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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 8, 2024 4:20pm-5:00pm MSK

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how do you treat animals and do you have pets? i treat animals very well, well, probably because i grew up in a private house, we always had cats, dogs and cows, horses, pigs and sheep, ducks, rabbits, who we didn't have, really, since moving to the city, when i had a child, i always knew that there should definitely be an animal next to the child, because it seems to me that it makes you warmer and kinder, so my child had.
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we also brought a dog to us, well, she found it on trash, to be honest, a small cat, we picked it up, and six months later we had another cat, they found it in the elevator, it was practically blind, and my daughter cured it, so now, well, it so happened that we now live in different places, but my daughter, she has a dog and two cats, so now i come to understand the dog and two cats to her, like you ...
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bought it, you got tired of it, you put it in the far teddy bear and a non-plush kitten, which you forgot about for a while on the shelf in the closet, this is the one you need to constantly feed, this is the one who needs to be vaccinated, this is the one who needs constant care, this is the one who cannot be thrown away simply because you are tired of him or he scratched something, therefore i believe that since he is a person, and so that people do this consciously, get pets consciously, there should be such laws that will be by law...
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and how should old grannies in the villages be with their yard animals, well, like dogs that live in a kennel or with cats that are constantly on the street? well, you know, we always like to watch on the one hand, we always try to exaggerate the laws, but you understand that no one will force a grandmother or grandfather who has a dog living on the street, to urgently chip it or there... but even if it is a grandmother and grandfather and your animal lives in a kennel, it should live in some good conditions, of course, it should be vaccinated, right this animal, it should be fed, it should not die there of hunger and cold, yes somewhere sitting on a chain, it seems to me it does not matter where the animal lives, it is important that the one who starts it takes responsibility, it is a living being. what would
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you like to achieve in your career in a year, five, or maybe even 10 years? well, you know, i don’t have any ambitious plans like that, to say that in some time i want to be this or that, but the main thing i want in my career is to work in good creative teams, yes, and to work with those people who are passionate about their work, who like what they do, and how it will turn out, to be honest, i a statesman. if tomorrow they tell me that i should, from the point of view of what the state needs, what the people need, what the system needs, work in a certain place, i will do it without thinking, because i understand that what i have achieved and where i am no longer entails such, you know, responsibility, not only for myself, but responsibility for those people who follow me, and responsibility for those people for those places that trust me, if they trust me, it means they believe in me, and if they believe in me, so i don't come there to make things worse, but... to make things better or
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to establish some kind of system, so i'll say this, where the motherland says, i'll go, what do you think is the greatest. in society for me, probably, the most important thing is that this feeling of need for justice, that people act according to their conscience and don't lie, because the most unfair thing, it seems to me, is when people, hiding behind their own momentary interests, lie or try to offend a person or try to humiliate a person, or they try to put him... some kind of conditions that would somehow humiliate even his human dignity, therefore, the fairest thing for me in this world is respect for those people who surround you, and it is unfair when we treat people unfairly ourselves, this is probably the greatest injustice, then the yellow sector, to
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your left, please tell me what can make this world better, you and i, you and i are capable of. this world is better if we lived in this state of love, and constant love for to what we have, to what surrounds us, to all the people who surround us, yes, this feeling of love, it seems to me, evokes the feeling of justice that we talked about, therefore this is the most important thing, this is the most important task, it seems to me, of each of you, to carry this through your whole life, to leave the same burning eyes, to leave the same sincere smile , to remain the same open person. you will attract the same people, because well, this is how the laws of the universe work, it seems to me, this is, this is our common, i think love, mutual assistance, kindness will make this world a better place. this signal means that time for questions to the heroine is over. olga alexandrovna, now you
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have to choose the best question of this program? oh, a difficult task, and can i divide it into a male and female question, i want. to give something from myself as a keepsake to the man who invited me to dance today, allow me, young man, let's get acquainted with you, i'm mikhail, i study at school 133, in the tenth grade, in principle i study well, well done, and you dance well too, thank you, well your gift, come out and take it, i want this... thermo mug to remind you of our dance, of the world, okay, thank you, thank you, well now let's talk about women, you know, there were different questions, there were many questions, they were all so very deep,
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very cool, thank you for all your questions, but the most unexpected question for me, which made me think straight away, was i absolutely sincere at that moment, it was a question about whether my heart was free? who asked this question? introduce yourself, please, my name is varvara, i study at the fortieth school in the fifth grade, an exclusive barbarian for you a gift, well, i am sure that this is a future member of the belarusian union of women and a leader, yes, the organization belarusian union of women, let this vasilek always remind you of this, we are waiting for you in our ranks, thank you, let me hug you too. olga aleksandrovna, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. you know, my question will probably be very simple very difficult, tell me, guys, what does the homeland mean to you? the homeland is
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such a very big family, which, if if necessary, will support, will please with something, will help, materially, spiritually. for me , the homeland. it is something very important and it will be very hard for me, even if i move somewhere, i will come back here again and again. the homeland should be associated with absolutely every person as a place where he can always return, where he is always waited for and a place where all his memories of the past are kept, and most importantly - a pleasant and warm memory, i love my homeland very much, and i will be proud of it until the end of my days, and ... what else can i say? this is my future in first of all. what you say about your homeland and how you treat it, says that our homeland with you really has a big, cool, bright future in your faces, it is in your hands. olga aleksandrovna, it's time to say goodbye to our audience. so, the director of the national
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branch of the interstate television and radio company mir in the republic of belarus, the chairperson of the belarusian union of women. olga shpilevskaya, today a guest of the program 100 questions for an adult. and here. i ask you to stay, what question was the most for you difficult today? i'm even thinking about it now, it's a question about justice and injustice, about what's the most unfair thing in this world. do you think you coped with our children's audience today? oh, i don't know, it's a very difficult question, this one will probably be the most difficult for me whether i coped or not, but i tried to be sincere. how did the children surprise you? and you know, they surprised me with their openness, their sincere attitude to what they ask, and the depth of their questions. today you managed to answer 51 questions. tell me, if we invite you again, will you agree to switch? with great pleasure. well and now i turn to our...
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it was clear there was a sincere desire to see what modern children think, what worries them, that they actually want to ask adults a question, i learned a lot about the community of women, about her life, and that - adults m they don't treat children like that, like, i want to be on my own wave, and she learned something about us, asked what we think, she even sang with us, studied dance, like this, and i am sure that our
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heroine was telling only the truth, because she herself said that being sincere is very important, that the earth rests on such people, thank you, are there any people who still thought that olga alexandrovna was not telling everything today, was behaving diplomatically, omitting some details, there are such, raise your hand, not a single person. we have such a rule: the last word is always for the hero, sum up the conversation that took place. well, i want to thank the guys, really for their sincerity, for what they asked and for the answers they gave me, and what i heard from the guys today, it was just amazing. so, the director of the national branch of the interstate television and radio company mir in the republic of belarus, the chairperson of the belarusian union of women. olga shpilevskaya was a guest today on the program 100 questions to an adult. see you in a week.
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a rural house, its very convenience, reasonableness of all this human talak, so, reasonableness of family with...
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belarusian state folk museum architecture and life - geta adzina in belarus skansen museum. what does skansan mean? skansyn - geta adzin from the view of the museum to the open skies. скансын - гэта музей, дзе асновай калекцыі з'яўляюцца помнікі архітэктуры, якія размяшчаюцца ў музеі і трапілі ў музей шляхам транслакацыі, то бок перавозу з натуральнага асяроддзя ў штучна створанае. everyone remembers that we are here with you very much, we have previously learned in certain villages,
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belarusian, and in various regions, we have understood and arrived here. belarus has historical-ethnographic regions, geta central belarus, pazirya, panyamonne, padnyaproye, incoming and outgoing palesse. and then a working group gathered to open the museum. we were planning to create a number of historical-ethnographic sectors to represent the architecture of the region. all day long there are only three planned exhibitions. sectors that accurately demonstrate to us the architecture, life of every region , central belarus and padnya.
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i am a riddler of a navukova-expazitsyynaga adzel, my main task is this created exhibition, expazitsy. we are looking for exhibitions... associative from our funds, like any museum, exhibitions of this work, perhaps 10 of our collections, most of the items are acquired in funds, we actually take the subject out of philosophy, we learn the system, we eat, in some way we classify, and even pasture as part of the museum product sometimes the exhibition is already being broadcast back from the community.
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and for this, so that they can be extracted, so that they can be turned, so that it is possible to work with them, so this expansive additions are dying, so the horns, which are in the funds of knowledge, are crazy , we are not extracting an excursion at the moment ій. most of our expression is interior, the so -called ensemble, where we make songs asyarodav, uvogule sculpted expression - this kind of expression, which, well, which kind of arrangement is not appropriate.
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it's been a wonderful time. skin house - this is the history of the place. so, the one on the right is expansive. the other one on the right is a history of people who have benefited from these objects. then we, of course, will begin to give certain special accents, such as documents, photographs and expressions. you and i know each other at the first exhibition of the central belarus." elena exactly vos getai regular forget it , street our museum is great for
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the guard’s family, then my father can show it in his own way, i see. and there, i remember how my granny sat down for the crochets, and i can hundreds of patlumachyts, and dzetsi heta can understand, as a part of central belarus there was a so-called linear and molded zabudova dvara, this form of zabudova, like a peasant hut and gaspadarchy budinki were installed in іn sherag і were overcome by hellish fear, all this pa-first ekanomila the expanse of space... the streets are perpendicular to it, all these doors are close to the adzin and on the other side this economile materyyal, adziny ab'yom, geta well ў any attack on the economy of the hell of the region, all and here exactly geta can be fucked, all hut, further іduts sensy, kledz і gaspadarchy pabudovy, exactly the yard, well, not kanstruktsyina, but ўmoўna falls into two parts, this
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clean yard panadvorak for people and yard gaspadarchy dzannik for zennaga pasta lived. assembling folk schools of belarus at the end of the 19th and early 20th century , there was a hectic class of memories from the last week and the quarter of the institute. the teachers who worked in folk schools, the couples measured, so they tried to apply, and they tried to improve the standards. 4 bastards, there was a lady at school who was looking for gaspadark, so i caught the hedgehog and for the mentor and for the son, i fished. there, yes, the instructions go through the signatures, after you, after reading some sheets, folding sheets, all the same, well, there was a small sleeping memory of the dachshunds, and the kitchen, all the things
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that were going on. the fathers did not want to add their jobs to school, because their working hands were very laborious, they would have to pay all the time, since the belarusians have no need for education, and this great person is well-apisana. at the works of yakub kolas on the rise, dze labanovich imknuўsya all dagrukatsa yes palishuko, kab yana understood that the dzetsyam were trained. museum objects, uvogule material architecture, yana accumulative knowledge of the past, rationally, well, maybe this roof is banal, but without a reasonable minute , a non-magical rational future, where we are going, have been globalized. it became very popular
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during such a busy period of time for a non-stop generation of filmmakers, where they are looking for films such as the woman’s 44. no such thing. yana huddled around the silhouette of the ancient princess, i remember from afar the filet of the muravanaga temple. all
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this is known about the lasting changes in the aesthetics and style of the mural budunches. eight for the tago period of marks. remember the architecture of the draulians - this is the same construction. kanstruktsyya chastsey, navat, asabliva starazhytnaya, there is the end of the 19th century bezvik. amal, then the side of all the illuminating barvennya, all the illuminating elements, belek, natural yans, then the side of the cuttings, the architects came, they fixed the memory, the amyrali, the workers dismantled the yago, put in tobacco, and pas chartsyazhah, pa ramontna getym prektsyi restoration work was also carried out at the museum. the moment of fixation remembers architecture, many of them were found in the soviet union. on the contrary, the tsarakavasvіўskiy lognavіch s... fіksavanay she no longer had fear, then side navat system krokaў, i was a velma-velma pashkodzhanaya, there asoўny autentychny materiyal - geta of course cuts, then the side of the stage. i realized that the tree - this
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material is not eternal, i remember the tree has great and favorable temperatures, and the outbuildings, there our task is to improve their technological development, in your face svіmі sіlami pravodzyats nevyalіchkіya...
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padnyaproўe - geta well peўny naymensh adnoўleny ў us sektar sennya, ale yon may dachshund your razynku, so geta tsarkvazіўski ram archanskaya district, geta ўzho. we have a tiered-centric temple and two courtyard doors, adzin from the village of dubrovenskaya district, others from the village of brakava slabada chauska district, vyanočnaya courtyards, then the courtyard is closed on the side, as a rule, my house, my fortress, and all gaspadarchy elements, doors, yana everyone looks at the inner yard, well, the actual life is there, but it’s a hidden hell zneshnyaga wok. for padnyaprovya there were typical vyanochny dvaras, that... padnyaprowya was typical of the hell of central belarus. the vyanochny dvara is a form of a planned village, like a peasant's hut and a gas station, all softened like
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a vyanok's bytsev. that's the side of the geta. the courtyard is closed, which is actually known inside and is surrounded by the same gaspadarchy booths, the house is not safe, and the house is like an element, i daminavala, then the side of yana was higher and fear and charges for other gaspadarchy pabudovs. the phenomenon of the ethnographic museum is that you want to take care of the items, which are easy to falsify, of course. these are the apples, these are the natural products that can spread the past. for such hourly exhibitions, we can exhibit these items, which are not part of the pastaan ​​exhibition. at ladzya exhibitions we demonstrate the richness of our funds, the richness of material culture. to whom do we organize exhibitions? exhibitions can be taken away from expeditionary work, then other items that we have collected from the region,
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from the region. you may be able to get out of the way until the next day, so if the vedas ab in some respects it is already sufficient, the sector of the pasar is important, since there is a systemless layout of the inhabitants, then there is no such regulation for the fourth line of the façade of the future, as soon as possible, this is connected with the fact that the crows on the ground were not too bad, it was necessary to loosen up somehow, eight there are sluggish pastures there.
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then there was no red line of the façade of the budynka, which was known in the pazer regions, we worked on the emphasis of the menavit on the trees, there is an expression that was produced...
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from battle three lines of the zabudovs: u pryvatnastsі hut, senets, baraўnya, further, dumplings for storing food and pasta roses, and further already tratsі sherag zabudovy - geta khlyavy, yard dzyannik, for dzennaga pasta zhively. working with the memories of the kingdom of dominion, you understand the kindness of people, you understand that they know how to work, and you simply appreciate the limp pavaga, the pavaga and the mastery of people, so yes... their will is not alive, yes their magic is to conquer nature, from the other side the nature of the meeting was such personal antagonists, then the side of this chalavek is a great depository hell of the courtyard, so, hell, this will be doshch, there will be snow, and the city will be in full swing, but at the same time we are living with harmony, we show that this is not the same
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day. this yakіstsі 100 gadoў at vyalіkіm prastory gіstoryі gіstorі gіsto well nіshto, but not less, gіta vylіkі leap, vіlіkі pragres. in the abyss of the year, there are popular vyaskov ladies, shabby huts, and these people have not been around for centuries, but these young ones, so this is such a good way, i mean these people are in the hell of garad. susni, attrimatsya neki packa, peace, call of nature, call продкаў, ён мае быць, так, і акурат вось гэтым сыходзе людзей у вёску, ён пэўна і назіраецца, вось у гэтым пошуку спакою, пошуку яднання з прыродай, у пэўнай ступені для многіх людзей гэта пошук саміх сябе.
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important elements of the museum's work include not only the acquisition of material culture of artaktau, but also the collection of non-material culture and the creation of folk songs. abradau, and right now we can look at each other, so, this is the actual culmination of the rural gaspadarcha cycle, so, this is a complex of new abradau measures that can be fall and guide the guards at your face.
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this is the climax, so all the rural gaspadarchy abradnasts, and there sens abradau, what time is this hour, this is the land, the land is behind...
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m no less real syalyanskaya bugs, eight rural gaspadarchies, zhyvelagadochya and so on. we are faced with such tasks that the great ones are approaching us and rightly selling, then in the winter we remove the snow there, so many times, in the spring, this is how to do it on the new land, this is how it is, the flyaway, and this is the spring. geta drevaў, geta daglyad agaroda abavyazkova znoў zha ў autumn geta collection urajaya, geta carrots, bulba, apples, geta that, what we can chestnut people sometimes different holy
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padarunak mega bulbs, well geta is cool , the author, assablіva ўletku davodzіstsa zatrymatstsa on pratsy, syabe samіm, samіra your thoughts. i don’t feel like i’m at the same level as others, because for me a museum is
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like a monastery. that side, the capture of material culture is like a sad mission. eight. and, well, i’m glad that there’s a final address on there, i’m already interested in the items, in the images, i hope you look at these items, and first of all, of course, because they packed the food for themselves, i’m sorry, he ’s been tortured, because he can pack
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himself, taking care of himself, then life is simple, simple speeches, which were like shtodzonnast for people, have become objects of pakazu, so people can capture navat, and... good, if you think about it, what are some elements of everyday life? societies, modern relations, as well as representative, as captivating for people on the occasion of 100-200 years.
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you are watching news now, with you tatyana korol, hello. a hybrid war is being waged against our countries, the president stated this at a meeting with the heads of the ministries of internal affairs of the commonwealth of independent states. alexander lukashenko noted that our partnership is supported by a good contractual base and has been tested by time. i am glad to welcome you to...


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