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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  August 9, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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this stone also has a certain importance and power, there are rumors from older people that those men who are weak in the male part, they came here, sat on this stone, rested, enjoyed the fresh air, nature and their male power was strengthened, the surprising thing is that ... the stone has an unusual shape, in any case, no one said that it was specially processed, something was specially brought here. in this park, everything is thought out to the smallest detail, one of the paths goes out to the pond, which is located between this river yaselda by the park itself. roman aleksandrovi, laying.
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tell this to my children, grandchildren, so that they know where it is, in what place their grandfather was born, this love that i feel, going to this area, to somehow convey it to them. our poredskaya land is very rich in historical events, during the first world war, very big battles took place here, and from both sides ... a lot of soldiers died, it turned out that those who fought against each other now rest on this in one place, it is very interesting, this place is for both children and adults, when you were a child, i used to come here with my friends, here...
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in this defensive structure there are various passages, corridors, rooms, it is very interesting for us, initially it was only to visit there, to look, here just along the river line the line of defense passed, in 1915 the germans built this dugout and here was the command post, under the reference it is.
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now in this form it is preserved, but it will be brought into better order and will be maintained so that it would be interesting for everyone, both children and adults, this is our history, we must preserve all this for our children and grandchildren, i really love, not only respect, but love those people who do not forget this village, this young homeland, they come and take care of these parental homes, well , well, we can’t forget this, i think those people, those children who
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are already leaving for the city, forget their parental homes, these are poor, poor in soul people, they, well , maybe... there - they live in wealth, but what as for the state of mind, then of course, you can’t envy them, happiness is not in wealth, happiness is for a person to enjoy everything around him, and this is so that he has enough, well , what he has, i think so.
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special attention to the african continent, as well as the countries of asia and latin america, the belarusian ministry of industry and trade is expanding its export portfolio. construction activities by... supplies to 15 markets, to which there was no export last year, were updated. details from our observer oles vysotskaya. special attention to the african continent, as well as countries in asia and latin america. for example, venezuela. our equipment is known here, more than 10 years ago they opened an assembly plant for the mtz plant. tractor plant
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delivered more than 7,000 units. then there was a stop. today, a new stage was agreed upon during the official visit of the delegation to reboot economic ties. these enterprises will continue, now we still need to polish certain points, how the business will be built, but we will work, the equipment is in demand, so we are switching to classical work commercial scheme, we will be engaged in sales, we will look for our consumer, now
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we will polish some things and move on, today is a new round of partnership, confirmation to work more actively, received at a meeting with the government, it was decided to load the factories with components for the minsk tractor. the plant plans to intensify industrial cooperation with venezuela. more than, probably, 5 years we did not work, did not communicate, but in the twenty year after the commission we reached some new level, relatively speaking, we agreed on something, the plant, which is now it is idle, it is necessary to load, taking into account, probably, the importance of food security of venezuela, taking into account what has been happening here in recent years, this is very important for us in terms of joint cooperation projects, and yes, we have reduced the supply, this year we held a presentation of equipment in the state dacha, headed by the governor of the state, the mayor of the city of san cristobol. the plant is basically in pretty good condition and its capacity is 10,000, but i think we need to start, at least start, to resume, if we will supply sets every month, we will load people with work, that is the goal is to resume production, the line
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is large and in the holding, but we think that we will continue to work at the same capacities that were, this is a capacity of 50-10 horsepower, i think that these machines are in demand, they are already in use... the niche is promising, the absence of many dairy products, and in general of its own on the shelves of the store. thousands of guests from twelve countries of the world, among whom are representatives of the belarusian union of women. by invitation first lady of zimbabwe, the belarusians witnessed a grand event on the african continent. the first regional tourism forum of the un was held here, on the sidelines of which a number of agreements were reached. what are the known details? it is worth noting that many discovered zimbabwe from a new side. the forum took place. in the most mysterious place on the planet in victoria falls with the participation of the country's top officials, this is
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the zimbabwe national park, the seventh wonder of the world, fascinating landscapes, original traditions, including in nutrition, but most importantly on the sidelines of the forum, multinational communication on current topics took place, so the belarusian delegation held a number of meetings with the most proactive and active women of the continent who advocate for the development and prosperity of africa, for belarus this is a strategic direction, there are already partners in many... countries, and zimbabwe can become a hub for us in many areas, with access to the large market of the continent. africa needs technology and loyal partners. when the women gathered, there were 200 of them, yes, about 200 women, women from absolutely different spheres, but who are interested in developing business relations with belarus, this suggests that our trip has already been successful in terms of establishing contacts, yes, because the first women who came to us, there were very few of them, about ten.
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many, we can extract stones, we can extract chrome, other minerals, i believe that we can really get several useful contacts between the zimbabwean and belarusian sides as a result of this forum, which will definitely change many lives. we would like more partnerships relations with women in different sectors, for example in agriculture, we have an agricultural program that is supported by our first lady, which is called agro for her, which means that... their products, both fresh and farmed, so we would like all these women to also have a market in belarus for
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processed. the forum has become a big event every woman can do agriculture for africa, the first lady, who is the initiator of it, the residents call amai, which translates as mother of the nation. she actively promotes healthy eating, initiates charitable social projects, plus in the area of ​​interest, also medicine and baby food. and the forum is history. so much about food and the diversity of zimbabwean cuisine, how much about healthy food , caring for the nation, the development of the region. construction activities under the new requirements for the construction of housing repair in belarus have become simpler. the code on architectural game-building and construction activities came into force, which provides for the document. work on the document was conducted for about 6 years. the relevant department told about the main innovations. one of the main ones is that the process of introducing objects has been simplified. the code, in essence. brings together all the main specialized documents, starting from the project concept and ending with the commissioning of the house. the department assured
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that the document has significantly simplified both the process of housing construction and repair. the main thing is that there is less bureaucracy. by reducing the paperwork, the time required to prepare for construction is reduced. obtaining permits, examinations, approvals. the standards laid down in code, now the time required to prepare for construction will be reduced by about a third. in some cases, it will be possible to bypass. without permits, for example, you do not need to obtain papers for the demolition of non-residential capital buildings on your site, you no longer need a design for a summer house, the procedure for putting an object into operation has been simplified, it must only comply with the project, there will be more powers, and therefore responsibility, for local authorities, which will be able to approve general plans for cities of regional subordination, at the same time tightened the requirements for long-term construction projects: firstly, the very concept of a long-term construction project appears - this is an object that is under construction. this is not provided for by the regulation. thus, the code clearly specifies the terms of suspension,
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only if there is a valid reason, the construction of residential buildings can be slowed down from two to four times during the entire construction. it is expected that after the document comes into force, citizens and individual entrepreneurs will be able to register buildings with any state registration agency, regardless of where the property is located. this will also allow simplify administrative procedures of the sec. adopted in the fall of the twenty-second year, depending on the situation on the market , adjustments are made there, the next portion is being prepared right now, this is a living document that allows us to keep inflation within the required limits, the plan for the year is no more than 6%. based on the results of six months, we see that our annual inflation was 5.8% with a forecast
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of 6.3, that is, we even still have a good reserve from the forecast that we ourselves ... made the plan that we laid down for ourselves, if we talk about inflation since the beginning of the current year, that is, by december of last year, over these 6 months prices have grown by an average of 3.4%. with our forecast of no more than 3 and a half, that is, here we also have a certain reserve, i want to note that inflation in belarus was lower than in our strange neighbors, for example, in kazakhstan over the same period... time it was 8.4%, in the russian federation 8.6. prices remain affordable for people, this is evident from the retail turnover, over six months it has increased by 11.5%, that is, the population is actively spending money, and not only on products, but also household appliances and cars, increasingly choose belarusian, and the trade itself is also doing well,
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there are almost 130,000 retail outlets in the country, more than 30 thousand online stores and... on august 17, let's ask the main director of the bread festival olga bogdanovich what will please the audience and surprise the guests of the festival. olga, hello, batkova bulka, the name is very unusual, tell us how the idea of ​​​​this festival was born? of course, the idea of ​​​​the festival, it was born out of nowhere, it was born after the visit of the head of the of the state to the svislich bakery. and
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firstly, the visit went well, then the head of state was able to try wonderful svislich buns. and after the news came out , people started coming to the svislich shops and saying: give us that bun that the father tried, and alexander lyudvigovich versotsky, the author of this idea, i remember well, called me on the landline then and said: olya, let's make up a festival. at first we came up with a shape, it was the shape of a fest loaf, we wanted it to be different from all existing shapes, but at this was aimed. on the bread theme, well , we didn’t think long about the name, because since people were asking for bulka batkova, we decided to call our festival batkova bulka, so that everyone would immediately understand what the festival is about, how it was born, and of course, what traditions and goals we are laying there. the festival was held for the first time 2 years ago and immediately became one of the top
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popular festivals, what attracts guests and participants? thank you for such an interesting question, indeed. this year the festival is only for the third time, but after the second festival we were awarded a very high prize, the team of authors became the laureate of the special prize of the president, we are very proud of this, and people are attracted by our nationality, our love, love for the audience, because our festival of festivities is not a concert festival, coming to the event itself in svislych you will be able to visit and ... a master class on weaving a father's bun, learn the path of bread, starting from a small grain of furrow to the oven, and of course, you can try it yourself in large millstones, grind flour, this is the grain that sprouted on the taku, an improvised taku shuffle, such a wooden, beautiful, rustic one, turn this grain in general,
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walking around the festival we have unusual sites, this is a straw site, we call it a farmstead in the state way, this is ... a zone for song and for the soul, and of course, we also build concert programs so that any spectator from young to old can sing with us, our evening retro concerts have already become popular and traditional, which can even be seen on television, so i think that our main secret is of course the focus on the viewer, love for the viewer, and as i already said, nationality. the festival promises many surprises, how will you surprise the participants and guests? this year, this year we leave our traditional, already beloved sites to all viewers and , of course, we are expanding and adding. this year we are reflecting the theme of the eightieth anniversary. driving we will have an exhibition of military equipment, equipment that is aimed at achieving peace, that is, protecting this world, and also in this year we are creating, we will have an amazing
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exhibition, an exhibition of thematic bread, we will show about the bread of blockaded leningrad, we will tell about the monastery bread, we will tell about bunnies bread, so beloved since childhood by everyone, and we will even surprise, showing space bread, this will be our new site, or even try to knock down some object with a whip, show your strength of the rod, in general the program is about to come out, it can already be found on the internet, this year we are developing a map, because we are expanding and on a large scale, in several stages of our festival. we invite you, what is there to tell, it is better to come and see once. it is no secret that we belarusians have a special attitude to bread, we keep the traditions of bread and cookies and create new ones. will this
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moment be reflected in the festival program? yes, our festival is about bread, this year we are expanding it, we are declaring it as a full-fledged large bread festival. this year we will tell about national breads, for example, the bread of burkhina-fasso is called fufu, and this is not quite. but this is what we would call it, about this we will tell at the festival, the novelty of our festival this year will be a professional competition of professional bakers, the presentation of a kind of quality mark, now everyone who wins this competition will be able to place the logo of our karavai-fest on their products for a year, and this will be a guarantee that this bread is of high quality and has passed the test of a professional jury, and of course, in addition to the fact that we ... will tell about modern traditions of bread baking, we will also tell about ancient recipes, recipes in principle, the father's bun itself, and we will also have master classes on baking bread at
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home, this karavai-fest also implies, so i think that all housewives, all lovers, who have not yet participated in matulin karavai, this is a competition of lovers, which we also award, at least get a recipe to try it in your home kitchen. what is the secret of the recipe of that same father's bun and can everyone who wants to bake it at home? well, is it possible to bake a father's bun at home, probably this is a question for housewives who should try to bake it, but at each festival, the first and second, and this year will not be an exception, we have a master class with a recipe, we give out the recipe and even teach - to weave that very braid, the shape of the father's bun, which everyone loved so much, everyone tries - yes, or buy. or make those who have already been to our festival, the secret of the father's bun, you know, this is the secret of a soviet recipe, taken from our childhood, and this is
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exactly the bread that, when you come home after a hard day or in the morning, waking up for breakfast, you cut off a piece of this same daddy's bun, spread it with butter and together with milk, very tasty, i recommend it to everyone, the secret itself, i still suggest coming to svisloch on august 17 to try. and see. how many guests are you expecting this year? every year our festival really grows in number of guests, although the first festival surprised us very much. at the first festival we had guests from minsk and brest. at the second festival, the strolling spectators who came, visited our festival, also here there are also interviews, there were even from the russian federation, which we have not said, of course, we are proud and glad to meet each guest. svislych is a small town, but in this.
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in general, at the festival we have created the most favorable conditions, we will have a place to sit, a place to relax, in general, i repeat, i will say that svislych is small, all the surrounding hotels in svislych itself, in volkovysk in berestovitsy have already been booked, but for those who have not yet managed to do this, i can announce from grodno, the regional center to svislych is only an hour drive, there is public transport, as well as from svislach, this public transport. also safely, leaves well, so everyone who wants to come to our festival, arrives the day before in the city of grodno, and safely in just an hour gets to svislych, we are waiting and inviting, thank you.
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the facility will combine a children's clinic with the provision of a full range of medical services and a dental department for adults. now a team of 120 people is working on the construction, the installation of utility networks has already been completed, landscaping is ongoing territory interior decoration of premises, paint walls, lay ceramic tiles, prepare offices for installation of equipment, regen cabinet this has its own peculiarity, because after plastering the walls are lined with lead panels in
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a small. in brest an unusual monument appeared, in what which is made of half a million melted its peculiarity? this is a national monument, coins. hundreds of thousands of families from belarus and abroad took part in its creation. the monument consists of two parts: a petrified letter tribute to the past bronze tree.
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people. collecting coins creating a monument education of spirit, this is education of memory, this generation of winners continues. the third fidelity to everything that is inherent in our monument will appear in moscow. it will be opened on poklonnaya hill on may 9, 2025, on the anniversary of the great victory. ready for work in belarus in full swing the third labor semester, how many people get new professional experience. now. in the ship detachments there are more than 30 thousand people, they are involved in different enterprises in different organizations, and the work in seven areas: construction, production, medicine, pedagogy, ecology, agriculture, services. for young people , this is an opportunity not only to get acquainted with the profession from the inside, but also to earn money and make new acquaintances. the presidential decree defines certain preferences for participants in student brigades, the first is a free medical commission, the second
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preference can be considered. from paying income tax from participants in student brigades, they pay only 1% for medical care for insurance. at employers also have motivational, stimulating preferences, our employers are exempt from paying funds to the social security fund for those members of the detachment that they hired. i myself am from vitebsk , i study in novopolotsk at the polossky state university named after efrosina polosskaya, in the third year, i myself am an engineer by profession.


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