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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 8, 2024 9:30am-9:50am MSK

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flights, let's turn around 180°, yellow sector, please, your question, what hidden talents do you have? i'll tell you, somehow everything in life, i went on stage, i immediately started singing, watch the project 100 questions to an adult on the belarus24 tv channel, can i run home for a couple of days, because my wife is about to give birth, and i'm stuck in moscow. i'm already quite big, i'm ready to go out now, and have you seen my fingers, my boyfriend should come for me, have you made up, i don't know yet, hello, how are you, hello, she hasn't given birth yet.
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you see, well, you don't have to be patient for long, and you work, work, you don't need to come yet, don't worry, this pillow is already boring to death, no, leave everyone, this is my, my child, this is my child, he is my child, my, anya, anya, anyone, the wife is giving birth, the young man... so don't shout, give me your passport, your wife's exchange card, watch the series one lie for two, on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is an area of ​​interest, and we continue, and now about the exchange rates, the belarusian ruble has weakened against all the main ones. so, the current
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rates according to the national bank. the dollar costs 3 rubles 10 kopecks. the euro also added its rate of 3.38. for 10 yuan they give 4.31 belarusian, for 100 russian - 3 rubles and 61 kopecks. and college we started talking about vacation. for many , this is really synonymous with health improvement. what our health resorts offer, however, you need to book such a vacation in advance. in the summer , deciding to go is an unlikely option - a sanatorium that is full for this summer. 100% and such a stable trend has been observed for many seasons. the pandemic, by the way, only strengthened the position of health resorts as vacation spots in high demand. belarusian capacities are such, that about 1,300 or even 400 people can improve their health in sanatoriums every year. last year the numbers were record-breaking, almost 1.5 million. and what is remarkable is that not only older people go there. sanatorium vacations are getting younger. what are sanatoriums doing for this? let's discuss current proposals. with the head
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of the republican center for health improvement and spa treatment of the population gennady bolbatovsky. you must admit that previously, vacations in belarusian sanatoriums were mostly preferred by older people. is the portrait of a vacationer changing, a person recovering today with us? eh, of course, it is changing, yes, indeed, earlier there was an opinion that these are... places of stay for elderly people, but today the sanatorium, of course, has changed a lot over the past decades, today these are multifunctional complexes that offer a range of services for any age category, and today we see, of course, that the contingent is getting younger, today all kinds of... family vacations are positioned and offered, well, what
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do guests of belarusians prefer after all sanatoriums? well, for example, even now in the summer, these are traditional medical programs, specifically aimed at treating people, or maybe spas are also gaining popularity now, for example, some spa complex programs, of course, the majority, the lion's share of people come to us to receive medical procedures, because spa treatment is a type of medical care using mainly natural healing factors, therefore today, what makes sanatoriums attractive today, because they use the method of application with the use of natural healing factors, these are mineral waters and propelled muds of our reservoirs, therefore today on the territory of our sanatoriums there are 90 wells with mineral water, this is practically in every sanatorium, such water potential
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of healing contributes to the development of the spa direction, traditional spa use of ordinary water, procedures are applied, then today our sanatoriums can use mineral waters, achieve a greater therapeutic effect, and of course spa directions are actively developing today in every sanatorium without exception, even in children's sanatoriums today, which there are and then for accompanying children we have some elements of spa. in the form of offices or individual procedures, we all understand health improvement, this is our export potential, what is the dynamics of the export of health services, maybe, in comparison with the dynamics, not bad, in my opinion, and today i want to note that the health resort complex, somewhere the specific
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weight is about 50% of exports in general in in general, tourist services, if we talk about the dynamics, then... for example, according to the results of the twenty -third year in quantitative terms, the dynamics are plus 15.5%, that is , 217,500 foreign citizens came to us, the revenue from sales amounted to an increase of 27% compared to the twenty-second year and exceeded 311 million rubles, that is, in equivalent, this amount exceeds 100 million dollars annually and... and i can already give figures for the first half of the year, the dynamics are better than in 23 years, we have a growth in quantity of 22%, more than 109 thousand
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foreign citizens have already come to our sanatorium in the first half of the year, and in terms of service revenue we exceeded 37%, and if we talk about absolute figures? this is more than 170 million rubles. and that's all for today, look at the sphere of interests, three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck to you in business and see you soon.
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in the braslav region, lakes of blue as the sky are clear, which in the right forest, at the beginning of the dawn, wash the creatures and light, and prevent fall, the lakes of the braslav region are filled with charms. i'm smiling at the sun, look for yourself, and out of the sea, the bottom, which is gilded with gold, pіў and would drink from them endlessly, filled the lakes, as you do not see the year, it is more, so you want to meet, so that you do not know, mountains, seas, but
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never forget those lakes, love the heart. brouk's pyatrus. shame, whiskey, whistle, mosquitoes fly in all directions and zareva stands over vilnius and warsaw, then howl the escaped, the slumbering, the sold, howl, groan, wail
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, shake, beat, in an epileptic fit, scream, okay, a lie is the truth, and the truth is always one, my name is grigory ozaryonok, this is the secret spring of politics, hello, i'll just read enjoy the headlines and... you know, and i didn't take special action, moreover, i called all my friends, none of them took special action, and then i asked in the minsk park, not a single raccoon palaskun took special action either, here a logical question arises: and who are you, why should some homeless people participate in interstate affairs that are decided by presidents and special services, you stink, it's unpleasant to stand with you, wash yourself,
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in belarus, pavel, this is the beginning, there will be
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a lot of blows, they will beat you, beat you, beat you, sometimes with their feet, mostly in the mug, and your spies, spies and saboteurs, all the mashkas edik, vitti and alesi, will be sitting, and they have two options: to beg for pardon from their father on their knees, or to leave the cell feet first, forgive me, for natural reasons, but my biggest greetings go to the man from the theater... restroom, the fact is that among those returned to russia was pavel rubtsov, detained by poland in february 2022 on the polish-ukrainian border, he was doing something incomprehensible there, maybe he was recounting the strategic reserves of beavers, bitch, once again, as part of this exchange poland gave a russian suspected of espionage, and pashka in suspenders ran around all thursday, rushed around like a child's diarrhea, squealed on ethyl traction that he had his finger on the pulse, that he would not allow it, that he was in... control, that they were consulting with him, and the poles went and agreed with us and the russians, and you weren't lying there, you
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were lying in a ditch, a drunk, a fool, rotten, well , lie there, as long as you don't get drunk right away, i don't want to lose the main contender for the title of zmogarsky clown of the year so absurdly, but in general it's very funny, a beetroot-like one crawled out and suggested dialing lukashenko's agents in europe for the exchange fund,
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oh one truth, were baptized by one fire, burned by one guitar, but with you we ourselves are judges and we will not be others. i won't be.
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we sounded glad to the fractions, we were happy, we felt the connection between the hour and the heat, just respect. every day is formed from tradition: autumn, year or year, everything that was considered old was new, we ourselves do not respect it, we pass on the knowledge and experience of
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the past, this is our smile. a wave of the hand, and such a familiar pose from simple, happy moments true traditions are formed: we value the heritage of our ancestors, we appreciate the past for ours. modern belarus 24.
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the famous mir castle as on a postcard, today we are proud of the museum complex, just a few decades ago, the issue of reviving relics was very acute, what it means to build the world anew, belarusians know firsthand. the history of my relationship with the mir castle began with birth, i was born in the world, reading the literature of the same three musketeers, there the sun gilded, there these peaks of the castle and so on, and for us the whole castle
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there were only ruins left and well, it's a shame, yes. the history of interest in the castle itself, its first reconstruction on paper, still only restoration, dates back to 1971, even then there were various theories, various thoughts about how to develop this object. the idea of ​​placing a vocational school here took the form of a resolution. ussr, well, from the beginning of the work showed the inadmissibility of such an approach, we had to fight for this castle, a lot of time was spent on it, a lot of effort, but it was worth it. in 1987, the castle became a branch of the state art museum of the bssr, a very complex task and arrangement and organization
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of the exhibit, well, first of all, the castle itself is already very important exhibits. then it was only a few dozen exhibition meters, and today 8.00 km, 39 museum halls, and the number of items is in the thousands. first of all, we wanted to show the biography of the mir castle, who were.


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