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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 9, 2024 12:05am-12:25am MSK

12:05 am
you don't remember me, my wife and i came to you on the thirtieth, can you see if she gave birth on that day or not, you are her husband, yes, and you don't know if your wife gave birth or not, well no, well okay, give me your passport, now, oh, wait, we, my wife and i have different surnames, svyatoslavskaya, well okay, she is a poetess, it's strange, the police were also interested in these lists. no, svyatoslavskaya gave birth on that day, the next day, anna svyatoslavskaya never gave birth in our center, okay, can i have a passport, a passport, please, vlad, don't touch, please.
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why? i feel uncomfortable. vlad, you have a plane. please leave already. yours should have been discharged. nothing is needed, we did a great job ourselves. come quickly, we are waiting for you. i wrote these articles. everything is true there. now everything is clear to me. i know that varovara andreyevna does not agree with me, but i still think that we need to check the biological father of the child. she refused to provide the data.
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do you know her? well, not personally, but my publishing house had a competition for the most beautiful pregnancy. she took part in it, took first place. i don't think this information will help us now. she took a photo with her husband, vlad semenov. that is, he and his wife have different surnames. immediately check who the apartment is registered to. yes. we need to call barvarian andreevny and warn her. yes, warn her, but let her not tell this vlad anything for now. if it is them, we can scare them off. they will take the child out of the city, look for him later. barbara andreevna, there is some news. just don't worry. okay. thank you. they say it's vlad. how? it can't be. vlad, why? he wanted?
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to help, why didn't i believe it right away, because you love him, oh my god, what a fool i am, dash, a fool, just, you know what, i, i 'll go there, i just want to look him in the eyes, i'll go with you, please don't, this is our business, and you, you know what, you go to headquarters, if there's any news, just call me, anya, anya, are you here? anya, semyonov vladislav sergeevich, yes, you're under arrest, search the apartment, apologize in kidnapping of the child of petrova varvara andreevna, the child is not in the apartment, i found it under the mattress of the crib, petro varvara andreevna, boy, the child is with my wife, we need to find her, we will find her. where is he?
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did you find him? the child is not in the apartment. i ask you, where is he, where did you put him, i will force you, i did not know anything, where is he? i only now understood everything, varvara andreevna, calm down, go home and wait, i can’t go home, my child is missing, you understand this, i must be aware of all the events, otherwise i will go crazy. okay, we will tell you we'll call, i'll be at the volunteer headquarters, okay, attention to all posts, a woman looks about 30 years old, slim, dark-blond, no special features, with her a newborn. a male child
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, she may be in a car, car number k691eu, pass on the general plan of the crossing. by car is bad, we'll check airports, train stations, i'm afraid there won't be enough people to leave the city, listen, if she's still in the city, i know where she might be, it's not far from here, let's check, okay, let's go, let's check, i'm asking you again, where is your daughter, where did you put her the child, i don't know anything, comrade captain, they found it in the kitchen, heart, heart, call
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an ambulance, the woman is sick, yeah, hello, ambulance - there 's a woman sick, why are they taking so long , i don't see anya's car, call, find out what's wrong with the child, is he there or not, and the ambulance, why, well, have they found them, what's wrong with the child, the woman is sick, your mother-in-law, yes, and the child, the child is not there, we didn't make it, they left, idiot, let's go, god, i'm an idiot, he was next to me the whole time, and i didn't understand anything, get in the car.
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be patient, be patient, my little one, everything will be fine ok. we'll definitely make it, got it, yeah, let's continue, end of line, airports and train stations checked, exits controlled, no,
12:13 am
lisa just called, something happened there and i urgently need to go there, what's going on , i didn't understand myself, so let's go, suddenly something happened to the kids, yeah, thank you, come on, i'm with you, connections, yeah. lisa, what happened, you scared me to death, mom, quiet, quiet, baby, what baby, auntie cook, go to the far room, they're waiting for you there, come on, come on, baby, sleeping, quiet, child.
12:14 am
crazy, be happy if you can, little one, hello, hello, svyatoslavskaya anna vladimirovna, you are under arrest, yeah, yeah, i know, i'm ready, everything is fine. what about the child? where is he? he didn't know anything, he was not my accomplice, let him see his son, he is with his mother. forgive me, vlad.
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wait. forgive me. "i love varya, i have always loved her, i was afraid to admit it to you, i was a coward, i put off conversations, pretend that everything was the same, i should have confessed to you right away." leave, then none of this would have happened, you and i got entangled in something and here is the result, if there is no love between people trust, their love is doomed, go to your son, vlad, goodbye, let's go,
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our son, a lion cub, looks like you, can i, "brother, brother has been found,
12:17 am
well, it's all over now, everything will be fine now, everything, everything, everything, everything, quiet, quiet, quiet, everything is fine, little one, well, the balloons came in handy. how quickly time flies, i just gave birth and a month has already passed, that's how it usually happens, before you know it, i'm already going to school, and the first jumpsuit is already too small, don't forget the napkins, okay, guys, okay, we think we know where to put the jumpsuit, yes, dasha, someone wanted a fourth, come on, oh, who did this bring?
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do you think he'll forgive him? well, we'll live and see, the child needs a father.
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12:20 am
there are fewer long-term construction projects, but when the last one is liquidated, we'll find out whether the new legislation will be able to concrete over old problems, when natural taste is at a premium, belarusian bread is bought up from thousands of kilometers away, we'll talk about consumer preferences. individual entrepreneurs in the social security fund will be linked to the income of entrepreneurs, a new draft law has been prepared, it is currently under consideration in the house of representatives. what changes? we are waiting, we will ask the relevant department. these are. areas of interest, we are talking about notable events in the economy, with you veronika buta, hello! in belarus there are about thirty houses above the norm, this is 10 times less than there were in 2013, each long-term construction project is under the control of the competent authorities. the country has come a long way, the system was literally laid out brick by brick. will the new legislation be able
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to concrete over old problems? ilona volynets on how she managed to achieve a thaw on frozen objects. irina sovetskaya enters the long-awaited own two-room apartment, next to the metro building, the windows overlook a wide avenue, excellent infrastructure , not an apartment, but a dream, only it should have come true 9 years ago, i dreamed that i would live in this apartment at 40, now my child is already going to the ninth grade, i'm already , excuse me, soon 50, and i still ... i read about my apartment, that is, a good story that began, well, so very inspired, ended personally for my family, i think, all this house is not very fun, a private country house, a car, garage, she sold everything to get the coveted keys to the capital's apartment, but who knew that the developer would simply flee the country, would be put on the international
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wanted list, there will be several hundred such failed new settlers, like irina, we were promised that... we would move here in 2019, but from the nineteenth one agreement came, then a second agreement, and then , well, the house was abandoned, for several years it just stood there stupidly, abandoned and useless, we rang all the bells, asked for help and administration of the moscow district and wrote to the president so that he could somehow help us resolve our issues, well, we must give him our due thanks, he took our... house superstructure. the long-suffering grushevsky passad has been under construction since 2014. the projects were frozen for several years. the work was resumed in 2022. it is easy to guess that the state is still smoothing out the sharp edges. on july 23 of this year , the code on architectural, urban planning and construction activities came into force in belarus. it summarized
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almost all the documents defining the construction procedure at all stages, from the idea to acceptance. not all innovations. will please developers, for example, the legislation now clearly describes the procedure for suspending construction and its conservation. this can only be done three times and if there are good reasons, while the downtime should not exceed a total of more than 3 months. as for tightening measures, the issue of introducing into legislation, into the administrative code, and responsibility for to customers, is currently being worked out. developers who.
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initially, it was a matter of lack of financing, hence the shortfall in delivery of building materials, and now they will be forced to think ahead, and well, this is a loophole, you understand yourself, this repeated, well , suspension of construction, it is not included in the standard construction period, well, well, so to speak, now everything, maximum 3 months, the construction of the house is really under the control of various departments, the state control joined our tour of the site, representatives of the local authorities, we are interested in the developer, isn't such increased attention embarrassing? the local government, it does everything correctly, it is necessary to control, it is necessary to monitor the construction, because people must be, first of all, they must be protected, no one else will protect in this direction, and the inspectors supervising, well, how
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to call it supervision, you probably can't call it, that is, well , periodically they request some information, there is nothing supernatural there, it 's not difficult. in principle, well, everything should be like this. they promise to hand over the facility this fall. suspend construction every month, under the new legislation it won't work anymore. that's it, the loophole is closed. ilona volynets, alexander moguchy. sphere of interests. when naturalness is valued original recipe. belarusian bakeries expand markets with everyday life, ours.


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