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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 6, 2024 6:35pm-7:01pm MSK

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interview with martin luther king, the activist told one publication about an incident in birmingham, a white policeman approached a little african-american girl who was going to a demonstration with her mother and rudely asked her what she wanted. in response , the girl looked him in the eye and said freedom. harris refused to comment on the situation, further convincing her opponent of her rightness, but the topic of the minority is the main one in her biography. she graduated from two universities: harvard with a degree in political science and hastings. specialty lawyer. both schools are notable for their quotas for black students. haris's political career began in 2003, when she won the election for san francisco district attorney. she became the first black woman to hold such a post in california. this will work against haris in the future. liberals will call her a cop, a fop, and a law enforcement officer in a skirt in the 2020 elections. decisions in her career that have reduced her
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popularity among hard-line supporters. for example, in 2004, she refused to seek the death penalty for a gang member who shot and killed police officer, which enraged his colleagues. she also failed to score points in the eyes of opponents of the death penalty. already being the attorney general of california in 2011-17, in 2014 she appealed the decisions of one of the state judges, and unconstitutionality to the highest measures. and a year later she fell again in the eyes of those who advocate for greater oversight of the police, spoke out against the introduction of the position of special prosecutor investigating the case of the use of lethal force by police officers and against all california police officers wearing video cameras. in 2017, hari was engaged in interrogations of officials suspected of corruption, in 2020 she decided to become the president of the united states, but she missed out. the fact is that supporters could not understand what kind of program the politician had, by the way, this time there was none. ukharis really
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did not have enough support among her potential supporters, nor support among investors, nor even a program during her first run for president, now the most successful situation has developed for her, because she had to in internal in internal twists and turns... party compete, if it can be called a rivalry with a practically walking dead man, she is now the only candidate, both technically and methodologically, who could really replace mr. biden. hari's blatant confusion in her speeches cost her support, a couple of months before the democratic party primaries, harris's approval rating was 3%.
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support, at a meeting with the president of south korea, harris gave him a hand, and then wiped it on ashtanina. the americans themselves note that in... other circumstances,
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for example, if harris were a republican, she would immediately be accused of racism. in any case, the us vice president has demonstrated a complete lack of basic ethics and politeness, many of her compatriots note. some ironically ask whether siul and washington are still allies. harris's behavior in general, to put it mildly, surprises and discourages many. by the way, it was harris, one of the initiators of donald trump's impeachment in 2019, the businessman-politician did not forget this, at rallies he calls the vice president a liar and...
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doubts the abilities of his competitor. there are people with high iqs in this room. i am running against a person with a low iq. i won't even talk about biden. entry into the game harris' votes were literally split evenly, however, the businessman's supporters are confident that he will win and stir up the western nest. trump has announced his intention to reconsider relations between the us and nato, as well as america's contribution to the alliance. under him, an era of european security with the support of history,
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a stronger and bolder russia. surprisingly, if in our country trump is known as a politician, then in the usa since the eighties donald was not only a businessman, but also a showman. in 1988. on a tv show he said that he would definitely be president in the future, then it was perceived as a joke. on the oprah winfrey show in 1988, trump praised presidential candidate george bush sr. bush, michael doukahis and jesse jackson complained that japan was winning the united states said that although he did not plan to run for president, he did not rule it out, and would probably win this post if he put forward a candidacy. i'm really. tired of seeing what's happening to this country, thanks to us, others live like kings, and we don't. by the way, trump is a descendant of german immigrants who came to new york in the late 19th century, and donald was born, basically, with a silver spoon in his mouth. his father was a successful businessman, involved in
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real estate. trump is a descendant of immigrants who made themselves, this is a person who embodies the so-called american dream, when they arrived. on the continent, they built some kind of their own business, they pass it on by inheritance, he really has, he has money, he has women, he has a large number of children, he has a large number of some adventures, he is quite a public person, so for a classic american, who is in a hat, who has the right to bear arms, who sees his country as such a great, a great creation of their fathers, for him trump is really his candidate, this is the personification of his dream. but trump had no shortage of talent, by the mid-eighties the businessman had become the owner of a good half manhattan, bought a football team, started producing alcohol, built casinos, and did everything he could. in 1986
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, forbes estimated trump's fortune at $700 million. however, already in the early nineties, the politician fell into a financial hole due to the construction of a casino. the project cost donald $1 billion, but a year later it was not only completed, but also began to bring in crazy money, since then trump's opponents have called him a fraud. democrats use this trick against trump to this day, saying that he is nominated as a successful businessman, in fact, he is as penniless as a falcon. they even predict bankruptcy for the forty-fifth president. and let's not forget about the criminal case of fraud. february 16, 2024. a new york court fined trump $355 million for fraud with financial reports, and the gray trail of financial schemes goes right back to the construction of the taj mahal casino. for most of his business career, as well as most of his political career, trump believed that
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the written rules simply did not apply to him. in this case, he may also find that can ignore the law and escape punishment. the fate of his business, though close to his heart, does not seem to have a direct impact on his political fate. however, while trump has survived serious periods of business struggle, his empire is currently facing perhaps its greatest threat to date, he may lose it. here we come to the proverbial shot in the ear, after the failed assassination attempt , the scandalous politician's rating reached 47%. harris has 46 points. and naturally this led to a rally around him, but again, given trump's high anti-rating, which the democrats are now playing on, they are certainly trying to blur the topic of the assassination attempt, so that, let's say, these sentiments within the republican party do not spread to undecided voters and especially to democratic voters,
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because we see that some, let's say , major leaders of the bi-tech, who previously supported the democrats, after the assassination attempt on trump openly took his side, although on... recruitment, to defeat the democrats in the elections, in elections where everything is decided not only by the dead souls and mail-in voting, but also electors,
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we'll talk about them. the final part of the expression of will in the united states takes place in two stages: the first, as we have already said, will take place on november 5, these elections are called general, participation is taken, as in belarus. all adults, however, you can vote by mail, even from another state, which is called one of the main problems. in 2020, the number of dead souls and falsifications reached page and led to a march on washington. we remember the 2004 elections, yes, when wagayo,
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right at the moment of honoring the votes, the system collapsed counting of ballots, and accordingly, later, when it started working again, bush jr. got a certain lead over the then democratic candidate john kerry, that is, well , many democrats also believed that it would not have happened without some kind of manipulation with...
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the list of potential electors is approved by the party leadership of each state even before the general election. in 48 of the 50 states in the district of columbia, the rule is: that's it, the candidate who gets the most votes in that state gets all the votes electoral votes, with the exception of nebraska and maine, where electors are distributed proportionally to the number of votes a candidate receives, electors vote in their states, in 2024 the vote is scheduled for december 17, after which their votes are transmitted to washington. on january 6, 2025, members of the us congress will gather to count them, the results of the electoral college vote: approved by the president of the senate, the current vice president. the surprising thing is that the electors are supposed to simply
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duplicate the opinion of the population. but there is such a concept as an unreliable elector is someone who voted for another candidate. the rigidity of the american system is surprising, such an unfaithful member of a colleague can even face a fine of up to a thousand dollars. yes, of course, they don’t notice the beam in their own eye, but this is, again, the position of the west, it would be strange if they suddenly began to approach this or that objectively, but we certainly need to point this out, and talk about what very big problems there are in the old countries of the so -called old democracy, how they behave they call it, yes, this is the usa and britain, indeed, the elections are very, well , badly, it's all poorly organized, yes , there are a huge number of holes in the law, which allow one or another falsification to be arranged there, to allow. to subjugate power and not to share power with those whom they
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do not consider worthy of victory in the elections, well, in general, the point is that they are very dirty in the west, of course we need to talk about this, surprisingly, but it was precisely this waywardness of the electors in 2016 that allowed trump to win, then for hillary clinton cast their votes for 3 million more americans, but there were 304 electors
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. will be carefully asked from the white house, it will no longer be possible to save private biden in politics, so the updated duet of dancers from western democracy will have to entertain the public. of course, the idea
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of ​​​​the festival. skoy phone and says: olya, let's make up a festival. at first we came up with a form, it was the form of a loaf of bread fest, we wanted it to be different from all existing forms, but at the same time be aimed at the bread theme, but we did not think long about the name, because once people asked bulka batkova, we decided to call our festival batkova bulka, so that everyone would immediately understand what this festival is about, how it was born and... the festival was first held 2 years ago and immediately became one of the top popular festivals, what attracts guests and participants? thank you for such an interesting question, indeed, this year the festival is only the third time, but after the second festival we were awarded a very high prize, the team of authors became laureates of the special
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presidential prize, we are very proud of this, and attracts people... our nationality is our love, love specifically for the audience, because our festival is a walk, it is not a concert festival, coming to the event itself in svislych, you will be able to attend a master class on weaving a father's bun, learn the path of bread, starting from a small grain of furrow to the stove, and of course, you can try to grind flour in large millstones, this is the grain that sprouted on such an improvised... with such a beautiful wooden rustic shuffle , turn this grain in general, walking around the festival with us there are unusual sites, this is a straw site, we call it a farmstead in the state style, this is a zone for song and for the soul, and of course we also build concert programs so that any spectator , young and old, could sing with us
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, our evening retro concerts have already become popular and traditional, which can even be... how will you surprise participants and guests this year? this year we are leaving our traditional, already beloved sites to all spectators and, of course, we are expanding and adding. this year we are reflecting the theme of the eightieth anniversary liberation, we will have an exhibition of military equipment and technology, which on... an exhibition of thematic bread, we will show about the bread of blockaded leningrad, we will tell about monastery bread, we will tell about bunnies bread, so beloved by everyone since childhood, and we will even surprise, showing space bread, this will be
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our new site, the new site will be the gospodar show, this is such an interesting site where anyone can play in mock fights with a poker or even a whip try to knock down some object, show their strength udol. in general, the program is already it's about to come out, you can probably find it on the internet, this year we are developing a map, because we are expanding and on a large scale, our festival is held in several stages, we invite, what can i say, it's better to come once and see, it's no secret that... that we belarusians have a special attitude to bread, we preserve the traditions of bread baking, we create something new, will this moment be reflected in the festival program, yes, our bread festival and... this year we are expanding it, we are declaring it as a full-fledged a big bread festival. this year we will talk about national breads, for example, the bread of burkina faso is called fufu, and it is not
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exactly bread, but it is what we would call it. we will talk about this at the festival. a novelty of our festival this year will be a professional competition of professional bakers, the presentation of a kind of quality mark. now everyone who wins this competition will be able to place the logo of our karavayfest on their products for a year, and this will be a guarantee that this bread is of high quality and has passed the test professional jury. and, of course, in addition to the fact that we will tell about modern traditions of bread baking, we will also tell about ancient recipes, recipes in principle for the most father's loaf, and we will also have master classes on baking bread at home. this is also assumed by this karavai-fest, therefore. i think that all housewives, all lovers, who have not yet participated in matulin karavai, this is a competition of amateurs, which is also awarded here, at least to get a recipe to try it in
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your kitchen, at home. what is the secret of the recipe that same batkova bun, and can anyone who wants to bake it at home? well, is it possible to bake a batkova bun at home, probably this is a question for housewives who should try to bake it, but at every festival, the first, the second, and this year will not be an exception, we have a class with a recipe, we give out the recipe and even teach how to weave that very braid, the shape of the batkova bun, which everyone loved so much, everyone tries, and either buy or make, those who have already been to our festival, the secret of the batkova bun, you know, this is the secret of a soviet recipe, taken from our childhood, and this is exactly the bread that, when you come home after a hard day or in the morning, waking up for breakfast, you cut off a piece. to this very dad's bun, spread it with butter and together with milk, very tasty, i recommend it to everyone, the secret itself, i still suggest coming to svislych on august 17 to try and
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see, as it is important for us, the image, to be in the sco, and for the sco, the image is important that belarus... was in the organization, because we have the most valuable thing that we can export to our allies: political experience, willpower and determination of our leader, product, we all tremble before this dollar. alexander lukashenko regularly does what is generally not very common in world politics. he comes out and tells the purest truth. i see a real person who simply chops wood, as many years ago, in order, among other things, i am sure, not to get off the ground. i see a person who jokes, who... not only
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as a president, but also simply as a person. author's project by igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus24 tv channel.
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on air, the news with you is yulia pertsova, good evening, watch this issue. the president visited the mound of glory about the reconstruction of the complex and current issues of the minsk region as a whole, the governor of the region reported. attack of the armed forces of ukraine on populated areas in the kursk region, fierce battles are underway, there are casualties among the civilian population. the boy is conscious and under the supervision of minsk doctors, about the child's condition and the causes of the emergency at the stadium in vitebsk in our issue.


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