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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 2, 2024 11:10pm-11:45pm MSK

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it is impossible to buy a normal georgian, for him such a statement is a shocking impudence, even when they worked with saakashvili, they worked more subtly, the georgians said they are a great people, you should be against russia, but you exalted them there, and with this they humiliated the georgians, and i know reaction, at least from their fellow georgian journalists, who said, thank you, we ourselves.
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political situation: comment on major demonstrations, well, i’ll just point by point: against the government took place within a few months after the presidential elections in august 2020, but okay, nothing, tens of thousands of people were detained, that’s okay, then they write that we still have protests and rallies here and recommend avoiding places where demonstrations are taking place. meeting on may 23, 21,
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the government of belarus forced the redirection of a commercial flight under false pretenses in order to arrest the journalists. since then , several countries, including canada, have advised their airlines to avoid belarusian airspace. next: security agencies may place foreigners under surveillance, hotel rooms, telephones, fax machines, faxes and emails can be monitored. there may be personal items in hotel rooms. subjected to a search, foreigners are expelled from the country for collaborating with belarusian public organizations, well, we took statistics according to the canada border service agency in the period from 16 to 22 , 13,605 foreigners were expelled from canada, according to official data from canada, how many were deported, and listen arguments: priority for expulsion is determined by basis of the risk management regime, with matters related to national security... "be vigilant when
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crossing the border into poland at brest due to the risk of robbery, theft of luxury cars is common, park any vehicle in a safe place or in a guarded parking lot, always keep valuables out of sight,
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canadian media alert, government is preparing to hold a summit specifically in canada, according to the canadian lease finance association report for the twenty-third year, there is now a car theft every 6 minutes in canada - are limited and available only in large cities, photographing military installations, public buildings, monuments and monuments may result in a fine, you cannot not photograph lenin monuments, then about tourism, well, i don’t know, we definitely don’t have a canadian embassy, ​​but we we took a small photo report here and prepared it, well, we found the top 35.
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and there was the film red heat, where remember, where is your evidence, their expertise fell, in relation to our country, they don’t know much at all, they represent it it seems that they are part of the soviet union and take the maximum from the nineties, and maybe even from
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earlier periods, their information, plus who can do this, that is, for example, the previous wave of immigration that left in the nineties and which they have acts as an expert. will encourage many to come and see with their own eyes, well, a quote from ivan mikhailovich eismant, yes, well, it was like that, well, in general, such a little funny story at the end, yes, by the way, but the footage is terrible, of course, the frame, this is canada, yes, but i hope that when we edit it, we will show it in larger detail so that people can see a safe
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canada with a high standard of living, although in fact canada has a fairly high standard of living, the personification of these streets, this video, is not a personification.
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applauds the people who massacred belarusians, well, which is generally characteristic of the collective west, they should show them our country, they would put him on a horse-drawn leash , they would bring some little herbs in the month of december at 20 degrees below zero. thank you very much, it was editors club, see you in week, goodbye.
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we learned to enjoy little things, to be surprised,
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to feel the connection between generations, to simply notice, but every day is made up of traditions, today is a year or a century ago, everything that is considered ancient was once new, we ourselves, without noticing it, pass on knowledge and experience through generations, it is in our smile, the waves of our hands, in such a familiar look that real ones are formed from simple happy moments. we are proud of the heritage
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of our ancestors, we value the past for our present. what is the meaning of modern canopists in their work? and so that all this would not be in vain, so that it would help people pray, so that it would help them repent and become churchgoers. how are sunday schools taught today?
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many are faced with the sin of drinking wine, this is a particle of relics that came to us just from greece. answers to these and other questions in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel. guys whose erudition any adult would envy. and before the game starts, before i start asking you questions, and you, i i hope to answer them correctly, i invite you to support. applauding each other, imagine, soon one of your students will become a king or queen, you worry, we remember the school program together with the project participants, i know, this famous writer spent his childhood and adult years here, he went from such
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reasoning, you see, based on his mother's last name , he determined what kind of mineral it was? it’s not a flammable material, well, granite is kind of a brownish-red stone, but what type of minerals? i can't give an answer i understand, it seems to me that prokhor can answer absolutely any question, is it a mineral, does it burn? watch on the belarus24 tv channel, we are carrying out all the expeditions in the corners of our country, hello, when it’s close , hello yes noga, warta addali.
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so that we don’t get carried away, oh you naughty, naughty, don’t give us harm, oh, don’t give us harm, and let’s take a breath from the old traditions, the new life, and i’m poor, untalented, the land is far away, so is my wedding, the cradle of the hat, all the radzina, all races, then my brother, with projects, ahead of the last minute on the tv channel... belarus 24. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live
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broadcasts from the scene. current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab. emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. customize satellite dish satellite azer space 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and
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discover belarus. expanding the vector of mutual interests in the belarusian women's union strengthens cooperation with zimbabwe. records of the belarusian industry, the export of wood from the ministry of industry exceeded $6.5 billion. the first operation in the country using a unique technology was performed on belarus. russian cardiologists and the event they were waiting for, for the first time belteley radio company is accepting applications for participation in the children's song competition is our generation. the program of the event in the studio is live. lopo. hello. supply of machinery and equipment for electrical and food industry products, cooperation in medicine and the media sphere. belarus and zimbabwe are becoming
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even closer. a number of agreements were reached on the sidelines of the international women's forum. we will find out more details from our columnist olesya vysotskaya. representatives of the belarusian women's union visited zimbabwe at the invitation of the first lady. women's movement, like in belarus in this african country are gaining strength and help not only strengthen friendship and... ties between countries, but also promote joint projects in the economy. the marathon of official events started at the multi-brand service center, where all engineering brands of belarus are represented, both for agriculture and construction, as well as machines for ensuring fire safety in forests. the multi-brand approach is a trend of convenience for the buyer, who can receive a range of services in one center. one of the recent contracts for the supply of more than 3,000 tractors. 131 fire engines have already been delivered, which is unprecedented in african history. we have been working in this market for several years, it is very gratifying that every year we are growing in sales volumes, and we see this
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from our manufacturers who are located in the city of minsk. it is very important that service is organized here, of course, when people understand that they are buying our equipment, which is very far from their territory, but there is a service department here that can discuss it.
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maximum over the last 10 years, volumes are growing dollars, what are the known details, this is production, and in recent years, the government has been directing industrialists to keep the bar high in the future, producing even the most technologically advanced machine is not enough, it still needs to be sold. belarus is expanding markets for its goods. it will take a long time to gain a foothold on new continents. this requires not only export in its pure form, but also service and training of specialists. the strategy is working, i am confident in the government. they test it even thousands of kilometers from home. industry record figures of 6.5 billion dollars in revenue this year they want to exceed. if we take the twenty-third year, in
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which we actually doubled the volume of investments, that is, their total amount was the same comparable as in the twenty- first and twenty-second years combined, then it is clear that we not only started this investment cycle, but we we will develop it. based on the results of this year, we predict investment growth rates of... at least 130%, and such dynamics, it is predicted until the thirtieth year, investments will be to constantly increase is our sustainable functioning of our enterprises. export plans to fit into the golden formula 30-30-30. the pool of partners is growing, live multimillion-dollar contracts from a recent visit to nicaragua , among other things, leave no doubt. focus on long-term cooperation. a car or a bus is sold once, the second time it comes only when it works. service support, which is why we are implementing a whole program at all points where we sell equipment, and specifically in in the russian federation, we are currently building a service center in the far
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east in rostov. in the future, we are considering the implementation of three or four more promising points where we will develop this cooperation and form an outpost for the sale of belarusian equipment. the main market for us is the russian one - it is an opportunity to sell more and develop production more efficiently, increasing competencies. russia finances the most important projects that will work for the union economy. an automated analysis and control system will be created in belarus by the end of the year prices it is stated that it will allow tracking the entire chain of formation of the value of goods from the importer to the buyer. how will the mechanism work? it concerns primarily those goods that are not produced at all in belarus or in insufficient quantities to avoid their supply at inflated prices. despite the fact that the country has a price regulation system, individual importers are still finding ways to increase their profits to eliminate these gaps in the digital sphere;
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a pilot was launched last year. product project foreign production. the key objective of the development of aiis price analysis for the twenty -fourth year is to obtain the ability to administer and track the entire chain of movement of goods from the importer to the end consumer, both imported and domestic goods, that is, throughout the entire market. in fact, we are talking about the ability to see the entire chain online.
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and control prices manually, that is , we make requests, go shopping, the number of stores we have is calculated to be more than several tens of thousands, and of course, we cannot visit everyone, so keeping up with the times, we are creating a new system that will trace the entire pricing chain from the importer, manufacturer, all wholesale links to the final retail link, we will see the prices of both manufacturers and all wholesale links, their premiums, and accordingly we can identify who is inflating prices, who is behaving dishonestly in the market and take appropriate response measures; even before launching a system for analyzing and controlling prices, it is necessary to adjust the legislative bases, as well as the unification of a significant number of information systems of various government agencies into a single database union continues
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for... most of them are purchases from the population over 60% of the total turnover, what are they procuring? over the 6 months of this year, belkopsoyuz purchased potatoes, vegetables, berries, apples and other crops for 237 million rubles. as for apples, the harvest is expected to be good, they plan to purchase about 40 thousand tons from the population, 40% will be sent for processing to a consumer cooperative enterprise, the rest will be offered to domestic processors for... we are currently purchasing cucumbers, tomatoes, blueberries, cultivated berries from the population, that is, everything that the population can offer us. since 2006, thanks to the presidential decree, every year we receive credit resources for settlements with the population at the time of purchase, that is, we have no debt to the population for purchased crop products. we're settling.
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let’s ask deputy chairman of the belgospischeprom concern alexander yakovchits about the beneficial properties of oilseeds and export of the product abroad. alexander vladimirovich, hello. hello. that is why in recent years so much attention has been paid to rapeseed, what makes this crop unique. indeed, this term can also be used. this culture is unique to us. the fact
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that it is important and useful for us is absolutely certain, there are a number of reasons for this, and firstly, the climate that we have in the republic is comfortable enough for farmers to grow this crop, and secondly, it is a way out of the mass of oilseeds , about 40%, oil yield, depending on different technologies extraction, but in general it is about 40%, thirdly, and oil... a rich source of protein, about 20% of the mass of oil seeds is protein, it is very important and necessary for our livestock farming, and one of the other important reasons is, that massominarabsa can be called an environmentally friendly crop, for its cultivation there is no need for a large amount of pesticides, mineral fertilizers, but in conclusion, this crop is profitable, i will name a number of figures that indicate this,
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we... there are two ways to extract oil, this is an extraction and a pressing method, they are different technological methods, the lion's share of volumes, about 65%, these are our four enterprises that are engaged in
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oil extraction using the extraction method, this includes our vitebsk oil extraction plant, it is part of the concern, this is our state enterprise, the remaining 35% of volumes are small enterprises, they extract oil. there, pressing for last year, we will now, literally in a couple of weeks, get exact statistics, but we can already see that we produced more than 600,000 tons of oil last year, and now we we see a dynamics of about 11% by 22, from this figure 62,000 tons is the volume of oil production by our enterprises, our concern includes three of them, oil producing ones, i mentioned the vitebsk oil extraction plant, this is the gomel one. fat plant, and this is the bobruisk plant of vegetable oils, scientists also call slave oil northern olive oil, tell us a little more about its beneficial properties? indeed, a lot can be said about this, why it is called that, because in its
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physico-chemical composition this oil is very it looks like olive oil, what are the similarities, but there are such acids, well-known to everyone, omega-3, omega-6 fatty acids, which are in olive oil, there are... good blood vessels, this is the prevention of blood clots, even some scientists say that that regular consumption of oil, which is obtained from rapeseed oil, can control and prevent cancer formation, then cosmetologists use
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trapseed oil in their industry, this means what, this means that it has a good effect on the skin, it has a good effect on hair, i’ll give you a few more numbers, they are very indicative for me, if you compare it , 100 g of olive oil contains 12 mg of vitamin e, 100 g of rabe oil contains 27 mg of vitamin e, so one tablespoon in the morning is enough, you can drag it, maybe you’ve taught it, including colleagues to this beneficial action, now colleagues already take a spoonful of rapeseed oil at home in the morning and go to work, so this is indeed a very useful product, and we are very actively promoting these beneficial consumer properties and...
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we, together with retail chains we actively position rapeseed oil and highlight it at points of sale with special advertising means in order to separate it from sunflower oil and highlight its positive properties, regarding price, and the price gap between sunflower oil. we have rapeseed oil, rapeseed oil is a little more expensive, it sells for 4-5 rubles.


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