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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 6, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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with fractions, zdziўlyatstsa, feel the connection with the hour and heat, just respect. the skin is stored traditionally. syonnya, year albo stagodze tamu, everything that was considered old was kalistsi new. we ourselves do not respect this, we pass on the knowledge and experience of the past, this is our death. with a wave of the hand, and such a familiar pose, from simple, happy moments, sacred traditions are formed. we are celebrating the loss of our
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products, appreciating the past for our daily life. belarus 24.
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dawns, creatures and light, and we know what is right in the racing forest, at the beginning of anger fall, the lakes of the region are woven with charms, smile in the sun, you look yourself, and never from the sea, the bottom, that in the gold of the half-song and would drink from them endlessly, having collected not ...
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love the heart of pyatrus browka . literally in july , a new project "good evening" was released on the screens of the belarus-1 channel. i arrive, they tell me: you have been approved, and i understand, how? they say: we ourselves are in shock. the story of your family it fits perfectly into the format of the program good evening, all parents are like that, parents, parents, and i with my children about everything and the first kiss and about everything, i don't remember such an artist denis demidov at all, like many others, i'm sure our viewers, but denis potsevich - this name is already
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rumored, of course, the x-factor gave a push, but i switched to my last name, i seemed to become myself, i seemed to begin to feel the ground under my feet. already also felt like a tv star, the boy misha believed in god and hell reigned at home, i believe in you, you are sincere. hello, the program "say don't be silent" is on air. in the studio victoria popova and svetlana smolonskaya. and we are starting the fifth season programs say-not-molchi. we would like to remind our viewers that these days the belarusian radio and television company is celebrating its beautiful anniversary, its thirtieth anniversary. we remember great journalists and bright projects, and we are happy
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to note that the creative impulse has not died down. literally in july , a new project, good evening, was released on the belarus-1 channel, hosted by showman, businessman, and artist denis patsevich. hello, denis. hello. good afternoon. well, let's get straight to the point, denis, let's see how you and not only you shine in the new project. attention to the screen. premiere. family-musical show. good evening. today we will sing good songs and tell heartfelt stories. lada, once a year, depending on who, once a year, i am simply enchanted by you, they are heating up, bravo, let's sing, all together, well, i will say right away,
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my heart is not free.
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my justice inside says that well , i would like to work here, but logic where are you, there are professionals here, there
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are guys who have been doing this all their lives, they compete with you, well, i understand that i would like to, but of course not, i come home, i have... they ask, how what? i already had experience hosting weddings, i didn't succeed, i just wanted to tell you that you're being disingenuous, denis, because with your wife you kind of tried yourself in the role. my wife and i worked for about years, well, three years, probably, my wife got pregnant and said: well, we probably need to, mm, either leave this business, or take a host, because you just sing, and m, you put on music, you sing, i say, you'll learn everything now, what are the scenes there, i see how you work, what's difficult about it, i'm for i learned the whole script for a week, i come to the wedding, everything was mixed up, you know, when... you sing, they listen to you, when you come to the wedding, there's a farce, it's not clear that
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everyone is going somewhere, i'm like, why aren't they listening to me, you ask your wife, why should i, like this, like this, you let me down, and i thought i'd go out and tell you the script, then we went out to the dance floor, i was holding some kind of competition, i got a shabut witness, and he, well, doesn't listen, that's it, that's it, i explain, and he goes left and right, i grab him like that, stop, you listen, my wife is here he says, either they'll beat you up now, or let me see you off, what if it's not your thing, i 'll gladly sit down at the equipment, they sang the hymn, we took you off, we hired a presenter, when anya was on maternity leave we continued, i continued working, and for me it was such an experience that i even had a fear complex, that i can't, that you're not a toastmaster by nature, not a presenter, i'm afraid to even say a word, after that i had such a complex speaking in public, i can't, i have no words, i don't have enough words.
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that it's been about a month and a half already, that the filming of the programs should be in mid-may, which is already not a good evening, it's already something else, well, i think, maybe sing somewhere, maybe take part in some other tv project, connected with music, i arrive, they tell me, you've been approved, and i understand, as they say, we ourselves are in shock, like so, so and you wanted to refuse or not, but you understand that you are not leading, if such ... well, it's just luck, i can't call it anything other than luck, it's just, well
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, i was shocked, i am very pleased, but i understood that they immediately told me that the filming is in 10 days, yeah, that was also a shock, you know, and they sent me to dena georgievna, tytsuk, yes , they sent me there, i worked with her, she says, you are thrown right into this ocean, you have a problem here, a problem here. there are many problems that you should have solved at least six months ago, i tell her, of course, i'm afraid, but i want, i want, i'm already looking forward to the moment when i will host this program, but she says: it's good that you have such a passion, it means you will get everything, okay, this marathon is starting, you write down programs, expectations and reality, if we compare what coincided with what you expected and what is completely different, to be honest, i still can’t even... realize, well, i knew behind the scenes, how it happens on the set, i knew all of it, the expectation, the expectation,
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that i thought we were filming three shows, that was the expectation, but it turned out to be five later, and then 10, when five i was worried, when 10 i was like a situation, well, what was the most unexpected thing for you on the project, i thought, you know, when they give you the script, you’ll study it for a month, let's say and then record the program, but here everything is non-stop, there is no opportunity. uh, to teach , that is, here, now, this was unexpected, well, and even, maybe, to say, the most difficult, the most difficult, you already said, denis, that many experienced hosts participated in the casting with you on the team and we talked with them before and after the castings, they all unanimously said that hosting such a project is a dream, yeah, well, you realized, you already admitted that you wanted to be, you really wanted to be a host, and you went to this dream for a long time, what do you think? there are many singers who later became presenters, that
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is, there are many of them, i had such a thought, but i understood that it was not my thing, that is , i will not cross this so to speak barrier, i will not learn, i will not become a presenter, because it is not my thing, even when i arrived, i say, when i arrived after the casting, they asked me how, i say, well, i made a mistake here, i made a mistake there and my relatives say, well, yes, it is not your thing, we know, that is, when i said that i was a presenter, they were shocked. that is why i did not dream of being host, when you say that this is the dream of any host, then i didn’t have another role, i host this show, so perhaps right away, i say, luck to me. yeah, lucky, yes, but you already felt the strength in yourself, you believe in yourself, as the host of this project, every day, i catch a cold every morning at 6 in the morning, i exercise for an hour, i practice diction for an hour, uh, what i was told, what exercises to do, i do every day during the day, and i feel that i’m starting to gain confidence, i’m starting to, uh, i i start to enjoy it when i speak, because
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i never, i even tell my wife, there is a word there, like average, yes, i just avoided these... i am lazy and cunning, i always avoided, i say, well, on average, i will say, i always avoided difficult words, i did not need them, why and that is why i now pronounce some words, i say, and i have never said these words, because i specifically, and why do i need them, i do not need them in my so to speak sphere, construction, that is why i avoided them, now i as if i knew, but i remember, and so i start to work through them, well, you say that you didn’t dream of becoming a television personality.
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well, this is especially true in construction , i wanted to say that of course this most likely emerges from construction issues, like build it for me for free, and then i’ll give you the money, and then he doesn’t give it back, that’s it, yes, right now there’s such a situation, a finger in the sky, and you said that you’re working through this moment, you still do it for free, and then you wait, not that it’s for free, we don’t do it for free, there is
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contracts, acts, they will pay in any case, well, they are just dragging it out, so to speak. well, you can write down specific points in the contract, yes, so that there are no nuances, well, this is with the workers who work for me, you know, like a pony brotherhood, they think that you are a simple person, a shirt, you can show it on your knees, how they begin to treat you as an equal, even lower, although you are their boss, once you started with suspended ceilings, that is, you crawled yourself, and then you grew up in business, there was even a joke like that, i when there was a solo concert,
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two cars, one more expensive, the second cheaper, for construction, to carry materials, that's all, i'm driving, a guy cuts me off, opens the window and curses at me, although i was driving in my lane. here near nimiga, he turns left, i say, i'm like this, i have nothing to do with it at all, but i have this so much, well, i understand that he's yelling at everyone like that, and i think, who if not me, i
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catch up with him, the traffic light just turns red, i catch up, i get out like rambo, well, i was just emotional, it was wrong, but you know just to stop this impudence and rudeness, i run up to him. dude, well here are the cars, the flow, this is the road, the left side, here is the icy extreme, that is, there is nowhere, and i knock on him, and he sits like this, i tell him, well , tell me to my face, come out, tell me, what are you doing here, well, and i think, at that moment, i understand how ridiculous i looked, but i was proud at that moment i was proud that i was able to do this, maybe he will never do this to anyone else, insult, humiliate, leave, because he has an expensive car. he may be a businessman, maybe i 've had situations like that, it was about five years ago, but in a word , there are situations when we can see another not-so-kind tennis player, i think that everyone
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loves surprises, you said, my wife the year before last, in my opinion, a surprise, she knows that i don't like unexpected situations, i'll never jump with a parachute, well , for now, that's what i say, never these starfish, for me it's just, well, i'm very afraid of it and we... drive up somewhere in malinovka, hang gliders are flying, and i say, it's real, and i'm tired all day at some facility, for me - i just want to sit and drink some tea, relax, just, well, i don't need this, i have enough of this nerve, everything, and i say, i won't fly, she says, it will still be possible to steer from above, i say, what's the difference, i won't sit down at all, but she 's like, okay, yes, i say, let the money stay, don't take anything, thank you, i say for the gift, let's go home to drink tea, let 's eat some cake, and then i understand that this is
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her gift, and i say, okay, i'm like a man, i'll sit down, i'm very scared, my hands are shaking, my blood pressure has probably gone up, but i 'll sit down, it seems to me that i shouldn't have said that i'll sit down, i flew up there, yeah, he says, don't try it, i say, we'll soon go down, and he's going up there like this, everything 's shaking, he says, take it, take it from me, i say, how long, he says, another 15 minutes, i say, okay, that's it, i say, close my eyes, let's go down, let's go down, i was still driving home, for about 40 minutes, i couldn't come to my senses, well, well, this is a man, i i have to, i am the head of the family, you have it in you, you often tell yourself that you have to, you can, but we knew that you don’t like surprises, so we prepared it for you, attention to the screen, video question, hello, denis, some time ago you changed... your pseudonym, and how is denis demidov different from denis patsevich? sergey sukhamlin,
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by the way, we talked about this when i, no, even before pesnyary, we recorded three songs with him, then i was invited to pesnyary, i came to him and said, sergey, i need a solo to make a career, we recorded several songs, he says, imagine, as if i closed my mouth, yes denis, it's not my last name, and you
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know, i studied the power of the family, yes, what is the power of the family, the family helps us all, we must glorify it, it doesn't matter what kind of people were in the family, they may have gotten confused, but we have a chance to make it easier. they have to stretch their mouths there in general, therefore - by switching to the last name denis demidov, i covered the help of my ancestors, and i analyzed and even talked to my wife and many people, they tell me, maybe that's true, because uh they were offended by me, i wasn't doing well at that time, i invested about 15 thousand dollars in songs, everything went downhill for me, i had uh. in business, in work , there was nothing, that is, in the family everything was somehow not right, so after the x-factor, of course, the x-factor gave a push, but i switched to my
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last name, for me everything was somehow, supposedly... a short pause, i remind you, we already have this name, and in the meantime we will make a telegram channel, say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch! this is program say don't be silent, and today we have as our guest the host of the new family-musical project good evening, denis patsevich. denis, but the story of your family fits perfectly into the format of the program good evening. you have a loving wife, about whom you have already spoken, you have four children, you sing well. a trick question: would you like to become not only the host, but also a participant in this
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project? of course, i would like to, well, i would like to, if it will be interesting, because today i will tell you everything, your program, maybe my story will not be interesting, but of course, there is a lot to tell, maybe to motivate someone, yes, because there is such a stereotype, a large family is you know, like rubber slippers, the children are poorly dressed, it is difficult, there is not enough money, this is also important. i read all sorts of religious statements, there too, when they say, you think, you do it yourself, and this is given to you, god gives, to raise, to support children, they help, so to speak, and even go to the sea, which today not everyone can afford, yes, well, honestly, i'll tell you, this is for the first time, in my entire life, yes, because my goal was to build a house, then
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build a bathhouse, then buy a good car , then improve it, that is, before that i wrote songs, invested in creativity, debts were growing, you also about this , that's why this is me when they asked you if you need to rest, i say, i'm not tired, i really wasn't tired, i only got tired, probably last year, i felt that something was a little hard for me, well, plus, well, i can afford it so to speak, now i can afford it, yes cool, and what impressions do the kids have of... well, i said that this is a rule , we will go every year, and this year we got together spontaneously, anya told me that someone here is going on vacation, i say where, there, there, i say, let's go , let's get tickets, that's it, she says, in the sense of, well, that's it, i got the tickets, sent them, anya says, let's not take sofiyka,
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she's still little, let her. she'll be with her mom, i say, i can't go anywhere without sofiyka, anya says, and i can't go anywhere without her mom, i say, take mom, together with mom went, well, it turns out you are also such a very good son-in-law, also t suggested , but dad after a stroke, he says hot, as if well could not for health reasons, denis, well , let's finally listen to how you sing, let's. here we met by chance, happy with another, as before, you are beautiful, but now you are with him, how did it happen that
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we broke up, how did it happen that our love, we did not run away, but you are not mine, i am not yours, we to be with you, you could not, i am not yours, but i know, i wanted to be with you, a funny story, connected with this... song, i like it very much, a year ago you presented it on the good border of belarus and it was a definite success 200,000 on one of the video hostings, i saw views, which is not bad at all, yes for such a start, suddenly someone writes to you: don't be upset, denis, you will still get back together with your wife, people take everything at face value, yes, when i wrote this song, i assumed, and if it were different, because a lot of people meet, everyone has exes,
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each person has exes, who are in school years or in youth we didn't get along, then you're like in the song, here we met by chance, we look and are silent and then they meet. all these emotions came flooding in, and i think if i hadn't gotten along with my wife, and there were a lot of such moments, that is, grinding in is yes, then i think that i would have regretted it, so such a song was born, as if as a lesson for young people, that you value, hold on and fight for your happiness, because later you will regret it, and even those who are now married, because uh, we both have to build relationships. yes, and husband and wife, fight for them, not that the husband is like this, but why is he like this, the wife is like this, but why is she like this, that is, we must do everything that depends on us, personally on us, and if you change, then your wife will change, as a father of four children,
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you have three sons and a little daughter sofiyka, as we learned, you are turning into such a, you know, motivational trainer, that is, a little bit of everything, lesson in lesson, lesson number one, so stick together. especially in the bathhouse, we steam ourselves, warm ourselves up, drink tea after the bathhouse, and i do all this i tell him how it is in life, i tell him my experience, and he says: dad, when i talk to my peers, the eldest, the middle one, and the youngest, they call me that i am too stuffy, because i talk about all sorts of adult topics, like you are like that. they don’t even know about it, and they consider me somehow, as if i am already old, and all the children say this, because uh, they repeat, they say, don’t raise children, raise yourself, well, you also call yourself an old man, did you feel in yourself this is, that if it weren't for the song, you said somewhere
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on the factor, then i would be such a stuffy old man, exactly, that is, perhaps, well, and how, and what changes, here you come to work, there is no spark, that is, well, i just know my peers who are also engaged not only in ... tuning in different areas, somehow they, at 35, were already saying men, what and where there is already, what there is already where, what kind of life is there, guys, are you at 40, still only 45, at 50, and they are already like this, creativity, art, it gives, you know, yesterday i listened to some psychologist, he said that those who achieve something, live 2-3 years longer, uh, statistics, because there is an achievement.
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i took the bayan, i did it nicely, i know all these songs, i sing them, because i grew up in such a family, my mother sang very beautifully, my uncle played the bayan, he also sang beautifully, these, why i started doing music, because these drinking evenings that we had in our family, yes, with relatives, uh, i carried this through life and went to do music, now it lives in me, but with a glass, no, i have been on...
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eh, a builder who doesn't drink is nonsense, he shut up his own, no, in fact i didn't drink much, they say, but that is, it blows your mind when you drink, no, that wasn't the case either, it's just that i've always been involved, i've been involved in sports all my life, and then, when i came to adulthood, all these parties, eh, well, everyone drinks somehow, and i think, well , if you don't want to, like this, but, but you have to keep company. you drink, then you don't get high, there's no joy, your head hurts in the morning, you're not somehow, as they say, now you're not in a resource, you think, why do you need this, and it just happened by chance, anya says, so i started doing sports, i will do them, i will do sports, remember how it was before,
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i will come back, i will come back, because i gained a little weight, i started to move, somehow it became a little difficult, everything became somehow not the same, i started to feel somehow not very good, and i, she says, here is lent, mom called from today lent, oh, i say, cool, i go into lent, i went into lent, worked out, a month, uh, i didn’t drink anything at all, although it was generally easy for me, and the new year, anya he says, well, are we going to drink champagne? i say, let me not, why don't you drink, i don't mind, you know, like when a boy named misha believed in god and hell reigned at home, it's not like that with me, i say, you drink, i absolutely don't mind, then it's spring somewhere, we arrive at the village, the birds are singing, i say: oh, today we need to have a little drink, at the table with potatoes, then i go to bed, anya says, we wanted to, i forgot something, okay, then another three months passed. i again, and then i even lost my desire, here are the guests
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come to me, i was very worried that i would be uninteresting, so guests come to me, because there were such friends who, and you don’t drink everything, i’m leaving, i’m collecting what we talked about, and i directly determine , guys, i absolutely just don’t like it, but i’ll pour you a drink, i’ll communicate with you, and the most interesting thing is when they get drunk, you adjust and it’s as if you are like that. well, and no, you know, moments for which you want to fall under the table from shame, yes, because you didn’t do anything like that, but just relaxed, but you also talked about this with your future wife anna on the factor, you met her back in school, and i remember that her dad was a miller, did that somehow impress you, one of the... was wealthy, but he wasn't a miller, he just had a mill,
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the only one in the village, the whole village brought flour to him to grind, well, that's how it's considered that you're well-off , well-off, yes, yes, i would say, if it weren't for the richest, maybe even the richest in the village, yes, when you had complexes about the transfer, when you quarreled, you already talked about these moments mentioned, you said that i'm not right for you there, because i, well, i had such moments, i went to work in russia, yeah. grodno, she studied art at college, anya, you and i are not a couple, we need to break up, she's in shock, what happened, he has another, and i, because i have a complex that i 'm not worthy, i'm from such an average family, and you 're like, i, well, it seems to me, these are some kind of relics. the turning point was when i
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said something so insecure, well, a woman doesn't need a girl doesn't need an insecure man man, that's right, that was the turning point when we had something there, even my mother was there on me, i, what am i grateful to her parents for, that they never interfered with... communication never, that is, and you treated it so calmly, that was the turning point, when it was already possible, we had another fight there, and i uh found out that they were even coming to her with matchmakers, yes, and i was like, i need her, i'm sitting, that's it, i'm going, i didn't have a grandmother in the village anymore, i came to this house, lit the stove, and it was her birthday, and i go like that, i understand, now my father can scold me, and my mother... she can - well somehow i already know that a guy has arrived there, well, not
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matchmakers, but acquaintances, but supposedly they want to bring them together a little, i knew about this through acquaintances, and i'm really afraid, i look in the mirror, and i say: denis, you need this, she is dear to you, you need her, you can't live without her, make up your mind, and i bought some kind of gift, i arrived in the village and i'm walking, my arms and legs are shaking, i knock on the door, at that time her brother comes out with this... guy and i understand that his parents are there too, everything is there yes, and i go in, i wait, well, they'll kick me out, they'll kick me out, what do i care, and i go in, i see anya is just like that, i say, hello, imagine , i kissed her so demonstratively, my mother doesn't understand either, my father, the most important thing was my father, because my father was like that, you know, an uncle, he could, get out of here, you 've done so much, well, i think, so that's it, i go in, i see, everything is fine here, they poured me a glass, we started talking. and after that everything changed, we went to a disco, and well,
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i had a little realization that i had lost i don’t want that i’m worthy, they respected me a lot, they are parents, and somewhere after a year or two they started praising me, because i bought a car, i started doing construction there, i treated her daughter well, i changed, so to speak, and he told me, father, well done, and for me... that is, they didn’t know about it, stretch ceilings, what ceilings, plasterboard was in fashion, everyone was doing it, and plasterboard was cheaper and he listened, he says, because who did i tell, builders, acquaintances, that this is nonsense, no one will do this, no one needs it, it's expensive, and he listened to me, he says, i don't really understand this, but since you
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told me, logically, i understand that it will work for you, and it worked, you have such a character, your eyes are afraid, your hands are doing, there are many situations in life. whether my parents raised me correctly or incorrectly, how can you judge this, they could have raised a child like me, that i am a bad person or something? well, your parents are nice, you think everything is fine, there are mistakes that, well, you don't repeat your parents now, but it's very difficult to say, everything is kind of relative, mistakes or
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not, from mom, from mom, i got my talent, if it weren't for mom's talent, i wouldn't be who i am. mom was like a rocker, yes, she lives the way i want, that's how i want, i also took a lot from her, and dad, let's say, he has discipline, hard work , wake him up at night, he goes to work, he worked in one place for about thirty -two years, that is, that is, you took everything better from both mom and dad, yes, we had some conflicts with mom, yes, but when she died, i realized this very much i...
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but i didn't have any tools to rely on, you see, they told me, many told me, including you, everyone told me what to do, it's difficult, but - the point is that i went on saturday, my father asked me to sit down at the cemetery on sunday, we come because after his stroke it's hard for him to walk far, and we arrived in smargon, i took him to the cemetery and i go up to the grave, her eyes are so bright, everyone says, your eyes are bright, i look, it's her belly... it's her eyes i have someone in me, that is, and i say, i start to tell her tell, hi, i feel like she's alive, hi, mom, can you imagine, i have this situation, i was invited to such a program, it's important to me, and i understand that it's kind of cool that she's alive, so inside i really cried and i come, and i don't
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tell, i don't have a drop of any offense, and well, i just love her. and i love my parents, and this is a mature, so to speak , approach, then, when i talked about this on the factor, i felt pain, offense, you forgave her, yes, and the same thing is to forgive, you know, i know many adults now, who are offended by their parents, but i know the history of both of them, and i tell them, and for... what are you offended by, you know, there is something to be offended by, there were nuances, but i would say that this school of life began for me already in childhood, and it helps me a lot, and my friends, acquaintances, who say, thanks to this you became like this, maybe your
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refusal of alcohol is also some kind of lesson learned, well, maybe yes, i can’t say, i’m just observing, i’m enjoying what ’s happening, now, i, i’m grateful, i just, i am grateful to everything, that i have such a family, to the almighty, that i have a family, that uh, what is happening to me, i am grateful to everything, and i like it all, well, and before we take a break, let's listen to another song performed by you, with pleasure, for our sake, you cannot be broken. native land, you are my strength, my homeland!
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all sorts of things, yes, we don't like this, yes, guys, work, as my grandmother used to say, work hard, vilnius will be here, everyone is striving for something somewhere, and you will work here, start working, work hard, i used to have such objects , you come to a farm, in the stolin district, you come in the evening, you think for three hours, you go into the farm, they come from other farms, they say, you are alive here in the morning at half past nine in the morning.
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say don't be silent, subscribe, ask us questions and suggest new interesting guests, we are in touch! on air again say don't be silent, our guest today, the host of a new family-musical show on the belarus 1 channel, good evening, denis patsevich. denis, but you already mentioned your work in the pesnyary ensemble, you worked there almost 3 years, well, and saw from the inside, probably.
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i remember, you were impressed when you entered the state ensemble pesnyary, the first concert in the kremlin, and kabzon nearby and kazmanov, and photographs, for you as a person from the street, this was all new, of course, but today you are already accustomed to artists, for me it’s not so much a celebrity, for me the energy is important, that ’s when you look at a person and he represents something, when... i go into the studio and i immediately feel, for example, with fika tsyganova it was very easy, she in general, yes
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in general it was quite easy with all the guests, i had in my head that they were there, and i was the first time, and i was scared, but it was quite easy with these artists with arukhanov we talked for almost half the program about guitars, about songs, by the way, my mother had a record player when i was a child. karukhanov and antonov, and i, these are my 3-4 years old, this is, this is what i listened to, so i say, boat, float, there, all these songs, i wish you, this is, and he says, look how cool, i say, i'm on grew up on your famous phrase, yes, denis, you also already felt like a tv star, the x-factor, of course, the x-factor played its role, they came up and well, a lot of photos were taken, as if some. they say, you'll become a star, then i'll throw it away, just in case, but i generally really like the feedback, the so-called
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audience responses regarding your participation, in my opinion you don't hate... well, from your songs, from your stories, from the way you speak, from your communication with your children, everyone noticed that you are a person of such a philosophical mindset and like to write songs with meaning and even such ballads were chosen to participate in the x-factor show, but you can do some eccentric things, denis, when was the last time you laughed heartily there
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or are you always on i'm actually so cheerful. who knows me, who communicates with me longer, they don't know me so serious, stern, and for some reason i'm a gemini, yes, according to the zodiac sign, perhaps i have two personalities, yes, and i myself am very cheerful, but somehow maybe my appearance, maybe everyone seems, it seems that i'm somehow so closed, serious, there it's hard for me to approach, i 'll immediately start fighting there, i don't know at all. i absolutely even some of my wife's friends say: well, your denis, you probably bent him over like that, but i'm not interested in that, that is, they say, where can you see, on the contrary, he's like that at home, that's how someone sees it, my actions are all like that, that is, the guys, my guys generally say, well, you're a dad in general, when you, when you, i'm on the same wavelength with my guys and you know, sometimes even they
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get a little boring when you're driving somewhere in the city. you throw it out, they, yeah, i say, relax, loosen up, it's cool, and they're like , well, like, especially the middle one, he, dad, you threw out some story somewhere, there, damn, all the kids at school talk to me about you, there, you're a star there , maybe with us, so behave a little more modestly, i say, what, i didn't do anything bad, well, it's just that all parents have such parents, parents, and i talk to my children about everything and about the first kiss and about...
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and work, rest, that is, i like any job, i can, for example, i come to my mother-in-law, i need to mow, i mow there from morning till night, i need to dismantle the barn there, i need to build, i will build, that is, i am not afraid of work, since childhood i am from a working class family, i spent half my life in the village, all weekends, all holidays, i am with my grandmother, uh, so uh , quit, i am unlikely to quit, or maybe i will quit, i don’t know, i need to think, we will observe how you like to repeat, but we got tremendous pleasure from communicating with you today. denis, thank you for this interview, for helping us open our new season, i envy, to be honest, your mother-in-law and wife, because they made the right choice, at one time you also did very well that you knocked on your wife's door, as it seems to me, because well, by all external signs, family is really
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a priority for you, to look happy. and we, svetlana smolonskaya and victoria popov. we say goodbye to you for today, goodbye, goodbye, denis patsevich is speaking now, dear friends, watch the show good evening, every saturday on the belarus 1 tv channel, we will sing your favorite songs, and also listen to your favorite stories. tinis, we can't let go you without an autograph wishes, we have such a tradition, our guests leave us some kind of memorable inscription, please do it for everyone.
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i love to sing and dream of becoming a famous artist, could you now conduct a mini-audition for me to assess my chances? well , let's sing something, there beyond the dawns. it would be interesting to know if there are any statistics on reliability and safety, or are there any safety criteria for your airline? certainly, certainly, there are statistics, and there is such a concept punctuality, this is again related to flight safety, let's turn around 180°, yellow sector, please, your question. and what hidden talents do you have? i 'll tell you, somehow everything in life, i went on stage, i immediately started singing, watch the project 100
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questions to an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel, our region through the eyes of foreigners, the belarusian people, they are first of all honest, honest in all respects, hardworking.
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live you watch the main news at noon, with you pavel lazovik. hello,
12:00 pm
in this issue. introduction to the reconstruction process, cleanup work, liquidation of the consequences of the disaster. the president on the mound of glory. pogroms, blocked roads, mass detentions, wave. shame of japan at the memorial ceremony for the victims of hiroshima, they kept silent about the guilt of the usa in the nuclear strike.


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