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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 4, 2024 9:00pm-10:30pm MSK

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watch, as well as suggest projects and films that will certainly become your favorites, this and much more awaits you in the ether 24x7 project, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. this is the main broadcast, hello, summer is time for relaxation and tourism, otherwise our farmers think, harvesting fields day and night, work to get away from political tourism, the head of state suggests, to more intensively look for new points of contact and produce quality. in fact, this is addressed to the academy of sciences; of course, there are successes in the applied part of the belarusian science, but... i would like greater results,
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we are talking about introducing innovations into the real sector of the economy, we certainly do all this carefully, not breaking, but finishing, unlike the weather this week, which once again made a mess, such changes, and magnetic storms that have already become regular, evidence of how the overall climate is changing, but now france is storming more than others, the fact that everyone is already sick of the opening ceremony, let’s leave that out, everything is clear here, but now this is also about...
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by his decree, you are pardoned. teaching light, but we need a brighter, big conversation about the prospects of science and not only time will tell first. lately i have seen that the academy of sciences has made serious mistakes. and to innovation, a cardboard factory, the fate of which had to be decided by the president, and how the dobruzh factory is developing. the equipment is very good, new.
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in the usa there are already radicals on the streets. we are witnessing a coup d'etat. the united states salutes the venezuelan people for their courage and commitment to democracy. but because grants will not cut themselves. will extremists from the lithuanian kitchen confirm where the money for political prisoners went? the may 21 fund does not retain a single percent or a single penny. the fugitives themselves stuffed another 150 thousand euros into their pockets. hector is truly a friend of a man. his task is to be as calm and relaxed as possible and make his patients feel calm and relaxed too. the first service therapy dog ​​appeared in the belarusian orthodox church. this working week for the president was extremely busy, as usual, without days off. business trip after business trip. what is the cost of a difficult decision, the question of a person’s fate. what happened 5 hours before
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the pardon, when people immersed in a trial came to the palace of independence, the consequences of a recent hurricane and cyclone with such a harmless name igor and not harmless consequences, the first went into the thick of things in one of the most affected mozar district, many events, and of course we went behind the scenes. exclusive interview, all this in our time of the first section, watch it right now. this was not easy for the international community. lukashenko and putin on valaam. zero details, that's all. conversations under cameras about
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the weather and nature, most behind closed doors. did the president call you to give you some instructions, to discuss some issues? not yet, we are waiting for a meeting with a clean slate, but after the meeting. on international issues, she let it slide a little, the first one voiced the details, the main thing is that mutual understanding was found on all issues, there is no rejection, this has happened more than once, agreements were agreed at the highest level, but at the level government, not everything is so synchronized, it turned out that three issues remained unresolved, the leaders discussed them: a new oil pricing formula, a recycling fee and an advance payment for oil, the latter generally outraged putin, on monday he will sign an order...
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his authority like the president of the united states is stuffing, someone is getting involved in this story , even though he had nothing to do with it, nothing, the special services conducted these negotiations, they didn’t even involve diplomats, but we agreed that we would do it quietly, russia
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our main partner, like china, but there are many new ones, as the president will say, we are going where they are waiting for us, africa, asia, a lot of work in integration structures, we recently became members of the sco, we have been invited to the brix summit. there have been a number of visits by government delegations to latin america, and now we are waiting for guests to come to us. nikorago, everything is going great for us, we are waiting for president artegu to visit, president maduro also promised to visit belarus, well, for this we need to do the preparatory work. it’s clear, you really will have a lot now work, but at least approximately in terms of timing, all these visits are planned for this year, or well, it was announced so, that is, most likely the president.
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nothing, there are only drunks all around and so on, actually, there is something in this, that’s why our countries must stick to each other, and one of the areas of cooperation that we will develop with the dprk, of course, concerns greater information support. the conversation about
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markets and what we will enter them with continued at a meeting with the scientific community, the first created a working group, which was tasked with analyzing the activities.
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it includes people who are very authoritative in this area, so the opinion that we express is not the opinion of the committee, it is the consolidated opinion of everyone, we will try, with the help of all opinions, to find some kind of middle ground that should bring the republic to a qualitatively new level. well, there were some arguments, for example, when they tell you, you know, you’re wrong, of course they were, again, i repeat, this is good, but we tried to somehow convince a friend. don't talk from up there power or from something of authority. vasily
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gerasimov, as it turned out, is also the main supervisor of the forest, and this is so that it is not common to profit from the consequences of the disaster or to engage in vigorous liquidation activities. everyone knows that the gomel region suffered more than others, but power supply has been restored, insurance has been paid or is in progress, water is in place. of course, with a fallen forest , the issue cannot be resolved in 2 seconds, but even all over the world, people can cope with how much is happening, and we are worse. at least the opposition i tried to play on the case, they say, when the trouble happened, lukashenko did not come right away, well, in 30 years in power, he will be the first to figure out what when without advisers. at the selector, in hot pursuit, there was such a scolding, they would have tried not to do something responsible, but then they could check it with control, little by little they turned their stories very badly. everything
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needs to be removed and processed, and gerasimov, on behalf of the former, will of course follow up. you will die in time, but do it, keep in mind, we will double-check, there should be no lies. god forbid you, lord, will be some kind of lie, this demand will be harsher than for the fact that you did not clean up somewhere. before you tiktok there and... write something on the internet. go, take an ax, help me with a saw. the famous motivating phrase of our president. at such moments , you need to understand that the consequences of poetry are not only a problem for services, the whole world needs to get involved. a large front of restoration work lies ahead. the fallen timber must not only be cut, transferred, processed, but also the ground must be prepared for a new one. journalists they were the first to learn how to plant forests and cut wood, and are always ready to repeat. in the autumn of 25, the forest will be restored, so we must
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restore it all over the next year, restore everything, but you plan for the winter, where what piece of land will be there, who will restore it, that is, plant a forest, that’s how the journalists and i were once near they cut out a piece of lyaskovich there, it needs to be restored, so we went with them and planted them, as many as they were told to land, they planted as many as they should. in our country this has already become the norm at school, university, of course, they always first at the action, alena also remembers, i think, if about responsibility and quality, there is only an iron dictatorship, a figure of speech, as the president knows how, but everything is immediately clear, everything, everything, everything, don’t tell me what you did, to me - then every morning they report where you are going, what you are doing, they went around well, now carefully, without any rush, we have to check how he is...
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the presidential elections in belarus are close , those who like to find wealth or make diagnoses immediately appeared, but don’t wait,
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lukashenko is not going anywhere. second topic they took it, well, if the thief doesn’t pass, it means my health is dying, well, i’ve been burying for 25 years now , for sure, you remember, everything will die, die, die, well, i read our people there, i think these different sites think that i don’t collect, i only... ask god for one thing, that it will continue to be like this with my health. in the morning at the palace, in the evening on the road. typical life of journalists. the reporters left home on thursday and just returned.
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and in many other farms in other regions, we cannot cope with the growth, you understand that we sowed early, it’s like the people they say the cabbage will come out and outgrow in the fall, which means it may die in the winter. the schedule of the head of state is often completely spontaneous, journalists are used to it, you need to prepare for everything, we have a female president, the pool is mostly women, and you want to remain them in any situation, even if the president... goes to the farm or to the fields. the head of state assessed the situation out of thin air. board number one flew over the northwestern regions of the gomel region and the southern capital region. from above, everything is in full view, the head of state looked at the reclamation fields and enterprise slovkali.
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the team managing the affairs of the president celebrated 30 years, for some reason , when you mention this structure, you immediately get the impression that everyone, probably, i think that the management of the president’s affairs are those who run after the president, well, at best , they will feed and clothe the president, but no, these are thousands of people, you know this very well, who not only feed, treat, but also produce food, this is a huge ministry. there are many objects, therefore, many nuances of tasks, but , of course, they know everything about work at the presidential level better than others, of course, there are certain riders to work out, and we work them out completely, in terms of food, halal or not halal, or european cuisine, of course, for all invited guests, which heads of state, heads of government
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of foreign states, they choose our belarusian cuisine, they really like it. our potato pancakes with sour cream, they always go to hell, people wonder what alexander lukashenko is like in everyday life, an unpretentious, ordinary person, like the rest of us, even if you are somewhere nearby adjoining territory, if you meet him, they are engaged in mowing there, then you may not recognize him, as usual, we are the people of our republic of belarus, he is engaged in chopping firewood, he is engaged in mowing, and how he helps to prepare food. elimination of the consequences of bad weather in the gomel region continues to this day, the hurricane destroyed everything in its path,
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trees were broken like matches, lighting poles were torn out, high-voltage wires were damaged, in mozyr and the region... they were left without electricity and water for several days. to date communications have been restored, everything possible has been done to return normal life to citizens, social facilities and enterprises. now the main forces are focused on felling lopsided trees and sawing up those that remain lying in forest belts, while many thousands of units have been removed. what conclusions have been drawn locally and how much cholate is needed. the roof flew and the roof flew and they flew down the street. in less than 20 minutes, the hurricane did so much that there are still enough consequences to this day, not just slates, people’s fences and entire roofs were flying, the test of the elements or
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a test of humanity, which today has already... not only the enterprises, but also the neighbor, donated all the work and material and people, thank you, the misfortune forced people to unite, a helping hand to the neighbor, somewhere holes in the roofs were patched up by the whole street, no one was hurt when no, no, no, no, no, god forbid, were you at home? i was at home, i already, i looked what it was, i didn’t go out. pyotr fedorovich's yard, fortunately, turned out to be without significant damage; the tree did not survive; the man planted it himself decades ago.
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an emergency situation has been created that same evening , an operational headquarters was announced in the gomel region to eliminate the consequences of bad weather. emergency teams from all over the area arrived in the mozyr district. realizing the scale of the devastation, a commission was created under the executive committee to assess the damage to citizens and businesses. the first responders are those who need help restoring their homes. six legal entities applied, these are agricultural enterprises. after which the amount for
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payments will be determined, applications were also received from citizens, but given that citizens only submitted an application without supporting documents, that are not the owners of the property, then these points are also requested today; after receiving the answers, the commission will meet again and make a decision to... in what amount of compensation will be paid. today, all settlements of the gomel region are provided with electricity through permanent power lines. there was enough work for both local and visiting power engineers. after the hurricane , five areas were left without electricity, this is more than a thousand settlements, where people were also cut off from water. delivery organized centrally, primarily for social facilities. for eliminating the consequences of bad weather from the first day personally.
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the current visit has already been repeated to the institutions ; conclusions have been drawn proactively and all plantings on the territory have been examined. we are engaged in clearing dangerous trees from saws that
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are in danger, there is a lot of work right now, how is everyone in the team coping with the spirit in general, your composition in general is inspiring, no, everyone is in a fighting mood, good, the tree is of course very old, large, tall and it turned out that ... from a strong wind, already at these days, it split, the inside turned out to be completely rotten, naturally, we can’t cope on our own, we called the duty officer at the ministry of emergency situations and, as always, the guys are right there, today they are doing the work of felling this tree, the locals say that hurricanes have divided the usual life before and after, when the elements clear up again it is impossible to predict, so... make efforts to minimize the consequences completely. today, this question is being asked at the local hospital and the diesel generator, on that day , ensured the operation of the intensive care unit and operating rooms,
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however, emergency transfers of patients to gomel were not possible. there was enough equipment, everything worked, it’s really worth thinking about the fact that the diesel electric generators that currently operate in our city institutions, it’s worth making sure that they are perhaps more powerful. than those that exist now in order to ensure the functioning of the entire hospital, no specific departments. in fact , fewer consequences are felt in cities; they were primarily eliminated for in order to ensure a normal life for people, if you drive at least a kilometer from mozyr, this is the picture, it is still everywhere, the hurricane was so strong that trees were literally broken, like matches were uprooted, of course, in order to remove it all, it will take... a lot of time. during the hurricane , 4,000 hectares of forest were damaged in the mozyr region alone, which is almost a third of all damage in the gomel region. today we are
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cleaning up the rubble.
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from the very first days, colossal forces were thrown into the regions, yes, a normal life for people restored, but for now there is time to relax the power supply until august 22. b no. it is not enough to restore order in the forest; it is important not to lose raw materials; according to preliminary estimates , more than 5 million cubic meters of wood will have to be harvested from the forest fund damaged by the elements. on the main broadcast are yulia alferova, ilya maksimov and pavel poznyakov. on august 5 it will be exactly 30 years since the security council of belarus was created. on the eve of the anniversary, we talked with the first secretary of state of this structure, viktor sheiman. he told how in in the ninety-fourth year and beyond , work was built in difficult conditions after the collapse of the soviet union. how new power structures were created, how they fought crime and resolved social
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issues. at some enterprises, salaries were not paid for more than six months, when the elected first president alexander lukashenko came to the national bank vault, it turned out that the country’s gold reserves at that time amounted to only 5 kg of gold. in addition, viktor vladimirovich sheiman shared his memories of how nuclear weapons were removed and why americans were primarily interested in whether belarus would exist? develop relations with russia, and only then everything else, like democracy or human rights, which they use as a stamp, if you remove all the wrapper, let me tell you, probably, one of my first trips to the usa, in april of ninety-five i flew to the united states of america in the position of secretary of state of the security council, i had meetings with the us secretary of defense, i had a meeting with the director of the fbi, the deputy secretary of state, the us name is about i don’t remember now, at all these meetings.
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clearly pedaled, they were not interested in that period, neither freedom of speech, nor democracy, they were interested in the first, our relations with russia, how they will develop, our attitude towards nuclear weapons, whether we introduce nuclear weapons or not , and if we do, why russia what is this connected with, that russia, then, again, our policy in the future, what our policy will be, collective agreements with russia with other states, this was clearly sticking out, clearly interested them, went for...
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is beginning to turn them around, it was extremely difficult to build our relations with russia in the first place, back then in 1995, at a meeting with the minister of defense, he posed the question: mr. secretary of state, will you demand the withdrawal of russian bases from our territory of the republic of belarus, it turned out base in gantsavicha and base in veleika, mr. minister, we are responsible and we ourselves defend our territory, ensure our security, this issue cannot be resolved this way.
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subsequently this resulted in appropriate sanctions, subsequently this resulted in including, well, there are enough things that are very unpleasant that they tried to implement in the economy in order to undermine our economic interests somewhere. that was all. watch the full interview with viktor sheiman on our youtube channel. in addition, on august 5, the film security council of the republic of belarus will be broadcast in the evening. 30 years on the same team. listening to such testimonies, you understand from days gone by what a whirlpool the young country was emerging from. we essentially rebooted all industries and saved enterprises. here's one of these the president once helped the factories. we are talking about the dobruzhskaya paper mill. labor. still, it’s not in vain that we pay so much attention to the areas affected by the hurricane, because in fact , destroyed forests that cannot be returned are ready-made raw materials for production. today they produce not only notebooks and office paper, but also coated and uncoated types of cardboard.
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we started production 4 years ago, we could have done it earlier, but foreign investors let us down. the company contributed part of the loan funds, but as a result, the contractors missed their deadlines the contract was terminated. to start the plant. there was a shortfall of just over $80 million. to understand the situation, the head of state arrived on the scene and said: there will be a cardboard factory. now we are able to provide such products not only to the domestic market, but also to earn money gradually by increasing exports. the factory's design capacity is about 200,000 tons of cardboard per year, and there is demand. various types are in demand by packaging manufacturers from medicines and cosmetics to food. daria rachko will tell you more in the “control” section. not a single school backpack i did and can’t do without a notebook, either squared or lined, to produce it,
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first you need to get cellulose from wood, then cover paper, cut it, apply dyes, fasten it and voila, you have the finished product on your hands, but let’s see for ourselves how this happens factory what the dobruzh paper mill is famous for will be almost 155 years old next year: they produce office paper, wallpaper paper (3 years ago we mastered pre-cut and non-cut types of cardboard), we will carry out quality control. the final line for the production of notebooks from the first sheet to the finished minute. in order to have high-quality notebooks, you need to have a good square, a ruler, usually in sha
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journalists have to, if not shout down the work of the lines, then at least talk loudly, but in these dobrozh factories there is still silence, people want to work, they really want to work, production on the release of pared and uncut. type of cardboard should have been launched back in 2015, they trusted foreign investors, contributed part of the loan funds, as a result, the contractors missed their deadlines , terminated the contract, $83 million was not enough to launch the plant, the president went to the site: we cannot debug the technology ourselves, you have these plants, factories, specialists all around, why can’t we start this machine give out this cardboard, firstly, well , we don’t have such competencies, we are ready to learn, work, help with the launch, they said at the production, it is the only one of its kind in the country, the head of state will then tell the plant to be, they have already completed the year with their own with the help of another 7 million saved,
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coated cardboard consists of three layers, on top not on the bottom there is cellulose, which comes from the svetlogorsk pulp and paper mill, the middle... this is the bleached chemical-thermomechanical mass that is produced here, in general it is considered that this is premium cardboard -class, used for cosmetics, medicine and food products. in a word, it is needed in all products where the appearance of the packaging is important; the process itself is automatic and hidden from the eyes of the average person, just watch. the entire process is tracked here, from start to finish, like a mass lends itself, goes through drying, goes through the press, goes through pardoning. the result is high gloss with impeccable shine and smoothness, which is appreciated throughout the world. it is difficult to peel off the cardboard, this means that the cardboard
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is of high quality, you need very good adhesion between the layers so that peeling does not occur later when processing this cardboard, when printing or running is applied to it, that is, when it already has... very high smoothness, high gloss and high whiteness, hardness according to the taber, we check in two directions in machine, a sample is cut out with a knife and a measurement is taken, the rigidity in the machine direction should be 11.9 dash 16.1, the next indicator is the thickness, here the sample is also placed and a measurement is taken. unit of measurement is micrometers, 393 micrometers, on the front
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side the brightness must be at least 88%, the whiteness on the 91 mesh side is at least 75%. we have 75. we have also increased the quantity of sheet cardboard, this cutting equipment is new, installed last year, the capacity is 50 tons per day, this is more than the total technical capabilities of two standard lines. cardboard with we take rolls: they are delivered to the machine along a conveyor belt, the machine is refueled, the format is set according to the request, we cut into sheets, the equipment is very good, new, it’s a pleasure to work on it, i ’ve been working here at the factory for four years, one might say, since the launch, it produces cardboard made from wood, birch and aspen, the factory's design capacity is about 200,000 tons of cardboard per year, that's 16 thousand per month, so far we are doing two less. but by the end of the year we plan to go out, yes there is demand, buy imported goods when there is
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yours is now useless, only 30% goes to the domestic market, the remaining 70% is exported. for the first half of the year we had a growth rate of 114%, if we consider it in volumetric terms, thanks to the launch of a new complex, which we carried out in the twenty-first year, over the last 3 years we have increased revenue almost 10 times, if previously revenue was about... 4 million per month, today this is more than 40 million per month in revenue, exports have also increased, if we compare this year, in the first half of the year we are up by about 6% compared to last six months, every year we attract more than ten young specialists from the belarusian state technological university, so young people come to new jobs that are computerized and highly qualified. housing is also provided for young professionals; we have built
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a small-family dormitory, where young professionals are given rooms already furnished, with all ready-made conditions. the average salary is 2,200 for the enterprise, high not only for the dobruzhsky district, but throughout the entire gomel region areas. belarusians are hardworking people, this is also emphasized by guests of our country. there are opportunities to earn money, sometimes you need advice, but sometimes you just need it yourself.
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on special control over the improvement of territories, how tourists study the history of the polotsk region in plav, and what pearls the city on the western dvina hides, a report by elizaveta sinyak in the section place to live. comfort, temperature and conditions that it provides. we're in the weather, we got a buzz, let's just say, hello grandmas, huge, huge, alexandra and andrey indigenous residents of polotsk, together for 11 years during this period they tried themselves in different directions, from mass media to trade, almost 2 years ago they added a pinch of sweetness, opened the first crumpet shop in the city, we work together with my parents. i call my dad an accountant, my mom is an accountant, i probably do
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the marketing part, advertising, i do purchasing, we also participate very closely in the life of the city, but we conduct master classes for children, a girl came to us, hers were not very good good grades in english language, they told me, give me for every nine, ten, you, which you get in english, you bring, show the diary and we will give you a dumpling, so what happened next , it’s real... today , residents and guests choose the aromatic delicacy with a crispy crust city ​​to better experience the local attractions.
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alphabet and this is a kind of symbol of the originality of our language. polotsk is not only a city of museums, but also a city of museums; there are more than a dozen similar historical points here. with the help of the children's museum, young visitors go through a time machine, go to antarctica and even end up in a fairyland . i remembered princesses, dolls, i also recognized gramophones, large and small bells. the museum has three exhibition halls, the first hall is dedicated to inventions, the second hall is dedicated to collecting, a collection of sound-reproducing devices, a collection of cameras are presented, our museum gives everyone the opportunity to show their
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collection, and models of cars, and even the lego collection was presented. it’s generally wonderful to have a rest, you can choose your own direction, you can go to a temple, you can go to a museum, for a week, or even two, guys, you can load it up to the fullest, it will be an unforgettable experience, but you can study the history of the region on the banks of the western dvina not only on foot, when the evening sun lazily falls behind the tops of the trees , multi-colored ships land on the water, this is polotsk. kayakers club. konstantin karasev, a rower with more than 30 years of experience , has been cutting through the expanses of water. a former professional athlete, he has devoted the last couple of years to theater. there are a lot of rivers in our region, you don’t always know what you
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it’s waiting on the route, so the special forces group can be checked just two rivers away. and this year we got ahead in the meatball competition. such that we walked 6 km for 6 hours. this type of active tourism is exciting not only for extreme sports enthusiasts; it is also suitable for beginners; they even offer separate rafting trips with four-legged animals. we have a huge number of routes developed, but the most popular are, of course, around the city of polotsk. the rafting takes place with a guide who tells interesting stories about our city.
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birtwatching championships, at the last at the spring tournament, my friend and i were able to photograph and identify more than 50 species of birds. and the types of products produced at the enterprise are even difficult to count; they work to order every month, the total production volume is more than a thousand tons. spheres from agriculture and oil refining to civil engineering, emphasis on import substitution. if previously we purchased welded gratings in germany and poland, today we produce this innovative product with a fairly large added value here we supply to the largest enterprises of the russian federation and the republic of belarus. these are mainly petrochemical, oil refining, and gas production facilities, where there is
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career growth and good earnings. if we take belstat data, and the average wage in belarus, this plant. the level in some places, i think, is even higher. the development of regions largely depends on the coordinated work of the agro-industrial complex. the vesna energo branch holds leading positions not only in the polotsk region, but in the region. attention, technology. on these robots we have the milking of first-calf heifers is carried out, an individual cow is highly productive, and the maximum peak milk productivity is 60 liters. what time? she has to choose for her giving, but she chooses herself. the big plus here is that you receive the collet individually. individual approach to green farming.
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airport, where there are about 30 thousand people, and there was no clinic there, we worked on this issue for a long time, but today we
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have started building a new clinic together with dentistry, we are telling the population today what our plans are, what we have problems, there were many issues related to housing and communal services, we have outskirts, where, unfortunately, there are playgrounds, there are unpaved streets, we are planning our own program, specifically the improvement of remote ones. microdistricts. over the past 5 years, we have put into operation more than 140,000 km of housing, of which a third is individual housing construction. thus , the most ancient city of belarus demonstrates how modernity and history can work in tandem. on the main broadcast are elizaveta sinyak, sergei matveychuk and sergei korneev. we are in our the broadcasts have told many times how fugitive swindlers and extremists in the lithuanian kitchen are scattering grants and supposedly some kind of help among
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themselves. new details have emerged: a year ago, pennies, about 600 thousand euros, were collected for the so-called political prisoners during the marathon, but recently it turned out that 150,000 had disappeared, where the money went is unknown, although we know, into the pockets of the fugitives themselves. more details in the section of ekaterina tyahomirova, cups, shells, cubes collection for political knitting, we care. they took half a million euros, divided them into seven funds, i twist, i twist, oops, sleight of hand, no magic, 155,000 euros leave the tray in front of the amazed eyes of the bewildered public, although it could be much more. a stormy scandal erupted among the fugitives, but...
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a month before the start of the collection, a certain oksana molyukova registers the fund on may 21. there is a rumor that malyukova is directly related to
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the activities of banzola and the strizhak foundation. so, the accounts of the malyukova foundation receive all the money that can be collected during the 2 days of the marathon. this is 574.617 euros. after all bank deductions, 545,740 remains net. so cabinet officials say. next, the funds begin to be poured from container to container. in certain proportions, which will be established by the supervisory board, which will be created from representatives of the media implementing this marathon, the funds collected as part of this collection will be distributed. a certain number of existing funds have been identified. and from the fund on may 21, in different amounts, half a million euros will be divided into seven parts. some of the funds got 9.5. some are 13 to 40, and linkin media leonchik was lucky for 225.00 euros. already these funds are supposedly
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had to distribute half a million between the so-called... how will it look, so that not only the supervisory board, but also the people who sent the money could look at it, here the donors, of course, will have to trust us, as professionals, trust the honesty of the people from the supervisory board council, everyone will see the summary, which fund, in what volumes the assistance was provided, for a year the organizers were spoiling the public by not publishing the report.
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3581 transferred to other funds, and to himself 155,192 euros for general expenses, ensuring the activities of the administration and expenses for service and malyukova’s signature on the report. detail: there is only one person working in the may 21 foundation, this is malyukova. and what can be administered in a company with one person
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for 1500 euros is a question with an asterisk. thesis two: everyone works for free. we have an online solidarity marathon, journalists worked for free, videographers worked for free, people who worked on creating this whole idea worked for free. on may 21, the foundation spent almost 20 thousand euros on consultations and expenses during the implementation of the project, also from the amount raised. report to official register, it was supposed to... slip unnoticed by the public, it is impossible to wipe it out, the accountant was allegedly guilty, who mistakenly wrote down the amount somewhere in the wrong place, so they were justified, although is it possible to mistakenly write down the amount in the column that should be should not be in the report, the organizers of the marathon were accused of lying, the world of extremism panicked, independent-dependent, supposedly journalists were given the go-ahead, the problem must be solved, however you want,
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the numbers were compiled in controlled media, they were simply published. on the website they say there were organizations not seven, as in the official report, as much as 11. this is not all. thesis three, all the funds where money was poured into seven or even 11 are supposedly already existing initiatives, carefully checked. our idea was not to create a new initiative to find employees who would process these applications, look for these families, and so on. our task initially was that... we want to support these initiatives, so 100% of the net amount collected, i’m now talking about the deduction of the stripe and bank commission, bank commission, will be transferred to the fund and initiatives, the fund on may 21 does not retain a single percent and not a single penny, however , after collecting a month later, another new fund appears, previously unknown to anyone, and
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is registered exactly at the address where the funds are registered. the donor on may 21, the one that was the common purse, and the new fund, which did not exist at the time of collection, calmly receives its share of 20,000 euros from the common purse. and most importantly, there is no way to check whether the final recipient, the one for whom this marathon was organized, received anything from the fund. there are no reports, there are none will be, the word is commanded to be believed, a word that has no faith. this is a very convenient business, stealing from the so-called political networks and collecting money. and not to count, they say we have no right, because the recipient will be revealed. as a result, in order to transparently steal money, the swindlers started such an accounting tangle that ultimately they themselves became entangled in it. instead of somehow erasing the traces of their thieves’ activities after the previous marathon, the extremist swindlers announced a new one, now not a marathon, and already
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the relay race. ekaterina tikhomirova, vitaly soplitsa on the main broadcast. or, for some reason, some people prefer to dilute clean air with harmful impurities, as if car exhaust is not enough for this. do n’t smoke, vape, that’s what young people now say who blow smoke, it seems like there’s nothing criminal, electronic cigarettes look inconspicuous, ordinary modern devices seem to smell nice, don’t bother others, but what ’s hidden behind this attractive description, it’s not it’s just that more and more countries are joining the introduction of restrictions on vaping, svetlana chernova understood the issue, look what is happening, this syndrome... ground glass, as with covid, that is, there is finely dispersed damage to the lungs and especially to the lower lobes, as you can see here. this is what the consequences
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of a new epidemic look like. no, this is not a viral infection, but a social disease inspired by fashion and seasoned with ignorance of the consequences. we're talking about vaping. this is a new type of addiction to electronic cigarettes. essentially, this is an inhaler that works against human health. controlled by special liquids containing glycerin, propylene glycol, flavorings, nicotine, someone even mixes these fillings themselves, so this whole cocktail heats up, boils, turns into steam and enters the smoker’s lungs. yes, everyone knows that nicotine is harmful, but there are refills without it, which means that such vaping is definitely safe. is there any truth to this? the harm is very great because vapes contain the substance propylene. glycol is a polyhydric alcohol, alcohol, i emphasize, and vegetable glycerin, they themselves decompose during heating, and propylene glycol decomposes into formadehydes,
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aldehydes, the solution contains nitrosamines, contains vitamin e acetate, which, when heated, generally releases a colorless gas, called ketene, this is exactly this... gas instantly surfactant is toxic. surfactant is a substance that coats the alveoli of the lungs, allowing them to stretch when you inhale and contract when you exhale. damage to the surfactant leads to tissue adhesion, which observed with coronavirus. the lung cannot expand properly. this is unnoticed at first, but then pulmonary diseases appear. for some sensitive people who turned to these people, it happened too quickly. then it’s no longer possible to help this teenager, this child, it’s too fast, how much? this is literally, some had several months of admission. buyers of electronic cigarettes hardly think about this.
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the vybcommunity has formed a new subculture with its own vibe and philosophy. it's special noticeable among young people who literally do not let go of the gadget from their hands. electronic cigarettes are chosen carefully, studying the characteristics; each one has its own special taste. in vepshops, in large shopping centers, as official sellers on the streets of minsk, we asked them how accessible electronic devices are, in particular for young people, and why this method of relaxation is attractive. i very often see that in the passages, in stores everywhere there are points selling vep, nicotine, everything like that,
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but i think it’s available. i'm not sure that those whoever sells via telegram is actually safe. well, there are disposable types and reusable electronic cigarettes, that is. buy a cartridge, e-liquid, use it for quite a long time, there are different tastes, but buying, well, either in vape somewhere, or from friends, i like it better because there is no strong pungent smell, vapedom is more convenient to smoke, it doesn’t seem to stink, ceilings they don’t turn yellow, that’s all, that is, it’s just like a convenient thing, but you can’t smoke a cigarette everywhere, and i like to smoke vapes because there’s a larger selection of flavors, they’re more pleasant, than in cigarettes, i don't like the taste of nicotine, by the way, it's...
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so ireland launched a social media campaign to ban e-cigarettes. web industry restrictions introduced in new zealand. germany is concerned about the environment regarding this issue. overall , more than 40 countries have some form of ban on electronic devices for sale, use, or both. among them are hong kong, singapore, kazakhstan, belgium, canada, denmark, the netherlands, and norway. darkness of the lungs, among the male population i rank second among all the oncological diseases that exist. male population, tumors of the oropharynx
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and pharynx, oral cavity, in 30% of cases these patients die within a year, that is, 70% of them come to us in advanced stages, and returning to vapes, vapes are chemicals, especially formaldehyde, which contained in this chemical, they have been proven to have a harmful effect on the human body and on the diseases that i spoke about. the damage that bitterns cause to the body is the last thing people think about. availability tips the scales lack of smell means you can be unnoticed, and imaginary safety. work with young people in this direction should be comprehensive. every educational institution, no doubt, i am deeply convinced that every educational institution, including ours, without exception, carries out great preventive work. this is the work of the class teachers, these are the classroom hours, these are the conversations, this is the work of teachers, social workers, pedagogues, psychologists do a lot of work. we would not have achieved a good
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result in our institution specifically, if we worked in isolation from healthcare institutions, where, without parental attention, according to a school psychologist , such newfangled trends are especially attractive for fifth- and sixth-grade students, and this is the age when it is important not to miss out. the task of us parents is to involve our children so that they have an interest, are passionate about something, do something, and not just do it.
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the united states, again using a suitable occasion for causing destruction: elections. overthrow the government, install a puppet government and plunder the country in the interests of democracy. the white house's political style in implementing coups d'etat has already been thoroughly studied, and its characteristic style cannot be confused with anything else. venezuela has traditionally used the electoral period to stir up protest sentiments. national presidential elections were held in the country. nicolas madura, he received more than 51% of the vote, ahead of the opposition candidate, former diplomat edmund gonzalez, who had just over 44%. the opposition did not accept defeat and took its supporters into the streets. in the usa they immediately announced that nicholas maduro must concede victory. details in the screenshot section.
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venezuela is a country of beautiful women , political contrasts, and also rich oil fields, and this is perhaps the main curse of the bollevarian republic. in the united states, they have long considered their reserves their own and are making every possible effort to match their desires with opportunities. it’s strange, of course, but venezuelan president nicolas maduro does not share similar views with the inhabitants of the capital. hill, which means, as you guess correctly, he must be removed and replaced with a more accommodating politician. juan guaido is rightfully considered the brightest american flash on this path. in 2019, the cunning graduate of george washington university declared himself the acting president of venezuela, and a much-loved political scientist.
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peaceful, otherwise we ourselves would hardly have guessed, but on the other hand, who are we to
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question the statement of the white house representatives? in the united states they are sincerely surprised that the technologies of the color revolutions have begun to fail. increasingly, people around the world are giving rebuffing coup attempts. as it turns out, sometimes it’s not enough to vote at the polling station; you have to defend your choice before those who are ready to plunge the country into chaos. it seems that everyone except american political strategists has drawn conclusions. in the united states, oppositionist edmund gonzalez was recognized as the winner of the presidential elections.
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last year he announced the desire of the bolivarian republic to become part of the brix. and here's the question: do you believe in coincidences as much as i believe in them? the point is that after just as a month ago the president of bolivia also announced his desire to integrate into brix, an attempt was made to remove him from
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power during a coup d'etat. that feeling when you miss global changes and try to work according to dusty manuals. about the big game. andrey sych in the screenshot section. another boiling point in the middle east. the red flag is raised over the jamkaran mosque. iran demands that israel be punished for the murder of hamas politburo head ismail haniyeh, which took place in tehran. moreover, shortly before the attack, the politician participated in ceremonies. in iran they promise not to leave jewish insolence unanswered; in palestine they call for jihad. however, israel itself did not officially confirm involvement in the attack. tsahal declined to comment on the incident. prime minister netanyahu remained silent. according to
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some reports, he called on government members not to speak publicly about haniya’s death. washington is trying to be baptized; they said they were aware of what happened, but emphasized that the united states did not know. preparations for such an action, which is , of course, hard to believe. in the white house have already promised israel support in matters of its protection, the situation was discussed at an emergency meeting of the un security council. its result: great britain, the united states and france decided to block a press statement proposed by russia condemning the murder of khnia. the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus stated that the refusal of individual members of the security council to support the document assessing this political murder neutralizes the efforts of international mediators to defuse the situation in the middle east. and threatens the region with another round of the most dangerous escalation. the region is now truly like a powder keg, with thousands of protests in many muslim countries. people are chanting anti-israeli and anti-american slogans, burning the flags of these states and demanding revenge.
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the middle east is closer than ever to a major war. troubles in foggy albion. there have been pogroms, riots and clashes with the police for days now. residents of the united kingdom are coming out. on the street after the brutal murder of three girls, which, according to media reports, was committed by a native of rwanda. the southport massacre shocked everyone. a seventeen-year-old teenager attacked the children with a knife during a dance master class. 11 of them were injured, and adults who tried to protect the students were also injured. two girls died on the spot, another in the hospital. demonstrations began in southport and then spread to other british cities. activists. smash cars and trash cans, throw bottles and bricks at law enforcement officers, and tear gas grenades are fired in response. hundreds of activists protest near the residence of the british
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premiere, the clashes there are especially violent, special forces were used to disperse the crowd, more than 100 people were detained, and more than forty law enforcement officers were injured throughout the country. said protesters were taking advantage of the community's grief. in his opinion, the riots are being caused by supporters of the far-right english defense league, and this anti-islamic organization has not existed for 10 years, its former leader stated, the authorities of the united kingdom should have already understood that there are already enough people dissatisfied with the dominance of illegal immigrants throughout great britain. just last weekend there was a rally of thousands demanding the return of the country to the indigenous population. took place in the center of london. the issue of refugees is acute in the united states, but
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democrats do not notice it. there, on the eve of the elections, the battle of hypocrisy and compromising evidence continues. trump and harry are fighting for the white house. it's a long road to washington for scandalous politicians, as kharis lied in her biography, and her blond opponent lied about her income. the struggle of genders and parties, as well as a confusing election system, where there is no smell of democracy. we'll tell you in clear terms. watch on monday.
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no matter who comes to power, it is absolutely clear that this will not make things any easier for us, sanctions, pressure for the country will not go away, we see how political bans are spreading even where this... in principle , there should not be an olympics. our athletes, despite all the limitations, are more than
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worthy for such a small team; they prove in practice that we are worth reckoning with. for the third game in a row, the names of belarusian trampoline players, students of olga vlasova, are heard throughout the world. ivan letvinovich entered the springboard as an olympic champion in tokyo. defending a title is much more difficult than winning it. composure and confidence, that’s what was visible on the face of the belarusian athlete.
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second gold in a row, and for belarus in trampolining this is already the third gold in a row, rio, tokyo, paris.
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this was the first belarusian medal at the games in paris. for the nineteen-year-old athlete , the olympics became the first major international start in her career and... immediately such a stunning success. by the way, the guys are much closer to each other than just colleagues national team. i was more worried than about my jumps, let’s say it’s harder to watch all the time, because you can’t influence it all. of course, i am very pleased that she has silver, since our girls haven’t had a single medal since the olympic games, but this is the first and silver, that is, this is already a level. i understand that all my work is here, all my strength, all my moral state, everything is rejoicing inside, i am very happy, i’m just overwhelmed with emotions right now, i don’t even
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know how to connect it all into one, believe in yourself, everything will work out, right away... they called him mark. happy and extremely motivated, evgeniy simply could not return home without a medal. just look how his family and friends worried about him. zhenya, come on! today with us, he is now gaining, because here he is, here he is, here he is,
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the first medal at the olympics in his career, the second half of the distance is won by the first, evgeniy demonstrated just a phenomenal second part of the distance. i will say one thing that i felt the support of everyone, i know that it’s not me, this is not my victory, our victory for everyone country, and i feel everyone, everyone who was rooting for me, and i want to say that thank you, all my loved ones, everyone who knows me, everyone who supported me. belarusian olympians. we continue to monitor and worry about once again we congratulate our athletes and next up are wrestling,
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kayaking, weightlifting and taekwondo. we are cheering for our people in paris. the justification of the representative of the international olympic committee, mark adams, now sounds especially pitiful. in response to the palestinian complaint, rather than israel's exclusion from the olympic games, he noted: there are from 20 to 30 wars going on in the world, and if we listened to the complaints of all the teams, no one would participate in the games. but our profession is sports. we are moving away from politics. here's a quote. let’s just be silent here to realize how much. deceitful and two-faced, maybe he could. the delights of the olympics must be given due credit; both spectators and athletes have already appreciated them. games, apparently, want to come out on top among the most failed ones, and they succeed. triathletes who took part in the seine swim as part of olympics in paris, i became ill during and after the performance. vomiting, paper beds, lack of proper food, fences, allowing
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transgender people to fight women, all this leaves an indelible mark on the french games. on macron, who is unlikely to be able to clean himself off. however, let's put the points for failures together. the olympics in paris were called the equator, and the french are hardly proud of organizing the games. homeless people still live on the streets of the french capital while the country's government spends millions of euros on a picture of well-being, which they are trying to show to the entire world community on television. everything went wrong at the opening ceremony of the olympics, because of the rain, people left the stands, wet to the skin. the heavenly office was merciless to the organizers, but even more merciless were those who shared their impressions of the ceremony the next day. in the frame we were shown the severed head of marie antoinette, but also. leonard davinci's parody of the last supper, where instead of jesus and his disciples there were a bearded woman and
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men dressed as women. the french episcopate deplored scenes of ridicule and mockery of christians. on sunday it became known that the video with the main moments of the opening ceremony had already disappeared from the mok website and the organization’s youtube channel. a colorful show, like everyone else. we heard that there were some scandals, so on a scale of ten, with 10 being the highest score, we will leave the organizer of the olympiad for the opening ceremony, a maximum of four. even more acutely, the olympics faced the issue of cleaning the river senna, after all, this is where triathletes competed, but apparently it was completely impossible to cope with such a task. yes, the tournament was over, but look at these shots, at least they managed to pass the test with the hay while flying away, but at what cost? after the start, the canadian athlete , to put it mildly, felt sick from the swim he had experienced. according to franz-24, the canadian filed a lawsuit because, according to him, the triathlete was unable
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to achieve a good result due to poor health after a swim in the canopy. the poor guy vomited 10 times after the race ended. adding ambience to all this are the rats in city, sometimes peeking out from the sewers. therefore, for cleaning the hay, and accordingly the conditions. about competitions in this part of paris , we boldly put it no further; the question of organizing a boxing tournament is a separate story, it is also terrible. we are talking about women's boxing, where transgender people continue to win. lin yuiting, who considers herself a woman but failed the gender test, defeated the representative of uzbekistan with a score of 5:0. the girl could not hold back her tears and did not shake her opponent’s hand at the end of the fight, and a little earlier the algerian male athlete birth. defeated the italian, who was forced to stop the fight, fearing for her health. moreover, angelica carini announced her retirement. what is happening now at the olympic games is a disgrace
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of all times, said the president of the international boxing association. umar kremlev promised that the iba will reward both injured athletes for first place at the olympics and will protect every woman in boxing from gender discrimination. both hungary and the organizers here contacted mok for clarification. feel free to put a stake, because the olympics are, first of all, about an honest path to victory. american politician valentina gomez has already spoken out on this matter. these transgender people should have their own category because in the past, if a man beat a woman, he would go to jail. now they give you a gold medal at the olympics for this. these are the worst olympic games in history. and... they didn’t make fun of christianity and women. transport for olympians is another separate topic, because logistics at the main summer start of the four-year anniversary are extremely important, this is understandable primarily for athletes, as
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the water polo players of the greek olympic team moved cars that were interfering with the passage of their buses in paris. the athletes were returning to train in the olympic village, but found themselves blocked by other cars parked on a narrow street. our guy evgeny zolotoy also got into a traffic jam while moving. his bus broke down at his starting point, so the final with his participation was postponed by an entire hour. of course, this influenced the athlete’s mood, fortunately belarus coped with it and brought our country another silver. in general, the transport system in paris is far from ideal, here we give it a maximum of four, then let’s discuss housing. olympic champion in the 100m backstroke, italian thomas ciccone, criticized the living conditions. olympic village, as well as the pool in which athletes compete, they say it is slow. thomas is not alone in this criticism, a number of athletes have voiced complaints not only about the quality
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of food, but also about the slow replenishment of food supplies and food shortages, world record holder in pole vault olympic champion armand duplantis completely refused to live in the olympic village. the second main complaint among athletes is about uncomfortable beds, lefigaro reports. i'm going to lose my back soon - wrote an australian. on the social network there are real cardboard beds, they are very hard - noted track and field athlete whitnity from condivoir, therefore for the comfort of athletes in the olympic village. it’s a stretch to give four, but to whom we belarusians will definitely deservedly give the highest score of 10 points today is olga anatolyevna vlasova, head coach the belarusian trampolining team won two medals out of two possible ones - gold and silver, despite all the sanctions and sticks in the wheel from the international olympic committee, the result is amazing, from now on belarusian ivan letvinovich is the only
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two-time olympic champion on planet earth. is now officially listed as the first service dog. the two-year-old golden retriever hector is just at the start of his obedience training and has only had a few trips so far in his four-legged portfolio. his responsibilities include therapeutic assistance to adults and children who find themselves in difficult life situations, who especially need positive emotions, joy without reason in a furry company. hector's path to the church in the story of olga medved.


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