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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 6, 2024 1:05pm-2:05pm MSK

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receive from germany, spain, the czech republic and norway as part of the alliance's military aid. scandal in bloomberg, the agency fired a journalist for breaking the embargo on the news about the prisoner exchange between western countries and russia. the material appeared even before the plane landed in turkey. bloomberg's editor-in-chief said: premature publication put the exchange at risk and violated editorial standards. at the same time, cnn reports that after the article was published, white house representatives called the editorial office and asked to remove the material, but the agency refused, moreover, the fired journalist wrote on social networks that bloomberg reporters do not decide when to publish certain materials. the worst fall since black monday in 1987. global stock markets are recovering from yesterday's collapse. takiya showed
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significant growth in the morning, becoming a catalyst for recovery. the nike index soared by more than 8%, exceeding the 34,000 mark immediately after the opening of trading. as analysts and traders note, almost all risky assets were sold off amid rising interest rates rates in japan and fears of a recession in the united states. more than 40 athletes were infected with coronavirus at the olympic games in paris. this was reported by the world health organization. details have not yet been provided, as well as measures taken in connection with the situation. let me remind you that a surge in covid-19 was recorded in france on the eve of the olympics. in this regard , the country's authorities and the world health organization recommended wearing masks in crowded places, and if you have symptoms , avoid contact with other people. more information from my colleagues at 15:00 in our air. all the best. my history,
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nature, culture, faith, people, gratitude. never, here everything is true. you feel it once and don’t get upset anymore hello, time obliges us to keep our finger on the pulse, so it has become traditional for...
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the american alliance has conducted over 200 exercises involving about 350,000 troops since the beginning of the year. andrei petrovich, you are a military man, so we will ask you how to treat this? well, we treat this as a planned escalation of the situation, we have already become accustomed to the fact that constantly either the group is being built up, or some kind of rotation of force of means is being carried out, but this does not mean that we are relaxing and not paying attention to this. one thing is reassuring, that in principle all these actions are quite predictable, what with... themselves in general, in order to understand these battalions and tactical groups and what they are doing there, these battalions and tactical groups are the advanced formations on the basis of which the deployment of brigades is carried out, that is , in essence, we see these as large groupings of force of means that can deploy on these data their character is not defensive offensive and what offensive defensive character can there be, when you look at the same americans, who, for example, the americans and nato today are conducting a whole series of operations or missions, as they say, for example, atlantic resolve, this is the united states. conduct
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a constant rotation of forces and means and at the same time say that they do not violate such a once adopted pact or act, or rather such an act russia-nato, which was signed at one time by boris yeltsin and javier salana, where about that in the new territories, especially in the territories of the eastern part of the nato bloc , groups will not be deployed on a permanent basis, and how they got around it, they say: but we are not considering all this within the framework of nato, within the framework of bilateral agreements, what questions do we have, these are bilateral agreements, well, the americans are trying to conduct some kind of rotation every 9 months, well, here is the defensive component, look at the divisions that are mainly circling around us, these are mechanized divisions from the third corps us army, and the 18th airborne corps, that is, these are the same formations that participated in iraq, and in all absolutely recent conflicts of the post-cold war, and even before the cold war. thank you, andrei petrovich, we thus indicated that this western tension, it is not going away, moreover, we see how it is step by step.
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now they are also taking additional taxes from citizens for security, this is exactly what i want to ask olga igorevna, look how interesting it turns out, okay, americans, with everything is clear with them, they generally do not hide, as andrei petrovich said, all their goals, they have everything written down in doctrinal documents, read and it becomes clear what about our neighbors, here we give them an unprecedented visa-free regime for both neighbors and for everyone else, they are under our noses with nato, once again we are super without visas, and they forbid us a car. about the fact that with the americans it is not so simple, because all the projects that you named, they are
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exclusively initiated at the national level, by our neighbors, here the americans want come here, in fact, in 2018 ford trump was offered, but for some reason they did not come.
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here i will even quote that he reminds that it will be held in kazan: a serious structure, covers more than 40% of the world's population, the president sets the tone: we are interested in joining the integration processes in this area, remember that at the beginning of july we became full members of the schons, quickly entered this new status, which means we have good prospects in brics, that is, we will do without western ones if necessary neighbors, bad, not good, not to be friends with neighbors, but since such a situation is per...
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that in general the european elites were and will remain unfriendly to us, there is nothing to quarrel about with the people, that is, these are completely different things, and the more there are such grassroots contacts, which in general will allow, in fact, to nullify propaganda,
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nullify the legitimacy of western elites, the faster will be those changes that will nevertheless allow, well, to talk about the possibility of restoring some friendly contacts and friendly interactions. eh, alexey alekseevich, i wanted to ask you this question, it is connected with what we have already discussed, but this is a step further into the next topic, which we will definitely analyze, it is the loudest topic of this week, maybe of the last days, which we have -
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the economic aspect, because initially he is a mercenary, yes, that is, one who did not find himself in the economy of germany or in the economies of european countries, decided to earn a lot in a short time. that's right, that is, his main messages, motives were still material, that is, to earn money quickly, doing something illegal actions, and he went for it, therefore, when we talk about this terrorist, we must actually understand that this is not a product of the last 10 years or 20 years of work by german propaganda or.
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training of such terrorists in another territory for money, we must understand that imagine what level of consciousness this terrorist must have, that he entered foreign territory, and a completely unfamiliar territory, studied it for a long time, scanned, monitored, conducted reconnaissance, that is, he acted purposefully with an internal motive. in order to commit a terrorist act in the hope that he would leave this territory and get money for it,
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that is, what does this indicate, that his consciousness was so distorted that he believed in his own, that he would not be caught, that he would implement it and get a big jackpot, blow up some infrastructure there, even if there are victims, it makes no difference to him, therefore what can we... say in this situation, that such terrorists e.g. western society will continue to prepare, and it is dangerous when the whole country in the form of ukraine or the whole society turns into these are the kind of terrorists. exactly the same kind of terrorists are being trained by the dash society now in poland, in the baltic countries, that is, we said that troops, forces , means are being brought there, but in reality from them.
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but this is in theory, this is in practice, this is the kind of world it is, our neighbors must understand that there is action, and there is counteraction, they can be counteraction according to the laws of peacetime. and they can be according to the laws of wartime, specifically about this person, his purely human, his condition now can be understood, that's when we see in this video, but we shouldn't be naive about the tears we see in person, he's a professional, i don't think he has any kind of psychological gap in himself to prepare, come and do this kind of action, these are people
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of a special psychotype, disposition, training, so of course there is a certain game. not subjective, yes, because there are still some governments that don't elect, those who lead these peoples and so on, but this message with these visa-free travel and soft power, this is not a message for the west at all, this is a message for the global south, for the east, about who is really to blame for this conflict within our states, between eastern and western europe, the same
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soft power is starting to act today in relation to rick krieger, yes, this is a person who committed a crime. moreover , the most serious crimes associated with terrorist acts, he was a terrorist, especially since the world has gone crazy, yes, that is, representatives of the red cross, even if ex-representatives of the red cross commit terrorist attacks, and the peace fund pays for waging wars, yes, some kind of war, that is , well, like this, when our red cross goes to donbass in order to save children, to restore them somehow here, and sends them back there, albeit with tears in their eyes, realizing that at any moment they can be attacked by... a fall from ukraine, they are blacklisted, they are called criminals, that is, it is really a paradox, and look, germany has been in it for almost a month, here rick krieger himself says that in addition to family he was of no use to anyone, a month e he was convicted, and after that only germany, after that, when it was reflected in the media, suddenly began to stir, and even stirred at
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the level of olaf scholdt, who is repeatedly asked such uncomfortable questions. it goes without saying, soft power works, and the president yesterday pardoned a german citizen, pardoned, please, we are meeting him halfway, look, look the whole world, we are not bloodthirsty, and those 500 euros of yours that you talked about are not important for us the fact that he caused damage there for 500 euros, these are all the little things in life, the question is not about that at all, the question is about people's lives, what is 500 euros, well, a person should be executed for that, but in the end they were waiting for the crocus to be squeezed 2:0, it's like these conversations like the story with trump, when they say that his ear was scratched. imagine that he turned 2 mm to the side, it's a completely different picture of the world, exactly the same here, let's imagine that there was a passenger train, and we would be discussing this story completely differently now. and further the question to the regirs will be raised, i think, everyone is already talking about it, as i like to repeat now, that they will exchange him for a good
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soviet intelligence officer, who should be worthy of returning home, we will listen to the president, we will return now, we will listen to the president. which on the eve is a really interesting form, while we do not hear the german government, we do not see how they are dealing with this issue, krieger himself says that his only hope is alexander lukashenko, now the belarusian president is starting to deal with it personally this question, which he calls simply as he does, the most difficult, the most difficult in the fate of the president questions of this kind, and then he says the following, let's listen, this is interesting, rick krieger, a citizen of germany,
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our investigator and lawyer, who, as i understand it, defended rick krieger, in court, well, and the person who was the first to report to me that we had committed a corresponding sabotage act, which, fortunately, did not lead to the death of people, well, and not only there, as far as i know, the court charged him with not only this right to... for us rick krieger is now absolutely harmless, we have neutralized him, we have shown the whole world, this is how we work, our
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anti-terrorist groups, our special forces work, please look, now the ball is in germany's court, look, please take him, take your citizen, we are ready to exchange him, we are ready to meet him halfway, then comes the game of politicians, that is, the special services have done their job, now begins the game of politicians, then what remains, then... what remains for the german leadership is not to take their own citizen, well you know, this can find its own, can find a corresponding response to influence in the future, including on elections, on the rating of the same and the same parties that put forward their leadership, so then the question comes, even if they take the terrorist, then what to put him in a german prison or release him, here what happens is that germany is contributing to its terrorists, yes, let him be a citizen, but he committed a real terrorist attack, which was proven, which was assigned, assigned the highest highest degree of danger and sentenced to capital punishment, here the head
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of state forgave him, returned him to germany, well please, play, it will be interesting to see how the game will develop further, what i am talking about is that we have learned to play on this in the conditions of the war, which olga igoryevna spoke about, that in these conditions we began to play with soft power, and this game is primarily aimed at... not so much to whitewash us, but to discredit the leadership that is trying to isolate our state of ours closest neighbors to show our true face specifically for the countries of the global south and east. what do you think about this? i agree that it was actually a wise decision, because whatever choice germany makes, it will not be in its favor, that is, in this regard, no matter how scholz behaves, he will refuse. yes, he is abandoning the germans, and if he, again, krieger is completely free, then germany will legitimize the issue, plus a very uncomfortable question from german society, and how many
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germans are in the spo zone, yes, after all in fact, the hills came from there, in general , they are already present in a fairly significant number, that is, no matter how you look at it, but these are uncomfortable questions that just awaken german society and force it to ask those questions that the german authorities today do not have an answer to, that is , in this regard , we saw from the behavior of the german embassy how unnecessary all this was for them, yes, that is, this is what is called that they calculated the situation perfectly, that wherever we throw a wedge, there is always a wedge, in this regard, they hoped that all this would pass, in general, all responsibility will not be on them, and they will generally be on the sidelines, then they will be able to blame minsk for acting quite harshly, as usual, that everything that was said about the dictatorship is true, but it turns out, that is, it would be more profitable for them, of course.
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broadcasts and interviews, through which igor tur, his interlocutor reveals the dark essence of the fugitives, i am not exaggerating here, you yourself must hear it all and decide, the ex-head of the regional branch of the opposition party, a long-time friend of statkevich, says a lot, told about merciless political struggle, money and terror, that's just one of the fragments, and we had in... in the office there was one very interesting person, he came, he lived there krashkevich, he tried to create drones, but i call it that,
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that it's a drone, it's not clear what it was, he called it a drone, it flew for him, so that later this drone could carry liquid, which, well, with a radionuclide and use it first in ukraine. then they already, well, wanted to use it in belarus, they abandoned this idea at the time of your departure from lithuania, or doroshkevich is still walking around with the idea of ​​infecting part of ukraine with radiation, and then belarus, well, he meets with the military, he is hatching some idea, you are talking about a drone that was supposed to spray something, and about these attack drones, have you heard anything, pasha belyutin came to me, our guys all bought more than twenty drones there, each drone, well, each bought there. they bought very expensive equipment, very, well, that is, we wanted to hit belarus, i say, are you crazy with territory of lithuania, you wanted to strike
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belarus? alexey, how do you like this story? you know, nothing new, yes, that is, this is probably a classic form of training sabotage and reconnaissance groups, which was used by nazi germany, when fugitive traitors are not sent away, they are taken, you know, and sent to elite hotels, they arrive there and think, great, yes, no, they are already being held at the border, yes, they are being purposefully trained to be sabotage groups of suicide bombers, including training, yes, with the hope that they will to fight against their own people, the scheme is clear, the most important thing is that for these fugitives they have no alternative, their western society or the western elites will not accept them, they have only one role -
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to perform the function of further betraying.
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this big money in a short period of time, they are ready to commit such illegal actions, naturally, they are all ready to fight against their own people, then naturally they are ready to fight with each other for access to big money, that's all. andrei petrovich, again, here i appeal to your military component, your job, like us brought up on these films to defend our homeland and you are raising a new generation of military personnel, when you hear such stories, what kind of... train of thought arises at that moment, well look, what train of thought? well, first of all, she didn't say anything new, because general tertel laid everything out on the shelves at the vns, everything became clear, but here is a very interesting fact, yes, about the fact that all these people worked for the dgb, and this is the department of state security lithuania, including madame tishkevich, yes, it was repeatedly called, of course, everything else was recruited, but i think our military counterintelligence will figure out what's what, i take
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my hat off to igor tur in general. a very interesting interview, very informative in many aspects, after it, frankly speaking, i even want to wash myself a little, yes, because well, that's the dirt in which our citizens got there today and who they turned into, you understand, but they were preparing to become the elite of our society to govern our state, so here you are look, yes, these drones flew, but look, what was planned here was not an explosion or explosives to drag, but in fact their own elements of weapons of mass destruction, that is , contamination. of our area, that is, this is a violation of all possible and impossible conventions. the question is, if the state security department knew about this, and if , god forbid, they supervised all this, what can we expect from these neighbors in the end? and what can all this lead to? so she talks about only one element: we must clearly understand who we are dealing with, who defected there and what to expect from them, and alexey said correctly that
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they are basically being formed. they are forming groups that will carry out, look, the most striking example is how ukrainians are being caught on the territory of ukraine today, yes, how today poland, and already the czech republic, has begun to form national units from citizens and former citizens of ukraine, and what do you think, that in the twenty-fifth year some other fate is prepared for these people, they are already they understand perfectly well that they have done a priori, maybe some more than... these are three as a rigger in terms of receiving the highest measure of punishment here, and they can return here, only in one case, they realize, if they carry out a coup d'etat by force, including the involvement of such people and those like polko kolinovsky and the same with them, who already clearly understood, in my opinion, the ukrainian side, that it is necessary to disband these idlers and disperse them, because there are no belarusians, and the money they are allocated somewhere, where they are allocated and how they are sawed off, we all heard this in this pen
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, yes. i say, the plot is very interesting, very well chosen, we are waiting for the continuation, i think that this sheds light on many, many things, in the twenty-fifth year, which year we are waiting for precisely in terms of the fact that these are the elections of our president. dimension, today we are seeing this with ukraine, yes, that is, the revolution of dignity has turned into a complete absence of any dignity, in terms of the west and diplomacy of value, which the west very often carried out, yes and i remember the phrase of one western diplomat
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said about belarus that the diplomacy of values ​​is the cheapest, it does not require any resources from us, beautiful words can always be said, so it turns out that the diplomacy of values, it turns out that there are simply no values ​​at all, here is a more visual demonstration that this is just a facade for idiots who must fall for it, then a serious conversation begins outside the scenery, and a tough conversation, without any, in general, illusions, in fact, we learn a lot about the complete dirt, and how, in fact , the special services work on the other side, yes, that is, we see that these structures actually do not exist, and this is in...
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europe does not have an independent policy, it is essentially the american special services that sit there, they oversee all this, on the other hand, we see that these services do not have any stupors at all, that is, in this regard, this is such a bell that requires quite serious conclusions on our side, i think that the time of traditional opposition is a thing of the past, that's it it has put an end to it today, here is guaido with his speeches, trips, financing.
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the opposition predictably disagrees, challenges the protests, but after the failure of the american guaido project in front of the whole world, their indignation does not sound so
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convincing, however, the rivals will not give up the fight, in madura they are not only internal, but external. the eccentric president of argentina miley, even before the announcement of the first results of the vote, said that he does not recognize. an american official, whose people are hardly, boldly talks about the will of another people pleased with the state of the owner of the white house and the squabbles of the election race, but this is different for them, however, the world is changing and the voice... russia, china, alexander lukashenko congratulated with these words: the residents of your country supported the course of building a modern and independent state in which the people
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can independently determine their destiny. olga igorevna, why is it so difficult for venezuelans to determine their destiny, why does washington want so much, i put the word help in quotation marks?
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naturally, the masses, being alive organism, they choose the leader who will protect them, so they choose him, but they understand that the other leaders are artificially created opponents, oppositionists who will not actually pursue any interests of their people, do you agree that there will be no new guaido and that the stake will now be made on precisely the power projects to overthrow. stakes on sanctions to strangle
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economic, financial, trade, logistical venezuela, and the use of various terrorist operations, any terrorist attacks on the territory of venezuela, we see all these technologies here, i wanted to just ask about this, about guaido, not because i am so interested in what is happening in venezuela, of course i am, but everyone understands perfectly well how... the creation of extremistan, so extremistan
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is a tyrony of chance, this is the technology they are using now against russia, all these uav strikes, terrorist group visits, terrorist attacks, including in moscow, this is all the use of this tyranny of chance, that is, when the control system does not know what will happen tomorrow, yes, then it is impossible to predict, it is impossible to plan , they developed this technology somewhere else...
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they definitely must develop methods to combat the tyranny of the accidental, that is, they must make sure that this tyranny of the accidental operates on their territories, for them the most dangerous thing is, of course, when society, their society begins to awaken, it awakens due to our visa-free regime, when we invite them here,
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ordinary citizens simply see that we have normal economy and contentment in the stores and... bring in maduro at any cost, simply because oil prices will skyrocket in the event of a major war in the middle east, they need to have their own cheap oil, which they can take for 3 kopecks, but they have actually been trying to do this for a long time, because in fact , i remind you that only the supply of s-300 to venezuela saved it from full-fledged aggression,
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from full-fledged american democratization by military means, because in fact , you can approach from the sea there and you will begin to resist.
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in the united states, so venezuela, of course, will be shaken for quite a long time, because the second step, well , it didn’t have time to do it, in any case it was stretched out in time, you know, we don’t have much time left, andrei petrovich, i understand that you could also say something about venezuela, but if you allow me, i’ll ask you the next question, and it, it intersects with this in some places, it consists of two points, when alexei just said that the united states of america essentially supplies the world with not only state coups, not long ago in an interview with the wall street journal, a journalist asked tucker carlson, why do you dislike the current american government so much, he is a conservative, he answered that this is how it is, homosexual racial communism does not attract anyone, but this is what we export, this is how he defined it, all this fell on the global
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discussion that is now being built around the olympics in paris, the opening ceremony, and so, let's ... this moment the opening of the thirty -third olympic games in paris or as the german businessman said the closing ceremony of humanity, a disgusting parody of the last supper, millions of viewers saw a bearded woman instead of christ, an lgbt party instead of an apostle, extreme disrespect for christians, elon musk said. but the indignation of millions of people around the world, as it seems to us, was best expressed by the representative of the russian orthodox church vakhtan kipshidze. he said this: one can only regret that in the center of europe a counterculture of atheism has grown up, parodying christianity in much the same way that a monkey parodies a man.
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mm the appropriate means to try to remove the candidate, there are some other elements that we see with you in venezuela, and
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i think that the issues related specifically to the color revolution, they are already a thing of the past, this is an instrument of the unipolar world, and the unipolar world, i think, will soon become a thing of the past, polycentricity will come, centers of power have already appeared that are capable of fighting this, people today they want to choose this stability, but stability is unlikely... it will work out, because this unipolar world, namely the united the states will not give up their empire, which goes far beyond the united states, just like that. in the case of venezuela, look at how cautious even blinken's speech was on this matter, about how they are very concerned, that they want to see this transparency, look at how britain says practically nothing at all, because with the goyana from sekiba the issue is such that you can light a match and everything will appear, including.
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the united states only because of oil? no, i'm sure not, why? of course, exclude it it is impossible, but my personal point of view, no, he has global problems in ukraine, today this main nerve is in taiwan, it is about to be pulled in the near future, and what is happening today in the middle east? nitaniya, and today it became known that ismail haniyeh was killed, right?
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as vladimirich lenin wrote, they did not fight for the army, only the army and navy can ensure action, namely the leadership in the country in such conditions, but we are present in all their plans, i mean nato and all others, let's sum up some, maybe the results of this conversation, it comes to us one way or another, we also have a very busy electoral cycle, behind us is the single voting day, it went great, it is a good test of maturity that our society has passed, even look at venezuela, what a low turnout. and we have a high level of trust in the authorities, the level of participation in building a civil society, ahead of us, of course, is the twenty-fifth year, the presidential elections, here we are talking about what
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humanity is voting for today. i think that the belarusian formula, right now it is difficult to develop it directly, but we can think about it in any case, and its sustainability will be based on the features of national character, that is , on natural, not artificial, artificial approaches, that in our character is hard work?
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most importantly, because we see the level of tension growing in our region and in the whole world, why is it growing, because in reality, the old european western elites do not want to come to terms with the change of the world, do not want to accept new formulas there is a lot of polar world, they will exacerbate this struggle, naturally, they will look for points of application of their forces, creation of conflicts and... we definitely fall into their orbit of interests, therefore, in order for us not to slide into some negative scenario, yes, not to go into velvet revolutions and constant change of pseudo-leaders, we definitely must unite as a nation, we must understand that we are fighting, we are fighting now for our future,
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for the future of our children of the next generations. there is no other option, if we do not unite and do not understand this, do not understand this ideology of our struggle, then of course we will turn into something like that. similar to what we saw from these pseudo-oppositionists, who will always be waiting with an outstretched handout for some kind of handouts and are ready to commit any actions against themselves and against their people. thank you for participating in today's program, that's all for today. the natural wealth
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of belarus is in abundance, many secrets can be found in the belarusian region, where there is a magical lake with an extraordinary name "god's voice". i received the name of the lake thanks to my thoughts, which i'm shitting myself. in the middle of the lake, the shape of a regular circle, which does not change over the course of time, is due to the fact that there are so many people on the right from heaven, and the size of such enchanting lusteraks in belarus.
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