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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 5, 2024 11:05pm-12:00am MSK

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of the solsk people. it is surprising how boldly an american official, whose people are hardly happy with the state of the owner of the white house and the squabbles of the election race, talks about the will of another people. but that is different for them. however, the world is changing, and the voice of the pro-washington forces sounds muffled against the background of congratulations that maduro has received from the leaders of countries such as russia and china. alexander lukashenko congratulated him with the following words: "the people of your country supported the course."
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we will see in venezuela what is hidden under the word concerned, yes, that is what they mean today the americans are worried in a word, here is a step has already followed, therefore the conclusion.
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venezuela for... up to now big money for holding velvet revolutions, changing political power, here, but for them, pay attention, all these technologies of velvet revolutions constantly fail lately, fail in connection with what is going on, here at the very beginning of the program we correctly noted, there is an awakening of the masses, an understanding of what the united states of america is. they do not bring democracy, they do not
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freedom, they bring pro-generalization, exploitation, destruction of the people, yes, and as a result, naturally, the masses, being a living organism, choose the leader who will protect them, so they choose him, yes they understand that the other leaders are artificially created opponents, oppositionists, who in reality will not pursue any interests of their people. do you agree that there will be no new guaido and that the stake will now be made on precisely the power projects to overthrow, stakes will be made on sanctions for strangulation economic, financial, trade, logistics venezuela, and it is not excluded the use of various terrorist operations, some terrorist attacks on the territory of venezuela, we see all these technologies in our country. i asked about guaido
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not because i am so interested in what is happening in venezuela, of course it is interesting, but everyone understands perfectly well how the americans export coups d'etat all over the world. if suddenly something new happens somewhere, say, in venezuela, we perfectly understand the state of its place twenty-fifth year, that something similar can be tried to be introduced into our component, hence the conclusion that it is unlikely that anyone will shake the legitimacy of a new figure there, but for the creation of extremistan, so extremistan is a tyranny of chance, this is the technology they are using now against russia, all these uav strikes, visits by terrorist groups. committing terrorist attacks , including in moscow, this is all the use of this tyranny of chance, that is, when the control system does not know what will happen tomorrow, then it is impossible predicting, you can't plan, they developed this technology somewhere in the 2000s, pumped it up in ukraine back in
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2014, now they will actively use it, venezuela, the velvet revolution did not work out, so they will definitely...
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venezuela is the largest oil deposits in the world, in light of the funnel of instability
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that is expanding in the middle east, and everything there can collapse into a very big war, the states vitally need access to cheap oil, that is, in this regard, they will strive to demolish.
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states, so venezuela, of course, will be shaken for quite a long time, because the second step, well, i didn’t have time to do it, it ’s arranged in time anyway, you know, we don’t have much time left, andrei petrovich, i understand that you could also say about venezuela, but if you allow me, i ’ll ask you the next question, and it, it
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intersects with this in some places, it consists of two points, when alexei just said that the united states of america essentially supplies the world, this is not only... racial communism does not attract anyone, but it is precisely what we export, that's how i described it, all this fell on the global discussion that is now being built around the olympics in paris, the opening ceremony, and so, let's remember this moment of the opening of the thirty-third olympic games in paris, or as the german businessman put it, the closing ceremony of humanity, a disgusting parody of the last supper, millions of viewers saw. instead of christ a bearded woman, instead of the apostles in the lgbt crowd, extreme disrespect for
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christians, ion maska spoke out, well , the indignation of millions of people around the world was best expressed, as it seems to us, by the representative of the russian orthodox church, vakhtang kepshidze, he said this, one can only regret that in the center of europe a counterculture of atheism has grown up, parodying christianity in much the same way as a monkey parodies a person, as a result, in the official... they don't just choose a person and a political force, they choose something more, and the reaction to the olympics in paris
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is another confirmation of this, well, in general if you look at the world as a whole, you can understand that literally in 24, at the beginning of 25, there is such a political regrouping of forces, that is, this is happening in europe, in america, and it is happening practically all over the world, in various ways, like in america , there, using m... appropriate means, they can try to remove a candidate, there are some other elements that we see with you in venezuela, and i think that the issues related specifically to the color revolution, they are already a thing of the past, this is a tool unipolar world, and the unipolar world, i think, will soon become a thing of the past, polycentricity will come, centers of power have already appeared that are capable of fighting this, people today want to choose this stability, but stability is unlikely to happen. the states, they will not give up. in the case of
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venezuela, look at how cautious even blinken's speech was on this matter, about how they are very concerned, that they want to see this transparency, look at how britain says practically nothing at all, because what about the goyana from sekiba, the question is like this, you can light a match for everything, including.
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peru, ecuador, they don't play any role there now and chile, they don't even play, they are recalling their diplomats now and recalling them, they will teach them a lesson, believe me, the first ones who will now look for opportunities to interact with venezuela will be these states, look how this same current head of state of peru came to power on exactly the same wave , everything went very thin there, but the west supported, it will act today just as actively the united states only because of oil? no, i'm sure not, why? of course it can't be ruled out, but my personal point of view, no, it has global problems in ukraine, today this main nerve in taiwan is about to be pulled in the near future, and what 's happening today in the middle east, not tanyahku, but today it became known that ismail haniyeh was killed, yes...
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as a global player, a global player, so in his thirty points he remembered all the regions except latin america, they don't have any views on this yet latin america, so...
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all the others, let's sum up some, maybe the results of this conversation, it comes to us one way or another, we also have a very busy electoral cycle, behind us is the single voting day, it went great, it's a good test of maturity that our society has passed, even look at venezuela, how low the turnout is, and we have a high level of trust in the government, the level of participation in building a civil society, ahead of us of course is the twenty-fifth presidential election, here we are we are talking about what humanity is voting for today, here we are...
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we have continuity, stress resistance, because we are a border state from time immemorial, and what formula can we derive, yes, i think the simplest one: we must love our homeland, we must take care of our family, because we support traditional values ​​and honor the memory of our ancestors. the most difficult thing in this is what to put into love for the homeland, how to explain this phrase? and i also think that it is simple: to be in grief, in joy with your country. good words. andiya petrovich. well , i completely agree with olga igorevna about what she said. and i also want to continue, what do people in the world choose in general and what do belarus choose? yes, by and large, i can say for sure that they do not choose. they do not choose such advisory councils and those people who are trying to impose something on
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our state today. this is already 100%. this has already been proven at all levels. here. the second thing is that, really, i would like to draw attention to the fact that our people have values ​​that are connected, of course, with the family, that's what olga irievna was talking about, this is the most important aspect, so that there is peace in the family, there is peace. secondly, also, which is important, and what we saw with you at this opening of the french olympics, although i am sure that most did not watch, except for these terrible scenes that are shown today, these are precisely traditional values, we saw that we do not fall under these traditional values ​​and what we did.
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or these are elections, when there is your own the state, which is a fair arbiter, which ensures the existence of the family, ensures the existence of society, because for the first and second states it is vital that they exist so that the state itself can be, can exist, can be effective, that is , the choice between being a subject, as in the case of the state, or being an object, and here this polarization, it is returning to the opening of the olympics, it... the level of tension is growing in our region and all over the world, why is it growing? because in reality, the old ones will naturally
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look for points of application of their forces, creation of conflicts, and we definitely fall into their orbit of interests, therefore, in order for us not to slide into some negative scenario, and not to go into velvet revolutions.
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we talk about the most fascinating things from the world of science. and as always, science comes to the aid of man, because it is science that has given us special means for protection from sun rays. a pharmacist from the usa and a chemist from switzerland, who invented the first sunscreen. we share interesting facts, ask the most exciting questions, and look for answers. what is better? again, i'm sure you'll say that everything is individual, but there are probably some,
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let's say, basics, the basics. the basics are that our skin still needs both protection and hydration, but in any case, the components must be hydrating. we are talking about unique membranes that are in filters. we have two rather interesting directions. the song is caught, it can change everything, ale yana are not fallen, you don’t know the smoke
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of spring, the farm is clear, only this will not be an hour, it will be an eternal life, as it is, bright words in the native language, a monthly strain on the grass, and smell the life. great fox, you, kamu aychyny pain balіts, there is joy, there is a song, there is a song, and there is life.
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friends, we have a fifteen-minute readiness, we will soon be near sachs, please warn all the guests of the toastmaster and will you hold the parking spaces? let’s hold on, varvara, andrevna, well done, then we’ll work at a pace, because we were delayed because of the photo shoot, accepted, i will have at least one perfectly organized wedding, maybe your own, are you not thinking about getting married? no, thanks. i would like to marry these two, well, you are just a shoemaker without shoes, you arrange personal happiness for others, there is not enough for your time, everyone has their own concept of happiness, for
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me it is definitely not in marriage. and children, i do not want yet either, how old are you? are you having a boy? yes, how did you guess, and your belly sticks out like a cucumber? wow, and i did not even know that you can judge by the shape of your belly determine. what is your term, and i am not pregnant yet, i have problems with the female part, i have been going to nikolai ivanovich for a year now, i am being treated, i am taking medications, but so far it does not help, well, that's okay, for now, my husband and i also did not succeed, everyone said incompatibility, he nikolai ivanovich immediately determined that the hormonal background, we balanced it out for a year and a half, so now yes, everything will work out for you, it would be good, now i will find out the results of the latest tests.
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i will keep my fingers crossed for you, thank you, doctor veselov on 11, please come in, and what what happened, a traffic jam, what's wrong, huh? where did the traffic jam come from, it's sunday, we can't get stuck here, they won't register us, yes, they're bad with late arrivals, yes, what should we do, get in the cars, i 'll think of something now, well, what's there, so, eight growing follicles, the ratio of active and connective tissue is one to one, can i put it in normal language, is everything bad there again?
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get dressed, please, why is everything bad? everything is fine, according to the tests and the ultrasound. congratulations , anna, the therapy gave a good result. can i get pregnant? i have no obstacles i don't see, is your body completely ready, judging by the tests, are you ovulating right now? yes, that's right. well, my advice to you is, don't waste your time. thank you, doctor, great, so, guys, can you drive? yes, we have those. well, that's it, then only i have a shoe, what size is it, thirty-seven, let 's change it, let's help, thank you, so, well , let's remember the way to the prison, of course, that's it, then forward to a happy future, thank you, let's go, thank you, give way, so friends, let's catch up with the young ones, who don't know how, we'll teach him now, let me try, i love two-wheeled transport, come on...
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vladik, are you home? vladik, hi, hi, what are you doing, are you working again, poor thing, no, i don't work anymore, the company was closed today, how can that be, well, crisis, competition, oh well, i'm already looking for a new place, i hope i'll take it quickly, of course i will, you're the best, i have news that
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will cheer you up. got a job somewhere, that would be much, by the way, better, i'm absolutely healthy, vlad, you and i will have a child, we can start conceiving him right now, wait, wait, maybe now is not the best time, very good, i'm ovulating, i sat on a chair today after being pregnant, and i also have a horoscope, i don't believe in omens or horoscopes, and i'm busy looking for a job right now, well, listen, i'm not a robot to switch over like that, maybe later, maybe you just don't... want a child, no, i want a child, but for love, not on schedule, don't you love me, i love you, well that's a different matter, and your work can wait, come on, come on, come on, we would like to have your varvara, well
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varvara andreevna. oh, well actually we have a branch in ulyanovsk, so i know, but they don’t do private events, they have corporate parties, presentations. i would like the best wedding for my daughter, at any price, a good idea, and you know that varvara is from ulyanovsk, she knows the city well, no, seriously, varya, come to me, so, good afternoon, hello, varya, i remember you wanted to go to your small homeland, to see your sister. well, let’s go with the songs? are you kidding? do i look like a joker? we have a good order, yeah, but in ulyanovsk they don't do private events yet? the key word is yet, gather a team, train, let's go,
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everything will be fine, barbara guarantees. amazing people of our country, over time i realized that i was so carried away by this, so much so that i didn't see any other paths, only jewelry, we grew 700 tulips, the next year we grew 17, i was shocked, i was so scared, but... they say that courage takes the city, their calling is to bring enlightenment and spiritual development, you strive always to the highest, to achieve even more, and there
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is no limit to perfection in this profession, in my opinion, the one who wants to achieve something , who really wants to work, has the opportunity to work and achieve, the belarus project, as an ouknitsa, will respond, and in general you need to do good, you only have one life, watch the belarus 24 tv channel, mom, buy me jeans like these, what are you talking about, they look like a torn rag, like... to burn, mom, well, aunt varya would definitely appreciate it, take a photo and send it to her, okay, well, what's there to argue about, aunt varya will like it anyway, she cool, yeah, yeah, varya, by the time she gets to us, those jeans will be like shorts, that won't be cool at all, by the way,
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that's why she's calling, let's say hello, hi, hi, varya, varya, hi to the family, hi, you're easy, reminder, we need your authoritative opinion about torn rags, i'll send you a photo now, listen, maybe i... maybe i'd better see tomorrow that you 're coming to visit us, what about your work? well, that's what it is for work, then one thing doesn't interfere with the other, are you leaving already? yeah, i'll come tomorrow, come on, wait, okay, we're waiting, hurray, the answer came, a refusal. the staff is already filled, don't worry, everything will be great, but i feel that everything worked out, i think we'll have a son and we 'll be so happy, i'll write him poems,
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and we'll publish them, the first line has already been written, here are your favorite toys, books, bunnies, rattles, i think this isn't a very good idea, why, because we're all yours... published at our own expense, that's a lot of money, i 'm not ready to pay for your hobby, hobby, hobby now, so that's how you feel about my work, i didn't mean that, but before, well don't be offended, i want you to find a normal job and help the family too, you want a child, right? "am i the only one who wants one, kids, you're home, mom, i brought you some money here so she can go for a walk, i'll go for a walk myself.
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in 300 m turn right, in 200 m, the end of the route. have you arrived? aunt varya, aunt varya, mishka, styopka, how have you grown? so, gifts, gifts! hello sister, this is for you, oh, hello, beautiful, so
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this is for liza, and where is liza? oh, and liza went to the movies with her friends, yeah, i get it, take this, so, and what should i tell aunt varya? thank you, thank you, yes, so, i understand, i made a mistake with the presents, yes, tomorrow we will buy new ones, i want a video card, fine, and i want a dock, well , aren't you ashamed, auntie has already helped us, i won't go broke, i beg you, let's go, go out. oh, forgive me, the shoe creaks so much here, no one can fix it, there is no man in the house, i'm waiting for mishka when he grows up, and daddy, what daddy, his head is really bad, he hasn't shown up for 3 years, doesn't call, doesn't take an interest, just don't bring this topic up in front of the children, okay, fine, come in, listen, look, how much willing to work in our branch. and you and i haven't seen each other for almost half a year, dashka,
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forgive me, listen, everything is very tasty, uh-huh, oh, look at these people, this is vlad, semenov, yours, he's gotten so handsome, he used to be so plucked, a handsome man, yeah, yeah, you always said, i have good taste. i wonder what he did here before me, sometimes a man gets married, they have families, children, marital status is not indicated at the banquet, dash, please give me the iron, why do you need an iron, the dress in the suitcase is wrinkled, the dress, uh-huh, yeah, that's serious.
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so young man, so we're taking the furniture to the second floor, 203, okay, okay, to the second, hello, hello, and i'm at an interview, and you, and i 'm opening a new branch, expanding the branch, right? i arrived yesterday, can you imagine, today is already the first client, i've been conducting interviews since 7:00 in the morning, it seems, i've assembled a pretty good team, already, yeah, and so, so you're a potential boss, well yeah, unexpectedly, they make pretty coffee here in the park, let's go, at least tell me about yourself, let's go. your coffee,
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thank you for being okay, your dress is beautiful, yeah, you used to only go to jeans? tell me, did you, did you specifically choose this place, because it's special, a little, don't you remember, well, we kissed here for the first time, you don't remember anything, we kissed over there.
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they took it down 3 years ago, well, tell me, you'll bring the rest of the documents later, yeah, okay, so, friends, yeah, i hope you're all ready for battle, because right now we 're about to meet our first. this is not my wedding, this is their wedding, this is my daughter, alyosha, so, her fiancé, yeah, alyosha, yeah, uh, actually, we have simple requirements, we would like the wedding to be bright, for it to be spectacular, yeah, so that the press would definitely want to write about it, and i would
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like to promote my company a little, dad, but in general it's my wedding, i 'm not alyosha, i'm alena, yours, yours, yours. absolutely yours, here's another thing, i invited the wedding of fairly famous people and representatives of the city administration , including, so here's the question in connection with this week, so that the themed event would somehow be brought to the history of the city, something you can, maybe it would be interesting, we should probably wait, no, there is little time, there is little time, we will not wait, i understand you, in that case, i suggest we have a brainstorming session, now my team will offer you ideas and we will choose the one that you like the most, then we will take it as the concept of your wedding, yes, yes, great, i will leave you for 5 minutes, we need to bring the documents to the accounting department, okay, friends, let's turn on the creativity, please.
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"barvara andreevna, to me? svetlana, here are the passports of the new employees, you will issue up to end of the working day, okay? yes, of course, thank you. you can put up a tent on the crown, with a beautiful view of the volga, yeah, all the strollers will gather! ". "it would be better to have a photo shoot on the crown, and then a walk, and then a restaurant with a beautiful view, and i would suggest a country equestrian club, the groom on a white horse, and interesting, you seem to have said that you wanted to connect the theme with the history of the city, then you can really hold a wedding on
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the river bank, in the old russian style, bread, salt, knights, maidens, beauties, the city of simbirsk, 1670, remember, oh, how, who doesn't remember him? stepan razin, his army besieged the city, we can reconstruct this siege, and the guests can either take part or become spectators at their choice, by the way, you look a bit like a wall, i'm alena, what happened, well, why should everything be the way he decided, i just don't understand, it's my wedding, right? you calm down, he just doesn't even want to listen to me. alena, tell me, do you have any specific suggestions of your own? well, not like make me something with daddy's money, here's yours, well, of course i do, then so you suggest that i embody
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the image of stepan razin, hello, why not, how are you here, great, we have thought of everything, we will besiege the building and fight with swords. everything in the old russian style, well, with all due respect, but this is a rather brutal idea for such a romantic holiday as with you, and as i understand it, alyoshka has already worked on you, yes, with her principles, princesses, all that, i asked, remember, i have an idea, i listened carefully to your daughter's wishes and i suggest arranging a wedding in the style of pushkin's fairy tales, moreover, that pushkin visited simbirsk in 833. here is our bride will be the swan princess, the groom, prince gvidon, the site, what are you, buyan island, dad, well i really like it, well please, i beg you, let's do as they suggested, i beg you, thank you, in that case vlad is in charge, because he has the most contacts in this city,
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and you will help, okay, okay, vlad is delayed at his new job, that they took him, of course they took him, well god willing, god willing, today we will celebrate in an intimate environment, i bought lace underwear, you'd better buy him something to eat, mom, well, forever, oh, i need to put flowers, but these are not flowers, this is romance, today i have the highest chances to get pregnant. by the way, are you going home? well , i definitely won't hold candelabra for you. i fried cutlets there, and you'll cook the pasta yourself, mother never listens, alone. i have romance on my mind, that's it, i won't interfere, bye-bye,
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the day that went down in our history, belarus became a full member of the sco, the documents were signed at the summit. nuclear technologies and production with world brands in key industrial areas, and in many ways this is a bet on
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russia, with the strength of relations tested by time. the longest belarusian antarctic expedition in history has ended, it lasted 8 months, the polar explorers made two inland expeditions, during which they studied the kanavalova mountain range and discovered an unexplored area of ​​36,000 km, it is quite possible that sensational discoveries await us in the coming years, the zone of scientific interest was marked with markers symbols of belarus. news, analytics, expert comments and interesting facts. watch the events program on thursdays on the belarus 24 tv channel . until tomorrow, until tomorrow, well, i told you, i'll be home soon, that's it, bye, home, listen,
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maybe we'll see what contacts i have there, well, what else do we need, i'll find out about my brother tutaholik, well, no, let's go home, vlad. and why didn't you say before that you had a family, children? oh, yes, no children, almost no family either, i understand, well, why do you live together, well, you left, i was left alone, i tried to forget you, i went head over heels into work, met anya, she wrote poetry. i didn't even notice how anya and her mother dragged me into the registry office, well, i thought,
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i'll get used to it, i'll fall in love, and what about your personal life, holidays, wedding, festivals 7 days a week, no, not really, i really like my job and i hope you do too and... eternal life won't stop you from fulfilling your immediate duties, ugh, congratulations, vladik, wow, you decorated everything so well, i like it, like in a movie, you haven't seen the bedroom yet, it's so cozy, go ahead and have a look, wait, you've never shown so much imagination, passion, yeah, i've also
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cooked dinner, cutlets with pasta, myself, yeah, i'm your wife, and a wife should take care of her husband, we'll be very happy together, we're our baby. hi, oh, varya, you're sitting down just in time, we're going to have dinner now, yeah, just give me some advice on the local attractions, and you 're a muscovite now, yeah, yeah, what does that have to do with it, it's just that a lot has changed in the city and, oh yeah, that's for sure, yeah, the embankment, look how beautiful it's become, you're s... tell me, did vlad come? yes, he did. so what, what, how is he? deeply married.
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it's a pity, i was already dreaming that you would meet love. anesthesia, get married, have a child, you won't go to moscow at all. dasha, well , all this is not for me. vlad, he's suffocating from his wife. your husband left you with three children, and you can barely cope. well, you know, uh, i have 60 children in the kindergarten, and another 15 subordinates, all on me. i somehow cope just fine. uh-huh. what happened? mom, it was an accident. lisa, please clean up, throw it away or is it dear, like a memory, throw it away, of course, you see, i can't handle the flower, and you say, kids, you know what, why throw it away, it's a good flower, we'll revive it and replant it, good morning, vladik, i've cooked some porridge,
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oatmeal, sit down and eat for now. "apparently i'm the odd one out here, excuse me, i need to go, varya, hi, hi, and what are you doing here, i came to see a lawyer about family law,
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forgive me for being tactless, and..." is everything so serious? i wanted to consult about the division of property. i 'm leaving the apartment to anya and her mother, so as not to divide anything, their don't see anymore. it's clear that everything is so bad. no, on the contrary, everything is good, freedom. do you understand me? well, yes. and why are you here? and i, the documents of our office. hello. i hope everything will work out for you. with a manager like you? of course, please, thank you, but you can't count on me too much, because i will help you with trainings, with your first client, and then my deputy will stay here, yes, i called the site, there are two excellent parking hotels on the embankment, we can go, and i know a team of reenactors from kazan, they have a lot of experience and their own props, you just need to discuss the conditions,
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i can solve the issue with costumes, just in the samara theater. the production of tsar saltan has ended and the costume can be rented, just clarify the sizes, super, i suggest combining classical wedding traditions with the motives of pushkin's fairy tale, well, for example, a quest on the map of buyan island, you can, a great idea, the kidnapping of the swan princess by an evil kite, yeah, yeah, ransom her for golden shells, great.


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