesecakes for lunch too, syrniki.
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to make our man weaker, they came up with these taverns with fatty food, with cheap alcohol, this, well, this is not a one-day journey, it’s a long one... reducing our genon, but relaxing our man, and they hooked people on these tinctures of incomprehensible quality, for fatty foods, that’s all it’s hard for you to eat fatty food there, it’s hard for you to sleep, it’s not just the blood vessels that are clogged with cholesterol, bad cholesterol, but with us everything was different, we need to return to this, i’m in favor of getting it all back.
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residents of the city and our tourists is that they
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want to come and get a quality product, so that it is there today and in a week, in a month there will be the same quality product, and of course i really want my colleagues to communicate with the guest, they went out to see their guest and found out his preference, yes, yes, and it’s also like such a magnet of attraction, the guest would know that well, i’ll go there because there’s a great cook there , ivan there, it doesn’t matter who he is, he knows that i love him, he’ll say hello to me , will communicate, and it works, and also tourists came, so i worked at a hotel, tourists came with their families, these children ran to hug me there, hello uncle anton, there are cheesecakes for breakfast, please, otherwise you are arguing, what a competent deputy or politician this is, that you have to go to the people, in the end, of course, people, our president says about this that our most valuable thing is people, it really is so, we have nothing more valuable in... people, we must do everything so that - your subordinate, let's say
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, in an adult way, yes, he came to his workplace happy, and wanted to go there, this and this depends only on the manager, neither the president there nor anyone can influence this, only you yourself create a workplace for your employee, this is the atmosphere, this is very important, uh. i’ll probably say something that i didn’t intend to say, you can do it directly the face of quality, yes, yes, yes, that ’s the point, yes, how important this is when preparing a dish, we follow the sports life of our country, the belarusian batut school again shows a high class. the winner of the fourth stage of the swiss world cup was belarusian stanislav
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yaskevich with oleg ryabtsev taking bronze. congratulations to our guys. a result that, to some extent, can be considered historical in terms of the medal count in our sport. belarusian athletes completed their performance at the brics sports games, having won 247 medals. we review the most interesting event. the chicago black hoaks selected our fellow countryman with the second overall pick in the draft. and this is the highest result for us at the enkhal talent fair. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. i was also pleased with the performance of our ska, because not a single victory of bagak over them was easy. now the generation has come that understands that if they don’t work out in the summer, then they will feel very bad during the season, and they won’t be able to talk about any results or achievements. all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. anton, very soon the olympics will begin in paris, yes, a place where our flag will no longer be, but i know that you have a special relationship with flags, in calm times you represented belarusian cuisine at international fairs. yes, yes, they could bake a masterpiece under a neutral fralgan, well, it would be a masterpiece, but still with our taste, with our belsky accent, everyone would understand that it is ours, yes, that it is ours. belarusian, honestly, i’m now traveling around europe with our flag, yes, i make my own dinners, uh, we we gather a full hall of people, i talk about our belarus, i always show our photographs of our country, i have such a book, uh, olmonakh of our photographs
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of belarus, where our forests, fields, yes, well, ours, here is our native side and everyone, everyone is extremely interested, everyone is interested. and what the president did - without visas for europeans, this is a big plus, that is, we are a little fed up, this is beauty and we don’t see it, we don’t see it, living in minsk we don’t see it, i suggest everyone just go to the regions, just eat it from m1, or somewhere else drive down the small path under it, look how quickly, slowly, take your time and look, you need to look around and you will understand that... here is our homeland, it is here, but how is our flag perceived now in europe? ok, normal, i’ve never had a problem with this, even this year i’m taking a small group of our farmers to the global festival taramadar, madzemlya in turin in september, and we will stand
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under our flag and we’re taking, last year i was transporting our grain, and it was, it was such... a little contraband, yes, i’m just in a suitcase, three bags of 5 kg of grain each, one grain went to arizona, well, one bag went to norway, i gave one bag to the kyrgyz, yeah, and the guys settled there, it sprouted everything is fine, everyone is happy, satisfied, i brought, in the eighteenth year we filled the slufud museum in turin, i brought land, our white land, photographs. yes, in a jar, well, i had a house in the beryrovsky castle, i just went to the city, dug up our land and brought it, and there is a museum of the earth, and there is a museum of the earth, there is land from all, well, from all countries of the world, from cities, somewhere somewhere the country is repeated into different regions, and you look at this diversity of the earth, yes, but this, this is just
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mesmerizing, yes, this is mesmerizing , you’re right, i once carried our eggs, kolya’s eggs, the shells, yes, they just completely spoiled. yes, there they used a thread to nail the shells of eggs with a needle, and also when you, here we are, here we are, they are either white or yellowish, yes they are burgundy when you look at the palette of the shells from all over the world you are simply surprised, yes, it is different , somewhere with such and such things, somewhere it is not quite the right shape, it is interesting and you and the city are putting up our flag, our product, but we can say that this is truly belarusian real... belarusian cuisine, it is unique, unique, it has something to brag about and has something to offer, yes, everyone wants derannikov, well, yes, traditionally, yes, traditionally all all tedrannikov, because they don’t know anything else, yes, but when you do it there here i am at twenty-two year i made our mochanka on yeast pancakes with kefir, it was difficult to find kefir, of course
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sour cream, but yes, but we found it, well, kefir is a purely soviet recipe, well, yes, as far as i know, it was sold there in two countries, in canada . to finland, yes, well, it’s already there in france, they’re already using it more, arab countries are starting to use it, kefir, well , it’s a unique product, unique, yes, we made pancakes with ekfir and made mochanka, we served it, we just treated guests , and how the reaction was, everyone was shocked, let's recipe, how is it, tell me, such thick pancakes, this is interesting, we have something to show, i am convinced once again that ordinary people, ordinary people, europeans and... european politicians are two big differences, a huge difference , there’s just a huge distance between them, to me, because usually people communicate with them, they, they all, of course, are all worried about this situation that is now in the world, but they want to communicate again, well, they kind of didn’t stop communicating, yes, they want everyone to continue to talk, yes, yes, that’s it
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it’s beneficial for everyone, just to communicate normally, make friends, exchange, eat, travel, well, that’s it. yes, this is, this has always been, always, since we are on my program, yes, i can’t help but ask a question about the political kitchen, don’t you think that some countries are now, well , how can i put it more clearly, are going too far, or something, yes, or is the fact that western politicians only know how to spawn, stir up trouble, and hang noodles on the ears of their citizens, right? but in fact it’s entirely neither fish nor meat. what's the question? i think this is the most striking example, these are our neighbors poland, well, a little bit. now politics on my part, as i see it, as i communicate with people in poland in germany, yes, germany under their new chancellor
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has become weak, well, honestly, she, she is no longer the engine of europe, she was the engine of europe, yes, everything is weak, and poland, realizing this, that now they have such a chance to hit the jackpot, the americans, they begin to say things like the cart is now behind poland. they are pulling it and poland did it all beautifully, they get a lot of money, i’m sure from america, but people want something else, people don’t want this is the horror that is happening now not only in our part of europe, but people don’t want all these changes in values, well, yes, just huge values, the same as 10 years ago, yes, but any italian family.
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italy has been dying for 15 years, a lot of industries are closing, people are getting poorer, prices are rising, but there are no wages, it’s terrible, so i communicate with italians and communicate with them a lot, uh, i see it myself, it’s just that when you travel around italy 200 there 8 years ago and 2024, a lot of things have closed, it’s just that a lot of things are being sold from abandoned ones, and people... people are getting poorer, and communal apartments, and what kind of communal apartments there are, everyone says that these are the salaries, yes, that’s there, but just calculate it, it’s just
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mathematics, take away the costs that are there and you will understand that we are doing quite well, well the question is, how much is left after everything in your hands, it’s true, anton, well, unfortunately, the latter is a semi-philosophical question. yes, unexpectedly, maybe, but i remember, yes, a quote from the cartoon about ratatouille, yes, not childish, wise ratatou, i would even say, the hero, yes, in this cartoon, he said this true, everyone can cook, but only the fearless achieve greatness, all this can be extrapolated to any area of ​​life, to manage the state, we said in the previous question, but many can.
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scary and we will only go forward, we will rush from corner to corner, when we understand for sure that this is our land, we grew up here, our children are growing up here, and our grandchildren will grow up, and we must preserve it for them, yes this is what gives us the fact that we must protect it by any means, by any means, and move it forward to show it, that she is, well, she is cool, she is beautiful. and people live here too, they are happy here, it is unique, it is unique,
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the television news agency presents it, in the public domain, we have no secrets from our people. the last peaceful cadres, summer came to minsk, a new concert hall opened, clearing of the neman riverbed began, training and chemical alarms were in progress, exams were underway at the fzo school, the football season opened, new collective farm nurseries, border guards. having become, they did not know that at dawn on june 22
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the first, most terrible, per inch of flat ground. on june 22, 192 , the mountain tears of each of us merged in drops into the angry ocean, whose name is homeland. attention, attention, says radio berlin. churer's dedicated troops continue their successful
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offensive on all fronts. death to hitler. they knocked them out with shovels on the steep sections of anti-tank ditches. is there a hillock that is not watered with the blood of a father or brother? stop, citizens, brothers and sisters, i am addressing you, my friends, we were talking about life and death.
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the defender of brest dreamed of defeated berlin in the smoke, this will happen 4 years later, at forty fifth, for now.
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good evening, panorama is live, ekaterina tikhomirova is with you and let’s sum up the results of this friday, briefly about the main thing. how to deal with the consequences. he came back from an inspection. transmission lines have been restored and fallen timber is being removed. alexander lukashenko talked to people. the main thing is that everything has been done to help them? details in the panorama. four in the car.


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