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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 7, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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then of course we will turn into something similar to what we saw from these pseudo-oppositionists, who will always be waiting with an outstretched handout for some kind of handouts and are ready to commit any actions against themselves and against their people. thank you for participating in today's program. that's all for today. winter is a natural treasure of belarus. many secrets can be found in the braslav region. there is a magical lake with an extraordinary name - god's voice. he received the name of the lake thanks to his reflections, which...
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in the braslav region, the lakes are blue as the sky. the warriors who are in the right of the racing forest, at the beginning of the evil dawns , the creatures and the world are washing, and the misfortunes are appearing, the accumulated azers are woven with charms, smiling at the suns, look for yourself, and not from the sea, the bottom, which is golden and golden, no matter what it would be from them without end, on the blessed azers, like not most years, they are so sick. i want to sustrezza, no matter what
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the stars, the mountains, the seas, and the azerbaijani have never forgotten, my dear. patrus brouk. you can call it... it is well known that laws are not such that they suit all. the time has come when we must develop civil initiative more and more. a deputy must be charismatic. i am still a young deputy, i am still getting used to it, i always make any decision in life consciously. you have served in the prosecutor's office for 30 years. the work of a lawyer is like the work of a doctor. very often my friends and my new colleagues tell me: angelica, turn off the prosecutor. we want to ask, do you like
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surprises, i separate professional activity and my personal life, we know our rights well, yes, that's how with duties? i perceive everything in life very positively. hello, the program say don't be silent is on the air, in the studio svetlana smolonskaya and victoria popova. and today our guest is a deputy of the house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus of the eighth convocation, anzhelika kurchak. to be closer to the people. anzhelika, we continue this is right, because deputies should introduce our viewers to the new composition
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of the deputy corps, that's why you are here, and we hope that your story will be interesting to our viewers. you served in the the prosecutor's office and in his last working one. you can leave the prosecutor's office, but it will never leave you . that's right, thank you very much for being interested in me and my professional path. indeed, about 33 years have been devoted to the prosecutor's office, to serving the fatherland, the people, so to speak, in this field. and of course, this is definitely. way of life, this is a certain routine, this is high self-organization in the conditions of multitasking, this is personal responsibility for any decisions made, because they concern both the fate of their country and the fate of individuals or in the whole society, and i would also like
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to say that in any situation i always look at how the laws work, how these laws are observed, so very often my friends and my new colleagues tell me: angelica, turn off the prosecutor. i really try, but i don’t always succeed, i think that i won’t be able to completely turn off the prosecutor, well, remember, as pushkin said, my whole life was a guarantee of a faithful date with you, and you also once noted on the same social networks that work in the prosecutor’s office became such a springboard to work in the parliament corpus, can you tell us why you think it was an important stage in your life when i made the decision.
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that exist in society, to monitor compliance with the law, and of course i understood that my experience and knowledge could be useful in this job. in addition, at one time in the prosecutor's office i worked as an expert in the legal department, that is, i was directly involved in rulemaking, yeah. and so, in general, i believed that i really had great competencies in order to change my professional path and really direct it. it's a little bit in a different direction, but the direction is very connected with the activity, and if you compare, which is easier, you are probably often asked this question, where do you like it more in the prosecutor's office or i'm still a young deputy, i 'm still getting used to it, i never rush to make quick decisions, yeah, they should be
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weighed, so today i get information about, of course, as far as legislation is concerned, i understand the powers of the deputy, but there is practice of activity. and i get information, i i am interested, i communicate with colleagues, deputies, especially those who were in the deputy corps in the previous convocation, so today i receive information about how i am getting used to it, yes, but of course i am already working in the districts, with the population, i convey the information that i become aware of with my current professional activity, i receive feedback, so of course the work is going on, but i have not yet made any such global conclusions,
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within the framework of the work of the deputy corps, too , certain events i can wear it, so the uniform is with me, that is, nothing has gone from me, only added, so as far as. deputy work, you know, this is probably the kind of withdrawal, i will call it, such, perhaps, a slang word, happened when there was an election campaign, when citizens approached me, so i remember one man came up and said: anzheleika, you have such a good job, you probably have a good salary, why do you need this, patching a hole in the asphalt, why do you need to clean or clean the entrances there, yes or take measures for this work, for what purpose?
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a very complex process, it is well known that laws are not such that they suit
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everyone, therefore, of course, it is very important to coordinate them, to determine the fundamental approaches of the position on this or that bill, then comes the procedure of adoption, approval, signing, entry into force, that is, this is a very complex process, it is also imposed by the rule-making technique, this is how to correctly state, how to correctly place commas, paragraphs, logically construct the text itself? and also in the rule-making in the process there are examinations carried out, criminological examination for the presence of all sorts of crime risks, that is, something was not regulated, somewhere a gap was allowed, we allowed some kind of loophole, yes for unscrupulous people, therefore there is also a linguistic examination, it is not officially, but it actually exists, it is carried out legal, criminological examination, therefore it is a very complex process, if someone says that this is creativity, then i think that after i explained all doubts will be dispelled it is very important that our laws reflect the real situation in the country they were of such
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a predictive nature so that we do not interfere in the legislation every year in the same project, in the same law, according to the law , in our regulatory legal acts it is written that our legislation must be stable and after the adoption of the law no changes are made to it for 2 years, and you can call our legislation stable, i began to study the legislation, when the foundations of law, yeah, the foundations of civil, criminal, family, in principle, without opening any specific regulatory document, you could already understand one way or another how to resolve a particular situation. now, unfortunately, we have come to such a situation that we must clearly look at how it is written in the norm of the law, the essence of the meaning is not always laid down in the law, we often detail it, but... our life, the tree of life, is lushly green, so it is impossible to write down every situation, it is impossible and
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unnecessary, therefore our legislation, it is also stable, but look at the time we live, everything changes so quickly, the laws are always there are, were and will be in our country, they will work, everything is known in comparison, i once, well now i continue to travel a lot, i visited, well, not all the continents yet, but many countries, and i just see... it’s impossible, we just, well, you know, often we immediately fine, well
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, we don’t compare this a priori with what is in other countries, you know, we have lost a little bit of this sense of reality, i would say, the peculiarities of the mentality, because we also have an employee who is a representative of law enforcement agencies, he will not immediately fine, yes, he will talk first, that's what he will talk about, we have preventive measures, there are warnings. we have their rights so protected, so to speak, that they bring a child to kindergarten who clearly differs in his behavior from other children, that is, he negatively influences other children, educators try to tell these parents that maybe you should go to a psychologist, talk to a teacher, well, your child is not only hyperactive there, but accordingly, he needs to help yours, but
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he is not adapted, the parents do not want, they maybe they are afraid of some diagnoses, yes they are afraid there... that someone will tell them the truth and it turns out that our child, in fact in front of the team, other children, this child ends up in this situation, because in our country only the parent has the right to appeal, yes in other countries, if the teacher sees that the child's behavior deviates from the norm, a message is immediately sent to the appropriate authorities, then they protect the rights of the child first of all, and this child really goes through all sorts of so to speak checks, examinations and so on and so forth and already to him. so to speak, some pedagogical measures are applied, some programs, he is involved, therefore you know, it is very correct that what was adopted now, it was an initiative of the prosecutor's office, it was supported by the president, about the need to increase the responsibility of our parents, to increase the responsibility of parents, thereby protecting the rights of children, yeah, well, and indeed the teaching staff suffers, their rights are infringed,
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after kindergarten we can say the same about school, today parents, in general, can...
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they approached him, they approached him, but he still stalled, well, maria, she set herself this goal, she managed to do it, you have such developments and such ideas, well, besides protecting the rights of children, they gave such an example, a draft law was being developed and stalled, since 2011, as far as i remember, this draft law, the developer was the ministry of housing and public utilities, even when i worked in the prosecutor general's office in the expert legal department, i was directly involved in this project and ... they understood that this law was needed, at that time we now have legislation in this area of ​​legal relations, this is the law on the protection of the animal world, the law on the protection of nature, that is , there was legal regulation, this is a series of resolutions of the council of ministers, and it was previously called this draft law, and on the treatment of animals, now it is called on the responsible treatment of animals, and indeed -
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the main problems, why this bill passed with great difficulty, it was we who attracted the participation of the public and volunteers at that time. among themselves, frankly, they did not could agree on individual fundamental positions, so maria viktorovna is really a smart girl, she was able to overcome all these disagreements, because you know, very often, when a draft law is developed for a very long time, it languishes somewhere, yes, into oblivion, then in this case, i understand that it is needed, everyone understood that it is needed, but it is quite difficult the bill, so she used all her, so to speak, capabilities in order to... eliminate all disagreements on fundamental positions to come to a single opinion, of course, this law, it may not be ideal, it is very important that it will increase the responsibility of citizens for, so to speak, for compliance with the already relations associated with the use of animals, but one way or another we have increased the degree of responsibility of animal owners, this is very important, all
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the rest in general life will show, so it will work for 2 years, we will see how effectively, so to speak. the rule-maker worked, and accordingly, of course, the norms of the law can be supplemented, because life, so to speak, goes forward, you said that visited different continents, we read that you are also involved in interparliamentary organizations and egypt, indonesia, some exotic countries, member states of mexico, tell us about this, your activities, all our deputies are included. commissions are included in the commission on legislation of this interparliamentary assembly, some forms of cooperation, for example, to be clear, today, for example, we have received from the assemblies
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draft model laws and recommendations that concern all member states commonwealth of independent states, we study, give expert assessment, compare the norms of model laws with our national legislation, make our proposals, that is, we develop unified approaches to... what are they needed for? so that we can show our openness, so that we can express our peaceful position on any issues on the international agenda,
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so these are such inter-parliamentary, interstate groups. there was a meeting recently, the meeting was initiated, by the way, by the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the united states mexico in the russian federation and concurrently in the republic of belarus, he visited our country expressed a desire to meet with the deputy corps. accordingly, since i also took part in this group, you know, it is very useful to look into each other's eyes, one thing is what they write in the media, especially foreign media about us, and another when they look us in the eye, because the eyes will never deceive, yeah, again here we expressed mutual interest in cooperation, in exchanging opinions, in exchanging our experience in humanitarian, in the informational and normative spheres, so our meeting was very successful,
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we were pleasantly surprised, although they live in st. petersburg, yes, where there is also something to see and be surprised at. angelica, 2020, you were then an employee of the prosecutor's office, actually
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a press secretary, and of course you got into all sorts of black books and obscure sites, which, by the way, still happily exist on the internet, and what is important, they follow the development of your career, what do you think, in 25 year they... decorated all our cities and villages with our state symbols, i come to the kindergarten and hear the children singing our
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national anthem, singing: we belarusians are peaceful people, so there was simply a breakthrough, a breakthrough in our society , there was unification in our society, so the twenty-fifth year is a wonderful year, i think that we will survive it wonderfully, so as for those destructive resources, you know, in our mentality of belarusians, those who live outside of belarus, they are not belarusians, and we do not hear them, we hear we understand and... angelica, but before we take a break, answer this question: are you a soft person by nature or are you an iron lady, because now you have to meet with a lot of people, not all of them come with requests, but sometimes with demands, i think, i think, and there they swear and quarrel, but given your experience in the prosecutor's office, you were still restrained,
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yes. does this leave an imprint now? of course, your profession leaves an imprint on your lifestyle, your way of thinking. i am a lawyer and you know, i always said that i believe that the work of a lawyer, like the work of a doctor, in what sense? sometimes you have to hurt in order to heal, that's how it is with us. we are not always nice and kind, yes, but we work to ensure that... we have law and order, legality, so that the rights of citizens are respected, so, probably, i combine both softness and severity, yes, but in any case i separate my professional activity and my personal life, and you know, people who do not know me, when they meet me, talk to me, no one has ever guessed where i work, that i am a manager, already on at a certain stage, they said, well yes, it is obvious that you are a leader, you
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manage something somewhere, but what sphere? it was a bank, maybe it was an airline, well, they named anything, but not law enforcement agencies, oddly enough, you know, probably, this is some kind of life credo, when i came to work in the prosecutor's office, here is another student, i saw the team, it was a wonderful team, it formed me, but i heard the speech of these people, yes, i heard the speech of one woman who spoke in clichés, and i i thought, will a couple of years pass and i will also speak in english. this was for me, you know, a trigger moment, which i understood that i need to develop, i need to be creative, no matter what field you work in, so it is also very important, probably, to treat people with respect, no matter what field it concerns, being a prosecutor, when i went to checks, checked business entities, checked various organizations, i treated the people who work there with great respect, i i always understood that they know the subject better
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than me, much better. they work in this area, i just watch from the outside, i compare their work and the application of the law, i did the same with the accused, supporting the accusation, i never condemned the person as such, i never behaved disparagingly towards him, he is a person, he has the right to life, i can only judge and evaluate his actions, his criminal act, and here i am strict, so here is such a mix - refers to ... everything you do, probably with love, first of all, it helps, probably, you decide, well and the presumption of innocence first of all, yes the presumption of innocence too, of course, but also behavior can be different, and relationships, interrogation can be different, you know , the investigation in the prosecutor's office has always been different, but i remember when there were investigators in the prosecutor's office, there was always an investigation of the prosecutor's office - it was the elite of the investigation, yeah, it was a special
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category of cases, of course, these were the most serious official crimes, crimes against minors, against sexual freedom, and accordingly, these were people, highly educated researchers, this was the elite, so it was a different attitude, so here, without belittling the dignity of any system, any bodies, i can simply speak for my system for my attitude. thank you for your answer, well, and about what kind of people you meet, we will talk about in the next part, for now we will take a short break, i remind you, our telegram. channel say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer us new interesting guests, we are in touch. on the air again say don't be silent, our guest is the member of parliament anzhelika kurchak. anzhelika, well, in your lynkovsky district number 104 there live 67.
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of the city of minsk, and will you refuse him? i would like to explain to the residents right away that the lynkovsky district, it is so called by the name of the street named after lynkov and it territorially unites part of the frundinsky district and part of the central district and of course, when we have work in the district, every month we work a week in the district with residents, with labor collectives, i come to the work collective, the organization is located on the territory of my district. but the people who work there, they can be from all over minsk, in any case from all over the frundensky district, therefore, a member of parliament, he differs from a local council deputy in that he must look at the whole problem that exists deeper, and small problems, individual problems, they
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should be solved, probably, at the local level, and the problem that worries, probably, the majority of the population, it is already in sight members of parliament should get there, so, of course, people come with different questions. where there is some kind of bear, and there are some kind of unsafe conditions, that is, i drive through these places to see if this is really the case, but i usually practice receiving, for example, on issues related to improvement, with a deputy of the minsk city council, because it is necessary
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to separate the competence of a local council deputy and a deputy of parliament, so of course i do not refuse anyone, reception is conducted twice a month in the administration of the central district and in the administration of frundensk. district, the second thursday and the fourth tuesday, yes, it’s easy to remember, easy to remember, yes, and have you already remembered the people who contact us, they usually say that these are the same people, people, you know, when i tell my colleagues, especially those who worked in the previous convocation, that i had such a woman with such and such a problem, oh, they say, yes-yes-yes, we all know her, now she has come to you, you know, especially if the person is elderly, it needs to be listen, he often comes because he is lonely, to communicate. about one thing, and i ask her about something else, and how is your health, and how are your children, and how are your grandchildren, yes, to switch and distract a little, perhaps
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she really does have those problems that need to be solved, but she is fixated on some of her own rightness, here she stands on it, here she wants it, achieves it, despite the fact that previous deputies have already explained it to her, in general, in various bodies of our state they gave her answers. well basically, here are the requests, the appeals that people come with, this is traditional, housing and communal services, roads, entrances, this is traditional, during the election campaign, now people are mainly concerned with issues related to improvement, and you know , this makes me happy, because i ask questions, and how are you with material support, social security, health care, there is a queue somewhere or other, well, i have not yet come across such difficult cases, mainly it is improvement, this makes me happy that people want it to be...
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who was here recently and walked around minsk, and such bad weather, a hurricane, i walk with the dog in the morning and look, here are the branches, yes, all this is lying, scattered and so on, i walk in the evening, there is already order everywhere, this is so nice that each of our, you know, bodies, although complaints about the housing and communal services, but in fact they do not work very well, yeah, anzilik, well, we had a deputy of the minsk city council, vadim borovik, as a guest, and he expressed this thought, let's listen, when i was an ordinary student, zhes was afraid of me. it's clear, you see, i'm no one, any citizen, i'll explain again, any citizen, now we have a homeowners' association, the house where i live and it's simpler, we agreed, somewhere we accumulated funds, we do everything with our own money, it's not like someone gave us a gift or there are all these, you know, how many stubborn people
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there are who are afraid of going poorer on these 20 rubles a month or 40, you see, sometimes you have to show willpower, you see, take yourself, because many are lazy, they think, okay, i'll go to this backwater, you see, everything is possible to do, especially sometimes there is. we also relied on the janitor for some time,
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but the janitor couldn't cope, and seeing this situation, i simply wrote in our general chat: i have a shovel in my car, who else? let's go out and make our yard clean for ourselves, and our children and our families? what do you think, everyone came out, we didn't have enough shovels, everyone who lived at that time, we cleaned up this territory of ours, the next day the janitor came, he cleaned up something else there, so our people are ready, sometimes you just need to organize them or explain.
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fairly active citizens know their rights and know their responsibilities, well, tell me,
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this system, yes, that 90% of the state or local authorities, and 10 is the initiative of residents, owners, well, it works in some, let's say, areas of your district, for example, i know that you meet a lot with elderly people and not very long ago you met with residents of masyukovshchina, a former military town. i think that well, maybe many were there, i , since i live in the central region, and behind the railway there is already a military town, then i've been there, and of course, when you cross the railroad, you find yourself in a completely different world, and it seems to me that these tosas are for now for a military town, this is an illusion of a utopia, because there are elderly people there, they would probably like to improve their area, yes, the military town, to improve it, but firstly, age, secondly, incomes are not the same as here... to act, as for this meeting, it was
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nice that it was initiated by the residents of the military town itself, the former military town, not only grandmothers came to this meeting, men came too, men who have children, it was nice, and elderly people expressed their complaints, men expressed their complaints again , as regards the same older population, how they walk their dogs, in particular, what kind of trouble they cause and... and we held this reception together with andrei petrovich, because this is generally the competence of local councils, we of course must understand, as members of parliament, understand the mood, yes, social, so to speak, requests in general, yes, in order to understand how the legislation works and what needs revision, this meeting was successful, we then talked with local authorities, with the administration of the frunzinsky district and certain repair work is planned for the third quarter, asphalt pavement, pedestrian connections. separate events have already been
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held, signs have been installed there and so on, i want to visit the military town again in august, i really like this microdistrict, you know, i am a breschanka myself and i like it when there is a lot of vegetation, so that there would be such cozy courtyards, houses, this area really needs investments, they are laying a beautiful road there , on the one hand we have improvements, and as for the military town, there is none, those who live there see it, but i think that everything is possible, these projects related to civil initiatives and tos, we are only at the beginning of the path, but if there is a real initiative, we will meet, we will work out whether we are ready, and not only pensioners live there, after all, it is not necessary for everyone to participate. yes, there there are, so to speak, people who work, who earn money, and i think that we are citizens, who i think that we will look for, maybe some additional means permitted by law in order to really restore order, everything is really good there, the only thing is that the curbs are outdated, that's what i 'm talking about, it's a very, very cozy area, but it needs to be greener, maybe we need
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to make a park, maybe we need to make some small architectural forms, benches, small seats, rest areas, somewhere they could maybe go out to play checkers or... chess and the people are older, so i think there will be a meeting, and i have already set myself one of the tasks, in general, to improve this area, which is very nice for me. angelica, well, you are originally from brest, how often do you visit your small homeland now, and do you notice how your city is changing? of course, i often visit the city of brest, my parents live there, so once a month i definitely go to visit them every time, especially when i go to the city by car. i mean, i movement along this main highway of ours i see how our city is changing every time, squares, parks, new architectural forms, shops, cafes, i really love walking along these streets, recently i was and discovered a new cafe in the city of brest, so i see how it is developing, how many young people walk along the streets
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of children, i love my city very much, i am very happy for it, you met on the eve of one of the holidays with veterans and ...
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not everyone, probably, by birth possesses this gift, but everyone has intelligence, diligence, hard work, so you can shape and develop yourself, especially since all the conditions have been created for this in our country, and if you look at our deputies, they are professionals in various fields of activity, the most important thing is that a deputy is a person who has reached the heights in his profession, who has something to tell.
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master and do nothing, we already have a completely different idea of ​​our deputy corps, including thanks to those
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people you just told us about, and we will take a short break, i remind you, we have telegram channel, say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and suggest guests, we are in touch! the say don't be silent program is on the air again, our guest is mp anzhelika kurchak. anzhelika, let's talk great, even during the election campaign, i saw your photo on the questionnaire of candidates for deputy, i found, well , a striking, in my opinion, resemblance to the russian theater and film actress elena yakovleva, and it seemed to me that you are very similar, hence, such a question, do you like these types of art and what is your favorite film? favorite performance, you know, it's a little surprising for me, because since childhood i've always been told that i look like ilza liepa,
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yes, look at her photo, i think that there is also something in common, probably that's why i love ballet art first of all, oddly enough, i was once invited, but i was such a thin girl, and i thought, god, if i go to ballet, i'll always be so thin, so i ran all the time and even quit classes in one circle that i went to, so that i wasn't pestered by the choreographer with... classes, but in fact i really love the art of ballet, of course, our productions by our unrivaled master valentin ilizariev and i don't miss a single production when boris eifman comes to us with his troupe, as for cinema, yes, i probably can't name a favorite film, i 'll name more, probably, the genres that i like, first of all, historical drama, i... i love adventure films, such films are quite spectacular, of course, i'm a woman and i like melodramas, sometimes
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watch, well, extremely rarely, well sometimes i want to, i like festival films, well , we also remembered the series kamenskoye during the break, where, by the way, elena yakovleva plays, perhaps, yes, as for my professional sphere, you know, i have had enough detective in my life, so to be honest, i watch sometimes, when you turn on the tv, it plays in the background, and somewhere it plays. i understand very positively, then we look at the screen, we have a section question surprise, dear friends, well, what i want to say, first of all,
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of course, anzhelika evgenievna is one of our most beautiful deputies, but let me ask her a professional question, i know that she is a justice adviser and for a long time , of course, she was involved in issues of public order protection, not public order protection, in general , law and order in our country, so i have a professional question in this regard that has matured for me.
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schoolchildren bring to school, in general , there is also a certain problem, so of course advertising it is, it will be, but
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you need to observe the measure in everything, so i partly agree, but again. everything needs to be measured, it is very important to approach this issue carefully, discuss it with all interested parties, including, so to speak, it replenishes our budget, yes to what extent, but here you really open the internet, open your phone, this advertising, yes it is constantly of all kinds of games, this is an addiction, yes there should also be a measure here, and we should understand that we do not expose our younger generation, which yes sees this all the time, so to speak, do not involve it ahead of time, so to speak. probably, we have not structured this issue yet, if there with alcohol with cigarettes already yes the question is closed, partly there are disclaimers restrictions, then these online casinos have no restrictions yet, in my opinion, yes, we need to get together, probably all interested in this topic, discuss and talk, but what really should be limited a little, i agree with sergey in this part, i would not limit, i would limit and depending on work,
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you are a workaholic, you say, your eyes are burning, thank you. which is named the year of quality. each of us is not only a consumer any services, but their creator. therefore, i would like to address you and remind you that each of us should have the right to show reasonable initiative and awareness in solving
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the problems of our state and society. which will ultimately contribute to the well-being of our common home, as a result will affect the well-being of each of us, so i remind you of this and wish you health and success. angelica, well, i don’t know how often a deputy signs some documents, so we suggest that you sign our picture, and where is everyone guests leave their wishes and autographs. especially since you are tall, you have a lot of space, yes, there is space, thank you very much, this is my life principle and
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at the same time a wish for you: love what you do and... we follow the sports life of our country. the belarusian batuta school again shows a high class. the winner of the fourth stage of the world cup in switzerland was belarusian stanislav yaskevich at oleg ryabtsev bronze. congratulations to our guys. the result, which to some extent can be considered historical in the oval medals in our sport. belarusian athletes finished their performance at the brics sports games, winning 247 medals. we review the most
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interesting event . say, all this in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel. only for our viewers, we choose the best routes. it's hard to believe, but once upon a time there were centuries-old forests on this land. we are in tolochin. welcome. and we set off on exciting journeys. there was extensive trade. suddenly
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they brought lavender oil, rose oil. on this. for belarus stone iconostasis not simply a whole historical era, and a piece of the soul of each parishioner. local families donated money for some icons , and pilgrims showed others. old belarus and the place, and two poems: veronica in the village. only in 1871 a temple was built on this site, later consecrated in honor of the intercession of the holy mother of god. ancient iconostasis and rare icons of st. nicholas intercession of the holy mother of god. she has been protecting the city from various misfortunes for many years.
11:58 am
and hidden talents, i'll tell you, somehow everything in life, i went on stage, i immediately began sing, watch the project 100 questions for an adult on the belarus 24 tv channel
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12:00 pm
. at noon in the studio olga kalairova, hello and briefly about the topics of the issue: the conflict in the middle east, the migration crisis and bilateral relations, where there is friendship, support and common goals.


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