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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 6, 2024 12:10pm-12:41pm MSK

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the chinese timber is raw and dry, it is sent to china, also the raw material felled by the hurricane is processed into pallet board, it is used to make pallets, the product is exported to turkey, in general , more than 90% of the products are exported, nature has made a mess, and we are trying to use it for our own benefit, for profit, for sale through sawing these timber products, of course, mountains.
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forests, restoration of problem areas. double death in a fire under the columns. the investigative committee called the preliminary the cause of the night tragedy in one of the residential buildings of the agro-town of stary sverzhen, where the fire took the lives of two men. the fifty-year-old owner and his 56-year-old guest. the charred bodies were found by a rescuer while extinguishing the fire . a preliminary map of the incident was established after examining the scene and questioning eyewitnesses. according to local residents, the owner
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of the house did not work anywhere, the day before the tragedy he invited a friend to visit, with whom he drank alcohol. both men led an asocial lifestyle, abused alcohol, smoked. at night, a neighbor saw that the house was burning from the inside and called the rescuers. several versions of the fire are being considered, including careless handling of fire while smoking. the exact circumstances of the tragedy will become known after receiving the results. doctors are treating him, and the investigation is looking into the circumstances of the emergency. a child was injured during sports activities in vitebsk. it is known that the boy was brought to minsk at night. in the morning, the schoolboy's condition is estimated to be close to moderate, he is conscious. the child received a craniocerebral trauma, he was transferred in a clear consciousness, his condition is currently assessed as moderate. he has
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a craniocerebral injury, which currently does not require surgical intervention, but according to the examination data , it is quite possible that after our additional examinations this can be done, so the child was transferred for specialized neurosurgical care if necessary. we are waiting for the parents to arrive. on the fact of the incident at the stadium of the olympic reserve training and sports school in vitebsk a criminal case has been opened under the article improper performance of duties to ensure the safety of life and health of a minor. and according to the investigation, on the afternoon of august 5 , three children were playing ball on the football field of the indoor arena when the sports equipment fell into the goal net, an eight-year-old boy climbed to get it and lifted the unsecured football goal. as a result, the structure fell on the child. an inspection was conducted, eyewitnesses, relatives and ... are regularly inspected
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in the water area of ​​​​reservoirs, monitor vacationers on the beaches, you can enter the water only in equipped places and do not swim beyond the buoys, be careful when using improvised floating equipment, also pay attention to fishermen, often lovers of fishing on the water choose dangerous places for fishing and can get into a trap. after you have reported to the rescue services, if there is an opportunity and you are sure that you can really provide assistance, you can provide it yourself, as for, if a person is drowning, then you should always approach him from behind, some branches, ropes, that is, you can throw either lifebuoys, even some empty five-liter bottle with air, which a person can grab and stay afloat until rescuers arrive. since the beginning of the swimming season in the minsk region, 20 people have been saved, three of them children, who should always be under... parental supervision for
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swimming, it is better for minors to use inflatable armbands and vests. encyclopedia of new art trends as interpreted by belarusian authors by... and see what from world art takes root on belarusian soil, that artists, for example, love, let's say, pop art or surrealism and so on, well, as part of the work of this exhibition, the national center
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for contemporary arts will hold a discussion platform, where we will discuss issues of contemporary art, not only to understand ... cultural terminology, well, to create our own works. on august 8, the center for contemporary arts expects watercolor sketches in the program of a master class on creating canvases under the guidance of professionals. next sports news, we are on air at one o'clock, see you! the defender of the national football team of belarus tukov left the location from... the championship and the cup of the country, has three warnings to his credit: last season polyakov and company finished in fourth place in the domestic championship. in the first league
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of the championship of belarus on football the matches were played the day before as part of the eighteenth round, the leader of the tournament molodechno beat the second team of shakhtar 2:0 at home. the closest pursuers of the team niva and... shina also achieved confident victories. the first defeated dynamo minsk 2 5:1, bobrchany did not notice the resistance of slonim 4:0. the nineteenth round starts on august 10, will end on the twelfth.
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popular in the soviet union watches, luch, vympil, zarya, they are associated with an entire era, with several generations of soviet people, who could hardly imagine their lives without the main brand of the country,
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products of the luch trademark. they remain a brand today, are still recognizable, also popular and also interesting for their design and variety of models. even in fifties-sixties, luch watches confidently gained popularity not only in the country, but also abroad, and this despite the fact that watch production in the bssr began from scratch. the watch industry in the republic of belarus was not typical for the country, because, as we all know, the republic is well developed has extensive experience in the industry of some large mechanical engineering. and watches are something small, very precise. the republic as
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a whole began to master new, unusual for it production. and, as time has shown, in many areas belarus was already becoming a leader in a short time. in the showroom of the minsk watch factory in early march 1974 , a closed show of a new watch collection was held. belarusian watchmakers presented it to the high moscow commission. in leipzig, in the gdr , a traditional spring fair was opening. the soviet pavilion always received special attention, so the selection of exhibits was meticulous. the members
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of the commission carefully studied the models laid out in front of them. then a demonstration in action. well , now our models will demonstrate how our watches are worn in everyday life. the first number we have is the men's watch vympil. please! an elegant-looking man effectively drew attention to the new models of the already popular brand. the second number is the women's watch, charge. beautiful girls, miniature watches with an original gold-plated bracelet, the aesthetics were pleasing to the eye. this number is the guest of our program, the luch 18:16 watch.
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please, girls. judging by the reaction, the commission liked this model. even the most biased comrades nodded their heads approvingly. this is what you need. this is exactly it the model was awarded a gold medal and a diploma at the prestigious leipzig fair. and it was this model of watch that was supplied to the retail network in 1975 alone in the amount of 15,000. the volumes were record-breaking at that time. here is that same medal of the seventy-fourth year for his watch in leipzig. and here is that same.
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the history of the watch industry of belarus, the construction of the minsk watch factory began. there is a legend that. the main reason why it was necessary to build a watch factory in minsk, because
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that in the entire soviet union women's watches were not produced en masse, that is, we have such a women's factory. the watch industry is primarily a women's production, it is perseverance, it is scrupulousness, reliability, only a woman can sit in one place for 8 hours and screw on screws. which sometimes reaches a size of less than a millimeter. there was another reason to call the minsk watch factory that way. fifty-third year is the post-war period. a great shortage of male labor, the factory was built by women, and these same women who built the factory, subsequently already worked at the same plant. in such an atmosphere of general upsurge and enthusiasm , the first release of the plant's products began. the first watches that rolled off the assembly line
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on december 14, 1955 were women's watches, brands for... refined, elegant, miniature. the model immediately became super popular in the ussr. but this was still an assembly, and not its own production. when the plant was just being formed, and the mechanisms themselves, the external design were provided, by the zarya plant from penza, in the duties.
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a small batch of watches was released on mechanism of the dawn, which we have already made at our place, this is a rare...
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and the watches made at the minsk watch factory did not linger on the store shelves. if in 1956 almost 57,000 watches were made, then in 1957 more than 450,000 were already being produced. at the same time, the luch trademark was born. from now on, this logo will be present. on all models of the enterprise. at the end of the fifties , the production of vipil men's watches, which were produced by the first moscow watch factory, was transferred to the minsk factory. the development of another unique model began flat watches. watches with this mechanism
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are called costume watches because they can be easily hidden behind a suit, a shirt and a jacket. and they are extremely popular. there is such a wonderful film. spring and there is a scene where shtyrlets is sitting in a field before leaving with his employers further west, on his hand, of course there is no need to put the luch logo, but based on the case, based on the fact that at that time only our plant produced such watches, that he has our watch on his hands better.
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minsk watchman won the position of the leading enterprises in the ussr. but what was the secret of success? our mechanism does not use plastic parts and they.
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in the sixties, the plant began to master a fundamentally new direction for itself, the development of production of automobile watches.
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the country was considering the issue of creating its own zhiguli car. these watches will be awarded the state quality mark in 1973. they will be installed on the most popular soviet. it is difficult to list all the awards that the enterprise was awarded in those years, the recognition was a large gold medal at the international fair in bulgarian plovdiv. it is difficult to list all the brands of watches produced at the minsk watch factory, only by a quick count of their more than 1700 different
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models, but all of them are recognizable, the pride of the belarusian watch industry, pride, decoration became and the clock located on the building of the minsk watch factory itself, built at the beginning. in the fourth year , not only the watches of the minsk luch plant were awarded a gold medal. the minsk refrigerator plant also took home a gold medal. it was the minsk-12 model. in
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in principle, our brand of refrigerators minsk, they have already begun to gain authority in europe. in minsk 12 we also used such a device, it was called semi-automatic defrosting. previously, in order to have a single-chamber refrigerator, remove it, open it there , disconnect it from the network, someone installed saucepans with hot water, everything spread out there and so on, in the refrigerator minsk-12 we pressed a button, and the attack process occurred much faster, many people respected these refrigerators for this opportunity, all together, i think, and played this positive role, that we then earned a medal. and this despite the fact that only 12 years have passed since they started producing refrigerators in minsk, when in 1962.
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in the ussr, the saratov refrigerator, small, with a volume of only 85 liters, single-chamber, was an almost unreasonable dream of a soviet person, it was almost impossible to buy it, it was produced in small volumes, like the refrigerator of the moscow zil plant, but times were changing, the demand for household appliances was becoming high, million-plus enterprises
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whose industries worked on... consumer needs were firmly established in the life of the country. artem igorevich shatila is awarded a certificate of honor. in march 1971 , there was a real celebration at the minsk refrigerator plant. the millionth refrigerator rolled off the conveyor belt of the enterprise. according to tradition, the ceremonial event was all at the highest level: bonuses, certificates, honoring the best workers. comrades, now from our party organization and from me personally, a film about the creation of our enterprise. here is the first model
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of minsk-1, manual. assembly, released only 4.00 immediately great demand. the refrigerator was produced built into the kitchen countertop, on the left was a cupboard for dishes and food. 1963, minsk-2. the refrigerator is already a free -standing one, the model has become truly mass-produced, 220 thousand were produced. history turned to the past for only a few years, and at ... successes are obvious, but new plans and non-standard solutions are ahead, we released the first two-chamber refrigerator with a lower freezer, it was a rather complex design, which, in principle, no manufacturer took on at that time, but we this project implemented and were the first in the soviet union to make this refrigerator. the first soviet freezer was manufactured by us,
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the first two-chamber. the refrigerator was developed and manufactured at our enterprise, the first products, of course, were of high quality, including our famous refrigerators: minsk-5, minsk-6, minsk-10, minsk 11, 12, 16, minsk-15, were especially popular, and we manufactured a lot of them, it all started with the gas equipment plant, it was on its basis that the decision was made to start construction of a new refrigerator plant in the soviet union.
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the bssr of 1959 stated: the enterprise will be reoriented to the production of household refrigerators that operate using electricity. in the decision of the union council of ministers, working to meet the needs of the population of the soviet union. it was a small shed, it was the first building where our workers came. and when we now show visitors, including the exhibition hall, this photograph, we emphasize that there were no buildings, there were no specialists, there were no technologies, our specialists started literally from scratch, we studied this area, and nevertheless we were able to manufacture the first batch of belarusian refrigerators minsk-1 in 1962, the first 25 household refrigerators...


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