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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 5, 2024 11:00am-11:35am MSK

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everything had to start all over again, the thoughts were just like, what if the plant stops, how to live, how to live a family, how to feed children, it was very difficult for everyone, but still they survived, the people became more optimistic when alexander grigorievich said , that i won’t sell, and this is... the property of the republic, and it must be supported and developed further, if you start from the year ninety-four, then many enterprises not only did not see their strategy there for 5-10 years, they did not see their strategies there for the next year of implementation, the president adopted absolutely correct decisions that only industry can be that.
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a developed sales network not only in russia, but also in many countries abroad, and on all continents, well, except for australia, maybe antarctica, in europe they also know us well , they remember us, people seem to unite, try to work for results, like that a broom, you can break a twig, but you can’t break a whole lot of money, there are about 14 thousand people in one car. labor is involved, but the main thing is to work,
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to love your work, when i get a job at a factory, this was 40 years ago, compared to it became more beautiful, different conditions appeared, new tools appeared, in this place, as there was a conveyor belt, two models of cars were produced, now five or six years into my life the plant has been here, how can you not love it when it came i didn’t even think that i would work so much here, against 90 tons, we never dreamed of putting it on the conveyor, the work of designers, technologists, mechanics, i like, say, the ninety-ton truck 7591, it is both small and not small, here it is, the biggest car in the world is in the book guinness records, this is 75,710, 450 tons, a cool car, when i came to the plant, i didn’t think that drones would appear. at
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the factory, as if other organizations, competitors started there, they did it, it turns out, yes, we love imports because we can earn money, build something new somewhere, well , it’s interesting, nostalgia, i was a very young designer then, nostalgia, so you remember, when all this was done, yes, well, you studied this whole business, this is an iconic car, this is an iconic car. side turn, now this new one the stage has passed since 200, that is , it turns out that we are developing the line of construction machines completely, a machine from the forest molding complex appears in our line, everything was going very hard, but nevertheless we started with one machine, there is already a whole range of them, there were also two handles pieces of models, we have a whole range, plus we add new cars every time, allowing us to expand the product line, why is it necessary to survive? amkador
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began to show rapid growth, probably in the last 5 years, we came to realize the need for deep localization of the entire model range of machines, so if you compare even 2000 and today, then these are already two different companies; if in the composition of the machine of the industrial complex before 2000 we used components from european manufacturers such as naft germany, kesla finland, then today we ... all this has been replaced by actual production and the depth of localization of the most complex high-tech machines, these are harvesters, today it is 90%. our own design bureau, so that you understand, we live in this country in order to make a car for her, yes, you need to understand the mentality, you need to understand the mentality, you need to live here, go to the theater, communicate with people, then a car appears, the most important thing is that you need to raise young people, yes, only those companies that have their own design bureau, yes , they will be...
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energy-rich tractors that roll the earth in one pass, cut a canal, lay grain, apply mineral fertilizer, in one pass 9-12 m of sown area is immediately ready, today we produce more than 100 models, more than seventy configurations, we always said that we are strong in passenger transport, and today we can say that...
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we have one job in mechanical engineering in agricultural machinery, this is at least seven jobs in related industries, we have 150 thousand people, almost a million people work with us in connections, this is the president’s decision in life, what happens.
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you and i should all take care of our health, no matter how old we are, no matter how we feel, and no matter what happens to us, because we must understand that when there is no health, there will be nothing, when you and i talk about whether you are healthy or unhealthy, we first of all rely... on our own feelings, this is very deceptive, even in that situation, if everything is good and wonderful in your life, you will under no circumstances we must not forget about anal basic things: measuring blood pressure, checking the pulse for women, checking the mammary glands and making an annual visit to the doctor for a banal medical examination. my name is oleg rumo, i am a transplant surgeon, director
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of the minsk scientific and practical center of surgery transplantology and hematology, our motto is science, practice, search and innovation. my working day usually starts at 8:00 in the morning, i arrive at work, a certain number of pending matters accumulate that need to be resolved even before everyone starts active work, these are those things that... usually come literally just before starting work, then i, having resolved
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these problematic plans, move on to our work meeting, daily meeting, which begins at 8:30, colleagues, good morning, let's start, at the meeting there are about 20 people present, these are all deputies, the heads of our institution, these are the people who are responsible for key areas, procurement: construction, organization of work, personnel services, infection control, as well as those specialists who cover what is happening and to work with foreign citizens, you and i won’t be able to survive any longer from bariar 3, even if we wanted to, because there is a lot of growth there , but in other aspects we need to become more active, okay?
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which treats patients with penticitis, perforated ulcers, cardiac surgery,
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plastic and reconstructive surgery, as well as a bariatric center, which is the largest in the republic of belarus in which more than 250 operations are performed annually on overweight patients who need this kind of help simply to continue to live. in the republic of belarus, all surgical interventions for citizens of our country after surgical treatment, it is not cheap, it costs several thousand dollars annually. is absolutely free for every citizen of the republic of belarus. how are you feeling? they are preparing you for discharge, but this is just the beginning of the journey. the queue when we talk about, say, liver transplantation, because if a person gets sick and does not live for 3 days, then what kind of queue can we talk about if organ transplantation becomes available at that
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time? and the one who waits will wait further, because he can wait. the situation with the kidney is a little different. so there is a computer program there, it is very transparent, it is very clearly verified, it takes into account all the necessary indicators, i i already said medical and social indicators, because we live in a society and people must clearly see that everything here is fair, honest, and most importantly, there is no way to somehow use this human factor, the computer is still my matchmaker , a boss or, or vice versa, a person... to a working profession, you know, the computer says, you will perform an operation on this and that, well, since the computer says so, you can’t disobey , really, but in the computer they won’t write that he’s there... then a high-ranking person therefore, he needs to have an operation right away, no, no one is going to do an operation for the sake of an operation anyway, it is done only so that a person can live a full life, give birth,
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raise children, make plans for the future and... these are usually rounds, rounds in the transplant department and in the liver surgery department. all over the world there is a procedure for providing assistance. if in this order belarusians are provided with this help, then the question arises: is it possible to help someone else? in belarus there are more than 150 people worth leading waiting for a kidney transplant. every year we
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are able to perform 350 more such operations. a dilemma arises.
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the ninth city clinical hospital is such a landmark institution in the history of the republic of belarus, it was put into operation
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at the very end of the seventy-sixth year, we are now in the exhibition dedicated to it. history of the minsk scientific and practical center for surgery , transplantation, hematology, this history reflects approximately fifty years of experience of our center, here is the first chief physician of this hospital, later a people's doctor republic of belarus, aleksandrovich skachko, all those people who forged the glory of our center, my teacher, the founder of extracorporeal detoxification methods.
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the first liver transplantation in 2008, i performed the first and first successful liver transplantation in the republic of belarus to a young man who had liver cirrhosis , he was 31 years old from mensk at that time, and today our team has almost 1,100 liver transplants, of course far from all my and
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liver and the direction that was developed, for which we then received in 2016 the state prize of the republic of belarus for science and technology, this happened in 10 years, only after this in 2018 the head of state decided to name the ninth city clinical hospital of minsk, the minsk scientific and practical center for surgery and transplantology , hematology. everything that happened, in general, is connected with the name of the president of our country, alexander igorovich lukashenko, during the time when the president got acquainted with scientific projects,
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including ours, and also visited those patients who were being treated within this functional unit of the clinic in the transplant department, he decided to build a new transplant surgery building. over the past 6 years , we have put into operation three new buildings of our hospital, one of them is the economic building, he too it is necessary, it is very important to have a place where we, in general, where we have all the necessary things thanks to which this large, huge clinic functions, and two well-known medical treatment centers throughout the country and maybe even throughout the world building, this is the building of surgery, transplantology. which was put into operation in the twenty-first year, we commissioned the second building on december 29, the twenty-third year, this is the bone marrow and stem cell transplantation building. more than 30 years ago
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, professor us, deputy director of the center for hematology, performed the first bone marrow transplant. this year, in october, we will celebrate our 30th anniversary. at the end of last year, we completed a very important infrastructure project for us - a linear accelerator, which allows the shortest period of time to carry out irradiation
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of the whole body, and this is a very important story, especially for patients with oncohematological diseases who need this kind of procedure. now we are implementing a project to create a bank of bone olografts, this is everything related to cellular technologies,
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only a combination of two things, on the one hand, scientific ideas, scientific research, on the other hand, administrative support for this scientific search allows us to achieve success, on the other hand, a recipe success in scientific there are no studies to date.
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in the republic of belarus, more than 300 kidney transplants are performed annually , with a total number of about 500 operations annually; in our center alone , 170.80 such operations are performed annually. vazhdaru, good afternoon. good afternoon. how are you feeling? great. she came to us a week ago from bulgaria. we further examined her and urgently performed a kidney transplant from a deceased donor. and today the graft function is satisfactory with good laboratory control indicators. therefore, if everything
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is quite stable within two days, we are ready. to thank that famous or unknown person, thanks to whom his life is extended, then the idea arose of creating a monument to the donor, a posthumous donor. the idea is that this angel is hollow inside, hollow, because he gave his organs to someone who needs them, this symbolizes and such a torn line running along the front surface, he also symbolizes the heart, which continues to pulsate, but nevertheless the very fact of donation took place.
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the new building of transplant surgery was opened in september of the twenty-first year, quite quickly, the building was equipped, one might say, with equipment that is the highlight or the heart of any surgical program. we were the pioneers of reperfusion therapy, if earlier in case of cerebrovascular accident . these technologies were used in one and a half to 2% of cases, but now every fourth patient has the opportunity to perform such reperfusion therapy and restore blood flow in the damaged area brain. well, this is where endovascular surgeons work, the most common pathology that patients receive treatment here are patients with acute coronary syndrome, but this is the only
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real chance for... blood flow of the damaged part of the heart muscle, this is done quickly with the help of modern technologies, there is the most modern equipment, concentrated surgical patients and patients who need to perform transplant surgery. availability, things are relative, let's compare how long the average person waits belarusian kidney transplant surgery for the average uk resident,
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let's say, 150, a little more days belarus, more than a thousand days uk resident, belarus is affordable, we are not in the top 25 with the number of operations. and in terms of the level of development of organ donation, the top 10 in the world, for the last 3-5 years, this is a fact, this is how we work, i put those people who are near and dear to me in the place that was the first operating room where the operation was performed liver transplantation, the first kidney and pancreas transplantation iron, in which i also took part, a symbolic place for the whole of belarus. surgery medicine, the first liver transplantation operation, in particular, a gift from one of the patients from moldova, who won a bronze medal at the european,
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kazakh, georgian, and azerbaijani competitions. in general, great life, great work. this is how my working day goes, in about 3 hours , depending on how the operation goes, the operation rarely lasts less than 5-6 hours, waiting for me is approximately this stack of papers, if you take it from here to kilograms, probably 7-8 kilograms, a lot of public affairs, 2016.
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figurative continuation of the conversation that we began with our russian partners in february, they held a large forum, an innovative forum, it was called the medicine of the future, and there we already have our russian partners, certain points of contact have arisen, and i think that literally tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will discuss these issues in detail, our main task is to help the head of state maintain the independence of our country, to make maximum efforts to so that this country...
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also has absolutely all the conditions created, for one month these guys come here with their ideas, dreams, experienced teachers who have such modern walls and super modern facilities...


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