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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 4, 2024 3:00am-3:26am MSK

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the mlyn dance will be demonstrated, a fertility dance, a mill - this is, in principle, such a small unspoken symbol of belarus, the mlyn dance, where people stand in a circle, certain movements, as a rule, these games were more dance-based, of course, it is clear that holidays were celebrated in different ways all this was dedicated to this holiday, various dances from other holidays were used, it was all in a playful form, but of course it all had a certain meaning, you had to dance a certain dance in order to get well home or for fertility or... for a family to have many beautiful and healthy children, traditional entertainment, a fire had to be lit, the fire was lit, as a rule, in the center of the village, well, we currently have such centers of accumulation in villages, like crosses, crosses where services are held, large crosses, here in our villages, a fire was lit there, and one central sheaf, the largest, was brought to this cross for exactly a year, of course, without a celebrant there would be nothing it couldn’t and the holiday couldn’t. start and
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it happened that in some villages, grandmothers said, the priest did not come right away, because there was a very wide area of ​​his service, and people waited, waited until the evening, waited until 9, until 100, only as soon as the prayer service was held, and everyone went to their homes, everyone was carrying cucumbers, lard, this, this, someone, something, so tables gathered, as a rule, tables gathered in the largest courtyard and then this holiday was considered a holiday. definitely needed this one celebrate the holiday with fun, dancing, singing, always in every village there was a person who played a musical instrument, some kind of traditional instrument, be it a cymbal, a violin, an accordion or something like that, they sang special ritual songs, obligatory ritual songs, the rich man has come, throw the stag, let’s say, this symbolized the fact that you had to give up all your work, then the girls sang a special ritual song, which symbolized:
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a show in which famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation. i i love singing very much and dream of becoming a famous artist. could you give me a mini-audition now to assess my chances? well, let's sing something. there behind the dawns, behind the fogs in the silence of the fox fields. wonderful. of course, of course,
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there are statistics, and there is such a concept of punctuality, this is again related to flight safety, let’s turn 180°, yellow sector, please, your question, what hidden talents do you have, i ’ll tell you, how do i -everything in life, i went out on stage. i immediately started singing. see the project 100 questions for adults. on the tv channel belarus 24. in different regions of belarus, rich people have their own interesting traditions , among which there are some common features. for example,
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the cult of the mother was of particular importance during the celebration. on this day, village women danced in circles, gave gifts to their grandmothers, went to visit older relatives, women who had recently given birth were revered, they were brought fresh hot bread and milk, they also went to visit the newlyweds, to teach them wisdom. to the young husband and wife i had to be careful. instructions from your mother-in-law or mother-in-law and thank them for their science. in the villages, it was customary to tell fortunes on spikelets , to find out about the future harvest, to look at the groom, and even to see the number of children in the marriage. in the evening it was customary to have a feast. sometimes he was led into a pool and the food was shared among everyone. a feast was a mandatory attribute; what is customary to serve on this holiday? well, of course, we prepared for this holiday very seriously, very responsibly. they even stabbed a wild boar for this
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holiday, as we used to stabbed a wild boar, or in the winter for christmas, or when someone was born or gets married, they prepared very seriously for this, kololika. bana must be cracklings - despite the fasts and all the prohibitions, people on this day could relax a little, there had to be fermented salted cabbage, there had to be bread and - such a traditional dish as dumplings, in many regions it is found as a funeral dish if a person dies instead of kutya and they put dumplings on the table, but since this is a divine holiday, it is a holiday of unity man, the human soul and nature were also prepared for the dumplings, but there was a peculiarity... these dumplings were, they were dumplings without souls, without filling inside, just like that , potato balls that were boiled or fried already on the fire, and so what as many baked goods as possible, because we collected grain and made flour from this grain and produced baked goods, the first
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bread, and the first bread, a loaf, was always given to the church, well, crunches, brushwood, if in russian, all sorts of buns, pies, loaves must be on the table. with what usually they decorated houses during this period, the houses were decorated with rowan branches, ears of grain, they were married at zazhinki, zazhinki is also a wonderful holiday, we have such a holiday when the first stubble began, the reapers came out, sang a traditional song with their feet and cut off the first ears of grain, then as soon as possible it was necessary to clean them up, and ears of grain, rowan branches, in principle, everything natural that could be found at that moment, were traditionally decorated with towels, it was necessary before the rich man... it was necessary to wash the towel, which hangs in the red corner, once a year his they took it out or on some special holidays, then hang it back to the rich man so that everything would be cleaned up no worse than for easter. were there any signs that needed to be followed on this day? of course, there were a lot of signs,
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let’s say, if the weather is cloudy like we have today, then next summer will be very good, and the winter will be so pleasant, calm, so not very cold, of course, on this day... if possible until after lunch , everyone always visited the cemetery, because they knew that they needed to pay tribute to their ancestors, and a small loaf, a small bun was always brought before the grandfathers, before all saints' day, brought specifically to the cemetery, of course, many were associated in different regions with weather conditions, whether the cuckoo was cuckooing on the tree today or not, and many signs were associated precisely with nature, because...
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well, in principle, there are no cardinal differences, but the bagaj holiday was held privately, that is , it all depended on the village, one village can celebrate today, a second tomorrow, a third the day after tomorrow, dazhinki in principle and let's go from the rich man, if this tradition of celebrating the rich man had not once existed, then in principle we would not have had dozhinok, there are no fundamental differences, loaves are also baked, sheaves are also tied together on the dozhinok logo, we have a sheaf.
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unfortunately, now in the development of the era of information, no one remembers about our traditions, of course, everyone wanted to preserve what their mothers and fathers passed on to them from generation to generation, some traditions were preserved in families, now at the moment we are collaborating with the complex was passed down by the ancestors, yes necessarily, an interesting fact: in several years ago, belarus issued a commemorative coin dedicated to the national holiday bagaj, it depicts... a fire bowl with grain with a lit candle. the bowl is placed against the background of a field of national belarusian ornament, as well as a towel. baggage is one of the wishes of belarusians, which sounds like a conspiracy. be rich like autumn. a national holiday lives as long as
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people remember and continue to honor it. and yulia burlo was with you. let's follow the cultural path together. until next time. belarus is my zarand. the kurtrans are native to the very edge, but not you... and it seems to the sirs i don’t know, but i really want it.
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for belarusians, ordinary life may seem truly exotic to others. good morning, friends, rooster, yes, that’s how it is with us, good morning. uh, screams, kikiriki, kikiriki, seriously, friends, any trip in an unfamiliar city, you need to start at the museum, where i’ll tell you how to build the right route to see interesting places, however, it’s easy to become a friend in a foreign country, you just need get to know its history and culture, this is a five hundred year old oak tree, wow?
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can i get pregnant? no obstacles i don’t see, you’re working again, poor thing, no, i’m not working anymore, the company was closed today, how can that be? listen, the projects are so good, you should call him for an interview, sometimes a man gets married, they have families, children, then he can really hold a wedding on the river bank, what?
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today we will again plunge into the world of questions and answers, where not only the depth of knowledge is important, but luck. in a few minutes, a dozen seventh graders will find out which of them will be lucky and which will have to rely only on their knowledge. if you're ready for intellectual challenges and unexpected questions. welcome to the show, i know, my name is vasya chekhov, and i yulia pertsova absolutely agree with the american playwright tenosi williamson, who said that belief in luck brings good luck, so i wish the players and their teachers to believe in luck, then it will definitely smile at you. i agree, but let’s first get to know those to whom your wishes are addressed. before the game started , we asked each of the guys to briefly describe themselves. so, welcome.
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matvey makarevich, gymnasium number 4 of the city brest, always positive and very inquisitive. and foreign language teacher olga ivanovna karpovich. anton shamshur, secondary school number one in the city of novopolotsk, tactful and reasonable. and teacher-organizer anastasia valerievna kulikovskaya. arthur khalimov, braslov gymnasium. sees the goal, does not see obstacles, and his class teacher, english teacher olga vasilievna luksha. marina belostotskaya, gymnasium of the city of petrikov, kind. deceased, purposeful, and her class teacher, history teacher and social science, olga nikolaevna martsinkevich. maxim kisel, gymnasium of the city of svetlogorsk, handsome, charismatic, smart, mathematics teacher, tatyana viktorovna gomor. alexey sachok, state gymnasium number one in the urban village of zelva. his motto
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is to achieve a goal, you need to go towards it. and the class teacher, russian language and literature teacher tatyana. ivan zamulin, secondary school number three in the city of osipovichi, kind, reserved, class leader , chemistry teacher, lyudmila viktorovna mikulich. maria katchenko, nesvizh gymnasium, purposeful, inquisitive. creative and her class teacher, english teacher, natalya vladimirovna katchenko. ksenia kosten, secondary school number 5 in the city of veleika, believes that no matter what you study, you learn for yourself, and her class teacher is teacher defectologist olga nikolaevna mikulich. vladislav novitsky, gymnasium number 5 in minsk named after the hero
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of the meeting on the elbe. his motto is knowledge is power, and i want to be strong. mathematics teacher nadezhda valentinovna novitskaya. alina kvyatkovskaya. secondary school number 54 city ​​of minsk. beautiful, kind, smart girl. and her class teacher, german language teacher inna anatolyevna radiminovich. i have one more person left to introduce, this is our scientific expert, ekaterina dukor. head of the department of methodological support for science and mathematics education of the national institute of education. ekaterina, hello, hello, vasya, hello, guys, i wish you a great mood, an interesting game, quick, accurate, correct answers and good luck to all participants. hello guys, we welcome you to our playground, and before
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the game starts, before i start asking you questions, i suggest you give each other a round of applause. right now, at this very moment, my colleague, yulia pertsova, is in the staff room with your teachers. julia, hello, how are you feeling, can we start? yes, vasya, hello, the mood is great, we are ready to start, but i have one question for our teachers: what can you cook, but cannot eat, lessons? of course, to our game. everyone is ready, and i mean, not only our guys, now we will check it, everyone is playing our intellectual show, good luck to everyone, vasya, start the first round. we are starting the first round, but first let's get acquainted with its rules. in the first round, players are asked 12 multiple-choice questions - yes or no, of which only one is correct. the choice must
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be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point, with eight players scoring more. number of points pass to the second round. the first question of the first round: is it true that the stratosphere refers to the upper layers of the atmosphere. time! arthur, how did you answer this question? i answered yes, because well, the stratosphere is already quite close to space. this is not the highest point in the atmosphere, but still. okay, tell me, what do you think, maybe you have a different opinion, well, i think that this applies to the upper layers of the atmosphere, because it is located quite high from the ground, after the stratosphere comes the thermosphere and exosphere, yes he made a little mistake, he’s very worried, but i ’m sure he’ll pull himself together, everything will work out, there’s
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someone else who answered: no, ksenia and polina and maria, only three people, well, i congratulate you, the correct answer. no, please note that the upper layers of the atmosphere begin with the mesosphere, then comes the thermosphere, then the exosphere, and thus the stratosphere, alas, or fortunately, does not belong to the upper layers. second question: is it true that cheese can only be made from cow's milk? time. alexey, what do you say? i answered in there is no option, because i am almost 100% sure that cheese can be made not only from blood milk, but from what else milk can it be made. maxim, what do you say? i answered this question, no, i’m more than sure of this, and from goat’s milk, and from almost any milk, i think they differ slightly, but
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at least, well, a lot of milk, i think, you can make cheese. i was already scared when you said, even though they are mammals, they have milk, which means whose milk can be used to make cheese, cheeses can really be made made from cow meat, but this is understandable. seasonal winds. time! ksenia, how did you
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answer this question? i answered, no, because it seems to me that we, well, seasonal winds are called differently. okay, what then are monsoons? they seem to be, well, in a certain season of the year and who are they? monsoon, what is it? well it? they seem to be making rain - it has something to do with the rain, yes - your idea is clear to me, vladislav, i answered, well, i chose the option, yes, since i remember from the sixth grade geography textbook that muson - these are seasonal winds, in my opinion, in the summer they blow from the continent to the sea, yeah, and in the winter from the sea to the continent, well, only to the ocean, i think, well , yeah, yeah, ocean, sea, what are they anyway, well, they do, it seems to me that in the summer they bring in money.
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thank you very much. so, the correct answer to our question. yes, the monsoon is a stable seasonal wind that reverses direction twice a year. monsoons are typical for tropical areas. fourth question: is it true that herbivorous animals are also called carnivores? time! anton, i answered, option no, since the word frugivore comes from the word flesh, which means they eat flesh, well
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, i haven’t heard that, carnivores, which, yes, okay, then what do predators eat, predators eat flesh, what is the difference between predators and carnivores, i think not differences, yeah, that is, it’s the same thing, well, yes, they just came up with two words to confuse seventh graders, everything is so good, so with our question, what did you answer? i answered, no, these plant-eating ones - who are they then? they eat plants, what other animals there are, well what kind you know, well, omnivores, they eat plant flesh too, don’t get confused at all, anton, anton, yes, that’s it, yes, i have no more questions, but the correct answer to our question is no, this is the second name for predators, i mean carnivore, as we have already established, is the second name for herbivore.
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the correct answer to our question is no. sixth question: is it true that avicenna’s canon was a textbook of medicine? time!


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