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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 6, 2024 8:15am-8:50am MSK

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duties. the money had to be insured, declared, and a duty paid for its transfer. as a result of all the manipulations, the victim transferred about 60 rubles, after which the curators stopped communicating. a criminal case has been opened on the fact of fraud. the issue will continue with a review of criminal and emergency incidents. alexander kamovich will tell you about the latest news. three workers of an agricultural enterprise decided to take a ride drunk on a combine harvester, one of them died. investigators are investigating the criminal case. according to the investigative committee, on july 29, one of enterprises of nesvezhsky district two tractor drivers and a mechanic were dismantling a decommissioned combine. towards lunchtime it started to rain and they decided to drive to the administrative building. two of them were in the cabin, the mechanic was on the combine ramp in violation of safety regulations. the man did not hold on. the investigative
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committee department opened a criminal case against the thirty-seventh employee of the organization under part one of article 144 - causing death by negligence of the criminal code of the republic of belarus. the investigation of the criminal case is ongoing. particular attention will be paid. investigative committee, the man was cultivating the land on his summer cottage, at some point his wife heard strange sounds from the garden, the incident occurred in the afternoon of august 3, according to the data , she ran out into the street and saw that her husband was driving a cultivator to the fence, the man died from the injuries he received. it has been preliminarily established that the cultivator had technical faults. all
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the circumstances of the incident will be established by the mogilev land survey department investigative committee during the investigation. chereshchur emotional act brought the teenager to the police. a resident of the district contacted the zavodskoye rvd of the capital in her apartment on the first floor unknown persons broke the window. criminal investigation officers established that the culprit was a fourteen-year-old schoolboy . the boy confessed to everything and explained that he threw the book at the window of the menchanka resident because of an insult. the day before, the owner of the apartment made a remark when they were playing noisily with friends in the yard, now the police will talk to the teenager and his comrades, in addition, you will have to answer for hooliganism before the law. an employee of a construction company decided to rob his own organization, now he is a defendant in a criminal case, it all started with the fact that the director of the office contacted the police, a welding machine, a grinder and a hammer drill worth more than 400 rubles went missing from a construction trailer. soon after, the ugro officers detained the thief, it turned out to be an employee of the enterprise, who
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was transferred to another site, but he still had the key to the trailer, which is what the man decided use, i will add stolen tools, he sold it for half the price. a resident of soligorsk found 400 rubles criminal, the police said that a resident of the district center noticed someone else's wallet on the terrace of a cafe and took it for herself. her identity was quickly established by video camera recordings, the wallet was returned to its rightful owner, and the woman will have to answer for committing theft to reimburse 380 rubles that she managed to spend. shampoos, conditioners, tools and other goods were tried to be illegally transferred from lithuania to our country. thus the carrier wanted to save on customs duties. the renault truck was sent from the border for inspection at the tlc. when checking the cargo with information in the documents, it was established that shower gels, liquid soap, shampoos and hair conditioners, manicure tools, a total of about 12,000 units, with a total value of more than 250 thousand rubles, were transported
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illegally; for failure to declare, the grodno regional customs office initiated an administrative process against the lithuanian carrier in accordance with part one of article 155 of the code of administrative offenses offenses of the republic of belarus. according to the sanction of the article, he will have to pay a fine of up to 30% of the value of the subject of the administrative offense. he was distracted by the navigator and collided with a bus. the incident occurred the day before in minsk on the street. as reported by the state traffic safety inspectorate, the hyundai driver was distracted by his phone and drove into a traffic light. after that, he collided with an oncoming bus mass. a passenger of the taxi was injured in the accident. road guards are establishing all the circumstances. this was the "zone x" project. don't miss our evening broadcast on belarus-1 in 18:15. take care of yourself and have a nice day.
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good morning belarus. once again, the best
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morning, the whole strategy is wished by maryana marenkova, olga venskaya , the famous psychologist-mediator alla komarovskaya joins our company. alla, good morning, good morning, good morning! where to put this comma, absolutely right, today you will learn how praise is connected with self-esteem, unconditional love comparisons, why along with safety it is very important to receive emotional closeness unconditional love of a parent, approval from a parent in a different way, yes, so that he would be praised, why, because then the child understands that... such and such i am without comparing with someone
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else saying that the neighbor's son has a better memory and this is probably typical only for parents i now remember the words of one of my good friends who told me only parents will love us, no matter what, such and such, such and such as we are, yes, yes, and it is important for parents to remember this, because often parents think that oh, let others praise my child, otherwise he will become arrogant, yes, that's it here lies a dangerous path, why, because there is no one more important for a small child than mom and dad, when mom and dad do not praise, do not see, do not notice, leave it for others, then the child can develop, more precisely, such a deficit of this approval will form, he will look for it in all sorts of people, it will constantly not be enough for him, he will try to please, he will try to monitor the moods of others, as if you know, consider himself
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responsible for being good and for me to receive this approval, therefore comparisons are also harmful for those who are praised and compared with, that is, and... who and by whom and who is praised who is not praised enough you can give such phrases - peculiar figgers and which we often say as parents, sometimes even unconsciously, and at the same time we cause psychological trauma, it turns out, of course, this most often happens in the family, in the kindergarten, in the school, where there is a team or where - children are sublings, especially when there is a small age difference between children, when they say: your brother studies better, he is better at math it turns out, well, this is not the worst thing, that 's when they say, like... masha, yes, my eldest, this one, she is, of course, a good girl, well, well, it's not like, well, you know, in a family there are always those who are not lagging behind, yes, there are such phrases, yes, or they say that you are like your father, meaning lazy, bad, yes, or you are like your
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mother, such a very slippery slope, then you also treat men, if your father is humiliated, for example, to men , including yourself, that is, when they tell you that your dad or mom is bad in something, you do not you accept one. and not his abilities, not his talents and manifestations of his behavior in a specific. narcissists - maryana has narcissists for herself, no, narcissists are wonderful people, doroshiny who
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work with this, the question is that you need to praise for specific abilities, your behavior, your skills, what you have learned, you are not great, but you are great at drawing, look how great you have chosen colors, how great you are at choosing clothes, or do you understand hairstyles, makeup, that is, what specifically, and not just that i'm a good boy, or immediately says: well... nice, or next time try to do this and that, but i didn't finish, because when a person is compared with someone
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and they don't praise him enough, yes, he learns something , guilt and shame wave at him from the side, that i don't measure up, i'm a little bit not, and i need to be like my older brother, classmate, neighbor, why, because they praise them, but they don't praise me enough, and i want, i forget about my desires, about my characteristics, i don't think about it at all. and for me it it is necessary, and i am generally interested in this, and i try to be like that person who is praised and who, it seems to me, is given more attention and love, alla, then the whole life passes by this unnecessary competition, of course, and you know, as it happens, a person goes into the wrong profession, for example, and then they admit after a while, actually i wanted to be an artist, but you know, in order to please my mother, i was forced to become an economist, or for example, when there are two children in the family , a boy and a girl, the boy plays hockey, and the girl, for example, her there in i dance. but she sees that more attention is paid to the boy, to her brother, more
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praise is given to his merits, they are proud of him, she says, so i also want to play hockey, not because she wants to, but she wants the approval of love, okay, how to explain correctly that you don’t need to play hockey, do your dancing, for this you need to see what makes your child different, see and praise him for his differences, and say, for example, the child can see, oh, i can’t play hockey, i can’t draw, math solve, and the parent tells him: but you have talents in other things, you communicate well, of course, you notice what makes a person different, a child is different, you don’t need to be like someone, i love you because you are you, i’m glad that you, that is, praise the child not only for some achievements, but simply because you have him, and tell him this, try every day, i’m so glad that i have you, that you appeared in the light, or for some abilities or behavior in a specific situation. how great you managed to solve the problem, it was difficult, but you didn’t give up or
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didn’t give up, you succeeded in everything because of some talents, that you have an ability , some talents for this, for example, for dancing, you don’t need mathematics and you don’t need to be good at everything, that’s true girls, but how to maintain this balance so as not to raise a child who has no authority at all, the issue here is not about authority, but here you don’t need, first of all, to praise a child based on age, you don’t need to say 18 years old. “god, how cool that you put away the toys in your room, yes, praise according to age, yes, i finally waited for this, and according to age, first, second - this is to praise not only when the child is obedient, convenient, when he did as you like, for which you praise the child, then it becomes his value, if you want your child to be able to defend his personal boundaries, ask for a promotion at work, declare his talents, i can, i know how, praise him when he shows this character. "i am very glad that you have your own opinion, i am great, for example, that you can defend your boundaries, great, well,
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for example, in this situation, you need to do it this way and that way, you see, when you start praising the child when he resists in insignificant moments for you, yes, then he will be calmer when you ask him to do something, well, when he does not want to, that is, the case when you still need to be on time, yes, and this begins with small things, with the possibility of choice, when you respect the child. this was alla komarovskaya with her rubric topical mediator psychologist, we are waiting for you next week, really the conversation turned out to be very interesting, you know, it's one thing to bring a person into this world, and another thing to raise a child as a person with a capital letter golden words, friends, actually our wonderful broadcast continues, we are not saying goodbye yet, stay with our awakening company,
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the company of dobra ranitsa belarus. we will prove that belarusian cuisine is not only draniki. tartar was brought to the territory of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth by a visiting cartographer, he told europeans about the miracle of the tatar cutlet. the cartographer left long ago, here is tartar on territory of belarus has taken root. now i will get to the main thing, i would say, the hit of this salad, it is still a roll with dried tomato curd cheese. let's find out more.
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each other, the meat is complemented by vegetables, the vegetables are complemented by garlic and rosemary, generally ideal, just ideal, the food is just right on the belarus 24 tv channel, their life in the polesie villages and agro-towns, contrary to all stereotypes, bright and rich, all my free minutes i ran to the river with fishing rods or just wandered around, looked at this beauty, and we never in childhood ...
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next generation, i suggested along the road treading for centuries, what will be remembered to plant an alley of oaks, my whole life has passed with bees, because i love them, they understand me, watch the poleshuki project on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. awakening project dobraya ranitsa belarus, we work for you live, i hope that you feel our love, of course, you feel, what we can tell you about on tuesday, august 6, yes, of course, about the prototype of a hydrogen wheeled tram, which began to be tested in the administrative capital malaysia, putrajaya, is actually a three-section bus with wheels that moves along a specially designated, marked road zone, similar to tram tracks, here
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is the length of 30 m, it can carry more than 240 passengers and move at a speed of up to 70 km / h. the power reserve is 245 km, while it is equipped with many sensors that allow autonomous movement. the creators of the tram are actually in china and it is already successfully operated in some cities of the celestial empire. in the near future, the hydrogen tram will begin testing in australia perth and turkish istanbul. well, look, in belarus trams will soon be running on hydrogen fuel. let me remind you, this is a very environmentally friendly form of transport. and - well, we're moving a little with time. with progress, but be that as it may, a hydrogen tram is great, you know, anyway, a walk on some boat along some river, it seems to me, in the summer - this is a more romantic time , you guess, you invite me about... also not bad, but i would say, take a little further, i'm talking about st. petersburg, friends, have you also been to this wonderful romantic city, mariana, i know that you
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love this city, i adore this city, and i go there very often, i have certain traditions connected with petersburg, and tell me, as soon as my foot steps on petersburg soil, i go to a pyshechnaya and eat these famous leningrad donuts, i think that without this you can’t start a journey and a walk along sank. and then you walk along these countless petersburg streets and spend all the extra calories, it’s possible, and what is your favorite place in st. petersburg? friends, if you have already walked all the routes in st. petersburg, so to speak, earthly, ground, then go to the very top, to the roofs of this wonderful city, if you have never tried rooftop excursions, then this is my sincere recommendation, such an excursion will definitely blow your mind, so many impressions. of course, st. petersburg from a bird's eye view is something special, i think our correspondent matvey lichonok was convinced of this, who visited the city of peter and filmed a story about it. let's see,
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the cathedral, or more simply, the main cathedral of st. petersburg is kazan, this is where it originates.
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parishioners accept their icon of the status of miraculous, it was more difficult before, everything depended on the meeting of the synod, however, the huge queues of pilgrims standing here day and night
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to venerate the image only confirm the presence of some sacred energy in this place. in general, this cathedral was originally conceived by emperor paul i, when he visited rome, he saw the grandiose st. peter's cathedral, said, why don't we do something like this in russia. and the idea was this: to make it from purely russian materials and by purely russian craftsmen. here we can clearly see paul i's attempt to adopt roman architectural traditions, since the cathedral is the prototype of st. peter's cathedral in rome, and this is indicated by the combination of the basilica system, the roman system, the presence of elements of the cross-domed system, that is , we have one dome, which... crowns the building, built in the shape of a latin cross and stretched from west to east. it is the combination of two stylistic techniques and makes this building so unique.
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the semi-rotondo is connected to the main building , it is decorated with monolithic massive columns that are incommensurate with human height, that is, due to their size, they give the visitor a clear association that he is entering the temple of the lord, as if they slightly ground a person before the almighty, and the people of st. petersburg are grateful for the cathedral, andrei voronikhin. a very unique person, he was born into a peasant family, not noble, but he was very talented, his father was a clerk, a clerk at stroganov, with his effort, with his energy, this cathedral was revived, here is the iconostasis, which we can see in the temple to this day, appeared in honor of the celebration of 25 years of victory over napoleon, luxurious and expensively decorated, it even obscured the fresco of the last supper above the altar, but they did not remake it. unfortunately, the luxury of the cathedral has not reached our days. a huge number of emeralds, rubies, diamonds and silver were taken out of russia during the revolution, only the left wing
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of the altar has survived. which is embroidered with plates of natural silver. kazan cathedral to this day adorns nevsky prospect is a symbol of not only the greatness, but also the luxury of the city of st. peter. hello, who in childhood did not dream of a magic wand? even, you dreamed? i also wanted it to fulfill all our wishes, and today our wand will fulfill our wishes, but they will be aimed at ensuring that our figure is beautiful and healthy. therefore, today three wonderful exercises with such a stick. in principle, this can be your body bar, if you are good trained, yes, that is, then you can choose a heavier weight. we have light poles, in this case, they serve as our stabilizers. let's go. this. dash, look,
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behind the head, legs, and we put them wide, and do squats, we take our butt back, our body is in a bend, our back is straight, let's go, we squat our head back, that's great, just pay attention to the knees, in no case do we bring them inward, our knee is looking, and in the same place where our toe is looking, on the exhale we rise to the end, without straightening our knees, to protect our joints, we work three to four approaches of 20-25 repetitions. the second exercise: we will squat with different legs. so, dasha, in this case we put one leg, the left one, forward, take the right one back, even further and we do a squat. note that we do not bring the knee forward, the back is arched and slightly tilted forward, why? in order to maximally engage the back
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of the thigh. we work three to four approaches. 15-20 repetitions on each leg. and the third exercise, we will work on the back of the thigh, the gluteal muscle. how will we do this? we will do bends. note that the legs are slightly wider than the width of the shoulders, the knees are slightly bent, fixed. arch the back, take away, as if the buttocks are back, do a bend. strain the buttocks, as if we are lifting ourselves with them, press, and work three to four approaches of 20-25 bends. as you can see, the wand is still magic, with its help you can wonderfully train together with your child, train and be healthy. put the bodybar behind your head,
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fix it on the trapezius muscles, put your feet wider than your shoulders, do squats, move your pelvis back, keep your back straight, knees point in the direction of your toes, do not straighten your legs completely, now move one leg forward a little, the other back, squat, the angle in each knee is 90°, the front leg should not protrude beyond the toe, the back is straight, but slightly forward, legs... slightly wider than shoulder width, toes out to the sides, knees slightly bent, move your buttocks back, bend forward, return to the starting position, tense your buttocks, in each exercise , choose the load according to the child's strength. which modern icon painters put meaning into their works, and so that all this would not be in vain, so that it would help people to pray, so that it would help them to repent. to become churched, as today
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the education is conducted in sunday schools, one spiritual lesson, the law of god, one lesson of creativity, one lesson of music, and for the older ones, that is, adults, there are already lectures on subjects, well, there is already, so to speak, more serious preparation, what is mercy? this is, probably, the food that we ourselves will always need, and this is food god's, which is born in the heart of a compassionate soul.
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what is a normal life for belarusians? for others it may seem like real exoticism? good morning, friends, rooster, yes, that's how it is with us, good morning, and how does your rooster crow, kicker, kicker, seriously, friends, any trip to an unfamiliar city, you need to start in the museum, where i will tell you how to build the right route to see interesting places, however, it is easy to become one of your own in a foreign country, you just need to... get acquainted with its history and culture, this five hundred year old oak tree that can make a wish come true, oh well,
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i don't think i want to leave here, i would definitely stay here for a week to live, watch the travel show like home on... sharko nikolai filippovich, commander of the rifle company 240. 4th guards rifle regiment. guards captain. in the red army since july 1942. participant of the great patriotic war. fought on the third ukrainian and first belorussian fronts.
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the commander of the rifle company, guards captain nikolai sharko especially distinguished himself during the vistula-oder offensive operation in january 1945. during a breakthrough of the enemy defense , he raised the unit entrusted to him to attack, after which roto, under the command of sharko , captured two enemy trenches, seizing more than fifty machine guns as trophies and took 14 nazis prisoner. on january 16 , 1945, during the liberation of a polish settlement, sharko's rifle company destroyed an enemy landing force. during the battles for the capture of berlin , the guard captain was seriously wounded, as a result of which he lost a leg. by decree of the presidium of the supreme soviet of the ussr for exemplary command on the front of the fight against
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nazi invaders, guard captain nikolai filipovich charko awarded the title of hero of the soviet union with the order of lenin and the gold star medal. shanovny tv viewers. the holy catalitsky kascel is a great and noble saint. peramyanene pana. i ask you to listen to the text of the holy scripture, from which the holy scriptures are written
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. holy matsvei, the evangelist, tells us what happened on the high mountain of tabor, where jesus requested some of his studies. i have been married to esus pyatra, jakub and yan, brother of yagonaga, and their fathers since 6 zen to a high altitude, and change before the name. abliccia yagonae.


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