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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 4, 2024 8:50pm-9:01pm MSK

8:50 pm
8:51 pm
azerbaijan, khaidari aliyev, by the way, he spoke very restrainedly, expressed his fears, expressed his concerns about the expansion of the nata bloc, the president of georgia eduard shivarnatsi spoke, this is the former first secretary of the central committee of the party of georgia, this is the former chairman of the state security committee of georgia, this is a member of the polyburo, the communist party of the soviet union. and, probably, one of the few who not only supported, but ardently supported the expansion of the nato bloc. his speech, his speech, how wonderful it is that the nato bloc is expanding, it strengthens european security, this strengthens global security, we must vote, vote, yes, yes, yes, out of forty-two representatives of states, two people were against, the deputy prime minister of the russian federation, valery serov, and the secretary of state of the security council of belarus sheiman spoke, the rest were for , then later, those expansions of the nato bloc that occurred in waves, well, you see what the situation is now.
8:52 pm
based on the tasks assigned to the security council, it was necessary, among other things, to deal issues of creating the first concept of national security of the republic of beross. this concept was approved on march 27, 1995 . 2004-2006. as the future head of the administration, i received instructions from the head of state, which means i gave the command to go to the security website. new threats have appeared. the first sanctions against the republic of belarus had already begun, it was necessary to more seriously address issues of economic security outside the republic of belarus. during that period, we actively began to work on building what would probably so stripes of good neighborly states along a distant arc. the issue was resolved in latin america and africa. we have built very good contacts with venezuela, ecuador, brazil, bolivia, nicaragua, cuba. maybe i'll pass on this, maybe a small moment.
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in the morning i fly to venezuela and my first meeting is with huga chavas, he knows absolutely nothing about belarusians.
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knew, the soviet union knew, the russian federation knew, and they literally begin to explain belarus, telling what belarus was like as part of the soviet union, was the assembly shop of the soviet union, now what is belarus like, what kind of policy is it pursuing, what is our economy like, what are our interests in latin america and what we want, in what areas to cooperate with venesel. the heat went on for a long time, and this subject is a very good conversation, but literally, he probably hooked ugochaus, he promised. come to us and indeed after 2 months he was with us in the republic of belarus, teaching his first visit, in 2006 we had 6 million dollars, after 5 years we reached 2 billion dollars that year, we built a plant for the production of tractors for the production of wheeled vehicles, maz cars, road equipment, brick factories , large-scale housing construction began, they began to extract oil, they should have started producing gas, they should... develop the economy,
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but just recently, as far as i heard, our prime minister -the minister met with the leadership of venezuela. and in addition to the issues that were solved in venezuela, we collaborated on a large scale with ecuador, bolivia, and brazil, where we began to implement our economic projects quite successfully. the second task, which was solved in the period 2006-2008, was held in 2006 by a council of collective security leaders in the republic. the president of belarus held this council, then for the first time the issue of creating regional groupings of troops in the asian direction and the western direction in the belarusian direction began to be discussed, then they already began to talk about our very close cooperation with russia,
8:56 pm
and a military alliance with russia only conversations were going on now, conversations were going on, at the same time period, large-scale exercises were carried out in the count of the union 2006, this is really the first large-scale... exercise within the armed forces of the russian federation and the republic of beros, somewhere a start was given for very serious cooperation with the armed forces, including the military field and not only the military field , maybe let me tell you the backstory, how sanctions began to be implemented against belarus, what this was connected with in the first place, yes it was enough, especially at that time, but now the relevant things that they they tried to raise us up, they tried to punish us for this in the wrong way, supposedly human rights, supposedly suppressing freedom there... speech and so on and so forth, but if you remove the whole wrapper, let me tell you, probably, one of my first trips to the usa, in april ninety in the fifth year , i joined the united states of america in the position of secretary of state of the security council, there were no meetings with the us secretary of defense, there was a meeting with the director of the fbi,
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the us deputy secretary of state, i honestly don’t remember the name now, at all these meetings i clearly pedaled, they were not at that time they were interested neither in freedom of speech nor in democracy, they were interested in the former. our relations with russia, how they will be known, our attitude towards nuclear weapons, whether we introduce nuclear weapons or not, if we introduce them, why russia, what is it connected with, what russia, next, again, our policy in the future, what our police will be like , collective agreements with russia with other states, this clearly stuck out, they were clearly interested, there was interest, interest, returning to sanctions. elections were held in our country in ninety-four, which means the next were in 2001, already since 2001, when they began to actively finance the opposition, provide assistance, began to create on the territory of the republic of beros, to train opposition activists and in warsaw,
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vilnius, brussels, it was already clearly visible how they were slowly starting to turn, they were extremely dissatisfied, first of all, with our relationship with russia.
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very unpleasant, which they tried to implement in the economy in order to undermine our economic interests somewhere. that was all. every day we work to ensure that you received the freshest and most useful.
9:00 pm
watch on tv channel belarus 24. this is the main broadcast, hello, summer, it’s time for relaxation and tourism, our farmers think differently, harvesting fields day and night, work away from political tourism, the head of state suggests, search more intensively for new points of contact and show quality . this is addressed to the academy of sciences, of course, there are successes in the applied part of belarusian science, but...


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