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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 4, 2024 5:55am-6:26am MSK

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his work affects the quality of the finished product, we showed today that what is produced in our country can be, not only the same in quality, in some moments even surpass it, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. ivan kuzmich zakharov, one of organizers and leaders of the communist underground and partisan movement in the vitebsk region. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, he was evacuated to the soviet rear, and... 1941 was sent to the territory occupied by hitler’s troops to organize a partisan traffic in the asvei district of the vitebsk region. in april 1942, he organized and headed a partisan detachment, which consisted of only 11 people. the detachment quickly became stronger and grew in numbers. and by june '42 the partisans had crossed over. from small sabotage
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to operations against large enemy forces. while carrying out their assigned tasks, the people's avengers under the leadership of zakharov, saving their comrades, women, old people and children, showed miracles of heroism and dedication. for exemplary performance of command tasks behind enemy lines and special merits in the development of the partisan movement, colonel.
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hello, the program of truth is on air, i’m inga belova, today we will go to the world of spiritual education in the heart of belarus at the minsk theological academy, this institution is not... part of the cultural history of our country, where the foundations of spiritual education are formed and the future of the orthodox church is brought up. minsk theological academy named after kiril.
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turovsky was opened in 1996, but the question of the existence of a theological academy here was raised back in the 19th century. spiritual the academy always testifies to the maturity of the people and the land on which this educational institution exists. there are so many theological seminaries where clergy are trained for parishes.
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vladyka philoret was the rector of the moscow theological academy in his youth; he himself had such experience. in addition, he served and worked in other places. our country , the then soviet union, had enormous authority abroad. and so the opening of the academy and the organization of the first educational process are in the middle. nineties all this could be realized only thanks to the help of learned theologians from different countries of the world, not only from the russian federation, learned researchers from germany, from greece, from
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the united states, from canada, from other places, from france came to us and all this was very supportive enriched our... our system of spiritual education, the system of spiritual education, currently has several levels: in theological seminary, bachelor's degree, specialty, mainly specialists are trained for parish ministry, and any spiritual the seminary has a more practical focus. we have two theological seminaries of the belarusian orthodox church in belarus. minskaya in the zherovitsy assumption monastery and vitebskaya in the city of vitebsk. the master's degree course lasts 2 years. upon completion of the master's program, a graduate who has successfully defended his master's thesis receives a master's degree in theology and receives a certain
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specialization, since at the theological academy we have three specializations, these are biblical studies, that is, the study of the holy scriptures. and this is a very serious direction, since the bible, holy scripture is written in hebrew and ancient greek, so our students, biblical scholars in the master's program, then in graduate school, very seriously study ancient languages, the languages ​​of biblical texts, then we specialize in church history and church-practical disciplines, church history is understandable, spiritual-practical disciplines relate to church law, liturgics, that is, the science of worship, and some other areas that have a more ecclesiastical and practical significance of application. and finally, the third specialization, the third department of our theological academy,
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the department of apologetics. and in this specialization , students intensively study, in addition to theology, also apologetics. special attention, students and apologists specialize in this area. graduates of the theological academy have the highest theological qualifications, so they can apply the acquired knowledge in various fields. so, in addition to the
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two-year master's degree, there is also the next level - three-year graduate school, and graduate students of our theological academy. are already choosing a topic for scientific work, these are young people scientists and theologians, upon completion of graduate school, have the opportunity to defend a ph.d. dissertation. in 2015 , the need arose to register the publishing house of the minsk theological academy; the publication of scientific journals and monographs is an integral part of the spiritual education of science, being a natural continuation of the work of teachers of students at the academy. after the move of the minsk theological academy from the zhurovitsy monastery to the capital of our state took place in 2015, almost immediately. the question was raised about registration of an academic publishing house,
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in the fall of the same year, the ministry of information of the republic of belarus registered an academic publication, giving it the right to publish not only scientific, but popular science, fiction, reference, and educational literature. to date, the minsk theological academy publishes four scientific journals, which are indexed. educational publications within a separate series, and these publications are focused primarily on
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satisfying the requests of both the minsk theological academy itself and other spiritual educational institutions of the belarusian orthodox church. on the pages of our scientific journals , our monographs publish the results of research activities, representatives of the teaching corporation, students, undergraduates and graduate students. the initial idea is that in
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order to allow our students, and not only our students, to become better acquainted with the cultural and church heritage of various slavic countries, since all slavic countries are christian, a significant part of them are orthodox countries, of course separately the direction is balconistics, it is interesting that the connection. where the relevant books are stored, literature on various topics, this includes
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literature on each specific slavic country, this is literature about the general connections between the slavic countries, these are also dictionaries and various teaching aids. separately, it is worth saying a few words about those projects that are being implemented within the framework. cabinet of slavic studies and balkan studies, in particular, we are trying to somehow cultivate the memory of the learned slavs, well, first of all, of course, it all started with the mission of saints cyril and methodius, equal to the apostles, whose icon also hangs in this office. church historical museum of the belarusian orthodox church. the minsk theological academy opened its doors in 2015,
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located in the buildings of the first educational building and the administration of the spiritual and educational center. the decision to create the museum was made by the synod of the belarusian orthodox church in march 2013. well, the museum itself contains exhibits collected by metropolitan philoret during his tenure at the department, starting with 1900. seventy-eighth year, and for the entire period of his stay at the department, and here are the icons that came to him as a result of gifts or... were collected during his activity as a metropolitan, as the rector of the belarusian orthodox church, some of them are gifts from other clergy, some of them are gifts that he received as a person who was in charge of a large number of churches, since he was a metropolitan, and some of the icons
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are those that were taken from churches in first half of the eighties. here it can be noted that the state staged something like a raid to extract cultural values ​​from churches that were closed in the first half of the eighties, but metropolitan phillaret was ahead of them by organizing his own inspection of churches, as a result of which many icons ended up in this museum , then not only icons are collected here, but also vestments, vestments for clergy, that is , deacons, priests, and bishops, and some of them belong to different periods and are vestments that were inhabited the rectors of the belarusian church, and some of them belong directly to metropolitan filorett, these were his vestments that he wore for divine services, well, since the office was assembled by metropolitan filorett, then of course we have his separate office,
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recreated, it contains that furniture, which was in the office of metropolitan filoret. here is part of his library, part of the important books that he used, both for worship and, in principle, in his activities, not related to the church, church and his activities at the pulpit, well, some of them, of course, are gifts to metropolitan philoret. the office of metropolitan philoret is not just a room in the academy, but a place with a special atmosphere, preserving the memory of a great man and his contribution. into the history of the belarusian orthodox church. on june 11 of this year, within the walls of the minsk theological academy, a significant event took place: the opening of the exhibition, timed to coincide with the fortieth anniversary of the establishment of the council of belarusian saints. this event was an excellent opportunity to honor the memory of great people
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who served with their example and life. the good of our land. you people who, with your help, founded our land, our belarusian land, and pershapachatkova and the collection of belarusian saints have been respected for 12 centuries, this year for 58 centuries, and so on new saints, such saints of the deep downs have glorified their life with such a servant on nіve
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spirituality, but also our factual life, these people who lived in the 20th century. and the sapraudas here are such a hectic history among the assembly of belarusian saints, and the sapraudas are very important, and why administration of these exhibitions, so that information on tablets can be used to show the mysterious lives of our saints, which is not as advertised as factual, since we all know from the course of school history, tours of prague and zeinast and fras. polack kiryla turaўskaga, and there are other saints, there are vilensk martyrs, there is elisha lavryshavsky, and the great number of other saints who deserve respect , there are ceremonies, ceremonies of service, service of the spirit, service to the belarusian people, and there we honor this memory we take our ears, and here we go
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dzyakuyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyydynastys alyaksandr gorny andr veliseichyk, as a historical figure of lidzia kulazhanka, it is because of such dreamy temptations that this exhibition was created, we are great we are grateful to the patriarchs of the grodzen diocese of the belarusian right-slavic church, to our lord benjamin, the metropolitan of minsk and zaslavsk, where we are blessed in these scenes... the exhibition is celebrated , i let's hope that we will be in different and temples, different institutions in the face of the world, where we are guessing, what is certain, as soon as we come... students, we will be proud of the belarusian land this university, well, this is the latest information , well, let’s say that there will be an attack on the side of the soviet union, because
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this exhibition was at the grodzen state university, such a great secret, we’ll see that yana budze is zapatrabavana, yana budze is tsikava with pink candles, there is a navat at the kiryla temple in turkmenistan there are not many months, such as in the temple of the belarusian saint and in minsk. this exhibition was opened, it was launched as a youth, as students, postgraduates, undergraduates, and ordinary citizens of minsk came here, and so did the people of the city. and in retirement, the parents know everything, but they are hiding this is something new for us, and we are glad that this exhibition is just about the books that were presented at this exhibition, where they are packed... a great amount of books, most of them the 80s of the 20th century, since 1987, when the first search for the worship
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of belarusian saints, in the words of metropolitan filaret, ended in our hours, here was a lethal in recent years this whole book is "holy lands of belarusian lives", and the volume of autarian books was covered, and... the great thing is that throughout the entire project of the exhibition one can learn from history, and discover something, look at the faces of these saints, that many of them have to do with the superiors, for example, here is the signature and the book saint cyprus klimuts yatranskag, this is a factual fact that we had the most famous autographs, signatures, and all such adkrytstsya velma shmat during the pachychtouk exhibition.
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a person who, coming and studying this exhibition, he may want, he may want to visit certain places in belarus that we have, not only visit russia
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or other countries where there are also many saints, but see our culture, our saints, those who were on our land, and this is very important, in my opinion, this exhibition primarily targeted. i think about this and of course for me it is very important that a person can come in and see and maybe even a non-church person, unchurched, but at the same time something can resonate with him, he can light up with this flame of the holy spirit and be converted to the church or just to see this spiritual, cultural beauty that is...
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not only a place of worship, but also the spiritual core of the academy. the church of st. cyril of turov of the minsk theological academy was illuminated on june 20, 2015 years when... the entire complex of these buildings was illuminated. the temple is a home temple, an educational institution, the minsk theological academy. the temple
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is the heart. the center of spiritual life in this educational institution, teachers and students gather here on sundays and holidays for common prayer, every day here in the morning and evening students perform morning and evening student prayers, the temple can be special in that it is dedicated to the belarusian saints, internally decoration, interior of the temple, this is evidenced by those icons that are located in the temple space. many of them are icons of belarusian saints, of course, this obliges us to a lot, we are the successors of these people who worked here on these belarusian lands, the temple is illuminated in honor of st. cyril, bishop of turov, a famous belarusian saint of the 19th century, his name is different also called the belarusian golden-whisker, he was a famous preacher, the texts of his sermons and prayers written by him have been preserved, and for us, of course, this is an invaluable heritage in the temple.
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minsk theological academy is not only an educational institution, but also a center of spiritual life in belarus. it plays an important role in creating educated, spiritually developed people who are capable of making a contribution. development
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of society. the minsk theological academy not only trains clergy, but also actively participates in the life of society, preaching moral and ethical values, promoting the unification of people and spiritual enlightenment. istnostilov’s program was with you, all the best to you.
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he told europeans about the miracle of the tatar cutlet. the cartographer left long ago, here's tartarus territory of belarus has taken root. now i ’ll get to the main thing, i would say, the hit of this salad, it’s still a roll with dried tomato and curd cheese. let's learn more about the historical past of belarusians. the title was added: rex ryutheniam albar, king of the white ruthenians. like this. we will show you what they eat in different parts of our country. in a city that positions itself as the tomato capital of belarus, every cafe simply must have at least several tomato dishes. here everything complements each other, meat is complemented by vegetables, vegetables are complemented garlic and rosemary, absolutely perfect,
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just perfect. food anywhere on the belarus 24 tv channel. we were happy with the fractions, happy, connected to the hour and the heat, just respectful. every day is formed from tradition: autumn, year or year, everything that was old-fashioned was new, we ourselves do not respect it, we pass on the knowledge and experience of our hands.


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