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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 5, 2024 10:05pm-11:05pm MSK

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major economic centers such as the united states, when small states were worried that chicago, new york and dallas would absorb their independence at the federal level, thanks to the elections. biden will break his leg, there is a feeling that such confusion is absolutely intentional, the electorate does not understand and puts ticks for the face on the screen. and whether donald trump will fulfill his promises or kamala harris his threats, we will find out only in january twenty-fifth, when sleepy joe will finally be asked from the white house. it will no longer be possible to save ordinary biden in politics, so entertain the public is in for a renewed duet of dancers with western democracy. happy.
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1994, a turning point in the history of belarus. the young republic is going through difficult times: factories have stopped, unemployment, rampant crime, a little more, and the country would have collapsed into the abyss of complete economic ruin. immediately after the first presidential elections in the republic of belarus, the country's leader decided to create a security council. the corresponding decree was signed by alexander on august 5, 1994,
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the state secretariat of the new body headed by viktor vladimirovich sheiman. a year later, the first concept of national security of sovereign belarus was developed and adopted. the first composition of state security consisted of seven people. solbes worked around the clock during that period, the deputies spent the night in their offices in turns.
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dangers of the union of belarus and russia. the two states established close economic and military-technical cooperation. in 2000 , ural ramdrakovich latypov became the state secretary of the security council. an updated concept of national security appeared security. with the completion of the first stage of the reform of the armed forces, the head of state approved the concept of the development of the armed forces. until 2010,
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the program for completing the reform of the armed forces for 2001-2005, the plan for their development until 2006. on september 12, 2001 , gennady nikolaevich nevyglas headed the state secretariat of the security council. during this period, it was possible to significantly expand international radio cooperation in the area of ​​security. in december. 2001 , impetus was given to work in this area during meetings of the committee of secretaries of the security councils of the states participating in the collective security treaty. the latest challenges and threats became the essence of the meetings of the secretaries of the security councils in the format of the so-called slavic four, a new form of searching for effective ways to ensure regional and international security. the four included belarus, russia. events, perhaps these,
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which we are now witnessing, would not have appeared at all in our neighbor, or , well, somehow they would have passed more smoothly, because contact then was complete, mutual understanding, complete and the most important feature is that the heads of the secretariats, who were constantly included in this meeting, they had a direct connection, access to the president of the country, to their chairmen of the security council, which made it possible to resolve very, very many issues. in 2006, viktor vladimirovich sheiman again took up the post of state secretary of the security council. during this period, much attention was paid to the border troops, which were. reorganized into bodies border service. a session of the csto collective security council chaired by alexander grigoryevich lukashenko was held in minsk. the large-scale exercise of the shield union of 2006 was, in fact, the first maneuvers of the regional
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group of troops created by belarus and russia. cooperation in combating crime and terrorism was actively developing. this is the time. many principles of work and international cooperation of security agencies are being re-evaluated. with nato's expansion to the east, it is becoming obvious that a new treaty is needed. european security, in which the place and role of belarus should be clarified. during the second stage, being a state of the security council, much time had to be devoted to the military security of the state, the economic security of the state, the information security of the state and even. these tasks were effectively solved in 2008, when the state secretariat of the security council was headed by yuri viktorovich
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zhadobin. the results of the complex operational exercise autumn 2008 showed that the regional group of troops of belarus and russia is acting as a well-oiled mechanism. all necessary conditions have been created to increase the reliability of the protection of the western borders of the union state. of course, this was largely facilitated by the rearmament of the air force and air defense forces, as a full-fledged branch of the armed forces, special operations forces were involved in the exercises. the entire range of tasks for conducting operations of the regional group of troops was worked out at the next large-scale belarusian-russian maneuvers zapad-2009. for the first time , all law enforcement agencies, without exception, took part in such exercises belarus. following the exercise, the state secretariat adjusted the main directions of coordination and interaction of all subjects of the national
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security system. efforts to maintain stability in society were not in vain, and this was fully demonstrated by the elections of the president of the republic of belarus and subsequent events on... the situation in the state, despite attempts to destabilize it, was stable, national security was ensured in full and, i would say, effectively, this was conditioned, naturally, by support, unconditional support of the course.
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what were spheres of national security, became eight spheres of national security, the president at a meeting of the security council demanded that demographic security be singled out as a separate sphere, we proposed to consider it in the social sphere, time has shown that the president was absolutely right: we see demographic security not only in our country, but in all countries, it is now relevant. a serious challenge has become. investigation of the terrorist attack on april 11, 2011, it took only 2 days to solve the crime in the metro. a comprehensive analysis of the causes and conditions of the terrorist attack served as the basis for the formation of the investigative committee, and subsequently the state
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forensic committee. real independence of the investigator was required, ensuring an impartial and objective investigation of criminal cases. the head of state did not allow the slightest concessions or trifles, no transition periods, when creating the investigative committee. from 1 january 12, the investigative committee is the only body. preliminary investigation in the country. the investigative committee must take a worthy place in the system of bodies to ensure national security, corresponding to its status. as time has shown, these seemingly insignificant factors allowed for the successful development and viability of the then new agency. and today , many worthy sons and daughters of belarus, who have chosen justice as their profession, are joining the ranks of the investigative committee. one from large-scale checks of the combat readiness of the armed forces, the state secretariat
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of the security council began on the direct instructions of the president in january 2014. at that time, the state secretariat was already headed by alexander veniamovich mizhuev. the coup d'etat in 2014, which took place in ukraine, forced us to make plans to adjust the security agencies in matters of ensuring national security, first of all, this was connected with the southern borders of our border, a huge amount of work was done on combat arrangement, fortification equipment of the state border with ukraine, first of all, the service on the border was strengthened, in a short time the morz border detachment was formed, changes were made to the law on the state border, the second important task was the preparation of the organization of the 2014 world hockey championship. the country hosted a sporting event of such a scale for the first time,
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we approached this issue in a very organized manner, all the guests of the world championship noted the good organization of the events, the stands were filled, by the way, the chairman of the international ice hockey federation noted that this was the highest filled championship. in 2014, the president of belarus approved the country's defense plan for the next 5 years. the document was signed in the context of growing nato activity at our borders, the west's adoption of a strategy of indirect action, as well as the ongoing conflict in ukraine, where the potential for hatred and the export of a color revolution was accumulating. on july 1, 2015, the post of state secretary of the council stanislav vasilyevich zas was appointed as the head of security. a fundamentally new military doctrine was developed in the military sphere. great importance was given to the organization of international cooperation,
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and interaction with china in the security sphere received a new impetus. large-scale exercises zapad-2017 once again confirmed the high level of combat training, coherence and high professional skills of the armed forces of belarus and russia. our country is consistently improving anti-terrorist legislation. in 2016 the first combat launches of the belarusian high-precision multiple launch rocket system polonez took place. the launches took place across the territory of seven districts. everyone was worried, i’ll tell you more , no one slept the last night, neither at the launch sites, nor at the training ground, in the tent camp, nor in the hotel of the nearest district center. well, the launches were successful. and after a short time, an hour or an hour and a half.
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despite a massive, well -prepared attempt at a coup by the west,
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belarus survived. a significant role the state secretariat of the security council played a role in countering new biological threats in the context of the fight against coronavirus. in september 2020 , valery pavlovich vakulchik was appointed to the post of state secretary of the security council of belarus. in the context of. ongoing attempts to destabilize the situation in belarus from the outside, to exert political and economic pressure, the security council paid special attention to maintaining stability in the country. maintaining law and order, promptly responding to external threats. the head of state set a clear task: to mobilize the power bloc to defend the fatherland. it should be noted that the decisive role in fulfilling this task was played by the president himself, not limiting himself to the work of only the operational-institutional headquarters, the situation in the most acute
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areas, he discussed and clarified the tasks directly with the heads of departments and their subordinates on the ground, in fact, in all senses, the head of state was at the forefront, this was the main factor in ensuring stability in the country, on the instructions of the president of the country, the state secretariat of the security council monitored the condition of weapons, military and special equipment during combat duty for air defense, comprehensive checks of combat and mobilization readiness, daily activities, as well as during the performance of tasks for their intended purpose. great importance was attached to the readiness of border protection units to operate in difficult conditions. to this end, in october 2020, the commission of the state secretariat of the council security conducted an inspection of the maneuver group of the pinsk border
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detachment. the interaction of the republic of belarus within the framework of the organization of the treaty on collective security of the special services of the union state was strengthened. on january 26, 2021 , alexander grigorievich volfovich was appointed to the post of state secretary of the security council. the main attention during this period was paid to ensuring the country's defense capability, coordinating the actions of state bodies to prevent destabilization of the situation in the country, and issues of international cooperation to strengthen. security, create conditions for the safe development of the union state. the recent belarusian-russian exercise zapad-2021 became an important stage in strengthening regional security. under the leadership of the state secretary of the security council, a number of surprise inspections of the combat readiness of military units of the armed
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forces were carried out, as well as a check of the system for responding to acts of terrorism. in 2023, the eleventh separate mechanized brigade of the western operational command, a domestic information and analytical system for monitoring the internet was developed and put into operation, designed to improve the efficiency of the security agencies. cooperation was actively strengthened within the framework of the csto, cis, shanghai cooperation organization and brics. with the active participation of the state secretariat of the security council , a concept for a national system of biological security was developed, a completely new law for belarus on the people's militia was adopted, measures have been taken to prepare a new version of the national security concept of the republic of belarus and a new military doctrine.
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in april 2024, the updated national security concept and military doctrine were approved for the first time by the all-belarusian people's assembly, which emphasizes their popular character. the employees of the state secretariat of the security council are always at the forefront of the fight against the threats of today and tomorrow. each of them is, in a sense, a military leader, a diplomat, and an anti-crisis director. these specialists must calculate with accounting precision the impact of economic collapse. on the military-political situation, foresee modern risks and challenges in all areas of national security and do everything possible to prevent them from developing into threats to our country. it is not surprising that many of those who served in the state secretariat of the security council hold key positions dangers
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of military-technical cooperation, then the organization of the collective security treaty was created, then it was... every year, representatives of the state secretariat attend events held within the framework of the republican new year charity campaign for children in children's boarding schools, rehabilitation centers, hospitals. the sports team of the state secretariat successfully performs at the minsk ski track competition. every spring
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, employees of all departments with their families participate in republican clean-up days, working at various facilities of the national economy, transferring the money earned to charitable needs, the republican shares week of the forest. these days we celebrate the thirtieth anniversary.
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coordinated work of all subjects of the national security system, under the leadership of our president, the chairman of the security council. today we work in one team under his leadership, because time has chosen us today. the development and prosperity of any nation depends on many factors. they are of an internal external nature. when your state is open, the planet is stormy from the diverging waves, it is difficult to hide. but history teaches, if you do not prepare for defense, you will lose country. the main coordinating body of the national security system
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of belarus is relatively young, but all its 30 years have shown that the republic can rely on it in difficult times. people serve here for whom the defining characteristic is the desire to ensure the reliable development of a strong nation. peaceful work of compatriots and the future of belarus. when you are in nature, it seems that the world has plunged into silence, all the sounds of vanity have disappeared,
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only the song of the wind specially caresses the ear, so that you look around and understand what is around you silence. whenever possible, go to nature, go to forests, fields, rivers and lakes, breathe fresh air, admire the clear sky, listen to the birds singing, the rustle of leaves, smile at the sun. enjoy, notice this beauty around,
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in harmony with nature. belarus 24. hello, time obliges to keep your finger on the pulse, so we traditionally begin with the military-political situation. so, what is our border? near it there are 10 battle tactical groups of nato countries, with a total number of more than 20 thousand people, of which six american. at the beginning of the year, the alliance conducted over 200 exercises involving about 350. grouping or
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some rotation of force of means is carried out, but this does not mean that we relax and do not pay attention to this, one thing is reassuring, that in principle all these actions are quite predictable, what they are in general, in order to understand these battalions and tactical groups and what they do there, these battalions and tactical groups are the advanced formations on the basis of which the deployment of brigades is carried out, that is, in essence we see these are large groups of force means that can be deployed on these data their character is non-defensive offensive, and what offensive character can there be? defensive character, when you look at the same americans, who, for example, the americans and nato, today conduct a whole series of operations or missions, as they say, for example, atlantic resolve, this is the united states, conduct a constant rotation of force means, and at the same time they say that they do not violate such a once adopted pact or act, or rather such an act russia-nato, which was signed at the time by boris yeltsin and javier salana, where it was stated that nato
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will not be deployed on a permanent basis in new territories, especially in the territories of the eastern part of the bloc. basically, divisions, these are mechanized divisions from the third corps of the us army, and look at those that are circling around us, in the eighteenth airborne corps, that is, these are the same formations that participated in iraq, yes, in absolutely all.
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read and it becomes clear what about ours neighbors, so we give them an unprecedented visa-free regime for neighbors and for everyone else, they are giving us nato under our noses, once again we are super without visas, and they forbid us cars with belarusian license plates, there are huge queues at checkpoints in latvia and lithuania, that's what it is and... why is that? well, i would say, after all, in continuation of what andrei petrovich said, we need to remember that with the americans it's not that simple, because all the projects that you named were exclusively initiated at the national level, by our neighbors, so the americans want come here, in fact, in 2018 ford trump was offered, but for some reason they did not come, and today we see that the baltic countries and poland are holding the americans and germans, by the
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way, for...
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sets up: we are interested in joining the integration processes in this area, remember that at the beginning of july we became a full member of the mission, quickly entered this new status, and therefore we have good prospects in brics, that is, we will manage, if necessary, without western neighbors, bad, not good, not to be friends with neighbors, but since this is the situation, we will survive, why don't they use the situation to ease tensions in our region?
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this is the whole country, not belovezhskaya pushcha and not the territory up to minsk, come and see all our places, and minsk, and bykhov, and rechitsa, and small towns, look, this is how we live, this is the simplest means of struggle in the conditions of an information war. kirillovich, the fact is that even today in europe there is such a unique situation, when practically all european elites, well, essentially lost their legitimacy, that is, they act against the interests of their own people, this gap is more and more observed, but this is the american system of governance, this is a deal with the elites at the expense of their own people, that is, the elites will be fine, excuse me, the people understand this, we often talk about this, how they actually use them, no one asks them, they begin, and they will not be asked, they
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begin to feel, yes, they begin to sense, yes, that is, the deep people also always exist, as do the deep states, as long as this is recorded in sociological issues, it is clear that all this is brewing, and opening without visas, that is , opening the border for... the people before opening access, this is an absolutely precise and correct move, which allows, in fact, to spur, stimulate these processes, because in general the european elites will remain unfriendly to us, there is nothing to quarrel about with the people , that is, these are completely different things, and the more there are such grassroots contacts, which in general will allow us to actually nullify propaganda, nullify...
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exploited by european politicians, their own population, it suffers, the decisions that are made, even with this border, it hits the people themselves, moreover, they distort information, that is, they either close information from us, from russia, which is going, in parallel , demonizing us, we can say that rick krieger is a kind of product of this kind of brainwashing that happened in the west, when on the one hand they are wound up, on the other hand, when they get into a real problematic situation.
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we are talking about this terrorist in reality we must understand that this is not a product of the last 10 or 20 years of work of german propaganda or nato propaganda, this is a product, probably, of the last 400 years of work of capitalism in europe, which formed such loners, they broke all the connections that were inside.
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themselves in order to prepare, come and commit such actions, these are people of a special psychotype, disposition, preparation, therefore of course there is a certain game, it cannot but be, but i do not think that this is such repentance, it can really be perceived by us in its entirety. i think that let's try to compare two events, visa-free travel and rick krieger, yes, it seems like such. instruction, look, our state has learned to act from
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the point of view of soft power, what used to be the prerogative of the west, i say this for a reason , look, this visa-free travel, which we, well , what is a people, a people, it is not subjective, yes, because there are still some governments that do not elect, those who governs these nations and so on, but this message with these visa-free travel and soft power, this is not a message for the west at all, this is a message for the global south, for the east, and then... who is really to blame for this conflict within our states, between eastern and western europe, even the softest power is starting to act today in relation to rick krieger, yes, this is a man who committed a crime, and the most serious crimes, connected with terrorist acts, he was a terrorist, especially since the world has gone crazy, yes, then there are representatives of the red cross, even if they are ex-representatives of the red cross, who commit terrorist acts, and the peace fund pays for the introduction of wars, yes, some kind of war, that is, well, as it were.
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they call them criminals, that is , it is really a paradox, and look, germany has been in business for almost a month, here rick krieger himself says that no one needed him except his family, he was convicted for a month, and after that only... germany, after this was reflected in the media, suddenly began to stir, and even stirred at the level of olaf scholz, who is repeatedly asked such uncomfortable questions, it goes without saying that soft power works, and the president pardoned a german citizen yesterday, pardoned, please, we are meeting him halfway, look, look the whole world, we are not bloodthirsty, yes, those 500 euros of yours that you talked about are not important for us, the fact that he caused damage there... 500 euros, these are all the little things in life, the question is not about
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that at all, the question is about people's lives, what is 500 euros, well, a person should be executed for that, and what squeezed crocus 2:0 in the end, it's like these conversations like the story with trump, when they say that his ear was scratched, imagine that he turned 2 mm to the side, and this is a completely different picture of the world, just like here, let's imagine that there was a passenger train, and we would discuss this story completely differently now and further.
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did not lead to the death of people, well and not only there, as far as i know, the court charged him with, not only these offenses, so i ask you, you inform me, uh, before than i will make a decision on this issue, for us rick krieger is now absolutely harmless, we have neutralized him. we have shown the whole world, this is how we work, our anti-terrorist groups, our special forces work, please look, now the ball is in germany's court, look, please take, take your citizen, we are ready to exchange, we are ready to meet halfway, then comes the game of politicians, that is, the special services have done their job, now the game of politicians begins
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, then what remains is for olaf scholz, then, what remains is for the german leadership not to take away their citizen, well, you know, this may find its... may find an appropriate response to influence in the future, including the elections, the rating of the same and the same parties that put forward their leadership, so then comes the question, even if they take away the terrorist, then whether to put him in a german prison or release him, here what happens is that germany is helping its terrorists, yes, let him be a citizen, but he committed a real terrorist attack, which is proven, which was assigned, assigned the highest. the highest measure of punishment, here its head the highest degree of danger and sentenced to the state forgave, returned to germany, but please, play, it will be interesting to see how the game will develop further, what i am talking about is that we have learned to play on this in the conditions of the war, which olga igoryevna spoke about, that in these conditions we began to play with soft power, and
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this game is primarily aimed at not so much whitewashing us, but to discredit the leadership that is trying to isolate our state. plus a very awkward question from german society: how many germans are in the sbo zone, yes, in fact, mountains have come from there, in general they are already present in quite a significant number, that is , no matter how you look at it, but these are awkward questions that awaken german society and force it to ask those questions
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that the german authorities today have no answer to, that is, in this regard, we saw from the behavior of the german embassy how unnecessary all this was for them, yes, that is, here... what is called, that they calculated the situation perfectly, that where there is a thorn in the side, there is a wedge, in this regard they hoped that all this would pass, in general, all the responsibility would not be on them, and they would generally be on the sidelines, then they would be able to accuse minsk of acting quite harshly, as usual, that everything that was said about the dictatorship is true, but it turns out, that is, it would be more profitable for them to have a sentence brought, of course, of course, of course, they would then say that in fact there was no terrorist attack, all this happened. questions they turned out to be, very unpleasant questions to which they have no answer. let's
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discuss another unexpected confession with you now, or rather, even more than one. i'm sure you follow our evening broadcasts and interviews, through which igor tur and his interlocutor reveal the dark essence of the fugitives. i'm not exaggerating here, you should hear it all for yourself and decide. the former head of the regional branch of the opposition party, a long-time... girlfriend of statkevich, says a lot, spoke about the merciless political struggle, money and terror, here is just one of the fragments, we had one very interesting person in the office, he came, he lived there krashkevich, he tried to create drones, but i call it that, that it is a drone, it is not clear what was there, he called it a drone, it flew for him in order to...
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that is, this is probably a classic form of training reconnaissance and sabotage groups, which are in elite hotels, they
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stay there and think, this is great, yes, no, they are kept on the border, yes, they are purposefully trained to be sabotage groups suicide bombers, including those being trained, and with the hope that they will fight against their own people, the scheme is clear, the most important thing is that for... he knows more, yes, and what kind of breed is this, you say, traitors, they really left here, but they are constantly sorting things out there, dividing up money, snitching
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on each other to all possible special services, where they can get through, they snitch there, what kind of people are normal typical behavior for those whose main motive is material, that is, they fight for each other for access to american funds, european ones. why? because they are not ready to work, that is , they will not go to some european plant, stand at the machine and make volkswagen, right, but they want a lot of money, and for the sake of this big money in a short period of time, they are ready to commit such illegal actions, naturally, they are all, since they are ready to fight against their people, then naturally they are ready to fight with each other for access to big money. that's all, andrei petrovich, you again, here i am i appeal to your military component, your job, like us, brought up on these films
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to defend our homeland, and you are raising a new generation of soldiers, when you hear such stories, what train of thought comes to you at that moment, well, look, what train of thought, well, first of all, she didn’t say anything new, because general tertel laid everything out on the shelves, everything became clear to us, but here is a very interesting fact, yes, about the fact that all these people worked for the state security department, yeah. the state security department of lithuania, in that including madame tishkevich, yes, it was repeatedly called, of course, everything else was recruited, but i think our military counterintelligence will figure out what's what, i'm filming a shayapa in front of igor tur, in general a very interesting interview, very informative in many aspects, after it, frankly speaking, i even want to wash myself a little, yes, because well, that's the dirt in which our citizens got there today and who, into whom they turned, you understand, but they were preparing to become the elite of our society to govern our state? so here you are look, yes, these drones flew, but look what was planned here, not to drag explosives, but essentially their own
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elements of weapons of mass destruction, that is , for...
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these idlers and disperse, because there are no belarusians, and the money is allocated somewhere, where it is allocated and how it is sawed, we all heard during this program. that's why i say, the plot is very interesting, very well chosen, we are waiting for the continuation, i think that this sheds light on many, many things in 25, which year we have been waiting for precisely in terms of that these are elections of our president, we must clearly understand who we are electing, why we are electing, in what conditions this is happening, if we do something about this, yes, there is, i would say that in this case we are observing what is commonly called the foucault effect, he somehow
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researched the beginning of modernism, he discovered that... so it turns out that the diplomacy of values, it turns out that there are simply no values ​​at all, this is more, a more obvious demonstration that this is just a facade for idiots who should fall for it, then a serious conversation begins outside the scenery, and a tough conversation,
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without any, in general, illusions, in fact , complete dirt, in general, we learn a lot about how, in fact , the special services work on the other side, yes, that is, we see that there are no ethical structures in fact, and this is a very alarming bell, yes, because usually always, and any special service still proceeds from some kind of ethical vision of the situation, its own understanding of good and evil, because otherwise it is very difficult to be on in this place, from that side there is no such understanding, this is just annihilation.
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a show in which famous people answer tricky questions of the younger generation. i really love to sing and dream of becoming a famous artist. could you conduct a mini-audition for me now to assess my chances? well, come on, sing something. there beyond the dawns, beyond the fogs in the silence of the forests of the fields. wonderful. and, it would be interesting to know if there is any.
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immediately began to sing, watch the project 100 questions to an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel. we continue, in the elections in venezuela, nicolas madura wins. president of the bolivariana republic of venezuela, candidate. the opposition is predictable, it does not agree to dispute the protests, but after the failure of the american
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gaido project in front of the whole world, their indignation does not sound so convincing, however, the rivals will not give up the fight, madura has not only internal, but external ones. the eccentric president of argentina miley, even before the announcement of the first results of the vote, said that he would not recognize the victory. they cannot hide their irritation in the state department usa. mr. blinken has already managed to state that washington is seriously concerned that the announced result does not reflect the will or voice of the venezuelan people. it is surprising how boldly an american official, whose people are hardly happy with the state of the owner of the white house and the squabbles of the election race, talks about the will of another people. but that is different for them. however, the world is changing and the voice is pro-washington. "the people of your country supported the course of building a modern and
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independent state in which the people can independently determine their own destiny. olga igorevna, why is it so difficult for venezuelans to determine their own destiny, why does washington want to, i put the word in quotes , help the venezuelan people, using all its resources, including its own:


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