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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 5, 2024 2:05pm-2:41pm MSK

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how cool, right, are you ready? i, of course, so what, how are you, how cool, i want to do it again, travel with the belarus 24 tv channel, they are dedicated to their work, ready to share knowledge, raising a turkey is a long step-by-step process, from a small chick to a large individual it goes approximately 5 months, since turkey is the bird most susceptible to stress, we try to minimize, as much as possible, all negative factors that may further affect our bird. and show one day from your life. fored is rosy - this is the most promising way out for cultivation.
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not only is it the same in quality, in some cases it even surpasses it. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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konstantin konstantinovich rokosovsky, the legendary marshal and twice hero of the soviet union, made an immeasurable contribution to the victory of the soviet army over the fascist occupiers. from august 1941 to july forty-two, rakosovsky was at the head of the sixteenth army, then. commanded the bryansk, don, central, first and second belarusian fronts, took part in the smolensk, moscow, stalingrad and kursk battles. in the grandiose operation bagration, the first belarusian front of rokosovsky defeated the army group, the center of field marshal von busch , together with the troops of general chernyakhovsky, surrounded the minsk cauldron. up to thirty
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enemy divisions. for outstanding services during the belarusian offensive operation, rakosovsky was awarded the title of marshal of the soviet union. at the final stage of the war, rakosovsky's second belarusian front participated in the east pruzian, pameranian and berlin operations. june 24, 1945 marshal. kosovsky commanded the victory barad on moscow's red square. the state security committee of belarus together with the television news agency bel tv and radio companies represent.
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punishment for crimes for which there is no statute of limitations, most of them received a well-deserved punishment, a film from a series without a statute of limitations. punishers of derli vaanker. part two. watch it now. letters addressed to nina dmitrievna romanenko in the city of glukhov, sumy region of ukraine. sender - romanenko-pp. my husband writes from a business trip.
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on december 13, 1960, the investigative department of the kgb opened a criminal case into the atrocities committed during the great patriotic war in the battle of derlewanger. at that time , 21 people from among the members
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of the formation were identified, including pavel romanenko, a former lieutenant of the red army, who was captured in july 1941, and about six months later went to serve the nazis. before they gave their voluntary consent to be enrolled in the ranks of the dzerlvanger brigade, everyone was told about those the advantages that they will have, that is, they will be equated to a soldier of the third reich, a military serviceman, even ss troops, wages, food, they were even promised for the cause of the land upon successful completion of the operation or even at the end. romanenko pavel petrovich lived in the city of glukhov, sumy region, worked as a teacher in one of the secondary schools, and was a member of the cpsu. he was taken to minsk on december 23, 1960, and on december 24 he underwent his first interrogation. he was
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a witness in the case, so he lived in a hotel and every day until december 31, i went for interrogations, wrote in letters to my wife that i was going to work. more than 180 people were killed with his participation. after returning to the hotel , the captain writes to his wife about how hard it is to bear responsibility for what happened 17 years ago. but since he is to blame, he himself will answer. she asks to raise her son the way
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she herself was raised. so what is next? i hope for the best, but these hopes are weak. i want to advise you, dear nina, if something terrible happens to my destiny, don’t get involved. "under no circumstances, do not come for me, even if for my ashes, i am writing this by the way just in case, but i repeat, under no circumstances should any of you come for me, not even lyuba or anyone else, it will be very bad, shameful for your in the future of life, this is probably such a business trip that
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it is difficult to return from it, and on the morning of january 9 at 10:35, while the witness romanenko jumped out of the window of the toilet room on the fourth floor , a gift. individuals from the unit. the case of thirteen punishers from a battalion of poachers has become one of the most notorious in early sixties. all the accused are from the ukrainian company of derlivanger’s team. the company commander is a former red army officer milnichenko. according to the information available in the archival files that we have, this is the same one, i will focus on melnichenko, the commander of this ukrainian company. he was arrested in 1945 in kiev.
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139 people were brought to the trial from all regions of belarus to minsk
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; all of them testified; they survived the inhumane actions to pacify the civilian population carried out by the team’s soldiers derlivanger, miraculously did not burn in the burning villages. when i was a child, i always paid attention to the city bus driver, whose face seemed to be concave inward. when he was 6 years old and the nazis burst into the neighboring village of buddha and killed 52 people there, as he recalls, they went home and shot at everyone they saw, they shot him in the face, he fell and lay unconscious, then they they began to throw lit torches at the houses, he heard a crash, he heard that everything around was burning,
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was married 600 marks a month, plus food rations, and even more so the promise of plundering those settlements that they would destroy. forty-third year was the most active in terms of work for the punitive forces; already on january 6, operation franz began, which took place in the chervinsky, berezensky, pukhovichsky and osipovichsky districts, and was supposed to eliminate the partisans.
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in the chervensky district, in two villages , a red flag hung over the village council, it was a partisan zone, the territory of the razgrum brigade, soviet power operated here, partisans attacked german garrisons, repelled people from being deported to germany, and returned stolen property and food to the population. the ss men laid out an unarmed partisan formation on the civilian population, first of all a cordon, several cordons, and returned.
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made his cash in order to carry out this action of retaliation, and automatically the village fell into the category of partisan sympathizers and, naturally, civilians... defendant stopchenko told how people were exterminated in the village of makovye, chervinsky district. in the village of makovye there was one unfinished house, more than ten people were herded into this house, people were herded into other houses and barns, where they were shot. a large number of people were shot in this village, i shot people, and
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the rest of the defendants did the same. in the village of tadulichi, chervinsky district, people were shot, houses were burned, property was looted. the punisher involved in the case during the investigation admits his atrocities and says: i personally killed, shot a woman, three children, i even say it’s hard, what kind of violence was carried out against women, and collective, there were group executions, and even individual people were killed in front of each other by these...
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they drank more, i don’t know how many people i killed in all that time, i didn’t count, we were together with the germans, i carried out their orders, i took part in battles with partisans, but mostly i destroyed women, children and the elderly. this unit used civilians to clear mines in a certain area, when they carried out punitive operations, the horse was harnessed, the peasants used the harrow and residents of this village. there is a terrible picture ahead , here there are also many such facts, but not just one, i personally testify to several from the documents that are in the files, here is the testimony of one of the testifying punitive officers of 14 people who were in the chain,
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only six remained, from chervensky the battalion was redeployed to starobin . district, today this is the territory of the soligorsk district, the punitive operation hornung began. the goal is to eliminate the korzh partisan formation. punishers came to korzh’s homeland in the village of khorostovo for a religious holiday, meeting since 6 am, about 300 people, local residents and residents of nearby villages gathered for the service. nearby was the rector of the temple, ion loika, his wife, daughters-in-law, and grandchildren. the nazis brought out several people; as it turned out later, in order to drive the stolen code to the station, they surrounded the church with straw and set it on fire. for a long time , chants could be heard from the burning temple. derlivanger often carried out executions on religious holidays. christmas, candlemas and easter, his profile
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indicated that he was a believer. so in this way, apparently, his faith was manifested. from that day on, they organized fire marches every day, burned villages, shot civilians, thousands of people, unarmed, children, old people and women, since there were no men, it means the village was bandit, the woman was lying on the bed, sick, she did not walk, a fascist was attacking her , then get up, she says, i can’t,
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but most likely it was a latvian, so he killed her, about six bullets in...
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in the starobinsky or modern soligorsk region, dozens of settlements were destroyed , the villages of ikhutor, old and new velichkovichi burned more than 350 people,
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zabrodya - over 200, kapatsevichi - almost 430. so the execution of the citizens of this village began, a teenager there was 12-13 years old in the eyes of this punisher.
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the parents could not look their neighbors in the eyes, and they were afraid of the partisans, but the house remained here and the mother of the punisher periodically came to augustovo, suspecting nothing,
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she came on the day of the tragedy, and became one of the twenty-two victims. at the same time, her son, as part of another company of the derlivanger unit, participated in another punitive operation against the partisans in belovezhskaya pushcha. there was a security service in lagoisk. the gendarmerie, the commandant's office, but all of them were in one way or another subordinate to derlivanger. his influence and the patronage of berger, the head of the ss main department , did their job. in addition, logoisk policemen, the belarusian samokhova, which was formed from local collaborators, became part of derlivanger’s team. city park of lagoisk in the forties administrative center. at first it was soviet, in the former estate of tyshkevich and was located by the district party committee, the district committee of komsomol. police and other government agencies, and after the occupation, the nazis placed the administration and police garrisons of the prison in a two-story building, and here in march of '43 he arrived
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and... the rank and file of the battalion was placed opposite in the building of the former count's stables. the structure remains today. at this time , a second battalion appeared in the ss formation and the unit was officially called the derlewanger ss sonder regiment. there were about 2.0 people, 400 of whom were germans. residents of logoisk talked about the time when the gerlivanger battalion was based there, a tall, thin man, skurashka, with a skull.
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if something, in their opinion, suspicious happened or they met a person who seemed dangerous, reprisals immediately took place. near the village of avgustova, just a few kilometers from lagoisk, partisans fired at a car in which policemen and germans were traveling, a special ss unit came to take revenge, and civilians had to answer for the murder of the invaders. the babite family, a husband and wife, came out to meet the punisher, who had a little granddaughter in their arms, the head of the family was carrying an icon. i was thinking of stopping this way the nazis did not work out, the bobitskys became the first victims in the village of augustova. and decades later, surviving residents told the court that after the tragedy the babitskys lay in a pool of blood, next to an icon in their own blood. at the end of august forty-three , melnichenko’s ukrainian platoon switched from derlivanger to partisans, they fought until the liberation of belarus, then many liberated europe,
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they had.
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burning houses, well, so that, probably, the methodical actions of the nazis, children were beaten against the corner, thrown into not hearing the scream, where and how the hero died soviet union marat kazei. morat kazei walked slightly in the other direction, he actually had grenades with him, and a real cordon and pursuit was organized behind him. watch the final part of the film "derlivanger's punishers". belarus is a fucking nonsense. blakite racks and azers. nekranutaya priroda, hell yakoy nemagchyma
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adarvats vachey. and yes, belarus is this people, we are covering their forest for you, carrying traditional heat, and at the same time we change our views on extraordinary speeches, and we work this light like a magician.
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there is already such serious preparation, so to speak, what is mercy? this is probably the food that we will always need ourselves, and this is the food of god, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul. what unique shrines are kept in belarusian churches? here we have just the holy relics of the martyr vanefatius of rome, and boniface is the patron assistant - like this...
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this is an educated nation that still reads a lot, this kindness, it is so, i don’t know, so deep, so sincere, this it’s impossible not to notice, this is the second time since i came specifically to belarus, to be honest, after i arrived, i entered, i fell in love with this country, a wonderful country, my parents were very pleased, the project is a look at belarus, i really like it. and the attitude towards people, and how the state treats people, how enterprises treat people, even some social payments, this is all, you know how wonderful, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel. in the western
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direction, there is a systematic build-up of nato coalition forces . at the moment only 10 multinational combat tactical groups with a total number of over 11 thousand people have been deployed on the territory of poland and the baltic countries. everything would be fine, but recently our border guards and military have intercepted dozens of, one might say, reconnaissance means, especially drones, already on our territory, these drones are already transferring centners of the most modern explosives, special exercises have begun together with the people's liberation army of china, before that, we , together with the people's republic of china, were friends, and today, excuse us...
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routes, it’s hard to believe, but once upon a time there were ancient forests on this land, we are in tolochin, welcome, and we are setting off on an exciting journey. extensive trade was carried out, lavender oil and rose oil were brought to friends, in this stone iconostasis, which is meant for belarus, not just a whole historical era, but a piece of the soul of each parishioner. local families donated money for some icons, and for others. to show how extraordinary and wonderful our country is. the poet wrote 17 poems here, which were included in two cycles: old belarus and place, and two poems: veronica in the village. only in 1871
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a temple grew on this site, later consecrated in honor of the intercession of the blessed virgin mary. ancient iconostasis and rare icons. st. nicholas, protection of the blessed virgin mary. she has been protecting the city from various things for many years. watch the program “cities of belarus on” on the belarus24 tv channel. the people who work here love and value their work, as well as the product they produce. we have a wonderful strength gap in production, we don’t stand still, we are constantly developing and implementing.


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