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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 5, 2024 7:20am-8:00am MSK

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olympic games, winter in beijing, mountains, you freeze very much, because then in these jan zakou it was minus 100-500° celsius, you are frozen, at this time guskova jumps, gets her silver and you stand crying, anechka, smart girl, we are proud you, you, and this is only thanks to the fact that i am an employee of otn, today the products of the bel tv and radio company are not only on television, radio, everywhere, programs created within these walls gain millions of views on the internet, and a huge number of people work every day to make the broadcast real . national the state television and radio company is not just an acronym, it is people. each of us performs our own unique task, because we are a team! further, economic news and tv news agency projects are also available on social networks and. our mobile
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application using the qr code on the screen. have a successful day and see you at exactly 8. the volume of sales of petroleum products in belarus increased by 8%. opening new markets in china and an e-commerce operator will be created in yas. we'll tell you about the most noticeable things in the next few minutes, you're watching economic news. in alina loppo's studio. good morning. the volume of sales of petroleum products in belarus has increased by 8% since the beginning of the year. fuel consumption is growing, as is demand abroad, notes the belneftekhim concern. the products of the petrochemical complex today account for a third of the country's exports. it is known in 145 countries. over the past 30 years of operation , the concern has supplied
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products worth more than $210 billion to foreign markets. belarusian peat plants are opening new markets in china, the beltopaz production association reported after the signing relevant agreement with a chinese industry company. so, it is known that by the end of the year, peat briquette factories will ship a total volume of 4,000 tons to the middle kingdom, and next year they will increase deliveries 10 times. the belarusian country considers this a significant step towards strengthening mutually beneficial cooperation with chinese partners, who have shown increased interest in domestic raw materials. they plan to master the production of automobile paint in lida, as the director of the enterprise said, since this is a new direction for the country, options for joint cooperation with chinese companies that already supply automobile paint to belarusian enterprises are also being explored. we intend to take the first steps in implementing the large-scale project this year. first , it is planned to train specialists, and only after the construction of new production lines. the first ninety-ton belas trucks drove
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onto the road of a large coal mining complex in yakutia. the company's press service reported this. five mining dump trucks and one tractor-tug were delivered to russian company for the extraction and processing of hard coal. the expansion of the vehicle fleet is associated with an increase in volumes, and the advantage of belarusian vehicles, in addition to high performance characteristics, is the presence of a belaz technical support center in yakut, which provides maintenance services for the equipment. trades in currencies. the stock exchange ended with the dollar falling, the russian ruble and the chinese yuan rose in price. so, the following rates have been established: american currency costs 3 rubles 12 kopecks. for 10 u they give 4 rubles 31 kopecks. and for 100 russian rubles 3.61 belarusian over six months, 54,000 agreements were drawn up on loans for national goods; according to the country's largest bank, this product has become popular among the population. residents of the brest, gomel, mogilev regions and minsk take it most actively. under these
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conditions, funds are issued in case of purchasing sets of wooden houses, prefabricated wooden structures and products. today, more than 29 product groups are available under the credit line. funds are issued for 3 years at 4% per annum. and at the end of the issue , the russian federation council approved the ratification protocol on electronic commerce in the eurasian economic. according to the document, products purchased on the internet are classified into a separate category, for which regulatory features will be established. it also provides for the creation of a new institution in the customs sector, an electronic commerce operator. its key functions are accompanying goods purchased on an international internet platform, ensuring logistics, as well as responsibility to customs authorities. this was the economic news, good mood to you and productive weeks, see you.
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the morning broadcast continues with crime news in the studio of zone x. violetta sokolovich. hello. a minsk woman brought a counterfeit hundred-ruble bill to the bank. the cashier determined that the person in front of her was a fake and called the police. afterwards, experts confirmed that the banknote was made using a computer and printed on a color printer. then the police intervened in the matter. it turned out that the woman...
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tags and photographs from the records on the phone were attached to the criminal case. with them, as well as in hiding places on the territory of vitebsk and polosk, employees discovered and seized more than 200 g of a particularly dangerous psychotropic substance (4 sms); they managed to work at the illegal drug shop for no more than 3 weeks. the defendants
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face up to 15 years in prison. telephone scam couriers were detained in bobruisk. an eighty-two-year-old woman believed the story of an accident, the culprit of which was allegedly her daughter. in the hope of saving her from criminal prosecution, the pensioner gave the courier 21 rubles. soon the operatives detained him. twenty-two-year-old me did not find an advertisement about criminal part-time work on the internet and came to bobruisk on instructions from a curator. i arrived in the city of bobruisk, they showed me the point. i arrived at the point and saw an elderly woman. she handed me the money. they told me where to list them. how much did you keep for yourself? 300 belarusian. hid the stolen money in her underwear, a thirty-four-year-old menchan woman is suspected of stealing from a nightclub visitor , when the man went to the dance floor, the guest sat down at someone else’s table and took away the bag, soon the suspect returned the luggage, but it was no longer in it there were thousands of rubles from the smartphone, when
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the visitor discovered the theft, called the police, the detainee was identified from the surveillance camera, the woman admitted to the police that she took the phone, so she wanted to hide the money and hid it downstairs. linen. a series of accidents in the capital, travel to krasny became the cause of an accident with a tram. at the intersection of kolos surganov, the opel driver ignored the traffic light signal, as a result of which the tram rammed the car. and on lenin street, volkswagen, turning left, did not give the right of way to oncoming traffic transport. as a result of a dangerous maneuver , a volvo crashed into the polo, the driver of which was trying to avoid the collision. changing lanes into the adjacent lane softened the blow in both cases . no. two cases of collisions with pedestrians occurred on saturday in minsk. on cosenza street, a thirty-nine-year-old man was crossing the road on a scooter at the pedestrian crossing on krasny and was hit by the wheels of an audi. despite the emergency braking, the attempt to move into the adjacent lane
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could not avoid an accident. the impact sent the man flying upward and breaking the windshield. the victim after being examined by a team of doctors , he refused hospitalization. and on mershnichenko street there is a seventy-one-year-old. while driving through an unregulated crossing, he ran into a twenty-five-year-old girl, why the driver did not notice the pedestrian, the traffic police determined, with injuries, the victim was taken to the hospital. and this is rescue footage from the sharkovshchinsky district. a tractor overturned there. apparently, kirovets’ driver did not notice the end of the field. the car slid into a ditch and overturned. the driver was unable to get out of the cab on his own; the man was removed with the help of emergency rescue equipment. this was news from zone x, stay tuned to belarus-1.
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i'll leave at dawn, i'll come back when i'm ready. the wind is in my will, but i won’t have time to catch it, taiga, yes, kilometers, a star or shining, siberia, who will answer you, if you shout, taiga, yes, kilometers. the star barely shines, who will answer
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you, we follow the sports life of our country, the belarusian trampoline school again shows a high class, airborne forces day, as always spectacularly celebrated in vitebsk, the capital of the belarusian paratroopers, military personnel legendary... from year to year, brigades find something to impress the audience, demonstration performances, orchestra concerts, exhibitions of military equipment and weapons, and also flash mobs. blue berets took to the central street of the city to give the girls flowers and red roses to the accompaniment of a saxophone. such a surprise did not leave the residents of vetebsk indifferent; in response, words of gratitude, wishes for peaceful service and enthusiastic hugs. our next... the news is also about people in uniform. the police of the northern region received young recruits. almost fifty
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graduates of higher educational institutions and the ministry of internal affairs. the lieutenants were presented with their service certificates during a ceremony. after it, young officers will have to perform serious and responsible tasks. work in the criminal investigation department, departments for combating economic crimes, combating cybercrime, drug trafficking and human trafficking. we’ll also tell you about the improvement of vitebsk. it did not end after the forum of regions of belarus and russia. in the northern capital , one of the largest oldest transport arteries - metalworkers bridge. its total length is almost 90 m. 80% of the repair work on the main section has already been completed. all that remains is to install the railing and repair the stairs. concrete and asphalt will be replaced with stronger and more durable ones. it will become modern. from the bridge, which will be decorated with decorative lighting. the facility is scheduled to be commissioned in november. and
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in our story we will tell you about a place of divine beauty. church of the transfiguration in polotsk. for several decades , frescoes from the 19th century have been restored there. works they plan to complete the nine-hundredth anniversary of the salvation of the euphrasine monastery, which the entire orthodox world will celebrate next year. marsh, thank you very much for the good news, pass it on to vitebsk. but while the entrance to the church is closed for believers, which does not make the monastery any less attractive for pilgrims, people come from different parts of the world with cherished requests to st. euphrasinia. now we live in the city of alfinandarin, it is 25 km from amsterdam, i
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brought my children and my husband, we definitely want to pray to our abbess and frosina ask. for peace on earth, of course, and health for everyone, my son was serving next to me, and he broke his arm, i was so excited and came here to pray for him too, lit some candles, everything was fine, his arm healed, so prosina polotskaya helped, but then i myself am a catholic, but i really, really like it here, we came with my family, my son, my husband, we are from ryazan, it’s very beautiful, but you can see that the place is very old, prayed for, it makes an impression, next to the church of the transfiguration there is another construction site, to to mark the 900th anniversary of the monastery, they are planning to build a new refectory in which all the sisters can dine at the same time; now there are one and a half hundred of them here. 5:45 we begin our entire night vigil, but before the hay vigil, when we arrive at the church, at this time mother is already reading an akathist at the mashia of the venerable frassini
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of polotsk, the evening service is long, it ends at 9:00, but the work... the day may not end for the sister; it may smoothly transition into the next day. life in a monastery is not only about prayer. sisters they sing in the choir, conduct excursions, publish books, and work in the garden. on the territory of the monastery there is its own iconography and gold embroidery, candles, bread and prosphora are also of their own production. in fact, they like it here so much, they find themselves right here, right at the foot of the monk ifrosini, they feel. and we know and see that the saint is next to us, gives everything, faith, hope, strengthens, and supports, inspires, she is our life, and breath, everything. there is still a lot to be done for the 900th anniversary of the monastery, but here it is firmly we're sure they'll cope. the history of the temple contains many inspiring examples. we met
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the saint in 1910 on our native land of polotsk, and created her cross in 1997, which means that the restoration of the church of the transfiguration with the help of our heavenly intercessor will be completed on time. big purchases. can i exercise on the day of vaccination? well, in general it is possible, but it is not necessary. like this. why? what is a vaccination? this is the introduction of a foreign substance that causes an increased immune response. after vaccination, you may feel unwell, after vaccination, the immune system works with increased tension, after vaccination the temperature may rise, and in order to prevent the body from layering one stress on another, my opinion is that on the day of vaccination, on the day of vaccination, it is better not to go to training, it is better not to go to
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training , it’s better not to go to the pool, it’s better not to go to the bathhouse, and generally avoid stress. on this day, if this day 24 hours have passed without any pathological reactions to the administration of the vaccine, then from the next day, please exercise as before, a prick reaction, it violates the integrity of the skin for literally a matter of time, as soon as the blood stops flowing, you don’t need to press, you don’t need to smear anything, the blood stops flowing, that’s it, that means everything is fine there. all these fears, they are not based on vaccination, but this, if you remember, is the mantoux or perquet reaction, which was in soviet times, you can’t get it wet, rub it, because it’s not a vaccination, it’s a local allergic reaction, because the skin turns red at the site of tuberculin injection, subcutaneous injection of tuberculin, was assessed
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- the presence, absence of contact with the tuberculosis bacterium, therefore... in vaccination, the local reaction is insofar as, if you see that the injection site is swollen, red, hurts, this indicates that in local allergic reaction is clearly expressed in this place, then you don’t need to rub, you don’t need to smear anything, you don’t need to heat it, because local allergic inflammation occurs there, but if you get... this place doesn’t hurt, doesn’t turn red, doesn’t become inflamed, doesn’t swollen, for the sake of god, please, you can wet and rub , do whatever you want.
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in general, do not miss your chance to show the world your talent, speaking of talent, today , august 5, marks the 180th anniversary of the birth of the great russian artist-itinerant ilya repin, it is especially important to remember this artist, also because our country, the belarusian lands, once then they became... an inspiration for the master’s work, yes, they even said about repin, he was born in russia, and in soul in belarus, but indeed, everyone who has been to the vitebsk region will be able to visit his zdravneva estate
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correlate the landscapes with repen’s paintings. paintings, and scenes, portraits - this is the belarusian period in the work of ilya efimovich. but the most famous is the portrait of sidor shavro, he is called a belarusian and you can see him right now on our screen. this portrait is in the russian museum in st. petersburg, but in july. all minsk residents and guests of the capital could see repin’s masterpiece on the walls of the national art museum in minsk. oh, august 5th is simply a day of legends. today is a big holiday for everyone who loves television, for everyone who makes television, and of course, for those who dream of connecting their lives with television and especially, of course, i would like to congratulate the thousands of people who are working right now at these moments in the main media holding of our country. today, august 5, belti radio company turns three. years, yes, i would like to say hello to all our colleagues who are behind the scenes, because you know, there are really a thousand people, this was not a reservation, not even once, a huge team works on every broadcast,
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everything so that you like it, so that you chose our channels every time, our colleague, nina mazeika, is also working in honor of the holiday, she prepared a special holiday story, pay attention to the screen. seven television buttons, 13 radio stations, a huge audience and an online community, 30 years of broadcasting, as they say, were not in vain, they opened up new opportunities for media of national importance, but let’s not forget that the bel tv and radio company is, first of all, people, your attention, their stories are specially for the holiday broadcast. ivan mikhailovich, what year did you come to company? good question, i think i joined the company in 2007. just six months ago, on the last day of paying utility bills, there were huge queues at these places. i came just at a time when the internet began to conquer the media field a little and
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then there was a lot of talk about how television and radio could survive in completely new conditions due to the advent of the world wide web, and of course there were a variety of forecasts for the death of television and radio, everything will be on the internet until perfect back, but naturally i want to say. in the profession it was as a personal correspondent for the belarusian radio in my hometown of bobruisk, then it turned out that they paid attention, invited me
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to try as a reporter here in minsk, and from a reporter, news presenter, host of the radiofact program, for me it was a very great honor, because the project was very significant, very loud, very bright, noticeable, about belarus: 7 gadzin ranitsy, you are hearing glad facts, you are on the air early on, gukarezhyser natalya kuznyatsova and the aging pavel lazovik. i graduated from the institute of culture, theater directing. and my teacher, lyudmila stepan namatskevich, heard that a broadcasting competition had been announced. she says this: your voice is radio fanatic, you have to go to this competition and you have to win, you’ll pass, an a is guaranteed, you won’t pass, sorry. and i went and passed. it turned out that after the second year i met anatoriy, he was already the director of the belarusian radio at that time, and they simply offered me to lead a column in the program of the soviet army soldiers, there it was just
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it was like good afternoon soldiers,
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big purchases, what meaning do modern canopists put into theirs?
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yes, themselves, and this is the food of god, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul. what unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches? here we have just the holy relics of the martyr vanefate of rome. and boniface is the patron helper of such a sin, which many, many people face, is the sin of drinking wine. this is...
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respect. the skin is stored traditionally. syonnya, god albo stagodze tamu, usyo, what although it was old, it was new. we ourselves do not respect this; we pass on our knowledge and experience directly. geta is our smiler. i wave my hand. and in such a dear manner, from simple, happy moments, sacred traditions are formed. we are trying to save our products. we appreciate it.
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if music lives in your soul, if you dream of seeing the world and want the world to see you, thank you! our generation competition is your chance! we invite talented young performers to apply to participate in the new one. bright international show, applications are accepted on the website of beltelerokpaniya don't miss your chance to become part of something new.
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apply today and discover the world of tomorrow. our generation, forward.
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play and sing, that is, i believe that even then the main song about the homeland was in order to know it, and this is the most important song about the homeland, the anthem of one’s country, so as for whether i have in my repertoire, for example, any others? songs about the homeland, there are very, very many of them, because during the time spent in the orchestra on the stage of my country for 30 years, and so on, a little bit with a tail, i have them, there are a lot of them, but as for this particular song, i decided that it should be exactly in this version, that i should compose it myself, yes i should compose it myself, and they decided this back when arrived,
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and her name is sofia mantsevich and her words are “ my music” and so it all came together, it all turned out into one song, how long it took to work on this composition very quickly, very quickly, within 10 minutes i wrote the music, probably when the right ones come together people, all this is fueled by a certain inspiration, this one of yours long story, when the backstory that you started telling us, everything happens so quickly. natalya, there’s this line: i value you and i’m proud of you, but what exactly do i value? everything, everything that i live here, everything that we have, everything that we have achieved, that we have excellent, wonderful, good, beautiful, clean, wonderful, beautiful people, women,
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men, everything, everything i value and am proud, and you know, now, right now at this time, we need to sing such songs, because times are turbulent, and... young people should know where she lives, what she does, and we artists, at least by doing this we must somehow contribute to the cause of our country, this, by the way, is a very important contribution, and i, by the way, am deeply convinced, but my parents from here, from minsk, mom from orsha, dad from minsk, now we have all come to that small homeland, our ancestors, so to speak, and live outside the city. settled down there, well, i won’t say where, just don’t really give up all the addresses, vitaly, well, it turns out that we are fellow countrymen by parents, we say hello to each of our small homeland, and we are ready to listen to your song about the homeland, we are giving up our
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concert venue to you, yes, well, we will return to you literally in a few minutes immediately after the news block, do not switch, i will hug you with my eyes. dear belarus, these grasses under your feet, lakes of gray sadness, this sky above the forests, these stones by the roads, this haze over the fields, and your father’s threshold, my kind glorious homeland, my white, white russia. mother-in-law of ancient history, i value you and am proud of you,
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my dear, glorious homeland, you are mine, forever forever, and you sound like a melody in my heart, the belarusian side, i will hug you like a mother, i will snuggle up to your meadows and the slender birch trees of... a row of sadness the crust of my crystal spring drinks sapus my homeland dear dear belarus my kind glorious homeland my white white russia in the richest ancient history, i guard you and am proud of you, my dear glorious one. homeland, you are mine,
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forever and ever and sound like a melody in my heart, belarusian effort. i am proud of the richest ancient history, i treasure you and the glorious homeland, my white, white rue, with my sweet, glorious homeland, you are mine forever, forever and you sound like a melody in my heart, russian side, my kind, glorious homeland,
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my white and white, with a rich and ancient history, i admire and cringe at you, my sweet, glorious homeland, you my forever sirta, you sound like a melody in my heart, belarusian side. good morning belarus.
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live news, elizaveta lokotko is with you, good morning! large-scale presidential inspection of land and air. alexander lukashenko spent the end of the week in the south of the country. harvesting and planting.


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