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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 6, 2024 9:00am-9:11am MSK

9:00 am
live news on belarus 1 and belarus 24 in the studio pavel lazovik good morning in this issue: at the olympic games in paris our wrestlers are entering the battle for medals, the first to enter the mat will be a representative of greco-roman wrestling abubakar khaslakhanov. shame of japan at the ceremony of remembrance of the victims of hiroshima. kept silent about the guilt of the usa in
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the nuclear strike. contribute to the improvement of the system of military logistics and development of transport infrastructure. in belarus - the day of railway troops. to preserve the volumes of exports and production. the prospects for the development of the country's tobacco industry were discussed at the independence palace. the issue is under strict control - this is an important source of replenishment of the budget. 6 years ago, an investment project was implemented to create a non-state trade network, established export, recently the urgent problem of sanctions was solved, the industry is fully provided with raw materials and materials, the net effect at the end of last year is 2.5 billion rubles. today's trends cannot but be alarming about them you will tell us what kind of ...
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other industries are working, which we have yes, how are things with exports, are all reserves used to ensure the effective operation of the tobacco industry as a whole, what about the domestic market, the same, what proposals does the government have for improving the procedure for the production and sale of tobacco products ? in belarus, are there three
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enterprises working in the tobacco industry, including one state-owned one, due to the pressure of sanctions, production had to restructure the principles and format of work in order to provide itself with raw materials and not lose control over the tobacco market. at this meeting, conceptual decisions were made on how, starting from 2025 , the tobacco industry will develop, accents were set that allow us to plan work on production to organize the fulfillment of orders by our enterprises today. only organizational issues were resolved, no additional financial investments in supporting the industry from the state are required, our enterprises are quite independent and have developed good efficiency, allowing us to plan independent development today, so we did not ask for assistance as such today, on the contrary, we outlined new approaches to organizing work that require coordination with the head of state, the adopted conceptual solution requires further detailing so that each... of the industry participants understands their
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area of ​​responsibility. belarusian missilemen are heading for training on russian territory. the air force and air defense units boarded a train the day before. during august, according to the training plan , an operational-tactical exercise with live fire is being conducted. the main actions will be carried out at the ashilou training ground, the execution of combat training tasks by missile forces, technical troops, and , accordingly, fighter aircraft is planned. maneuvers allow increasing the level of coherence of units, as well as practicing new tactical techniques and methods of conducting combat. in total, about 4.00 military personnel and 150 units of equipment are participating in the exercise. not a word was said about the role of the united states at the memorial ceremony on the anniversary of the tragedy of the atomic bombing of hiroshima. a minute of silence was declared in japan at 8:15 am at the moment of the bomb explosion on august 6, 1945. and
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hiroshima usa. at the end of world war ii, in addition to hiroshima , nagasaki was subjected to an atomic bombing by the usa on august 9. as a result of powerful explosions, over 450 thousand people died immediately. these are the only examples of combat use in human history.
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its presentation took place back in may, the version has a range of 4300 km and a warhead weighing 1500 kg. one warhead with...
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taking into account rapeseed, a total of 6,390 thousand tons of grain of the new harvest have been collected in the country. the harvesting of winter barley and rapeseed has been completed and the work on the fields with spring barley and winter rye is getting closer to the finish line. the grain fields with wheat, oats, treticale, and legumes are being actively threshed. the most significant contribution to the total loaf of farms in the capital region. approximately equally between the breza and grodno regions. the pace is not slowing down in the south of the country, harvesting.
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the farm is huge, if we had not had a winter soak, we would have received a record harvest this year harvest. technology is the main point, without technology you can't throw caps at anyone. and at the same time, farmers clear fields of straw, prepare the soil for sowing azimakh, and also
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harvest green fodder. in specialized farms, it's a busy time, flax pulling, a whole range of field work with an emphasis on advanced technologies for quality. the prosecutor general's office conducted a large-scale inspection of the housing and communal services system. violations were found in all regions. the most blatant ones are in borisov. unmown grass, cluttered trash bins and poor infrastructure caused snakes to appear on the outskirts of the city. the agency also pointed out the insufficient number of garbage containers in small towns and district centers, which forces citizens to adjust to the schedule of garbage trucks. there are frequent cases when complaints are ignored or not fully corrected , facts were found when housing and communal services organizations did not consider citizens' complaints, or considered them improperly. in addition, cases were found when the housing and communal service for garbage removal was not provided, while the recalculation of the fee
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population was not made. the total number of personal accounts for which recalculation was subsequently made after our verification activities was over 36. based on the results of the inspections, the prosecutor general's office entered into the supervision acts and submissions to the housing and utilities system, the organization was required not only to eliminate violations, it is important to monitor the quality. and also to introduce a system for assessing the provision of services, which will improve the service of municipal waste collection. in belarus, one of the priorities of the socio-economic development program is strong regions. in the polotsk region , over 140,000 km of housing have been put into operation over the five-year period, a third of which are individual. the industrial, historical, cultural, spiritual and tourist potential of the region is also being developed under special control of the social sphere and improvement of the territory.


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