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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 6, 2024 12:40pm-1:00pm MSK

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the resolution of the council of ministers of the bssr from 1959 stated that the enterprise would reorient itself to the production of household refrigerators that operated using electricity. in the decision of the union council of ministers, working to meet the needs of the population of the soviet union. it was a small shed, it was the first building where our workers came. when we now show visitors, including the exhibition hall, this photograph, we emphasize that there were no buildings, no specialists, no technologies, our specialists began literally from scratch, we studied this direction, and nevertheless we were able to manufacture the first batch of belarusian refrigerators minsk-1 in 1962, the first 25 household refrigerators:
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acted as a foreign analogue. the ussr is an evil empire, an iron yoke, and the products of the minsk refrigerator plant are supplied to sweden, england, france, norway, finland, and these are economically and technically developed countries. since 1973, our products have been exported and we exported the first refrigerators to greece. and the fact itself is unique and little known
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to the modern consumer, we definitely supplied our products to the entire socialist camp, in the eighties , for example, philips refrigerators were assembled on our conveyor belt, their emblem was philips, but according to all the documentation, according to all the designations, it was our refrigerator, they just sold it under their own brand, the tradition continues, the minsk refrigerator plant never slowed down, over the years ... it developed its potential, many technologies were developed during the period from the birth of the first refrigerator, and it has fundamentally changed very much, the current refrigerator is a fairly serious technological device that provides the whole family, so to speak, with the preservation of products. at that time , only... refrigerators,
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freezers in a static system were developed, we currently have a static system, the nafros system. nofros is forced air circulation, that is, this is a new trend of all manufacturers that provide longer storage of products in the refrigerator. in new models, which we are still developing with wi-fi, that is, for a smart home. since 2000, the company has mastered the production of new products - washing machines, and using functions that are not typical for many modern models. a washing machine with steam is being put into production, here, too, there are interesting features, this is the option of steam processing, steam washing and refreshing. at the same time, when designing new ... models of both washing machines and
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refrigerators, national characteristics are taken into account: the lifestyle of people and even the preferences of belarusian housewives. we have a special zone in the refrigerator or in freezers for forming frozen dumplings, which we produce ourselves by hand. well, this is our tradition. that is why we came up with this zone and implemented it in our product, for this we are praised, for this we are loved. we are among the top five leaders in the russian market, refrigerators, freezers. in belarus, we occupy the undisputed first place, that is, out of 100 refrigerators sold, to be clear, we sell 70, out of 100 freezers sold, we sell 85. today, atlant is a modern enterprise with new unique developments with a line of new unique products.
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the ussr already exported such products to more than 100 countries. hello, with you the project everything is clear with marina karaman. let's talk about complex things in simple language. today about what
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the prices of medicines in belarus consist of, will they decrease and how to save on medicines? let's go! during this period. here we begin to get sick more often and go to pharmacies more often, when the nose is stuffy, and the body aches from the temperature, we all need a magic pill that will cure a cold and its complications. unfortunately, such a pill has not yet been invented, so every sick person brings home from the pharmacy a heavy bag of medicine and a long receipt, often with three-digit numbers. if the number of items on the receipt depends on our immunity, then only the state can regulate the numbers on it, which is what it does. let it return to the reference pricing of medicines. reference means serving to correlate with something, to link to something. in this case, reference pricing is setting the price of a product based on how much it costs
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is in countries with an economy more or less similar to ours. in the situation with medicines, the ministry of health has compiled a list of drugs that belarusians most often use, and the council of ministers has ordered that the selling prices for these drugs cannot be set higher than the state allows. the list can be found in the council of ministers resolution no. 444 of july 6 , 2023. it slightly changed the list from resolution no. 776 of 2018. you can google both, you will come to the same list. it has 37 items, for example, besopralol and ampladipine, they lower. and here is an important nuance: the list does not indicate the name of the drugs, but the active ingredients on the basis of which the medicines are made.
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there are about 900 drugs with these active ingredients in belarus, suppliers can now buy them from manufacturers only at a price that our state approves. now about how prices for such drugs are formed, so that the process is clear, our ministry of antimonopoly regulation, hereinafter we will call it march, created instructions on the methodology for calculating the maximum selling prices of manufacturers for medicinal products. it says that the price of a medicine is formed based on its average cost. the list is permanent, it was approved together with the instructions on the methodology for calculating prices for medicines, this is appendix number four of the design. the list includes belgium, bulgaria, hungary, greece. kazakhstan, latvia, lithuania, poland, russia, romania, slovakia, france and the czech republic. the fourteenth country is always the state in which the drug is produced. in practice, all this looks like this: the manufacturer or its representatives decide to sell a medicine in belarus, for example,
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of indian manufacture, look at its active ingredient and check whether it is on the list of the new version of the 776th resolution of the savmin, and find it there. this means that it is necessary to agree with the state on the price at which it can be purchased for belarus. if the drug has already been sold on our market before, they take its average purchase price over the past 6 months. for example, it is 20 rubles for 10 g. then they look at the price at which the manufacturer sells it in 13 countries from approved list in india itself. add up these 14 indicators and divide by 14, get the average selling price of the drug in the reference countries, for example, it is 22 rubles for 10 g. then, add the average price of the drug on the belarusian market over the past six months with the average price of the reference markets, in our example it is 20 + 22 and derive the arithmetic mean, that is , divide the result by two, get 21 rubles for 10
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g of the drug. this figure becomes the price ceiling at which you can buy the drug from the manufacturer for the belarusian market. no, the thing is that drug manufacturers do not sell them directly in pharmacies, they work with pharmacy companies that have everything for receiving, transporting, storing and dispensing drugs. a batch is bought from a belarusian or foreign manufacturer. the supplier's warehouse is brought to belarus, and from there they are sold or simply delivered to pharmacies. at the same time, the supplier works as an intermediary, bears costs, wants to recoup them and make a profit. therefore, he adds wholesale and retail markups to the price he paid for the drug to the manufacturer. they amount to about 35% of the cost of the drug. you can't slap a markup on the price because of the ear. prices for drugs, both from the list of especially popular ones, and all the rest, are strictly regulated by presidential decree
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number 366, on the formation of prices for drugs, medical devices and medical equipment. it states that the maximum act markup can be 9% of the price of the drug, the maximum retail - 30%. at the same time, the more expensive the drug, the smaller the markup should be, and here wholesalers need to put together the pricing puzzle so that... it was profitable for them and their pharmacy clients. imported medicines are always more expensive because the supplier includes in its costs not only the maintenance of warehouses, transport specialists, but also the costs of delivery from abroad and customs expenses. there are pharmacy companies that find this task easier than others because they own their own pharmacy chain, for example, belpharmatsiya and medvaks, and also interfarmax, uniform and vitvar are also heard. it is the permissible prices for the purchase of medicines for the belarusian market that are agreed upon not for the supplier, but for the manufacturer, who
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would not want to sell his medicine here on the market of our country, he will be able to sell it only at the price agreed upon by march. if the manufacturer decides that it is time to increase the price, he or his representatives will have to go through the entire procedure of agreeing on the selling price for the drug again in march. the pharmaceutical market is a space where seemingly incompatible phenomena are intertwined in an extraordinary 50/50 ratio: concern for people and the thirst for profit. many players in this market understand that their work depends on people's lives, and no matter what is happening in the world, they try to deliver medicines to consumers. in addition, for a chance to restore health, each of us at a critical moment is ready to give the last. pharmaceutical companies know this, they spent millions of dollars creating and developing their production not in order to lose profitable. markets, therefore, in agreeing on the selling price of drugs, as a rule, both manufacturers and their representatives are interested, they themselves
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apply to march belarus to obtain the right to sell their products here. alexander lukashenko ordered to coordinate maximum selling prices for medicines for the belarusian market back in 2018. the president saw that the quality of life of belarusians depended on this segment of trade and did not consider it possible. let education flow in it by itself, then the new scheme worked, prices for medicines dropped, the market became transparent, and competition in it became healthy. but then 2020 and the coronavirus arrived. entire countries went into deep quarantine, borders were closed, logistics chains were broken, and supplies of medicines and were already under threat, it was impossible to delay them by agreeing on selling prices, thousands of people could not receive the necessary medicines on time, so the president cancelled. mandatory agreement on prices for smart drugs. the priority became high speed, not low price of delivery. the storm
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has passed. we cried out of the coronavirus hell and straightened our shoulders under the onslaught of sanctions. in april of this year, the head of state ordered the return of reference pricing for drugs. manufacturers of medicines and their representatives must agree on prices for their products from savmin's list before december 1. this move will once again comb the market of medical drugs and will allow, if not to reduce, then to stabilize. prices for them. the cost of the same drug in different pharmacies in belarus can fluctuate within 70 rubles. the spread is huge, but most often there is no. law here, pharmacy chains could simply give the drug at a discount, for example, for the purchase of a large batch or because a fresh delivery arrived, and the old one was lying around in warehouses. before buying an expensive drug, it is worth finding it on the websites tabletka byy or 13 bai, there is information about the highest and lowest price for it in your locality and throughout the country. but from those who
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are still confused by the cost of the drug, complaints are accepted by march and each case is checked separately. saving on medicines begins in childhood, when no one smokes or drinks at the child's home, and thus adults lay down a program of behavior in the baby by their own example, when on weekends the family goes to the skating rink or to the pool, instead of in dubious company to drink drinks of dubious benefit, when a child is taught to gnaw on a carrot and an apple no less often than a chocolate bar, all this is an investment in a future without drugs. the best disease prevention for... this is moderate nutrition, sufficient sleep, giving up bad habits, playing sports. people who are accustomed to solving all problems with a pill may object that in an acute period everything listed to them is like a drop in the bucket for an elephant. in an acute period - yes, but for those who respect their body, the risks of catching this acute period are reduced by tens of times. in in belarus, respect for the health of citizens
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is supported at the state level, athletes are on billboards along our avenues, sports complexes are built on the central streets of our cities, our president receives guests on ski slopes and hockey rinks, and gathers journalists at a wood-chopping championship, and not in dusty corridors. this approach is the best way to save our money on medicines, all we have to do is use it. i am marina karaman and what to expect from a valuable medicine in belarus, we figured it out. everything is clear, up to meetings.
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konstantin konstantinov rokossovsky, the legendary marshal and twice hero of the soviet union, made an immeasurable contribution to the victory of the soviet army over the fascist occupiers. from august 1941 to july 42, rakossovsky was at the head of the sixteenth army, then commanded the bryansk, don, central, first and second belarusian fronts, took part in the smolensk, moscow, stalingrad and kursk battles. in the grandiose operation bagration, rokossovsky's first belarusian front defeated
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army group center, field marshal von busch, together with the troops of general chernyakhovsky, surrounded up to thirty enemy divisions in the minsk cauldron. for outstanding services during the belarusian offensive operation, rakosovsky was awarded the title of marshal of the soviet union. at the final stage of the war, rakosovsky's second belarusian front participated in the east prussian, pameranian and berlin operations. june 24, 1900.
1:00 pm
news, now live, with you pavel lazovik, good afternoon, a series of large-scale events for the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus continues throughout the country and operations.


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