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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 6, 2024 9:45pm-10:01pm MSK

9:45 pm
question: do you really believe that all those returned by russia and belarus can be considered unfairly accused and convicted, the same krieger, a terrorist recruited by the sbu. the authorities of the republic of poland, the president, the prime minister and the government accepted the request of the us authorities, in accordance with the provisions of polish law, to include in the exchange of people imprisoned in russia and belarus. in nato countries. as part of the exchange, a group of officers of the russian special services went to russia, and a group of unfairly accused convicted citizens of western countries and russian defenders of human rights and democracy, left russia and belarus. there is no need to explain to anyone what happens to those who at least once try in poland, germany or other so-called civilized countries to blow up a railway, a relay box when interacting.
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services of another state, such a person will face prison, at best, at worst - liquidation on the spot, so the german was really lucky that he encountered the belarusian justice system, and not american, for example, but if everything is clear with krieger, then what did poland want in this exchange that was disadvantageous for itself, the former minister of internal affairs of poland shed light on what was happening. negotiations on the exchange. prisoners between russia and the west have been ongoing for at least a year and a half, as the coordinator of the special services, i negotiated with the americans on this matter. i proposed to hand over to the russians the gru agent pavel rubtsov, arrested by us in february 2022 under the name pablo gonzalez. our conditions for the prisoner exchange were the transfer of poland andrzej poczobut, sentenced in belarus to eight years in prison and russian citizen v, who had a pole's card and was sentenced to 12.
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the main narrative is the grodno region, an originally polish territory that needs to be returned to the polish fold. he actively supported sanctions against belarus and the attempted coup in 2020. in february 2023, poczobut was sentenced to 8 years for inciting racial and religious hatred, as well as calls for sanctions and other actions aimed at harming the national security of belarus. czobut has long been the
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the most humble banner of the new polish occupation movement in the west of our country. the warsaw agent of influence was well acquainted with many polish diplomats in belarus. martin wojtachowski, the then temporary charge d'affaires of poland, his wife, an employee of the polish news agency , consider poczobut their good friend and even came to the court to provide friendly support. despite the fact that the session was closed. such a strong desire to return poczobut to poland only raises additional questions. for example, how is pochobot better than other, so-called political scams, or for warsaw - it 's different. even the poles laugh at all these strange political maneuvers of their authorities. not my circus, not my monkeys. however, out of curiosity, i would ask, was it really so difficult to predict. that in a moment
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the question would arise, where is pochobot. observing the situation from the outside, one can understand that the polish authorities have a poor understanding of the belarusian authorities and belarusians, they still haven't realized that we are not playing for lowering the stakes, that if the borders are outlined, then so be it good, keep your distance, and if you need something, we will play on our own terms, in belarusian, the terms, the president of belarus alexander lukashenko voiced ...
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for this pochebut pochebut or pochobut yes or pachobut exchange for some piece of the border for beaver forests and whatever this checkpoint was when she gave me.
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this was not said somewhere in the corridors or during secret negotiations, but in front of representatives of the belarusian people in one of the main halls of the republic, and people supported lukashenko with ovations, sincerely, and the poles are now starting to say that they closed the bobrovniki crossing point because of poczobut and that information about extremists with belarusian passports was voiced during secret negotiations. wake up, everything was voiced more than a year ago...
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firstly, he made it clear that the zmagars are nobody, secondly, decisions are made for them, thirdly, if none of the zmagars in belarus are released, then the fugitives will simply be offended, well , that's it, nothing happened, what's next, will you organize disobedience marches in poland or germany, or maybe go through the so-called peaceful march along the main streets of the usa, what will you, an insignificant number of traitors abroad , do now, if...
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but there is a win-win option, because this is different, you have to understand, with you was yaktenia lebedeva, see you in the next program.
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july 1941. an atmosphere of general chaos, death, dirt, blood and sweat. the wounded are arriving around the clock, the operating room. is not empty for a minute, from fatigue and lack of sleep, the doctors lose consciousness. a fragile, little girl
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hurries to the medical sanitary battalion. in that bustle, people, cars, carts, the doctor of the second rank galina, stopped by the general's stern response. she faltered, raised her eyes and realized: this stately, blue-eyed handsome man was her destiny. he experienced the same feelings. the heartbreaker, at the same time a military man from god, konstantin konstantin konstantinovich rakosovsky is so surrounded by legends that it is almost impossible to figure out where the truth is and where the fiction is. radkosovsky was born, and here we encounter the first very important mystery. firstly, we do not yet know exactly when and where he was born. there are several at once options. 1894, later konstantin
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konstantinovich wrote that he was born in 1896. it was believed that he was born in warsaw, although at the end of the great patriotic war he began to indicate the city of velikiye luki, pskov region, as his place of birth. and only a couple of years ago the gap was filled. 2021, the national historical archive of belarus gives out a sensation: the famous soviet marshal, who commanded the historic victory parade on red square in moscow, he is also the author of the brilliant operation bagration, in fact, belarus. the record of the commander's birth was discovered by pensioner vladimir abramchuk. while studying his own family tree in the reading room of the national archive. according to the found birth certificates, the boy konstantin was born on september 3, 1889 on belarusian
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soil, in the telekhany of the pinsk district of the minsk province. but why did konstantin rokosovsky himself hide the place and date of his birth? experts have different versions of this, but be that as it may, we can now confidently say that one of the marshals of victory was born. on belarusian soil had belarusian roots. in 1914, he entered the russian imperial army as a volunteer hunter, as they were also called, since 1914 he served on the fronts of the first world war, and he managed to master weapons quite quickly, that is, a saber, a pike, learned to shoot and was a very
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brave commander, and often went on reconnaissance, so we can note that the initial period of his life begins to be associated with the army. since 1918, after the revolution, konstantin rakosovsky served in the red army, graduated from the military academy in 1936 and became one of the first commanders of the cavalry corps. but a year later, on a false denunciation, he was taken to zhirnov's repressions, he got into the terror machine, and it seemed that he was doomed. in the thirty -seventh year, he was unexpectedly arrested and spent several years in prison, where they tried to get rid of him in every possible way. rakosovsky was brutally
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tortured, the head of the leningrad nkvd department, leonid zakovsky, took part in his interrogations, whose motto was the phrase: "we must destroy the enemy to the end, and we will destroy him." the trial was postponed because that all the witnesses who gave any testimony against him, according to the investigation, were dead by that time. in the end, in the end, he was released and... he was fully reinstated in all his ranks, he was treated for quite a long time, because during his imprisonment he was subjected to torture and physical abuse. during interrogations, rakosovsky had several of his front teeth knocked out, three ribs broken, his toes were hit with a hammer, his...


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